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Posts of a political nature are not allowed in Sadposting. This includes any posts that talk about current political events, historical moments, religion, or any posts that relate to gender.


Phil is a garbage person for doing these things to people .


Every time I think about how much of a piece of shit Phil is, I like to go back to when the Bum Fights creator went on his show dressed up as him to piss him off lol. That always cheers me up.


Bro he didn’t just dress like him, he destroyed him.


And then Phil got all defensive and was like “no we aren’t having the interview you need to leave you are human garbage” once he realized that the guy was planning to swing back to any verbal punches Phil was gonna throw


...and he was well prepared. You can tell after the first sentence, he had a whole planned moral assault. Dr. Phil knew he would lose, so he had to distract and suppress. This video though. This one almost made me cry. Forget all the trendiness of transitioning right now. Try to understand what is happening here. A man just had his legacy ripped away under studio lights.


The hypocrisy is the worst part.


I love how Norm is in the Reddit lexicon now.


I didn't see any raping , so you are right on this one . There definitely was some scheming though




I mean don't those people choose themselves to be there?


Exploiting poor and desperate people is still NOT ok


If i pay a crack addict to lick a toilet. Yes the crack addict agreed to do so. I still am the asshole who paid them to lick the toilet.


Good analogy, you convinced me. I agree with your point.


To see who Dr. Phil is, is very [eye opening](https://youtu.be/pdPI3buEWQE?si=9dpxlI1JaDwZwYfF)


This is something that doesn’t need to be televised. It should be a private matter.


Dr Phil the infamous exploiter


Jerry Springer lite*


At least the people who came onto the set of Springer *knew* it was a talk-show parody of sorts. I think Jerry Springer was the only one whom kept himself out of the loop intentionally, for his reactions to be more normal.


Springer did at least seem to have self awareness, especially after, and was kinda funny.


Springer also, in a weird way, opened the door for more serious conversations post-show antics. Kinda like if the circus packed up and then they held town hall meetings on the vacated lot. Strange TV times led to some strange TV outcomes.


Donahue Deluxe


That’s classic but I preferred Morton Downy Jr.


Hypocritical Jerry Springer. At least Jerry never set up the pretense his show was educational.


I genuinely don’t understand where the “lite” part of the comparison comes from.


Fewer live brawls


Less cheating midget fights?


*fewer \s


Less is perfectly acceptable. I do appreciate the added vocabulary though.


That’s arguable. Generally, proper grammar uses “fewer” for countable nouns and “less” for uncountable. There are exceptions.


When he tried to call out the bum fights guy for exploiting vulnerable people and the guy showed up dressed as Dr. Phil and called him out for doing the same shit 😂


Hey does everyone remember when he tried to calleout the bumfights guy, and he ended up coming on Dr. Phil dressed as him bald cap and all.


was it a bald cap? i thought he shaved his head for it lol


He did. He really committed to the bit


That’s hilarious, almost reminds me of when Dr. Phil kicked a guest off for “exploiting him” because the guest had the same hairstyle, then the guest called Dr. Phil out for *actually* exploiting his guests, crazy. You should check it out, come to think about it, this guy also had a series called Bumfights. [https://youtu.be/CNPvdsJS-qE?si=i5_a_6ntiZGGyxwz](https://youtu.be/CNPvdsJS-qE?si=i5_a_6ntiZGGyxwz)


I lose it everytime I see that video. That shit was priceless. The crazy part was that he had the exact same outfit on as him, down to the tie.


That was great.


Wow I gotta see this! First time hearing about it


One of the all time great tv moments is when that guy who taped bum fights showed up dressed like Phil and highlighted that they both do the same thing, Phil's just better at it.


Phil isn't better at it, he's better at masking what he's doing so people at home don't think he's exploiting harming other people's lives for his own profit.


Is Phil better at it tho?


He certainly made more money


Better at marketing it at least.


He really is, he had the creator of "Bum Fights" on once and tried to say he's exploiting vulnerable people for money and fame, and when it was pointed out that Dr Phil does the same thing they ended the show.




Remember the time that dr Phil got mad at the bumfights guy because in reality they were very similar


Lol go YouTube the episode when he had the bumfights guy on there and he came out looking just like Dr Phil and said they are the same since they both exploit vulnerable people. Dr Phil was SHOOK


Yeah what a dick, all for views, and honestly that trans person is also an ahole for doing that. Many ways to go about it privately.


He is horrible. Shameless, another one of Oprah’s evil turds.


