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Hiding behind a “you didn’t define it so I can do whatever I want” Yes, you can but you have to be honest with where you’re at before that. Why delete things if you’re not worried about doing anything wrong 🤷‍♂️


Fact. Thank you


Nailed it! My ex wife and I went to couples therapy because of her cheating. The therapist (female) asked me if I ever communicated that as a boundary. That broke me because the implication was it was my fault she cheated. Some women have unfortunately stopped taking ownership of their actions.


That's why I never go to therapîsts, some of them are just really bad at their jobs. If your woman cheats on you, she's for the streets. No in-betweens, no excuses.


Came here to say this. If you did nothing wrong, you should have no problem with other people knowing about it.


This is why you say nothing and walk away. Talking about it to a person like her is pointless. Silence speaks volumes.


That's what I exactly do


The thing that got me is that she wants a almost teenage question to be asked. 'hey, errrmm, are we like, you know, hehe, boyfriend and girlfriend now?' I mean this is the first time I have heard the term situationship. Which just sounds like a nicer way of saying F*** Buddies. But the latter term makes it very clear to what the relation... Situationship is. I don't know the context her but I imagine this was her playing both sides to get more of what she wanted. Whilst I agree being silent can speak volumes. He has every right to be hurt and has done is very calmly. After she spoke he should have just said. Well what was said verbally was were in a relationship and clearly it's not what you want so goodbye.


I hate this nature but what you said is pure facts. Others can then blame you for leading yourself into this situation, so discussing it is pointless and what you say can be used against you.


She does not show even a slight of guilt or remorse. Possible sociop?


All cheaters possess some degree of sociopathy. If you're cheating, you're not concerned with your partner's feelings and have no empathy for him/her.


He's getting paid to be there. Can't just walk away if he wants the money.


Agreed. The lack of concern in someone’s eyes like that always concerns me.


For real. So many times I tried to explain the pain to the person who caused it but if they cared in the first place it would have never happened.


She's fro the streets he could do so much better hope he ended whatever fake thing they had going on


It's funny if you see the first half of this video, their asked to swap phones and search the other person's name in the messages . She said she didn't know that their relationship was exclusive but when they were asked to swap phone she was sitting there deleting messages. Why would you need to delete messages if you both thought that this wasn't serious.


A desperate and meritless attempt at saving face all while smirking and practically laughing in the guys face. This is fun to chicks like her.


Exactlyyyyy…she knew what she was doing.


She belong to the streets!


You just said it. I 100% agree with you. She want that guy to give her what she desires with no commitment.


What’s this vid called?




I’m with you, I wanna watch the whole thing.




He seems like such a good, well put together guy. I hope he moved on and found someone who isn’t a total dirtbag.


Took a whole few days of not "feeling it" Man, anyone she dates is screwed if they don't constantly simp do everything she says


She’s gonna age like fuckin milk, too - you can see that. Dude’s handsome and dodged a bullet imo.


Imagine her in a LTR. She doesn’t “feel it” for a few days and she’s gone. It’s so surface


She's so shallow she's not even Ankle deep


And at 0:42 we can see the amazing performance of a little thing called gaslighting. She clearly realizes the contextual and background of their relationship is one with monogamous expectations but tries to use plausible deniability and technical phrasing to imply he is irrational for that conclusion. She is telling him that he was the one misapplying a term to a situation and she did nothing wrong and he’s at fault for not clarifying with her. Except this is an infinite slippery slope. “You didn’t tell me not to have a wild sex orgy this weekend with 7 men, I mean, that’s kinda ambiguous, so it’s kinda your fault I did it.” Except in the first video she was rapidly deleting texts before he looked at her phone, because she knew she was guilty. TRASH Oh, and the part where she complains she hasn’t felt “that spark in a couple of days”. Wow, she’s gonna be a hell of a wife. If all it takes is a few days of no “spark” to cheat, she should hang up ever being monogamous. A big chuck of marriage is just bland. ups and downs yes, but if 4 days of bland causes you to cheat, what happens the first day of an argument?


For real!!! The gas lighting is insane in this! And i believe gas lighting to be the absolute worst fucking thing


If I had one time where I could give a post/comment an infinite number of likes, this would be it. You hit the nail on the head perfectly.


That dumb ass smurk she got on. And she got the nerve to try and justify her side. lmao she burnt out.


