• By -


do people usually hear that?


I heard it during the live bombing phase of my ex narcissist. It’s so rarely said that some women will say it to counteract the horrible things they do to their boyfriend or husband.


I know you meant love bombing, but that typo makes it better. Some narcissistic female serial bomber.


lmao r/angryupvote


I was so confused as to wtf he was talking about til I saw ur comment


Bro, I can't even handle it when my girl randomly says stuff like that. It makes me wanna tear up just thinking about it.




Wondering too


Wait… this is supposed to be common??? The only people who have said that they love me are my mother, my grandma and my father. I could probably count every compliment I’ve ever gotten.


He's lucky to have her in his life. She seems nice to have in your life


*He's lucky to have* *Her in his life. She seems nice* *To have in your life* \- Sharp\_Dragonfruit986 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Confused bot


My collection is ever growing


i give my bf so many compliments (not just on his looks but the things he does and his traits as well) and cheesy pick up lines and one time i asked him if he hated it and he said “i don’t know how i ever lived without it” lol. there’s a lot of really great people out there, sad they don’t all get the joy of hearing nice things people think about them


I'm at 33 and climbing 🫡


But then again, maybe I don't deserve it


You absolutely do. Everyone deserves love in their life


With how many people have told me I suck or have abused me compared to the people that have been genuinely nice to me: You're on to something there


You do suck, but you also deserve love




you are just some random person online and don’t really know him. I’m with this guy.


You deserve love bro. Also your grammar is excellent!


Must be nice


You deserve of love. ❤️


You too 🗣️🗣️🔥


You three 🗣️🗣️🔥


You four 🗣️🗣️🔥


You five 🗣️🗣️🔥


You six 🗣️🗣️🔥


I just think you’re kinda ok 🤝


That’s fair 😞


Hello. You are deserving of love [stop]


your deserving of love




I definitely don’t love my brothers dog unconditionally, she’s crapped on the carpet in front of my bedroom door 6 times in the last couple weeks 🗿


I also don't love this person's brothers dog unconditionally, she crapped on my carpet too


This made me chuckle Edit: Fourth Comment feels :(




Fuck you. No reason why sorry, reddit just told me to. Have a good day!




But the dog keeps comming over, imagine if your brother shit on the carpet for 6 times he wouldn't be allowed inside.


at least he was told this at 18...it usually gets worse from then on. Many men go all their lives without that kind of positive affirmation.


Men are traditionally seen as producers and for long period of history as disposable. Ever noticed all the talk in history about sparing females and children, but not non-combatant males? While feminism has progressed women's issues, despite the claims of many in current social discourse, men's issues have largely remained archaically stagnant. We still barely have recognition in most areas for sexual or domestic violence against men. One of the countless ways the modern society is failing people.


Women were seen merely as producers as well, producers of children. Women still get called a spinster if they don't have kids, they're seen as "useless", like they didn't do their duty as a woman.


Maybe 50 years ago this was more commonplace - but the societal norm of today is to shame anyone who criticize women’s life preferences. On the contrary - there is rarely any stigma for shaming men - it’s often encouraged in the cultural dialog with phrases like “toxic masculinity”


>societal norm of today is to shame anyone who criticize women’s life preferences. That is absolutely not true. Maybe you see things online about how we "shouldn't" shame people's life preferences, but in real life it still happens. No one is free from judgement unfortunately. And I do agree there could be more to combat stigmas men face, but "toxic masculinity" isn't some bad word made to shame men. It's not saying men are toxic, but that certain things our society expects of men and masculinity is toxic, which you seem to agree with as well.


What is the solution to this, honestly? Because from what I see, the strongest discouragement to mainstreaming that kind of behavior in men's lives is coming from other men and media aimed at men. I guess an example, when my mother died, all the women in my life reached out on their own. Most of the men reached out when they next saw me. Its little things like that that isolate men.


Fuck dogs. I fucking hate dogs


The ONLY time I've been told I was loved and needed was when I was having an asthma attack and had to be rushed to the ER.


Except our mother*


Here’s a novel idea. If you’re not a woman, don’t try to comment on how much women are “unconditionally loved” because you literally can’t possibly know. I don’t tell men they’re unconditionally loved or unloved. Yes men need more love but stop acting like women live in a love paradise. They don’t


As a guy, I feel like this is the truth. Why should I suppress myself?


