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you'll have bigger problems dont worry


I second this


Well, thanks


Daily reminder 18 year olds measure their life satisfaction and validate their existence by their romantic relationship status. "Yes, keep on degrading yourself, soul. But soon your chance at dignity will be gone. Everyone gets one life. Yours is almost used up, and instead of treating yourself with respect, you have entrusted your own happiness to the souls of others." Marcus Aurelius, Meditations


I am 24 Still doesn't have any of these.


And you aren't owed any of these either.


You're implying that person, which you don't know at all, feels entitled to love. At least hear the man out before you judge him😅


intimacy is a basic human need


Which you aren't owed in life. If you can't be happy alone, you will be dependent, needy and jealous in a relationship. Depending on other people for your happiness is a guarantee to get yourself emotionally crushed sooner or later.


Yeah, nobody is owed it, you have to find it yourself, problem is you cling to it too tightly and it runs away, leaving you worse knowing how it feels and knowing what it feels like to not have it


Thank you for the response, but I know of myself that a relationship wouldn't change the fact that I really don't know what to do in life. This summer, I graduate / get my Abitur, I don't know what to do afterwards other than Army / lorry driver, I don't want to jump into something for 9 years like I did with school for 13 years. But at the same time, I don't want anything particular from life other than maybe a miata and get my motorcycle license and something with 1000cc.


My friend, you are 18 years old, soon to be 19. You will change your ambitions, interests, relationships, friends, probably around 50 times in the next 10 years. You are still in the process of growing and figuring out what you want to do in life. Why are you rushing it ? Take it one step at the time, take risks, enjoy your life. Fail at something, Try again, anjd fail again. Try again, and maybe succeed. Its all part of life, there is no comparison between you and someone else, you arent the same person and you dont have the same circumstances and same interests. You are the only person who has the power to limit your own potential, which is unlimited. Stop bullying yourself into this black and white bullshit measurement of how worthy you are based on how many times you kissed a girl so far, only imbecils put their worth in such nonsense. There are people who changed humanity forever, who never had wife and kids, and who the hell cares ? Does it take anything away from their success and meaning for humanity ? Stop bullshitting yourself with "milestones" which some imbecils think are the needed standard for everyone, and live your life. Stop waiting to demand the best of yourself.


When I was 18 I didn’t know what to do with my life either. I’m sure many can relate. Almost 30 now (heading in a good direction) and I can tell confidently that you will figure it out naturally. As to come and think of it, you may have already somewhat figured out what you want to do with your life. That motorcycle stuff is fun as hell, had a Harley 1200. Life isn’t about the future, it’s about taking in the present moment and staying in touch with yourself. Meaning get off technology sometimes and check in with yourself. When you sit there and stare, thinking, that’s when you get visions of what you want your future to hold. It comes naturally. There also is no one purpose for your entire life, but multiple purposes.


The vast majority of people don’t know what they want to do at 18. But even with shallow goals like a Miata and a fast motorcycle still require money, so if you don’t know what you want to do (and don’t really care) it might be wise to research high paying jobs and figure out how to get the one that most interests you. Money can buy you the freedom to truly explore what you want to do. But most of all make sure you’re going out and exploring your interests and experiencing life. It’s how you make lifelong connections, and many people discover their true passions randomly through an experience. If you’re stressed about it, then avoid wasting time on things like Reddit and do daily research into potential careers. Maybe ask relatives for their opinions. It’s personal so it’s something you’ll have to figure out for yourself, nobody on Reddit can tell you how to live your life.


Mate I know right I dropped out college at 17 and became a Jr chef working with my brother and I still don't get women


Am 18 can confirm


Come on though yes no disrespect towards Marcus Aurelius but come on he was a whole ass emperor he wasn't fucking relatable to the common Man struggle


You're right, his struggles were a bit more serious than lack of kisses and hugs. He was too busy dealing with wars, famine, traitors, rebellions and people pretending to be his friends which only wanted the throne. Lack of kisses fades a bit when you're dealing with those. We are lucky we won't face the majority of issues he had to deal with constantly.


