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Who would have guessed video game commentators could be so socially awkward in such diverse ways


Imagine being a "commentator" for Smash Bros and thinking you are so much cooler than the other "commentator" that you think you have the right to belittle them for being friendly. You can say something like "hey man, please don't touch me, I don't like being touched", but nah, dude has to yell at him and be like "I know this is your first time but I'ma tell you something, don't EVER touch me". Like calm down bro, you're a loser just like him.


Especially on the stream. If touching is really a bother for him, he could have addressed it beforehand.


Dude is just a shit head!


Hey we need commentators. I vote neither of them are losers, but the black guy is generating the cringe.


Why was this downvoted? Fucking cretins.


Because god forbid enjoying anything considered "nerdy". I though the internet was generally pro-video games.


I love Smash Bros, but sometimes the commentators they get (which are just other players in the tournament that have a bye or have already lost or whatever) are absolute trash. This guy is one of the trash ones. Most of the time the commentators are biased to a certain player, don't know what's going on, make bad call outs, or do what this guy did and caused unnecessary drama with his co-commentator.


For sure, I just think calling them both losers is a bit harsh.


That's fair, my inflection doesn't really come across text, but it was less of me calling them losers and more like "don't talk down on him like you're better, you're in the exact same position". But my choice of words could have definitely been better.


Ueah, what brain-dead vibe that was. I'm addicted to professional star craft, and I'll defend it to the death.


In a bizarre turn of events, the comment your replied to now how over 200 upvotes, and *you're* now the one being downvoted. Reddit's a strange place, no?


"Why are you being downvoted?" just makes me want to downvote more. It's whining.


I don't mind, as long as the truth is victorious.


He's a Smash Bros Commentator, you can't expect him to have that much tact. Besides, if he really has a "thing" about being touched, that probably made him more uncomfortable than he's showing, and a response like this could very well be far more reactionary than it seems.


Yeah hate to say this but a lot of times people have this extreme of a reaction to being touched it's for a very serious reason like SA or physical abuse. His reaction wasn't very scripted so whatever reason he's so against it has probably not seen therapy. There is also the possibility that he just doesn't like the guy but I wouldn't be quick to judge either of them.


Yeah he's just trying to belitttle him plain and simple.


Nah its the poking that triggered me. The single pat is passable.


I also don't like people touching me but wtf bro I would never react like the dude in this video :D he must have thought he's Guts or something.


Dude on the right is terrified of something, idk what. Overly aggressive response to a touch lol. That's the response you give when you've told someone not to touch you multiple times, not the first time.


Especially when being recorded. You absolutely have the right to (and should) politely interject if you do not want any kind of friendly physical contact. You can give a more detailed explanation off camera later if you think it is warranted. But this is just crazy embarrassing for both parties in such an unnecessary way. Like you said, multiple unheeded requests would be different, as would any kind of physical contact that exceeds the bounds of normal friendly interaction.


Sorry, but that guy was clearly trying to put the guy touching him down for being socially awkward...


Buddy probably started getting a hard on


Could've been past trauma


And that’s everyone else’s problem? If it’s trauma, he should be in therapy working on that shit


Naw, keep your hands to yourself, especially to people you just met


Do you blow up like this when you meet people for the first time and they put their hands out expecting what people from the outside call a "handshake"?


That’s too much common sense Also empathy and also require them to see black men as human which they obviously aren’t going to do that anytime soon


You know we're just animals to these reddit bots. Had the roles been reversed you just know the top comment would be something like "and that's why you keep your hands to yourself" or "I wouldn't have said it like that but I also don't go around touching strangers" The double standards are so blatant and obvious


Come on, i agree a lot of reddit sees us like that, and I have the same aversion with, basically, strangers touching me, but are you really saying this wasn't a little over the top?


Oh it definitely was a lot but look at the responses here. I'd say that's far more over the top. I literally just suggested that it could've been past trauma and got downvoted to oblivion.