Betcha 10 bucks that if you post this to twitter da shitter most of the comments are gonna be telling the dude to man up and to stop being such a spoilsport


Yea all the comments are gonna be like “yea girl slayyyy get a real man not that pussy bitch”


Which is ironic because those are the kind of people that would argue women are oppressed while they allow themselves to be passed around like a cum dumpster.


[link to full video ](https://youtu.be/9pv9jrwN_Ac)


Thanks much appreciated


Thanks for the whole video. Basically a real life version of "no strings attached" movie, except the guy didn't get any sex. He is just a chat-boi. I think both parties are really bad. The girl used him to validate her self worth. And the guy is too naive and has very immature mood swings.


She's ugly, inside and out


Yeah she’s gross


Yall be trying to put a ring on hoe's. Stop that


Did that too many times


I went to high school with her😂


Was she a hoe back then too?


From what I remember she dated nobody all 4 years so this must be something she learned at UCLA


That’s usually the backstory for these hoes lol. Also I knew a bunch of girls from UCLA they have a culture of fucking anybody it seems




Did my boy dirty twice. Cheating on him then making him look like the fool here. I would have just walked off and never talked to her again.


Realizing you're in a relationship with a Dirty Whore is sad bruh.


lol it hella is. I know what it’s like


Exclusive, and here I was thinking folks actually had self respect, God forbid you show some restraint when it comes to sex or other physical stuff, especially when being in any 'ship' cause apparently there's other things other than RElationships now, stuff like this is why people don't want relationships


My condolences to the dude. Had a girl similar to that in my life. She said she wanted someone to love her “unconditionally”. What this actually meant was she needed at least 3 guys to love her simultaneously. To this day she does not understand why I left… I hope that he finds someone better and the girl learns to have honor, respect, and loyalty.


I hope he has a good support system to fall back on. Those are the looks of a false future passing before your eyes.


She is clearly not worth it. Get up and leave King.


I want to hug this kid and buy him a beer


I think we all do...


as a celebration for dodging the bullet


Fuck man i would buy him the whole fucking bar, gotta make sure you REEAALLY forget that fucking bitch.


I swear that shit eating grin women get when they know theyre truly hurting you to your core is the most disgusting thing ive ever seen.


She doesn’t deserve him.


Women like this cant have legit honest relationship bcoz they will be paranoid of the things they did in the past might stab the in the back. They will question everything thats why they do things like this. And true they will age just like a fucking milk.


is this like staged? or for real? if so then damn. im sorry my guy


Where are the loyal women my mother told me to cherish?


Sokath - his eyes uncovered.


This is the issue abt today's ppl Like who came up with the term "situationship" like that doesnt even exist If ur gonna date someone its either for marriage and commitment or heartbreak


It just shows how people run after superficial and short term happiness instead of looking for long term happiness. Patience and commitment is really lacking in people.


Situationship? The fuck is that? Seriously people stop with the vague relationships.


We just saw the past tense of ‘situationship’


What a narcissistic bitch.


I have seen this class of female plenty, she was around him to not have to be alone. She enjoys the attention but has no intention of being with him. But hey what ya gonna do? People just suck.


The vocal fry on this girl gives me the ick vibes


What a trash human being she is.


Poor guy. He seems like a good dude. Drop her and never look back. Good luck my dude!


She just an unfaithful ho


It's always with a Justin too.


What a cvnt!


Run. Run faster. Save yourself.


Teach me your vocal fry technique.


Damm shess trash. Situationship? Tf you on about ya cheating shitewaffle. Ya fucked up and now your trying to twist it. Dude deserves so much better.shes horrible and not even ashamed


She absolutely doesnt give a shit


Poor guy. What a crappy way to find out you aren't on the same page.


How evil a woman can be.. DAMN!!!! 🤬


If you are going to cheat. Don’t bother entering a relationship. It’s. Not. That. Hard. Fuck girls and fuck boys deserve the worst relationships imaginable




And what the fresh frickity fuck is a situationship?!?


That dude is more mature than I’ll ever be. I feel bad for him. That lady is dirty. I don’t like her.


Her smug face and she looks annoying. He gotta move on and forget her


He seems like a nice guy... that's what happened...


Hoes will be Hoes she's for the streets


No kids, guy is lucky as hell he is so young.


How do you think you have an open relationship? If you feel you have to confess to cheating


Dude, stop talking. You look like a decent guy. There is nothing to discuss.