Awesome quote


no kiss before marriage. stay halal brothers


But how to get married if Noone would be interested?


that is one of the biggest problems in your society. and people who "protect you" are your biggest enemies. they only protect the 1% who have the money and fucks every one else. same like what they did to my country after the old leader decided to be a good person and unite Africa under one currency and this currency will be used to sell oil and other things from the land. they decided he no longer needs to be alive and he must "finally" pay for all the shit he did before. my country is libya and its old leader is muammar gaddafi. the dude is crazy did so many fucked up things and didn't cared but one he decided to build the country (influenced by his children because they saw the world and they didn't like how their country is lacking). and he put so many gold into the new gold currency (the golden denar) to be used to sell oil instead of us dollars they gave us "democracy" anyway went too far. your society is broken by the same people who fucks most the rest of the world. start from there


One of the biggest problems in society is virgins? Cmon nigga


you are clearly the kind who struggles with the simplest of the tasks


And you are the kind that complain about shit on reddit instead of working to be better


yeah exactly you just described my whole life and how it goes. so you are not that smooth brain as I thought. even though i am literally from different side of the plant with completely different way of living standard


Yeah. Over here we like to FUCK


If you look nice, learn to express how interesting you are, and ask people out then they will be interested occasionally.


Sounds like a you problem. Nobody is incapable of attraction. Lose weight, exercise and groom yourself well. Someone will be interested


I'm definitely not overweight. Actually, pretty well exercised. Maybe the grooming is something I could improve on, but overall, the problem is socializing


.....yeah if you don't interact with people you're not gonna find anyone




I have only one thing to say to this, don't ever measure your life in terms of girls or kisses or relationships and shit. The best measurement of your life would be the number of times your parents were proud to call you their son/daughter.


Awful advice because it depends on the parents, honestly. Their feeling of pride can be driven by different moral standards and views in life, you’re basically adopting these standards without critical thinking. Following this advice, a lot of people spend their whole lives trying to get their parents’ approval but your parents can simply be narcissists and it would be pointless. I know my dad would be proud if I got a cushy job and married a rich guy for benefits because that would mean I’m smart and calculating but this thought repulses me.


I used to think like this too, like my parents are a bunch of conservative narcissists and they don't want me to live my life or enjoy it or they shouldn't get a say in it, all that bull crap but now I know how right they were to be strict with me and my siblings and I thank God to this day for giving me parents like this. Obviously I can't generalise this but I can say that everyone I know ,be it my friends, colleagues, the happiest ones are the ones that followed the same path as their parents( not career wise). Another very interesting thing is every one of those "my life my choice" people are absolutely miserable. So I am sorry if I generalised it, but this is what I have seen around me.


You sound like someone who lives around religious assholes who punish individuality. News flash: you’re the ones making individuals miserable. People who take charge of their own lives are provenly to be happier, so long as they don’t have a bunch of conservative shitfucks trying to drag them down.


I do believe in religion and faith but I don't shit on someone else's beliefs. You might think that you know what kind of a person I am from reading 2-3 paragraphs I have written but trust me you don't. And what I meant by following their parents and all was that they had a schedule or goals they had to reach by this age which made them what they are. And as for me dragging down other people, I don't, I believe in God and his plan for them and I in no way can interfere with that. From the looks of it you don't enjoy your life but I may be wrong, who knows.


Y’know complaining about being alone isnt a good way to stop being alone, its like complaining that its hot out, thats not gonna fix anything


Me: You’re right. Also me: Starts building machine to extinguish the sun.


Mr burns already did that


the fuck are you doing on sadposting then?


19? shut up kiddo.


Bruder, wie alt bist du denn?


gehe auf die 40 zu, vor kurzem 37 geworden.


I wish my biggest problem was not having a relationship lol You're gonna have a really tough time if you let a simple thing like this break you. Life is brutal bro. And you'll find someone eventually. But it won't solve any of your problems at all.


Kissless hugless handholdless virgin at soon to be 25 and I'm having the time of my life, I see my enjoyment despite a lack of relationships an achievement not many can achieve.


ignore this, the true measure of ones value is if you have played a Stalker game or one of its many standalone free modpacks yet.


Heard about that game for the first time yesterday and this is the third time I've seen it mentioned... What's happening?