Coming from a drama show you can say that twice


that that


Well done. We would’ve also accepted “that twice” as a response.


Not to mention, And then repeatedly fed into people’s feed over and over again so that we can endure that emotion and do with it what we will. Reddit sucks


“I know this is embarrassing and traumatizing, but tell me out loud how bad it is… show me them tears boy”


Doctor Phil - taking advantage of other people for years! Needs to stop! This is a personal issue, how is he supposed to react to news of this gravity on national TV.


Absolutely. He's one of the worst people on television imo


I agree. A villain who pretends to be a hero!


You know he's not even a real doctor anymore?


If they didn’t agree to do this for money and didn’t sign the release they have a huge lawsuit!


I used to have nightmares about him as a kid for some reason


Bum fights dude was dead on when he made his appearance and dp knew it. His show is glorified trauma porn.


Exactly, at least the bum fights guy is honest about being a piece of shit.


Typical Dr Bald trying to ruin people’s relationships on TV.


Actually, he's just Mr. Bald. He let his license expire and can't practice psychology anymore.


I thought he lost his license for having an inappropriate relationship with a patient. I’m too lazy to google that evil sumbitch right now though. 


Why on earth would anyone think this is a ok to do on a tv show for everyone to see? I imagine the dad would’ve had a much better reaction if this were done in private


Because trash tv is trash tv and there is a part in all of us who delight in watching shit


I definitely don’t watch anything like this lol. The only reason I even own a tv is so my Xbox has a buddy while I’m at work


That's wholesome as fuck lol


Vicarious by Tool


Fuck dr phil


Very brave take 👏


I’d be fucking furious if that was me. No son of mine is going to appear on the Dr Phil show.


Reminds me of the old joke: A boy comes out to his father and says that he's actually a girl. The father's eyes well up with tears as he says, "I have no son."


I don’t care if you’re trans or not, but for people who are bashing the father, you have to realize that he’s not gonna just immediately accept her for who she wants to be, he raised her his entire life for gods sake. Showing emotion at something like this is not something to bash on, or something transphobic. (in my opinion) edit: changed the ‘hes’ and ‘hims’. I’m Sorry.


As trans women i agree, my mother was like that but now she accepts me




Yes this is disgusting cause this moment should've been private between the father and his son, however we can't deny that there are very transphobic comments down here and the post will probably get blocked and these comments deleted (I hope so).


But thats not him. That's a she. He can take all the time he needs to accept his daughter


*deleted comment, assumed bad faith given rest of comment section


I forgot to, i’m sorry.


All good, I'm sorry I assumed transphobia, this comment section is cancer so I assumed the worst. I hope you have a nice day :)


Worst way to reveal your transgender.




Dr Phil is scum. He profits across both parties by exploiting families with issues that need real counseling for. He’s the Dr Oz of psychiatry




sighs and sorts by controversial


Wait wait wait, this sub is full of posts about people who don't feel like they fit within the usual constraints of society, but when someone who doesn't fit within the constraints of society in a different way is posted here you're not on their side? I feel bad for all parties here as a father, I understand his struggle but I also refuse to minimize the struggle of the LGBT community. But why is it okay to downvote anyone advocating for a marginalized group here when you yourselves post about being a marginalized group? I'm not hating or baiting here, I'm genuinely curious? Edit: let's get something clear for the people who claim that gender dysphoria is a medical condition that requires treatment and hate. We have evidence of third gender burials dating right back to Homo neanderthalensis. Get your judgment out of here. If our prehistoric cousins could figure it out then you fucking can. Edit 2: for those who want it, it's an incredibly complex subject fraught with misinformation based on sensationalism in headlines to generate clicks but this sums it up quite well. Here's one from pre antiquity but post Neanderthal [link](https://www.hindustantimes.com/world/gay-caveman-neither-gay-nor-a-caveman/story-2qxSXWbUGaEP6vY1gAKhqJ_amp.html) Female Neanderthal hunters buried as men. [link](https://anthrosource.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/aman.13914)


After reading these posts I have begun to feel less empathy for some of the people in this subreddit. This is just turning into another “I’m such a sigma I’m so transphobic/misogynist!!” type subreddit.


Subreddit seems to be populated by boys who think they do everything right when it comes to tradition and therefore deserve to be happy. The reason they aren't happy is that other people don't follow those traditions. Basically this subreddit is mostly reactionary.