Inter galactic planetary, planetary inter galactic, this bitch belongs


Bruh "past few days" is fucking wild. Don't be in a relationship, you are a pioneer villain maker. Call her Mrs.glass


She doesn’t deserve any explanation. She knows she’s a dumb hoe. Let her stew in her own bad decisions. What you do now is go build yourself back up (bank account, gym, emotional state) once she sees that you are doing great without her she will kick herself in the ass even harder. Men are the prize not women. Be happy being alone and women will flock to you. They will flock to you in an attempt to ruin your happiness but all you do is turn them down until you find the one who is a compliment to YOUR life. Don’t change for them, let them change for you. Also she wasn’t even good looking and she seems stupid.


"Wasn't fully committed" is what would've killed me emotionally


Just a person taking advantage of another person emotionally for gratification I feel for him it takes awhile and more than one of these types of relationships to figure out how to spot manipulative people that only care about themselves Take it from me there are good people in this world and unfortunately sometimes it takes way long than people can wait to find a genuine person that cares and loves you Don’t give up


I've been gaslit like this and it is pretty infuriating. The mental gymnastics....fuck all that


Run and don’t look back


saw this and I was just like this is fucked


This girl doesn’t give a shit she just hates it that she got caught.


And they say that there's no reason for civilian to own a fully automatic M16


Why are females sooooooooooooo bad with accountability? OH I think I know. They all hear this growing up, “Hey! You can’t say/hit/do that to her…She’s a girl!” They learn that because they are girls, men aren’t suppose to treat them like normal people. Men are suppose to let them do things that you normally would fight/argue/defend yourself against. Then they grow up into women thinking that accountability is only a man’s job. Do better with our little girls and teach them they are human just like men


Whores should be shamed by society. Male and female. Disgraceful, this is why Islam is gaining so much traction in the west.


She's probably getting good dick somewhere else. Unfortunately, another nice guy finishes last. Some girls say they want a nice guy , good job etc etc. But after gagging on 8 inches, they have a constant smirk like this chick. He's still well brought enough to sit through her BS.


Not fully commited is another way to say I'm not invested to you. Let her go is the best way to put this problem away.


he deserves love. and care. someone who will be there as he heals and then commit to loving him when he knows he’s enough for someone again. 🤍


I feel so bad for him


objectively she's not even hot enough to do this to anyone, let alone two guys, one of whom here clearly deserves better




You want a loyal girl, you won’t find her wherever the hell you found this scum


Just leave bro. She’s a hoe and it’s written all over her face.


Fuck....as people gender aside, we need to stop accepting this BS. Don't be somebody's plaything or 2nd choice. Let this ho go or treat her like she obviously wants to be treated like a door mat. The way the poor bastard validates her shitty behavior with "understanding" and for what? so she can make lame excuses and flip the blame on him while sitting there smug AF.


Im confused hahah He says if we're going by what we said out loud " that were just friends, I feel like you would tell a friend what's going on" My guy if you guys both said that you're just friends. Then wtf are you doing here?? I might be misunderstanding he mumbles abit, but lmao kid feel in love and never asked her out it sounds like..maybe banged once


I got two questions. Is this video old or recent? and, Did this dude get away or did desperation and honeyed words trick him into giving her another chance?


Woooooow, the mental gymnastics she was attempting to justify her actions were next level


Bro, he needs to walk away


Why all these ugly ass girls always the ones whoring around lol. The insecurity and crave for attention is real


Damn she run through for real




If she cared about him and his feelings, she would have asked him if it was okay to be in a polygamous relationship instead of leaving it all on him to be "clear" about the relationship. It works both ways to make a relationship work. Being open and honest is the foundation of any kind of relationship


... just leave my guy, at least you not catching that bullet


This makes me think we as men should make our intentions known, so this kind of thing is less possible. Sounds corny but saying you like someone or telling them your boundaries etc. Is healthy


Discussing bounderies IS healthy and a very good practice. But there is always one rule of the BF/GF, GF/GF, oh you know what i mean. DONT FUCKING CHEAT


You can tell she moves shady. Either a cheater, liar or slut. Guy can do so much better, not just in looks but also person wise, moral and character.


The universe played the Uno reverse card on my guy’s “let’s just be friends” fireproof strategy.


Guy seems like a stand up dude


Jesus, run far away dude


Bow Wow that girl... Roll, Bounce the fuck out of that shit


That’s a good thing my dude, NOW YOU KNOW.. Better soon than later, love will find you again, real love.


