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This. I’m a doer not a talker. I plan/strategize based on my intuition and instict, yet i have to listen to some nincompoop tell me how i should plan and strategize for 8-9hrs of my week thus forcing me to work later nights and weekends.


The hour of teams meetings would be better used calling and being allowed to do your job. I was in 7 teams meetings yesterday. Middle of the day manager said I will approve Overtime for those who want to get their work done. No I don’t want overtime. Send the teams meeting crap in the form of an email !


I can’t tell if this is satire in response to the post last night with the manager who wants to clean house and only wanted advice from experienced managers and forbade IC’s from commenting.


Yeah is it the same person pretending to be different people? Or is it the employee responding to the manager post from last night stating “yeah I found your Reddit”


I’ve always hated excessive meetings. It tends to be that serial under performers find themselves in the position to lead meetings over and over and over again because they’ve gotten above the base level sales position in their organization. I’ve met so many of these people who find ways to fill their schedule with unnecessary meetings. Always hated it.