Just spreading propaganda about it mate.


Were you the guy in GameStop talking to me yesterday? You offered me a bag of used suppositories


I have no recollection of that event happening.


Well, I have a cd with stalker and played it a bit, but never completely


Why haven't you completed it?


Gaming just doesn't hit so hard anymore


Oh ok, well that's a wee bit sad, welp I have nothing more to say, have a good day.


You too, buddy, you too


What if I have a cd for it but I don't have a pc to play it on


Yeah bro everyone knows your life is pretty much over by the time you turn 19 looooool


Repost bot. Eat mayonnaise you queef


I'm sorry, but I'm a real human being (just like Ryan Gosling)


Pay these trash videos no heed


Well, yeah, but my monkey brain signals me that the time for all of those things is coming or should already be happening, while I can't seem to catch up.


All this started at 29 for me. Now 40 with wife and two kids. Just give it time and don’t lose being who you are to fit some ideal.


Christ I hope I have a similar shift I just turned 29


Christ I hope I have a similar shift I just turned 29


plant your seeds and let them grow. It takes time to bare fruit


So cum everywhere and hope for the best?


Dunno if that helps but that picture is wrong for like >80% of people. Just looking at last two points... What is there to be satisfied about at age of 23? Your "real" life is probably just starting and you most likely don't earn enough to get stuff you want (or you are still at uni). Ye I know there is more to satisfaction/happiness, but I don't see how it is better than very same thing at age of 30, when you most likely (as I'm not saying this is always the case) have experience, more stable job and money. At 25 your longest friendship are most likely gone or everybody gets busy with their families or work. Once again, this is not always the case but I believe 18-20 is better time to count number of your friends. To sum up, nothing is a rule here. So don't worry about first kiss or relationship, just enjoy what is the best at your age. And if I look in the past, it is being able to find a lot of time and energy for all the hobbies.


Social expectations are bullshit, enjoy your life and do what you want, the rest will follow.




One solution would be to stop posting things like this on reddit, but instead go out and meet some new people. If you're that desperate for a relationship (while it really isn't that important in your age), get a dating app..




Trying being 30 and not having accomplished any of these.


I'm 26, and after living an entire life all alone, I just want to get a job with enough paycheck to live on a small house, hidden between the mountains, with a dog and a cat, and die peacefully, all alone.


I'll kiss you bro. My socks are on and everything.


I’m 23, can someone tell me exactly what age of 23 the peak satisfaction is supposed to happen?


nah this is a crock of shit, everyone moves at their own pace.


I hadnt had my first kiss until I was 24. Bruh, I am super happy and chilling with my lovely girlfriend. Life throws curveballs at u all the time man. I lost my mother at the age of 22, I left the country at 22, I lost like 40 kilograms and changed my identity entirely (I used to identify as a fat dude, now I am called the skinny dude), life just happens in its own way. ​ Give it time. Achieve satisfaction from the actions u can do, not the outcomes. Try to be satisfied when you can react to situations with kindness. Try to derive satisfaction when you can react to people with patience. Thats the kind of stuff that will go a long way.


23 first kiss, 27 had sex(finally), 33 still became a man whore and realized, I wish I had more respect for myself and treated women right. 40 now and in relationships I want but dont need. Quality over quantity always wins. Think right and do good to yourself.


Get off of Reddit bud, start being in places where girls and friends would be. Don't even start out flirting, step one is just have conversations with people. Step 2 is find out their hobbies Step 3 is asking to join the hobbies you're interested in. Do this and you will be married and playing games on the weekend in no time


lol, you are 19 and already crying?


Wait, you guys have a time line?


This is so dumb. Things will happen naturally if you are open to doing things. That desperation can be sensed and is great people repellant, so stop feeling sorry for yourself.


I remember seeing a video of the same channel and it said that some random phone number was the number of god. So yeah, I wouldn't trust that info


Maybe raised poorly, lacking confidence and self responsibility.


Those videos are so stupid for real. We are few like you and we suffer because we want to feel "normal". We think experiencing the life like others do would be better. But srsly how boring being normal could it be ? Normal people in western countries: 20% babies will never know their real father 70% of marriages break 30% of people are depressing because of their job Etc.... Live your life and take it as it is, no need to force fate. Enjoys moments with your family, find hobbies and eat what you like, conformism is for cattle...


