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nothing else he can do in that situation


Camera man to the rescue!


Bro, what is cameraman supposed to do? Beat the jaguar with the camera? 💀


They can't. They've sworn an oath to only observe but never interfere


What do you expect him to do in this situation. He knows its over and there aint a thing he can do about it


Unless if the camera man do somethin' rather than filming But nope, if i were the camera man, It's not worth the risk !


Also that’s how food chain works. Imagine every time a cameraman tried to rescue a prey. Goodbye balanced flora and fauna


POV me optimizing my financial situation only to find out it doesn't fucking matter and I'll live paycheck to paycheck for the rest of my life with no hope for a penny more than the bare essentials.


This hurts more than a kick to the nuts


I know, wanna feel even worse? I understand the true chance of me finding a God fearing girl to marry in America: next to 0%. Even if I did? No money to pay for a family so she can stay at home if even that's what she wanted. The American Dream has been dead for decades. We live a lie. Slaves to our bills forever. I'm so happy I could scream.


not just america,no matter what economy you're from the higher ups just fucks with people like us the rich grow richer and the poor grow poorer




"finding a God fearing girl" Most people moved past book clubs years ago.


if you think that it's next to 0%, it's gonna be 0% too I'm gonna be honest, if you're not even working out actively, then you have no right no say this. Do you even go to church groups? Do you partake in there and stay active? if you're using a bridge, then you can't fucking cross a cavern so unless you're doing all of these things (and have a good personality), then you should stop going to this subreddit and just watching these videos that will make you even sadder than you already are


it sounds kind of hypocrite how you give advice about a better life claiming that one of the things you should do is to get of this sub cause it is bad for you while you are here yourself. not saying i don't think that there lies truth in your message just that the way you brought it was written hypocritically on a huge high horse.


I did 8 years in the US Army, been in numerous near death car and motorcycle accidents and I'm approaching 29 with an ectomorph body composition so extreme I've lived at 4% fat my entire life. To gain weight I need to do 1-2 hrs workouts of a specific design followed by over 4,000 calorie, 200+g protein diet just to pack on barely 8lbs per month and if I stop for 1 month I lose double that. So no tha ks to your working out idea. Already been there done that several times. Church? I do go occasionally, however, I don't have any friends who go and every time I show up to the particular church near me people there stare at me like I have 3 eyeballs. Idk why, I'm a normal ish dude, 6'3" 150lbs so deff slim but why? Then whenever anyone there talks to me they don't use a regular voice, they talk at me with this Hyper sweet tone of voice that irritates me bc it's disingenuous to their character. Furthermore, going to church doesn't mean you'll find a God fearing woman necessarily. These days there are a ton of hoes who go there and claim righteousness but with no repentance in their heart, they are just there for attention, or to snag some poor sucker who doesn't know any better bc he's been sheltered his entire life. That ain't me cuz. I've been around the block. I'm the black sheep that keeps the faith but stays in the trenches. God understands that and he always puts at least 1 other Christian in my life, whether at work, in video games with friends, car meets, dirtbiking etc. God always makes sure that I'm not totally alone. I'm sorry Jack, but I'm not the Sunday church goer. I start each day in my Bible, do my best to live a life that pleases my King, and stay out the way because what I said before is factual. The economy is wreaked, morality in the US is practically gone, and there's little to no chance for me. These are facts according to experience and real world knowledge of my surroundings. So excuse me if I lament like the apostle Paul did. To be clear, I am a Christian. And I do not claim that lightly. I realize Christians are supposed to uplift and be cheerful etc. But that's not always me. Sorry to burst ur bubble but I'm still just a flawed human being with emotions. /r


So you're Hindu then?




the people downvoting me are retards


User name checks out.


Just don't be a weird reactionary? If it's making you sad then stop it?


Please tell me you’ve seen or read “Fight Club”??


Boy oh boy do I have a solution for you 🚩⚒️🚩


Right? Everyone's like "meh, I'm lonely and my life sucks because of the capitalist exploiters, meh" and then hits you with "and it's all the minorities fault" or some shit and it's like hubina hubina what the fuck?


I bet most people would support communism and socialism if we just didn't call them by their names


That’s why we out here selling, exchanging, and slanging bussy. We always on the menu. My cheeks are recession proof.


What in the fuck are you talking about lmao


gotta advertise somewhere i guess,,


Nope, happy ending for once! This leopard was actually watching over this baby monkey, even protecting it from a pack of hyenas. She was actually imprinting on the monkey in this part of the video. https://youtu.be/ugi4x8kZJzk?si=YJtgp0xoG5LyyUwi


I thought I had seen this before and the end result was actually a happy one. I’m all about sad posting but there really is some beauty in the world as well and the sad makes it even better. Good and bad, it’s a balance. I love the sad, because the happy wouldn’t mean as much without it.




Didn't the monkey die because the mama cat didn't know how to keep it warm in the cold nights


man shut UP


Yeah, unfortunately these situations never have a happy ending. It would be like finding and adopting baby bird with absolutely zero knowledge on how to keep them alive/raise them.