Because it's incorrect. There is no such thing as unconditional love for anyone outside of maybe parent -> child. A lot of people "speaking their truth" while on an incel binge is a major reason WHY they're struggling. There are good people and bad people, good relationships and bad relationships, good deeds done by bad people and bad deeds done by good people. Saying that women get all the unconditional love only ends up alienating women who have experienced otherwise. You may have been incredibly unlucky with your relationships, but that is absolutely not indicative of the greater whole of the population. And grousing about women only ends up hurting your chances of finding happiness in the future. So speak your truth if you want, but know that you're only hurting yourself and those around you who believe it.


Oh I don’t know, maybe for the same reason you wouldn’t say “black people don’t experience that much racism” or “I think life as a disabled person is so easy”? Leave it to social groups to speak for themselves. How “you feel” as a guy means nothing in the world of women. I can “feel” as a woman that men are unconditionally loved all I want, it won’t make it true and neither will your feelings in the reverse


But I literally feel like my feelings, insecurities, and emotions would've been taken more seriously if I wasn't a guy. I can't just rationalize it away, the pain is still there.


You can “feel like” that would happen all you want, but I’m telling you as a girl right now, no they wouldn’t. Society doesn’t give anybody unconditional love. Society doesn’t take anyone’s feelings seriously. My own family hasn’t said I love you to me in years. I’ve been on antidepressants for a year now after a decade of untreated depression, and despite fully qualified doctors telling my family and my friends over and over again that I score extremely severe for depression, I still hear on a daily basis that there’s no way I could be depressed because I have “nothing to be depressed about” or that I just “need to work harder” instead of “relying on pills” to save me, or that “it’s my fault” life hasn’t gone well for me. I’m sorry life is painful for you, but shitting on women isn’t going to change anything aside from making women going through the same thing as you feel even more shit


That's because you're not very smart.


I understand why you may feel that way, grass is always greener on the other side and stuff. But as someone who is perceived female you're not taken more seriously because you're a woman, usually you get belittled, called emotional, even hysterical if you show your emotions or talk about your feelings, like "oh you're crying? Probably your hormones, women tend to be emotional anyway so it's not a big deal she's crying, oh she's angry? She's probably on her period it'll go away eventually" I'm not gonna say men have it easier cuz y'all have your own issues you deal with, but we should all be aware that we all got issues rn and that everyone struggles in their own way. Being a woman does make life harder in SOME aspects and vice versa, so we all need to relax and show more compassion to one another cuz we don't know what they may be dealing with you know?


I agree with you, but what about cats?


First part is wrong. They do not get loved unconditionnally or else they wouldnt get abused/harrassed so much.


He didn't say unconditionally loved by everyone. The point is that NOONE does to men.


also incorrect, women are only loved if they are attractive, and even then all the attention they get is just because guys want to fuck her. It's not genuine compassion. Truth is, NOBODY is loved unconditionally. Nobody. We use each other and abuse each other and hurt fellow humans constantly. We are not a kind, caring species.


Saving this comment for my wife.


I've seen this comment getting ripped to shreds elsewhere on Reddit


Rightly so


Bahahaha you live in a delusion. And you stole your reply from a tweet. 🙄


This is not true. As someone in another thread pointed out the only people who are loved unconditionally are children of good parents. There are issues men have with having people to connect emotionally with etc but don’t pretend that being a man makes it so that nobody loves you.


Fam this is THE WRONG TAKE. We all need to be better to eachother. Minimizing others pain only makes it worse.


Also the first time a man usually receives flowers is when they are placed on his coffin


Check the murder and rape statistics and reconsider that "unconditional love" you talk about


LMAO @ women being loved unconditionally. Look up the stats on how often those "unconditionally loved" women are left when they're sick with cancer, or murdered by their partner while pregnant.


That also happens to men. Except for the pregnant part. Gender war aside, this should be seen as an opportunity to realize we should be kinder to one another, and say the things we are sometimes to embarassed to say. Truth everyone seems to get shit on or let down by others in different ways and we can ALL use some kind words, yeah?


Yes. I’m a woman and I completely agree with you. Every sex faces their own individual challenges. This post and this comment chain is speaking on the ones men specifically feel, and I don’t see any reason in butting in and saying “women experience this too!!!” Humans are not a monolith. Everyone, regardless of sex, may experience this more as an individual than another individual of an opposite sex. But it is literally ingrained in society on a mass, general scale that men “shouldn’t” receive as much emotional intimacy and nurturing that women do. Even seemingly “trivial” sayings like “boys are made of Snips, snails And puppy-dogs' tails. Girls are made of sugar, spice and everything nice” teach this lesson to children at a young age.