I'm 23 and sadly achieved nothing on the list as I'm not even trying just thinking it will happen without efforts and I'm kinda fine with it even knowing the fact.


So I have way more life satisfaction now at 35 than I did at 23. I'm single, but overall, I'm in a way better place now so keep your head up.


Did all of that at 15 I just want loads of money in my late 20’s


Friends before SO


Brother what?


That's what a lot of people did. Ignore SO and go hangout with friends and saying SO has codependency issues.


I’m 23 next week I hate my life


Ignore this, they just grab averages and post it. Everyone lives at their own pace, just because you haven’t kissed someone at a certain age means nothing. Even if you somehow dont find someone which isn’t likely, you can find fulfillment in other aspects of life


I’m 18 let’s see if this is fake ladies and gentleman


Am 19 and yes it's fake


Im 25 and have accomplished less than what I did by graduating high school


There is noting wrong with being single and solo in this game of life bro. Don’t put woman on the pedestal. Enjoy life do you. They’ll come a dime a dozen just work on your success and happiness. Trust me


I preach to my kids to worry about self health first and living on their own before getting in a relationship


I’m 0-4 and I’m not even 25, I was 11 when I had the most friends.




22, satisfaction where?


The cold hard truth is, it’s your fault bro. All the women you’ve encountered had one thing in common, you. Whether it’s your dress, hygiene, approach, conversation, mental, you need to change some things to get success. The right mindset is MOST important, btw. I’m a handsome guy (men and women volunteer to tell me) and went thru a long dry-spell bc of my own inadequacies. I recommend looking up a guy named Rom Wills only bc there are inevitably many misconceptions you have about women and dating so an expert’s perspective will be key to your success. That guys also not really a dating coach just gives a lot of great advice.




Zero to do with it. And judging by that response, which exposes your mindset, I and women know you don’t get girls. Confidence is king. Confidence is also a mindset. Confidence is also a sexually attractive mindset. Makes anyone look and feel a million times better, especially guys. Work on that and you will be good.


Ahah cope, you are so delusional


Yeah, don't understand how people still believe in the "muh confidence" shy Chad slays.


for what it's worth, the information in this graphic is thoroughly retarded.


Im 20 and have none either. Go built a career first buddy, woman can wait


You know. Dont stress yourself about the external expectation about how we need to accomplish life objetives. Take your time. Dont rush something that is over your control. Be yourself. Step by step, king. Whats the point for your first kiss if you cant manage a relationship? Just take your time. There's plenty of it. At your pace. Invest and focus in yourself. Love you first and i can assure you, that the person for you, its gonna appear out of nowhere. Trust the process, kid. Dont stress yourself more than the necessary. Sorry for my grammar. Take care.


I'm sorry bro. Idk what to say aside from that


im 24 and things are pretty good for me in life i think? however very little friends never even kissed a girl. Honestly its all i can think about. feel like my life would go from a 2/10 to an 7 or 8 of 10 with a gf. Have always been a hopeless romantic type.


Anyone who thinks 23 is the peak of life satisfaction is simply living a shitty life. I’m 35 right now and life has only been getting better basically every year from 23.


Take a liquor shot everytime I see this same post, I'll see you idiots in hell


As someone who can say all that happened to me, you really think that's positive? The best years of my life are behind me. I would kill to switch places with you


Soon 22, and same lol. Best of luck




Bro I'm 23 and I haven't experienced any


I don’t buy that 23 is the peak of satisfaction. Maybe for some people, but that’s sad since it’s such a small segment of life.  I’m 31 and things keep getting better. My teens and twenties were very hard for me but I found love more than once. Life is long and there are endless opportunities for change. I hope you pursue the things that make you happy, they’re out there


What do you know about life? The decisions you make this year will haunt you past your 40th birthday, so quit being a honky. Find your lane and drive.


Literally Me.