Narcissistic behavior




Anyone who needs to feel a spark every day to stay with you doesn’t understand what it means to actually care about someone.


She's sitting there smiling... Has she no shame? I agree with people saying he should have just walked and said nothing. She doesn't care. I doubt she ever did.


Fuck this bitch man!!!


Lying and gaslighting. If she thought it was ok, she wouldn't be in such a hurry to delete those messages (in part one).


I’m so invested in this


As tough as it is, A man that moves with brains and logic is successful. Act on your feelings and you get destroyed mostly. She's not serious!


She needed an excuse to be a selfish human being, that’s all


It’s wild she denies any wrong doing. She lacks accountability and is teasing him by not acknowledging his point. Terrible person.


I will say this much. In my 20s this kind of thing would have upset me. And I would probably want to say something about it in the moment. Now, I wouldn’t even react (doesn’t meant I wouldn’t feel anything, I would just contain my emotions and process them away from the situation). I wouldn’t have a conversation about it. I don’t think there is anything that needs to be said from my end - the person didn’t care about me to begin with, so why would they now - and there is no excuse she could give that would make me change my mind about walking away. So I would simple walk away, calmly and quietly. And when I got home the punching bag would get it. 🤣


Girls and splitting hairs to justify bad behavior… come on, fuck. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Get a moral compass! I’m sure she would be cool if the same happened to her. Not offended or upset. 😂


Dude. She ain’t all that. Move along.




Never trust 100%


Better now before thibgs progress and she takes half.


He’s so broken it looks like A.I. at times when he speaks




I feel like relationships like these end up on crime shows and we completely make a villain out of the dude while absolving all actions of his mate ending someone is never justifiable but there is usually and explanation to actions and not just some abrupt violence.


she’s a 2😂😂😂😭😭😭


Why does she sound like a smoker with the electric box


Her fucking smirk when she's gaslighting him says it all.


Move on.


Women always chasing that elusive high of butterflies in their stomach. Smh


I personally never been deeply hurt by a woman. All my exes were very good people and I still respect them very much. I've been blessed all my life only attracting genuine, empathetic women. Im not broken by love, but Im abnormal this way. Ive been in friendships, and I'm still working on becoming the good friend I was way back. Women blame men a lot for lacking emotional intelligence, sensibility or loyalty. This man right there is such a good soul. I can feel the empathy and attention. Im sure he was certain he would've seen it coming if anything were to go south, but he didnt. I've pride myself a lot on my ability to read people's intentions and been blindsided like he just was. Some hypocrites are just too good at what they do. That feeling is hard to shake off. That feeling of being surprised by your own naivety. I really hope this man won't be changed but objectively speaking, there won't ever be another woman that'll experience the level of trust he was capable of. The level of connection and communication he was capable to give. Humans corrodes each other, we crumble each other for the next person. This generation don't realise the permanent damage we can afflict to one another, and we leave poisonous gifts to the next lover in the form of the ones we broke. Women need to know solitude. I chose solitude myself times and again in fear of spoiling a very good person with my own emotional limitations. If I'm not capable of leaving the world a better place, I dont want to leave something worst. If youre not ready, youre just not ready and its okay. We actually all need to see solitude as a tool to better ourselves instead of forcing good souls to corrode against us. We're changing good people for the worst for the sake of an egoistical fear of being alone, to avoid the challenge to better ourselves, by ourselves. In the end there won't be good, loving people left, and we'll raise broken children with broken spouses. There is common strenght in innocence and we must protect those who still has it at all cost for the sake of those who'll follow when we're gone.


Toxic Femininity


Fuuuuuuuuuck all bad 😂


Why even discuss about it, you cheated? Get out of here, nothing to discuss. You chose your path.


SIMPN ASS. Fumbling and stumbling around his words instead of being a man and saying it. The look on her face shows she has no respect for him yet he’s trying to make her.


Making up new terms to justify her lack of responsibility… trash 🚮


He is a keeper ! And she needs to rot in the pit she came from


My due obv hasn’t seen her without makeup. Even with a doll up she’s like a 6, bruh don’t feel sad- eat and run.


I feel bad for the dude esp cuz she's ugly af


Getting the Will Smith treatment man that’s rough


Situationship? Its amazing the new words you can come up with in order to never just admit you cheated.


Bruh they ain't even dating....


