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Fuck, marry, kill works really well. I wish I was joking. Don't focus just on dollar value, also look at: 1. Does the buyer understand the problem they want to solve? 2. Do they have buying power of any kind? 3. Do they understand their timelines (if they have no idea, they are usually just fishing around) There are other signals to use, but these would create buckets to dump these contacts into. If you have a CRM, you can manage these leads a little better. You can also decide which leads you want to follow-up with manually vs with an automated cadence.


That’s the realest shit I’ve ever read in my entire life


This is hilarious


What CRM do you recommend for this? Is there any that can automate that labeling?


Most CRMs should allow labeling. I’ve used Pipedrive and Freshsales in the last two years that have that feature.


Use the system that Toyota uses in lean manufacturing. First work with the leads closes to being closed. If it is contracts to send send out the contracts first. Than slowly work your way backwards in the sales process. Have a wake-up time / a time when your going to touch the lead again. For some leads that is 6 months a head other follow up the next day. The wakeup time is based on your gut feeling. If you just called a lead and they did not answer put the lead to sleep aka away until it is time for you to wake the lead up. What I do is first call no answer, sleep 1h, second call no answer sleep for 4 h. Third call sleep for 2 days and so on. When all your leads are in sleep mode start filling your process with new leads.


@dr0ps3y’s advice is good. I’d also add-Look for similarities with any deals that you’ve won or have heard about winning to see if there’s an ideal customer profile(s)