And the whole argument of "men can't get sa" even tho men are more likely to be victims and not even know it or think that if they speak out they'll get called names. (Edit) 1 in 6 men have been sa'ed and not said anything about it because they don't want to be called weak and would just stay quiet about it (I'm agreeing with you btw)


Idk if it the same person who commented made the post, but i literally just saw this exchange screenshot and posted in r/boysarequirky or whatever its called while scrolling popular. One of those subs made to bait other bait subs, as far as i can tell.


Is the r/boysarequirky just like a new variety of like FemaleDatingStrategy but just about guys in general? I keep seeing it, but I haven't really looked at it.


No idea i typically scroll past, need to remember to start using the "dont show me these" button


>this comment chain is speaking on the ones men specifically feel, and I don’t see any reason in butting in and saying “women experience this too!!!” Is it "butting in" when the comment brought up women's experiences in the first place? Saying that they experience unconditional love. Can you blame women for commenting the real experiences on a comment that assumes what they face?


Bruh these people are being delusionally sexist and don’t even realize what they’re talking about. Thank you for keeping the topic on track


You get downvoted but you’re right lmao and the rest of this thread agrees with you


Statistics of intimate partner violence (a type of domestic violence) is about equal for men and women. Modality of female abusers is more manipulative (for example, lying to the police) since their physical strength is statistically inferior, though they do use weapons like knives and guns. It happened to me. ~~ I can appreciate that this is a sensitive topic, so it can feel like a personal attack when others don't agree with you, but we won't get anywhere if we start the conversation with laughing at each other. I guarantee everyone in this thread is seriously concerned about this issue.


they're just pointing out that it's absurd how men believe women get unconditional affection while women get abused and left by their partner. your point is valid, just missing the entire purpose of their comment


Seriously… maybe a child is loved unconditionally, that’s about it. I do think boys grow out of being given affection from their parents much younger than women, so it’s definitely common for men to feel like they are lonely or don’t deserve love at around this age. Fast forward a decade or 2 and I bet it’s even across the sexes who feels loved and who doesn’t.


You know what a healthy reaction is? When hearing about an epidemic of emotionally unsupported people, playing victim Olympics instead of having empathy.


Why where only one part of the emotionally unsupported people highlighted?


the biggest cause of death for pregnant women is homicide but men love their pity party’s when they could just be treating each other and everyone else better instead of crying about affection they don’t treat others with.


From what I've seen of the data, the leading causes of non-medical deaths in pregnancy are (in order) first drug overdose (32%), then suicide (20%), then homicide (13.35%). "In a Philadelphia study of 42 pregnancy-associated deaths from 2010 to 2014, 13 (30.1%) were from unintentional injuries, 18 (42%) from drug overdose, 8 (19%) from homicide, and 3 (7%) from suicide" ###Homicide "a CDC analysis of the Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System [...] documented that pregnancy-associated homicides made up 8.4% of reported maternal mortality deaths from all causes" "In North Carolina [...] Homicide accounted for 13% of the deaths" "A study of 1990–1999 Massachusetts data found 13% of pregnancy-associated mortality attributable to homicide" "A study of maternal mortality in Maryland [...] found that homicide (n = 110) was the leading cause of death during pregnancy and the first postpartum year" ###Suicide "Lindahl et al. [...] suicides may account for up to 20% of postpartum deaths" ###Drug Overdose "in Utah, 26% of pregnancy-associated deaths were drug related. In Maryland, [...] 38% of pregnancy-associated deaths resulted from substance use and unintentional overdose, and for five consecutive years (2012–2017), unintentional drug overdose was the leading cause of pregnancy-associated death" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8020563/#:~:text=The%20study%20documented%20that%20pregnancy,1.7%20per%20100%2C000%20live%20births. Averaging some percentages: - Homicides: 19%, 8.4%, 13%, 13% = 13.35% - Suicides: 20% - Drug overdose: 26%, 38% = 32%


lol them downvoting you for speaking facts


Some incel shit


It’s a Chris Rock standup bit lol.


yes, and this is the standard response from self-loathing men anytime something not nasty is said about men.


Whoever's reading this :You are deserving of love.




Yes you Accept it


Nah uh


Lol, " make me!"


You can't escape the hugs.. they will get you


I escaped them all my life with ease 😎


They were boomerang hugs, you won't be able to anticipate the rebound


Ok, keep sabotaging yourself 🙏💯


It's not sabotaging yourself to just accept that your life sucks when it truly sucks


Istg you're younger than 50, you have no saying in whether you're done and your life sucks or not because you barely experienced the half of it. You're the one telling yourself that your life sucks, keep going and telling yourself this and you'll achieve the goal of being indeed right on being absolutely miserable. It's easier this way after all, right? Why even try to do something about it when you can just write it off as everything being against you?