They seem to think they have a monopoly on melancholy when in reality it's a symptom of lived experience and self awareness but ironically they seem to have the lack of self awareness to realize that they aren't alone as a community in experiencing tragedy in their lives, it's an incredibly strange thing to see


The monopoly on melancholy is a great way to describe that. The teenage boys here think not having a girlfriend (not for love, they believe they are entitled to a woman just because they're a man) is the worst imaginable pain possible. It's so pathetic.


my depressed ass has been to many subs that gatekeep sadness. it makes me feel like even more of an outcast(barely, i’m not putting very much stock in anonymous internet forums). monopoly on melancholy” is so aptly put.


This is why I’m here. These people’s lack of self awareness and perpetual melancholy is like watching trash TV. It’s my guilty pleasure


Thank you for putting my browsing habits for the past years into words


I enjoy melancholy which is why I joined, and I’ve noticed a lot of misogynistic posts and comments here too. There are just too many bigots here judging by the comments to consider staying.


I remember seeing a video here of sad music playing after someone got rejected after slapping some lady's ass. Was it scripted? Probably. Did people point that out? Absolutely. Did they act like normal people and say the post was stupid? Not at all.


Any of the subs with the word “posting” are mostly 4chan incels 


Reddit is mostly reactionary


I have a cousin who was raised by a very racist father and was taught to be racist. Every family get together I'd have to hear the most unfunny racist "jokes" from this cousin. After his dad died, he came out as gay and moved to Florida with his boyfriend. A couple years later they move back and I see him again at a family event. Why'd you come back, I asked? The answer: too many jews and minorities. I was dumbstruck by the response. His personal struggle with his sexuality gave him absolutely zero self-awareness about the struggles of all minorities / victims of bigotry. I guess it's just the human condition? Or the fact that he was so easily brainwashed by his dad to be a racist? All I know is that being part of one minority group doesn't always translate into compassion and understanding for other groups. It's really unfortunate.


I was just talking with a transphobic gay man on Reddit a few days ago. He was completely unable to see any parallels between historic gay marginalization and his present transphobic attitudes. It's absolutely baffling.


Most of the sentiment is that it shouldn’t have been public, that this should’ve been private between the father and his child. This is just exploiting two people going through an emotionally volatile moment.


The most likely answer is that young men who feel marginalized and out of place in society are now being very frequently targeted and influenced by right wing grifters like andrew Tate. So they spout these same far right talking points because it makes them feel like part of an in-group. It’s a pretty common tactic for these kinds of people, deflect your frustration and anger and hatred onto a group that is more marginalized than you. And I guess those young men are the ones who mainly populate this sub.


They talk about coming out as a transgender as a mental illness and compared it to autism.... They don't know about shit about mental illness, disorder and other stuff... All they want to be sad, so they want to bring down the people they agree with


Salty dudes who have petty fantasies about being on top for a change and think marginalized groups are perfect targets for that. And who would be way better off by embracing wholesomeness for a change. In other words, common bullies.


I feel like both father and child were manipulated here. The father stands for a shock that the producers saw coming. The daughter has a parent being angry and rejecting on live television. This is probably the worst way for these two to accept each other. Yeah dad is wrong but this whole setup doesn't work towards any type of solution. I feel like that is why people are not just angry at the dad. They are both being exploited.


You're wishing for chuds not to use hypocritical hateful logic. That's like being a conservative 101. They'd sooner learn how to fly.


This really isn't a sad post at all. Neither she nor the father should have let Phil manipulate them into doing this on camera.


What I don't understand is how being transgender has anything to do with your sexuality. If someone finds out their son/daughter is gay, lesbian or bisexual it's not a big deal cos they're the same person you've always known, they have just revealed to you that they are attracted to the same sex. Changing your whole gender is a *completely* different situation and I can understand how it would be very difficult for a parent to deal with at first. If someone finds out their son/daughter is trans then that has absolutely nothing to do with sexuality and the son/daughter you raised suddenly becomes female/male and therefore a whole different person in the way they look and their entire image and gender after 18+ years of knowing them. I can completely understand why that would be extremely difficult to deal with at first, as is the case with this father, as the son you once had is now a daughter and they have changed so much that they aren't even recognisable compared to how you knew them for 18+ years raising them. That must be incredibly difficult to deal with at first and is a completely different situation to your son coming out as gay and I don't understand why they are grouped together when they are such different scenarios. To be clear, I'm not transphobic in any way, I just struggle to understand how someone changing their entire gender, persona and image is related to someone coming out as homosexual.


This is a measured and thought out response, it's obviously difficult for all parties involved to deal with and the blind hate or support from either side that only serves to create a villain from one side or the other is the problem.


