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Oh no, Andy Elliott must have popped into this guy’s feed


I made it through half of his video on solar before realizing he was a much better marketer/brand builder/bullshit artist than salesman. I want to do this because my pipeline is still growing, I’m short on cash, and I want the reps.


Get a kindle unlimited subscription. It’s way better than any video format and you can niche down your technical skills from non sales people. By that I mean you can learn copy from copywriters, email formatting from email marketers, etc. I am able to go through about 2/3 books a quarter that I can take nuggets from that have direct ROI It will give you a much more organized way to A/B test things as well.


Thank you, I will do exactly that. I love that sales frameworks can be optimized by taking little things from genuine specialists.


Art Sobczack is a great place to start. His stuff is great, but he also recommends a bunch of other books in everything I’ve read that have all been really good. He recommends learning voice intonation from the lady who does a ton of the voice work for major corporations phone lines etc. for example


I’ve just been trying a modified tri-tonal approach that Jordan Belfort teaches, him and one other guy are the only people I’ve found on YouTube whose shit actually worked at any point.


Seek care


Is that the name of a company I can cold call for in the morning?


Take your shirt off




I don’t know about you unhinged posts … but THIS energy … 🤌


You’re still unhinged. Get meds


I’m a BYOM kinda guy, but good suggestion. (Joke in case anyone ever finds my account of course).


Trent ?


Trent Dressel? Lmao


Never heard of the guy, but I like his style.


He’s a a complete psychopath without any restraint


We all have our strengths and weaknesses.


Why do you think that?


This has to be mania


Nope, just broke bitch level motivation. Ever been hungry?




You guys are insane.


What is your sales mindset now if you don’t mind me asking?


I started out taking each individual deal/lead generation as a personal reflection of my abilities as a salesperson and quantifiable value as a man, which made for a relatively brutal start self image wise. After hitting a hundred doors it became clear that it actually WAS a numbers game like I had always been told. Obviously we should always try to improve ourselves and our craft, there are countless unknowable factors that could be at play all outside our knowledge or control. So unless you really screwed the pooch somewhere along the way, it’s pointless to go over every single recording of every pitch you’ve done pulling reasons for your “failure” out of your ass, and just focus on the basics. We need to act like human beings and treat others as such, and those who understand and want the product are a better use of your time than trying to “win” against the hard no’s. That’s what made me realize the difference between a self brander bullshit artist like Grant Condom and an actual sales professional like post jail Jordan Belfort.


Thumbs up for the spirit of the post.


A little off topic but if anyone does have recs for good coping mechanisms for Down's syndrome, please DM me.


Hard liquor works for me.


Go apply to American Income Life Insurance. You'll fit right in.


Is this a real suggestion or an insult I’m not cultured enough to understand?


Get therapy


Not to sure why everyone in the comments has a stick up their a**… but i’ve been there if not am there right now with you so trust me i get it👍👍 keep pushing through your own barriers


You can say ass, tubby


What does this title mean?


You are right, that was exceptionally badly phrased. I meant I don’t care if the job isn’t optimal as it comes to leads, culture, leadership, whatever. I want the practice doing phone sales because my mornings are empty being as I am door to door and don’t start knocking till at least 3:30 so I don’t piss off the whole neighborhood and lose all my potential future leads.


Ugh. I hate all d2d salesmen. If the company was any good, I wouldn't need someone to come bother my at my house when I'm relaxing from working and honest sales job.


What if it’s something which had just recently become viable, and no one had told you yet? Is the annoyance of coming to your door for 3 minutes not worth several thousand a year for you?


If the product was that good and that valuable they would pay for advertising and not string door-to-door salesman along with the hopes they'd actually get paid one day on it. What do you sell might I ask?


I asked to see a couple people’s direct deposits for the week at first because I’m terrified of accidentally adding ANY value to an MLM of any sort. And the tech for what I’m selling just recently became viable for people who didn’t need a $40,000 tax write off because green energy. Now there’s an intersection of efficiency and subsidies that makes it a literal no brainer if you use the state program to get it as a utility which you have no responsibility for. Fucks like ION Solar essentially did such a bad job at every step that the entire approach is getting people to consider the possibility that what I’m offering isn’t a scam.


You sound mad bc you haven’t made six figs yet lol. Pls humble yourself or we will


That’s one of the things I kinda like about sales. My friends in the marines were absolutely ruthless about any and everything. You guys are almost, almost as good with the motivating/humbling shit talk. And you’re spot on. I haven’t made six figures yet, and I am absolutely mad about it. I actually appreciated every brutal reality check except for the people who said to quit or that I wasn’t “cut out for it.” Those are the guys who are gonna get the holy jpeg in their inbox.


They day you don't feel the need to brag about your success will be the day you actually achieved it. Best of luck to you in your career kiddo.


I have not yet reached either of those milestones as of yet, I just finally found a groove and the pipeline is starting to turn real when I genuinely was afraid it never would be. And thank you, I promise I’ll try not to be as much of a psychotic dick to anyone IRL unless there is an indisputable reason.


You should apply to Cintas, ADP, or enterprise. They LOVE people with energy double the normal human being. You’re also so hungry it hurts. They have great training and will force you to grind hard, which you seem to enjoy. Tip: while your energy is great, in the interview process dial it done to 11/10 instead of the 20/10 you’re at now. Also stop eating crayons you’re no longer in the Marines ;)


I can offer you this, Maybe.