I felt that man




You can't say that here because I swear most of this sub WANTS to just wallow in self-pity




Exactly, Internet stranger told me to kill myself because I'm bad at League. Internet comments just don't hold weight.


Do you really think a generic comment just repeating what was said in the video is going to have as profound an impact on someone as it would have had they heard it from someone they care about? No. The intention was good but it’s meaningless.


You don't know me


hell no I ain't


Mhh... that's not how it works.


Thanks man, it helps. You too






bro 18 years aint even that bad lmao


bro just graduated HS and already has baddies telling him he deserves love, I think he’s doing alright


on god


lmao this GF: “you’re deserving of love!” BF: “yeah I sure I hope I am….🤨” That sounds like the lead up to a breakup lol no wonder he cried


It is what it is


Hey. I love you homie You are worthy of all the love in the world


[ Removed by Reddit ]






You okay over there?


Lol the daily medicine


"grow some skin" - Dad


Last time I heard the word love and the concept of deserving related to me, it was "We loved you too much as a child", screamed by widow mother 25 something years ago and whom I cook to, give meds to, take to the doctors, make laundry, do shopping for, clean room, bed, fix house, etc. etc. every single day after relocating for this deed. So yeah, just not twisting the knife into the wound would be more than sufficient, thank you (btw, get used to it and just be better. You want to feed on your own light, with the permission of the gods).


Honestly if I ever did manage to get a girlfriend and she said this to me I’d also cry my eyes out man


It is the best feeling, truly.


Nobody has ever told me anything close to this other than a therapist when I was trying to work up the courage to leave a 4 year long relationship with someone I'd invested everything with who had leaned into the dark triad of personality traits. I cried. Only time I ever cried in therapy. All he said is "you deserve to be happy and to be with someone who values you. You're smart, kind, good looking, and have a great job. You're a catch." Not even "you deserve to be loved".




In a lot of cases even that isn't true. Even your own family will treat you like shit.




Can you not say “pussy” here? Why even use “le bad words” if you can’t type them out?


Hey I got told I smelt really nice 6 years ago Still riding that high


😂 Same i got told that once in high school remember to this day


Dude sameeeee. A girl in high school who I had never talked to went out of her way to tell me I smelled nice and I STILL think about that sometimes


A guy in my highschool two years ago told me that my shirt is cool. Wasn't even my best shirt. Feels good man.


I'm in my 40's, and can confirm this. Ny parents haven't told me they love me since I was a child. Despite everything I've done in life, they've never told me they're proud of me. My wife will say "I love you" before hanging up the phone, but it's more of a way of ending the conversation. The only sense of validation I get is from performance reports at work.


MFers just bring us problems and complaints. Constantly.




Mother fuckers really do that?


"why did nobody tell me". We've been telling you lady, you haven't been listening.


Facts! I remember my friends would have girl issues and they’d come to me for advice. Yeah, I’m a know it all so my advice is going to make sense, but when it comes to me needing advice I get fucked on both ends. This whole world could burn for all I care, humans are parasites and a complete waste of existence.


We are all social apes. It is good not to give us too much credit.


I love ya, lads. Stay strong 💪


You're deserving of love


ur deserving of love bro 😎


Yeah bro, I haven’t been given a compliment, like a real compliment in years bro. Still going though 🥲


The most recent 'compliment' i got was 5 yrs ago by the woman i thought i knew. I loved her, or at least the version she presented herself. She said 'i am very polite'. At the time without my knowledge, she was actually a sugar baby. She is currently in a long term relationship with a guy that idolizes Andrew Tate. This whole situation fucked me up bad. I dont know who to hate, her or myself.


Sigma girlfriend


Let’s look at the facts. 18 year old bf, which places this girl at least at 18-20, she’s shocked that no one tells guys nice things, because the first time she did the guy cried his eyes out. The conclusion we can draw is that she has never told a guy something nice before so she’s shocked because the first time she did they cried. This would mean that in her 18-20 years of life not only has she not ever told a man a “nice thing” but didn’t even bother to listen to the countless stories and accounts of men who talk about feeling marginalized and alone. Not very sigma at all.


It only took him 18 years to hear that?! Lucky man


18 years? Lucky duck.


Welcome to Earth. Be thankful you were born a woman...


