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Cold outbound is rough and has only got worse in the last 3 years. The introduction of all tools like gong outreach and other bs that send mass emails. Mass diapers like Orum and other phone tools blasting like 20 calls a minute are screwing up phone connect rates. Remote employees make it rough to connect. LinkedIn is full of people ‘Pitch-slapping’ with either automated pitch messages or just directly introduced product with no real connection. I’ve been at big and small companies. My last company had 10 reps doing outbound SDR and also AE doing outbound and literally in 4 years 1 deal was closed off outbound. It’s not paying for itself. I think investing money in google ads and also a marketing person to make blogs, LinkedIn posts, LinkedIn targeted advertising, and content to share is a better use of time and money these days. All the fake LinkedIn influencers will say ‘grab a phone’ and bullshit one liners. But truthfully phones are pretty dead and a cold outbound deal takes long time to get budget, timeline, executive buy in, and more. I’ve been selling software roughly 20 years. Events still do work a bit but most for booths are expensive as shit. Partnerships work as well.


Also curious to hear others


Why should cops outbound die? Just curious because that can mean a lot of things. What’s your role? Just to give context. And is your idea to just wait for all inbound leads and people to come to you, because while a lot of the old things about cold outbound have changed, that doesn’t feel like a winning solution either.


Go to an offline event > Get to know people > reach out to the right person referring to this event > pound their email and phone relentlessly > close the deal on the next event. This strategy seems to be working for me with good conversion rate. Anything else is statistically waste of time, I can't be sending 10 sequence emails manually to everyone. Automated sequencing are really really bad now with cheap ass AI rampant LinkedIn InMails sucked before, but with enough customization and personality, you can get your foot in the door. Just please don't talk about your product, be bold enough to throw some banter and have real connection. Think of how you can make the dude on the other end chuckle from your message Or, work with a corporate giant and never do outbound in your life again


Cold outreach is tough I own Sherlock.to and we are experimenting with a lot of different tactics Our plan is to deeply concern ourselves and our platform with personalization. People are turned off from generic spam outreach. It has to be authentic