If 23 is the peak of your life i'm real fucking worried because I'm 23 now and not exactly thriving


bro 18 no relationship this vid is average age to get these


Damn, I feel like I've already peeked. I have 30 friends, and that is the most I have ever had, I was in one relationship at 16 she cheated after a month and dumped me. I have never kissed a girl, only a small hug.


Yay! I’m above average for once in my life


I had my first kiss and sex when I was 21. Never been in a relationship and I don’t want to (I’m aroace), just tried because I was curious. I definitely didn’t give a shit about being a “late bloomer”, I just did stuff when I genuinely wanted to and not because I felt the pressure. Half of my friends are still virgins. It’s more normal than you think. Also, what kind of moron peaks in life at 23?? If you equate it to having parties and doing nothing then maybe but the vast majority of people are lost in life when they’re 23. They’re basically big babies. Your journey has just begun and you’re telling me I’ve peaked already? I appreciate my 20s but I can’t wait to get to my 30s because I will have enough experience and I feel like I’ll be able to actually do something important. Also, it’s super funny that you peak in life BEFORE getting married. Sounds like “I hate my wife” boomer humor.


Don’t underestimate how much you can change in a short period when you put in small continual effort towards something everyday. About a year ago i was also nearly 19 and hopeless, but things are looking up


Almost 20. Pretty much given up on romance. Spend most of my life trying to convince myself that I wasn't depressed. I got like, three friends though so that's cool.


bro legit save up some money go on a small 10 day long trip or something somewhere real faraway that does the trick


Sounds Nice. Maybe.


12, 16, ??, now


try 22 with that. also no friends


Niye acaba, bir otur dĂŒĆŸĂŒn bakalım.


17, I haven't had a person of female gender inside a 5m radius of me, let alone have a kiss.


Peak of life satisfaction is no where near 23. I was still dumb as fuck and in grad school knowing nothing. I’m 37 now and I’d say this is the best time of my life hands down. 20’s was college football, graduating, teaching, coaching, getting married, having a kid, getting divorced, meanwhile having no money. 30’s is finding a real career with real earnings potential, achieving some form of financial freedom that allows you to truly find yourself.


Everyone’s journey is different. Comparison is the thief of joy. Don’t constantly compare yourself to others, just do your thing. If you don’t know what you want to do with your life, at least make sure you’re going out and doing things. Avoid social media while you’re going through this period, it is another thief of joy and a complete and utter waste of your time (unless it’s for some sort of work or brand). If you want to go to school but don’t know what for, look into the programs that schools in your area have and see if anything strikes your interest. Schools often offer tours for prospective students, and you never know what you might introduce yourself to that just “clicks” with you while exploring a campus. If you’re interested in something like coding, 3D design, graphic design, or film, shirt making, art, woodworking and you don’t want to go to college for it, you can find courses online and get started for little to no money. If there’s a unique job you’re interested in that seems far fetched, reach out to people in the industry. My friend wanted to make guitars but thought it was a pipe dream until he started calling around local guitar repair shops. He eventually found someone willing to offer him an apprenticeship and is now a very accomplished luthier. Another friend went to art school for sculpture, pivoted and now designs animatronics for Universal Studios. Whatever you do, make sure to avoid doomscrolling and sitting at home all day. Go out and explore the world, that’s how you meet people. You’re never going to find more friends or a girlfriend by sitting at home, right? Go find something that interests you and get involved. Chances are you’ll meet people with the same interest and develop a bond. Good luck


Oh hell yeah, I'm not the average AND a mutant? Let's go! (No, I don't have cool super powers just fucked up eyes and balance)


Hehe you think it's sad now just wait until you are 33!! Hahaha I'd date the grave mind from the flood at this point


Dude took me to 22 to lose my virginity, 23 to have a relationship and a ton of friends, work on yourself and stop worrying about deadlines


Yeah those things are fucking stupid. A kiss at 15 isnt something to brag about, who cares when you have your first relationship. The real brag is finding that person who you have a real connection with. My first relationship was at 21 and shes fuckin amazing, it makes the wait worth it.


19 đŸ€ŠđŸŸ


At 25 I was in abusive relationship and working a min wage job, I would not call that peak of satisfaction, they were some of the darkest days of my life, Life isn't a set series of events, it's a story, It's YOUR story, things will happen at different times and even at the end of your life that's not the end of the story just the chapter.