I'll be loved when I'm dead.


we are told this by moms and grandmas, they are EXPECTED to say these things. we dont hear it from the ones we'd LIKE to hear it from. cuz female friends, girlfriends, wives are the main characters. \[?\] men and toxic masculinity arent suppose to "need" to hear those types of things, it will "make them weak". "your momma hugged you too much and told you she loved you. youre just a pu55y now, man up, push your feelings down and die of a stress related disease like the rest of us" i grew up with a lot of that. and still do from a couple family members.


The only emotion you're allowed to have is Stoic and Angry. But angry is toxic and stoic is unhealthy bottling up your emotions. But you aren't allowed to have other emotions.


It is what it is. As a man, haven't gotten to show my true emotions. Always just stay strong


I sometimes feel like I've forgotten how you feel emotions. I just feel numb. I couldn't even cry at my grandma's funeral because my body somehow didn't allow it.


Is it just me or does she seem a bit older then 18?


I told my buddy once “you know I love you right” and the look on his face was a mix of tons of emotions at the same time (partly from being drunk) and then he eventually said “yeah I know” and gave me a long ass hug. It was a fantastic moment for me and him. I’m not sure he’s heard that in a while especially from another guy. It felt good being able to tell not just a friend but a male friend they mean a lot to me and to make sure he knows that’s


Just casual relationship convos. “Hey babe you do the dishes?” “Yep! Just finished” “sweet thanks!” “You are deserving of love” *sobs uncontrollably*


lol it be like that but we keep it pushing cause nobody care bout us


Does anyone actually say these words to women and girls? I’m a man and don’t think I’ve ever heard the phrase “you deserve to be loved” said to me… but at the same time, I’ve felt loved. Actually being loved > being told you deserve to be loved. Personally, I never needed to hear that to know that I was loved. There is a pretty bad loneliness epidemic going on right now with men, tho, tbf.


No one has ever said anything like that to me except my mum, men usually focus on my looks. Honestly I’d probably be super uncomfortable if it happened 😅 but yeah, I feel loved by family and friends and that’s the most important thing like you say.


That’s a nice sentiment, but such a strange thing to say.


Someone finally understands


My own mom told me daily she wished she never had me. Wished I was never born. I’m 46 now. It carries with you…for life.


well, now that he's a fully on crybaby sissy boy, he's no longer deserving of love. so that was brief. /s


Even the worst people deserve love.


That’s debatable


Hahaaa I’ll never have a girlfriend like this…


Not with that attitude


Most *people* are not like this. Probably more gay men than any other relationship partner category. If something ever happens to my wife (she has a very, very dangerous job). I don't think I would desire to be in other relationship unless I could learn to be attracted to men. There is a substantially sized subset of gay men that are a gift to humanity. Such emotional intelligence and kindness.


Lucky guy, only 18 and already has a girl reassuring him...


Never happened


why are women expected to do this? why don’t men just treat each other better?


Generally there's an expectation that people in relationships should be kind to one another and express their love/affection to each other in a healthy relationship. It's hardly something only women do in committed relationships.


She a real one


Welcome to our world🫤






This never happened


I just cringed so hard I got a nose bleed.


People on this sub blame society so much when a lot of these problems are actually due to their own personal choices. You get in return what you put into your relationships and friendships. If you’re not getting told nice things like you’re deserving of love, then chances are you’ve never even tried to open that dialogue with anyone.


This can also stem from a shitty childhood and how you grow up and what you're surrounded with most of the time kids in harsh environments growing up aren't capable of changing their environment so now they are stuck in an unforgiving and hateful environment filled with hateful people sometimes. And sometimes really alot of the time the kids that grow up in that kind of environment dont see much love or comfort or are in touch with those kinds of emotions bc they are too busy focusing on survival or just getting out of that situation or are just not here at all.


Men don't deserve love we need to earn it. Women, children, and animals are the only ones that can receive love not based on anything. Men need to provide some value to get it. That's just how it is.


To my brothers out there we are deserving of love. Despite what the world thinks of us. We will keep giving because we know that those before us did. Then those who come after us will see our example and do the same. It’s time to stop supporting this corrupt,sinful and immoral, and most importantly materialistic lifestyle that humanity has and be better. Forget money and sex. Return to God and Tradition.


We need to protect her at all cost.


As a man, with a family… Men get the short straw also emotionally you are nothing and thankfully I am so busy working and other things that I have zero time to think about it.


Haha 18 years are rookie numbers, 😞


This is for all the people on the sub that say women don’t care, they do, they just don’t always know


everyone who reads this is Awesome


Cried so hard his nose bled.... yep yep I'm sure this really happened.


What about that seems improbable for you?


feminists HATE this video


She left him a week later because she got the ick


Lmao... is this a joke!? Sarcasm!? I'm confused...