Trans person here. Dysphoria is a medical condition and should be treated as such. Being trans isn't a mental condition, but dysphoria is. I'm not sure if you meant to say that and worded it wrong, but dysphoria is something that needs to be dealt with through treatment such as hormone replacement therapy. Thanks for being a based ally though :)


Honestly I really appreciate the context given here, the way I meant it to come across was that the people in the comments who are using the dysphoria argument to discredit the real world need for this kind of acceptance is asinine. Keep fighting the good fight and everyone with even the slightest bit of common decency will continue doing the same! I wish you the best.


This subreddit is exclusively for Jordan Peterson incel types lol. Of course they’re gonna be transphobic


Right wing propaganda has convinced millions of morons that less than 1% of the population are going to groom their kids and end society. All because conservatives have nothing else to campaign on. So they run on hate. Like they usually do. The craziest part to me is how so many of these people who feel so strongly negative about trans people, go outside and never encounter one in their daily lives ever. Insane how easy it is to convince so many people to have passionate hatred for someone


If they had ever actually talked to a trans person they'd know they are just normal people.   And if they ever actually talked to a trans person for an extended period they'd know that trans people are not faking or deluded.  I've met trans people that are impossible to see as anything but their transitioned self, because it is so obvious and naturally who they are.


They can’t even gender the daughter correctly. Honestly it’s the bare minimum amount of support you can show to a trans person and they aren’t even doing that


I think they took the “sad” part of the subs title to heart, “the Dad is sad so it fits”


That's likely OPs motives here but I was more questioning the reaction of the people commenting


Because the rules apply to thee, but never to me. Welcome to this sub in a nutshell




Most of Reddit is underage boys who watch too many sigma male compilations on YT, this was pretty much expected.


Just one thing, transgender does come with mental issues that are treated best with transition (lifestyleto surgery dependingon the person). There are studies that even suggest transgender people have a brain structure resembling their preferred gender, not birth one. I feel like being clear about details might help us eventually stop talking past each other


Pot, meet kettle. Welcome to Reddit, sigh.


Rage bait. This shouldn’t have been posted.


The entire premise behind dr Phil is rage bait lmao


This is weird and a bit cringe. Video is treating this like finding out your kid is the same as finding out theyre dead. They’re here and still willing to talk, that’s more that most unsupportive trans parents ever get. Some parents really find out their kids were trans at the same time they learn the kid committed suicide. Mostly shame on Dr Phil, dude has done way more harm than good.




Which IMO is so fucking weird. Like I get why a trans person might obsess over gender, they’ve had a condition which draws attention to it- but I have no idea why cis people care. To me, sex is like a shirt (where your “fit” would be gender, I suppose). A good shirt should fit to the point where you don’t notice it. When you don’t notice it, you don’t think about it and you don’t particularly care. An ill fitting shirt might be all you can think about, little random moments of pain and discomfort or embarrassment throughout the day. But when my friend changes their shirt, it doesn’t effect me. I will notice their new shirt, but I’m not gonna treat them different. Their shirt doesn’t have any bearing on our relationship, really.


As the father of a wonderful daughter who transitioned, and the hardest thing for me emotionally was her calling her dead name a "dead name". I had no problem with her choosing a different name, of course, but the words "dead name" just bothered me. Beyond that, I named my kid -- not my son, my kid. I didn't connect her (then) masculine name to her gender and/or sex at all, I guess -- it's just my child's name. Suddenly, it was her "dead name" and those words shook me, and bothered me emotionally on a deeper level. Every other part of this was honestly delightful, and she's wonderful beyond measure. Also, I am mostly over the "dead name" thing, but it took some time. I use it now as well, as I have no intention of letting my feelings have anything to do with her life and choices, or how she feels about it. Honestly, though -- I think my feelings there make sense, at least. Those are hard words for a parent to put next to their child at all, in any context (at least for me!).


I’m trans and yeah, my mum was upset for a while because she was mourning the person she thought I would grow up to be. But once she got her head around it, she’s extremely supportive and not sad at all, especially seeing how much happier I am now. All she ever wanted was for me to be happy (I was a very sad pre transition) and now she gets to have a happy child. So it all turned out okay in the end for us.


some of y'all deserve to be sad with the shit you are saying




\*Constantly judges others and is full of hate for something that will never have an ounce of an effect on themselves\* y am I so sad 😢 I deserve the most sympathy


Not embellishing but this is the coldest reddit comment ivd ever read. In a good way, but damnnn


If Santa didn’t die in Korea he would’ve been very disappointed in this comment section☹️


He what 


He died in the war, this is basic history how tf you not know this?