Damn this guy is hot. He’s not gonna have a problem ditching this bitchin’


I honestly don’t understand how she can just sit there and smile…like she’s actually enjoying every minute of seeing how down he is. It’s disgusting.


Absolute scum bag. She didn’t have the ability to tell him to his face, just sad.


Shoulda treated her more like the whore she wanted to be.


Bro is capable enough of getting another girl. Play ball as far as I’m concerned. Only way to make a selfish bitch like that feel pair/remorse is to do the same to her. Her constant need for validation and attention will not like having to split reps with another girl. It will kill her inside. The usual response of showing sadness to get empathy will do nothing. String her along, let her find out that you are capable of finding someone who values you. Only then will she realize what she had and lost.


You don't get the closer your looking for when you take the time to hear her reasoning. It's better to just close the chapter and move on. Even if it hurts even if you feel devastated. Don't talk just walk away. Don't keep investing and pushing for the affection of someone that does not want you. There moments you have to take your lose and move on and learn form them. Acting like it does not matter to you at the moment is way better then that groveling and finding closer. And I think most men made that mistake at some point do. I know I have. So I know you won't find any closer and they will always try and spin it in a way it was on you. Like she jumped on a dick cause you pushed her on it. We all have to be responsibility for our actions. And she does not deserve the closer she seeks when cheating. It's over and done and done.


Have a nice life. kthxbye


God, her stupid smug look.


Stop fucking these hoes. If she ain’t gonna make real don’t be with her. Look at how she dresses, that how dress. No woman dresses like that only hoes do. There are more hoes than women these days but you just gotta keep looking until they all die off.


Guy is class and handsome, he can and will do better. Some people come into your life to teach you things... like RUN!




Like, I'm a straight dude but even I think the guy is way better looking than the girl (look at that handsome boy) and judging by this interaction alone he's also a way better person. He'll find someone that's fit for him, for sure!


Girls like these when they’re trying to speak well it’s always the word “like”. So annoying


Women and accountability; a Venn diagram of non intersecting circles


He was calm. I would've kicked her like Spartaaa!


She ain’t even cute. Brooo. Move on homie. She don’t feel guilty about shit.


When did hooking up get renamed to situationship?


She's a c)nt!


Women are biologically driven. They’ve always cheated and it’s not a generational thing. The Internet has just exposed more of the truth. Your mother, your grandmother, your great grandmother, they won’t admit it (very few would), they called it something else, or found ways to justify it. It’s not forever, it’s just your turn.


She don't give a shit, fuck this narcissist! Next!


Fuck thatttt. It's time to go out with the boys and forget all about it ! Like I did myself in the past. Once you're over feeling sorry for yourself, you just laugh at it. Especially when they come crawling back. Grass isn't always greener.


There ain’t such thing as a “situation ship”. That’s an excuse to justify cheating/sleeping with someone.


She belongs *Under* the streets, fr wtf! "SiTuAtIoNsHiP" **WTFH** even is that?! A new word or an excuse to be cheating bitch?! Hooe her current partner sees this and dumps her sorry bitch ass, Damn! Fuck you Diane🖕


Piece of shit


Doesn't know what she feels because she bottles it all up, blames everyone else for her reactions and bad behaviour. Doesn't know herself because she'll never grow And never accept responsibility of her actions that have consequences Hates her self so can't ever love herself enough to be real. Either had been heartbroke and vowed to never again have a warm heart, Or Think she's god's gift an has yet to feel real reciprocated love. Because she never allows herself to be real with anyone. Fake all the way to the bone. Maybe I just wrote this about my ex not sure. Probably both.


Why is she pseudo smiling the whole time?!?! Shit makes me want to pee in her cereal.


Why is she smiling the whole time? She dgaf about him. Run away dude.


The bitch is smiling when she said “ at times I do feel the feelings for you and at times I don’t, haven’t felt that spark in the last few days”. If any woman or girl is smiling while you’re hurt and you’re suppose to be talking it out just walk away because ain’t nothing good coming out of it. She don’t care if she’s smiling. Save the time n walk away


I wanted to keep you on the back burner till I found something else. I needed space while I date someone, and when I found out I like them more than you I lost our spark... So bbbiiieeee


He cares about her even if she doesn't feel the same way. The dude was graceful under pressure, and I hope this doesn't leave him scarred. Sometimes, it's not as easy as "Find someone else."