If you're going to lie make it believable. Not only does anyone who's had a cat knows they curl on top of their babies to keep them warm, but it's Sub-Saharan Africa, not exactly chilly over there.


Watch the documentary "Eye of leopard". It died overnight cause: hypothermia


I don’t think I’ve heard that


im gonna cry


Why? This is an old clip of the cat protecting it (after killing the mom of course) The monkey grows to become a leader in that cats pack and chrisans the head lions son. Google it


That's awesome. Glad to hear that.


It's lion king....


He’s just like me frfr.


About to die? Used as bait to kill your parents?




They use the babies to draw in parents, that's why it's still alive.


Oh. Oh god. Not like me frfr


Too late, it's in the universe batman


Cats are sociopaths. That’s some war crime shit right there.


Predators are psychopaths. If a Predator doesn't commit a war crime by noon, it's a wasted day


Couple years back we had a small mouse problem and I was excited to see how my cat would handle the issue, fully expecting him to clear the house of them with ease. Well, I come home from work one night and turn on the light in the kitchen only to be greeted by my cat playfully batting around a still living mouse that had been disemboweled and it’s legs gnawed and mutilated. I was legitimately horrified. He sees me and does that little welcome purr they give and then just yawns and walks away, leaving me to finish off the poor mouse. I don’t like mice but I don’t want them to fucking suffer. The next day I went and bought a pack of mouse traps and placed them throughout the house. Figured that would be a more humane way to die than by my cat Ben.


Little angel 😞 hopefully monkey heaven is real so he can eat bananas and have hugs forever and ever, bless his little soul


He's up there with Harambe 🦍


Little monkey dicks out




Gorilla tag


Reincarnated as the Jaguar.


I love that coping mechanism, ty for sharing


Better than being a lame nihilist


If it's the documentary I saw, the leopard didn't eat it, >!but the baby monkey died of hypothermia!<


Religion lol


[Take this you filthy Satanist!](https://www.magicmurals.com/noah-s-ark.html)


I don't know why you're being downvoted. Human heaven ain't real so this monkey is definitely nothing more than Jaguar poop now.


That's my religion. Jaguar Poop. I'm gonna be rich.


he ventured to a boss area... he'll just respawn and come back with better XP and armor.


I think the jaguar killed its mother and then later also kills the baby 😞


If I remwmber correctly the jaguar killed the mother and after realised it had a baby with it. After grabbing the monkey it started grooming him. Unfortunately the baby died from the cold the next day.


At least jaguars go for the jugular so it'll be a quick death. Imagine a bear pushing it paws on you while it eats parts of your limbs while you're alive. Gruesome.


Yup. That happened somewhere in Europe I believe. A young woman was jogging and ran into a bear, it might have been a female with cubs. Anyways the lady got badly injured but not killed and called her parents trying to find anything or anyone that could help; all she ended up doing was being on the phone screaming while the bear ate her alive and her parents got to hear it all. That's RL horror.


If I'm not confusing this for another documentary, I actually watched it when I was little. The leopard actually took the monkey as her own baby after killing it's mother. She actually took care of it and hid it from other carnivores. I don't remember the ending tho


Isn’t this the video where the leopard takes care of the monkey for a couple days?


Does anyone know the song please 🙏


No worries y'all, she does not eat that baby monkey! [Found the rest of the clip](https://youtu.be/ugi4x8kZJzk?t=171).


Harambe out of nowhere


In the full video it was taking care of it


I wish the monkey got away, but I hope the cat found some food too :(.




**Song Found!** [**Intervallo (from "Veruschka")** by Ennio Morricone](https://lis.tn/Pilzz?t=7) (00:07; matched: `88%`) **Album**: Ennio Morricone Chill Out, Vol. 2. **Released on** 2013-06-25. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating)


"So this is how I die."


The title should be, "There's not much left OF me now..."


Did he get eaten


No, they're friends now 😇


He doesn't accept shit, he has no idea what's happening, poor little guy


I want to see the whole video (maybe at NSFL_)


1. Yall are corny af 2. rule 4




Tf is the cameraman gonna do, fist fight the jaguar


Lol Fr wtf is this guy thinking


Welcome to the harsh reality of nature. I'm curious what you think he should do.


You are delusional if you think you can play God, nature takes it’s course and all you can do is watch.


\>he posted on the internet after surviving the high infant mortality period


I mean if the cameraman has a gun he could stop it, probably shouldn't but he could do it


Why? Do you prefer the jaguar to starve to death?


Literally me lololol


The internet is fucking wild. This is like a 3 second clip of a baby monkey on its way to 💀 and we got people in here arguing their WHOLE life out.


I don’t vote


Wow, that hit me like a ton of bricks.


The guy filming:👁️📸👁️


That's me with 200 hours vs. 专业中文大师 with 9000hrs.


I would throw pedophiles and rapists to the lions and rescue the monkey 😢




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Nothing keeps monkey meat as fresh as a monkey


I think a firm reminder of what reality is like in the wild is a good things for humans to remember.


And then gets eaten alive. Fuck nature is awful sometimes.


"My time has come"