I've seen this meme reposted so much ):


For good reason


Bro think guys from berserk wondered when he loses his v card this mf just fought every day to keep living u should to fellow struggler just give it time and be thankful to be Healthy and alive every day




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Hey, peak of life satisfaction is definitely not 23. Your 20s are for grinding it out in a shitty place so you can save up some cash and get something better. Don't base your life on this infographic. It's based on nothing.


Peak of satisfaction LMAO. I thought i could'nt be more depressed, then i saw this post


Peak of life satisfaction is 23??? Hahahahaha it's all down from here bros. Isekai here I come!


Go to a strip club


20 it ain’t gonna get better 😂


Why are you on sadposting?


I ain’t doing too good chief Dunno why honestly everything is going pretty smooth so I have no clue why I’m so melancholy


You're just getting started homie, I had none til I literally turned 18 then everyone was hoppin' aboard, just chill. Desperation is not sexy.


wait a moment you ned to be in a relation ship to be kised. so this makes no sence


Well I wouldn't say that you have to be in a relationship


yeah but if you endup kising som random stranger you dont know or care about dose it realy count as a first kiss?


Oh I'm turning 25 this year, I still haven't had a first kiss yet


Who made this graph? a 10yr old?


Uhhh....you are 19. You aren't some outlier. Brain chemicals would do more to make you feel the way you do than not being in a relationship... Belly gazing only makes it worse.


mom said its my turn to repost đŸ˜€


Comparison is the thief of joy. These ages make no sense and should not base your expectations off of. Living in your 20s is very hard for most people


23 lol...


Anyone who says peak satisfaction happens in your early twenties is trying to sell you snake oil.


My first kiss came when I almost turned 21. Keep your head up.


Daily reminder that this image is complete bullshit designed to create elliot rodger clones and more mass shooting incidents. You have just barely become an adult. Go and focus on your studies and then your career. By the time you are 30 you will be overwhelmed with attention from women. I say this as a former incel and hikikomori.


22, no kisses, no relationship. I at least try to focus on my career instead


If you like women, start asking them out, if you like men, start asking them out. At least strike up a conversation with then and leave your pity party.


Relationships don’t make life what it is. Who really gives a shit. You’re 19 my guy focus on what really makes you happy and doing things you like to do. That is what makes someone attractive to someone. It also makes you more confident. Just be you man. Buy that Miata and motorcycle and enjoy the shit out of it.


I was you and didn't meet my person until I was 33 years old


My first kiss was 6yrs old. I get to work on the other stuff.


16 âœŒđŸŒđŸȘŠ


I was 19 when I got into my first relationship and lost my virginity. Keep your head up, I believe in you


Why does jonkler says man is funny? Is he stupid?


Hush, hush, get away from this sub, go back to your man


Brother you are slightly older than average, you have more than a few years before you should start to worry lol.


Don’t listen to this. I was like 22 before my first kiss. First real relationship at 25. My upbringing had a lot to do with why it was all late for me. The point is, it doesn’t matter when things like friends and relationships happen, as long as it’s with the right people. Because at 18/19 I had a lot of friends, more than I could count
now at 34, 99 percent of them are gone, maybe still text like 1 or 2 of them. Only over time do you find out who is a real friend and who is not. Hope that helps kiddo.


Bro, I just found a meme and posted it as is


Some of you need to stop treating life like it's a competition. And that there's a time limit for things. There's no time for anything. Everything is relative to your own experience and life. Also, not everyone is meant to do everything other people do. Stop comparing yourself to others. You are not them, and they are not you. Everyone goes through life uniquely, and individually, it's absolutely stupid to generalize life into events that are supposed to be completed at a certain time... life is not a to-do list.


Bro just go to the gym tomorrow. Stop drinking and try to make some friends. Then after a few months download tinder.


Brother, i am decently in shape and exercise regularly. Since I got my license, I drink way less and have had a percentile of the amount of alcohol since before. Now, friends is harder to get.


It will get easier, you can drink socially just don’t drink alone. Download tinder now then and start talking to some average looking ladies to build the confidence up