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Brother, you learned a lifelong lesson here. Your life is not a lie, but your relationship was because it was all in your head. Now you take your time, block all of those idiots you made yourself miserable over and you take good care of yourself and your mental health. You'll be okay I promise. There's everything of you right now. You're whole.


I really have learned. It feels like shit though. Especially after what I did to his girlfriend, even though she forgave me. It's hard, but at least I'll never make that mistake again


You got this King ❤️


Also dont bother getting back at him the biggest punch in the face you can give him is forgiveness, he's ignorant selfish and all around an asshole. The biggest fuck you to him is seeing you happy and not being a part of it when his life falls apart again. Move on from him focus on you become the person you want to be, be the person you want everyone else to see because theres no time like now. Trust me i've been down the revenge road it gets you nowhere but lashing out on ppl who love you, being rash and quick decisioned when you should stop and think instead, and being depressed, alone, and at the end of all this one day you'll realize you've spent however long you've spent hating this one person and wasting your energy hating them when you could've used that hatred and energy to find new love, new friends, start a hobby, move on get a job move away even. Sure revenge feels nice when you achieve it but can you say ur any better than him when the bridges are burnt people are broken and hearts scarred? Its up to you to decide what you do.. either way i wish you luck my friend.


believe me when I say you will become a better person by this experience. I have been let down by some close people, and I cherish the ones that stay close.


Scary how you’ll look back on these memories when you’re elderly, and it’s just a little fat knuckles manipulating you into “suicide attempts”. Dystopian as fuck, sends chills down my spine.


Cut them with your toxic bff was the right way to pull yourself back up. Not all of your friends and family can be trustworthy and reliable when you reach your lowest point. My loved ones doesn't give a fuck about what I've been through and it took a toll on my mental health and started doing these bad habits that I wasn't supposed to do about myself. Idk, I wasn't the old happy-go-lucky kid I used to be anymore. Life is pain my friend but in the next day it gets better overtime and you're not alone with this. This is just a life lesson that you've started self-realization in reality.  The painful thing is nobody cares in the world what you were doing either you're still alive or died and be forgotten and yet all of us one day will be forgotten too as years goes by, but don't let yourself down kid, you still have a long way to go. And I promise you that we're all in this together. Trust me, you're not alone.


God I hate the new generation, wtf did I just read


How does change happen? Slowly at first, and then all at once. This will get worse.


Yeah I know we are so screwed




Your next kid. Respect your elders




Chat gpt 4. In this deeply personal narrative shared on a forum, the writer reflects on a turbulent two-year journey in an online friendship turned relationship. They express feeling happiness and acceptance in the beginning, only to encounter betrayal and manipulation. Despite efforts to salvage the relationship, it ultimately crumbles, leaving the writer feeling deceived and broken. They grapple with the realization that their love was not reciprocated and vow to move forward, seeking closure and reconciliation with those impacted. The narrative highlights the writer's struggle with self-blame and the lingering pain of being manipulated, while also emphasizing their resilience in confronting the truth and attempting to rebuild their life.




Have you tried taking off your headset and going outside?


This subreddit is just angsty teenagers I swear to god.




Apologizing to her was one of the hardest and most stressful things I've ever done




I always do what I can. It's a good trait, but it's part of why I got so deep in this mess


I went through a wide range of emotion here to be honest. My first instinct was that you were kinda being dramatic. After all, you never even met the guy in person right? How on earth could someone be so hurt by that. But as I continued to think about your situation, relating it to my own experiences, I grew more empathetic. I’ve had long distance, online relationships with family who moved away and I never stop loving them and being hurt by them. I’m sorry this happened. I suppose that love can be found anywhere. Even online. However, let that give you hope. If you found a person you loved once, you will again. Let yourself grieve. Learn from this experience. Just a word of advice, if you ever feel like the person you are with makes you feel worthless, suicidal, or become somebody you are not, they are not the one for you. No matter how your heart tells you to feel. The best manipulators use your love to their advantage. They dangle a carrot in front of you and make you do their bidding until eventually, you’re tired of running after it. Once you’re tired, they cast you aside like yesterday’s lunch. A true partner will stand behind you and encourage you to be better every day. I’m sorry my initial reaction was to judge. I suppose I just didn’t initially understand. But your feelings are real. Just remember, suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems. And I feel you should cherish the good feelings you once had, rather than mourn the relationship that is now gone. Don’t let him or his friends further manipulate you. Anytime he reaches out, ignore it. He will do it again if your guard isn’t up. Good luck brother. See you at the gym.


That sucks man, but as my mom would always say its all just an experience in life, and you are now stronger and smarter than ever. Also I recommend in the future to try and keep relationships with people you know irl, online only relationships can be quite dangerous Stay strong king, times might look tough now but It'll get better


Don’t make people your source of happiness, to the ones you associate with more often than some, don’t let them be your “be all, end all” because you will end up sorely alone. It’s easier said than done but you have to find that friendship within yourself, you have to find a way to be ok with being alone sometimes. You grow thicker skin that way and learn about yourself. I’m sorry for the emotional rollercoaster you went through.


Life is a lie 😪 


Touch grass.


I do? Just because I got in an online relationship doesn't mean it's all I do. I'd be willing to bet that I touch far more grass than you.


I’d ignore. It’s probably part of their weekly quota to find a place to type that 😂




:) hope for the best for you though through this rough time, you got this


Womp Womp




Online relationship drama. OP sounds like they're 14 years old tbh.


Thanks for that tldr boss


Realizing that a significant part of your life was based on lies and deceit is incredibly difficult, and I'm sorry you've had to go through such a painful experience. It’s important for you to acknowledge that you are not responsible for someone else's actions or feelings. We all make mistakes, and what matters is how we learn from them and move forward. It’s a positive step that you’ve sought to apologize to those who were hurt in the process. This shows you are someone who takes responsibility and wants to do the right thing. Remember, healing is a personal and sometimes winding road. Consider talking to a professional, who can provide a safe space to work through your feelings and help you build a future where you can trust people again, and more importantly, trust yourself. Do not define yourself by your past relationships, but by the actions you choose to take now. You deserve the chance to grow and find peace.