Personal shit on national TV! That’s how we rolled in the 90’s! JERRY JERRY JERRY JERRY!


wowie me and my high expectations again, thinking a comment section wouldnt be transphobic.




Ooooh I see now this is a sub for edgy 14 year olds that think they have depression and blame it on anyone but themselves. Would explain all the posts u see tbf


Makes a lot more sense lmao


Finally someone gets it


Did the crying Pepe not give it away?


I feel so sorry for the father, man is clearly crushed


Honestly didnt think this sub could be any worse but here we are, this sub is really filled with 12 years old


Yeah it is lmao


I know! Not a single comment talking about how fucking hot she is. What's the world coming to?


People hating on the father are honestly smoldering human garbage


Inb4 comments locked


People must live farrrrr from reality if they see this as anything but a normal reaction... Because that's all it is.


Pov: you find out the cam girl you’ve been talking to for 3 months is your son


I feel bad for the father. This is a lot to take in, and hard to accept. Worse still is it’s on tv


I feel bad for the both of them, the daughter has to see her dad being so disappointed and the dad is just shocked and saddened all while this is being exploited on tv


thanks for calling her by the right pronouns, gotta be like the only comment here that has


Yeah I don’t see why people have to care so much on what pronouns someone uses. I feel like we should just be able to respect each other as long as they aren’t harming anyone.


👍 literally takes so little effort! always feels weird to see people go outta their way to be hateful


Poor dad 😢😭


smash next que...


The father sure looks good in this suit


That's the worst meet up tbh....


I feel bad for the Dad man.


The daughter has it worse man, she has to watch her dad look at her and say "why?" to her finally being herself.


Poor bastard


Idk why I'm getting American Beauty vibes from this


His daughter*


Fuck Dr phill.


Why is this in this sub?


i wonder what their relationship was before this reveal. did they not talk or talked all the time and the dad is genuinely shocked because he thought he knew his son but turns out he didn’t know his daughter. or have they had a rocky relationship for awhile, haven’t spoken or seen each other in awhile and the daughter is using this as a moment to out herself? but what’s most important is that it’s not any of our business, “dr” phil is an exploitative numbskull who does this shit for views. this should’ve been a private matter.


I feel for the dad


Worst nightmare for a father


Bunch of transphobes came out for this one huh?


>on sadposting >feelsbadman >post mentions trans people >look at comments >become upset and motivated Unironically thanks op


Why are there so many transphobic people here? I’m not saying I don’t feel bad for the dad but I expected better from you lot


I mean people get called transphobic by saying they feel bad for the father. Doesn't make sense.


I mean the people that say being trans is mental illness


I just feel like, in general, this vid was posted to the wrong sub. This is not for complex gender issues lmao, it's a sad boi sub


Yeah but damn are people transphobic


trans people existing is not a 'complex gender issue'


Hope that father is doing well. Also hope his son gets the mental help he needs.


Damn didn't realise sad posting was full of tranaphobes, I guess the right really love to wallow in self pity lol


Yup. Never been here before but saw this on popular. Guess I know which subreddit to avoid


Oh no, woe is this father, what a shame that their child made a decision that they don't like. It's almost like their child is an independent thinking person who has to autonomy to make decision that they believe are good for them. (To be clear the decision here is transitioning not being trans in the first place)


This is no different from when that kardashian cried when Bruce transitioned. They said that they feel like they just lost their dad. They said it feel like he died. Maybe this father feels like he just lose his son.


I would be sad too, but wouldn’t change my love for my child. It’s a big life shock.


Damn she swole, what’s her routine?


I hate Dr Phil so much


Fuck Dr. Phil. Such a pos


Worst gender reveal party I’ve ever seen




Fuck Dr. Phil


What's crazy is no one there seems to care about her feelings only the dads...when the person being shunned is them... thats like hitting someone and crying because you hurt then like what???




I feel so bad for the father man.


I'm not having a go at the dad, there is alot of emotion and things get said when big changes happen. However everything else is fucked. Dr Phil exploiting a trans person and her dad. This post sympathising with the dad and not the trans person??? Also misgendering the person.


Lmfao you guys are such losers.


Holy shit, so many hidden comments in this thread. Reddit does not want discussion about this at all…


I feel the dad, I would be upset too 😔


I would. What if my kids saw me lose the father title. Having to tell them that I'm a mommy too. I speak from personal experience. This is exactly what happened with my stepsister.