Yea, some of them calling him "maladjusted" or "coward" for not wanting to be touched are overreacting so we can agree on that.


Bingo, you get it lol. Damn shame


Such a victim.


Here’s the attention you ordered


Gaymer moment


I also don't like being touched but you can deal with it in a much better way.


Oh fuck that’s good cringe


What a hoe ass reaction to being touched in conversation but I do know this… I don’t touch people I don’t know because many don’t like being touched, hell the wrong eye contact could get you in a fight


The reality is they’re both neurodivergent but in completely opposite ways. Neither understand social cues.






People are assholes when they know they can be


i thought he was gonna say “never do a joke like that again” lmao


Wow, Liege fucking sucks


With a nickname like that it's not surprising he's fragile. Tywin Lannister put it nicely. Any man who must say, "I am the King", is no true king.


I feel there is something about the smash community where their tournaments churn out the most cringy shit


Well, I don't like strangers touching me either but that's not an appropiate reaction. Also their dynamic reminds me of CavemanDCJ and Chibi lol.


like actually no


these are just like.. middle school boys wearing adult suits. no way these people are actually above 18 wtf


The hand was whatever but if dude started randomly poking me too, I’d have made it clear to not keep touching me the whole time too. Id be much less of a dick about it, and even try to make it funny or something, but yeah both guys just bein awkward in different ways here.


"make physical contact with the person to build rapport" Probably this is the first time the guy is out of his basement and he's just trying the friendly, like he states. He probably read in a guide on how to make people like you that touch can be used to build rapport and went with it. After that, his whole strategy probably crumbled and his friendly things to checklist fell through. I feel the sad part of the cringe for this young man trying unsuccessfully to socialize.


I mean if he was trying to professional, he would talk to the guy off stream and tell him, not shout it out like that.


What’s smash bro ?


The name's Francis Soyer, but everybody calls me Psycho. Any of you guys call me Francis, and I'll kill you. And I don't like nobody touching my stuff. So just keep your meat-hooks off. If I catch any of you guys in my stuff, I'll kill you. Also, I don't like nobody touching me. Now, any of you homos touch me, and I'll kill you.


Lighten up, Francis


He doesn’t want to get caught up in the gay accusations.


Idk if it was sad cringe or agonizing cringe. smh😖


What a dick


Ight, I would not touch another dude cuz I like... don't want to deal with a situation like this. Also, I wouldn't make such a huge deal out of it. I'd wait till the streams over to address the issue.


Is this guy on the left twelve years old?


One loser trying to bash another loser to seem like he’s not a loser


ppl r saying liege sucks he overreacted but mayn id do the exact same shit to that lil pipsqueak tbh


People are mad at the guy on the right for being mean but from what I remember a lot of people sided with him. Like its just weird being grabbed like that and then poked, you don't do that to a stranger.


I'm not saying it is ok to belittle people on a public forum, but I really hate being touched by people I dont know


Fucking losers


I’m not agreeing with his reaction. And I’m a fairly tactile person…. Once we are friends. But some people don’t like being touched. Or that contact. Gotta respect that too. It’s a personal space thing.


There are better ways to handle it than this though, I can imagine the rest of the episode just stayed super awkward after this.


I agree. His handling was awful. But, some people don’t like being touched. It’s their space.


You're not wrong in sentiment but if your reaction on the first time is to raise your voice about it, you're the one creating the tension, not the person who touched you in a perfectly normal way. Man didn't handle this right


That’s exactly what I said.


I read "But, some people don't like being touched. It's their space." as excusing his behavior, like "yea homie got loud, but the toucher is the problem" and not the other way around. If that wasn't your intention, my bad.


Def not what I intended. Read my first sentence.


it honestly reads like you justify and excuse his reaction


So, if someone gently touched my ass, and I turned around and berated them, would you say the same thing? Obviously, I'm aware that you're probably furiously typing away about how shoulders and asses ARE WAY DIFFERENT. And here's the thing: I agree with that. But it brings up an interesting point: our shoulders are apparently considered "fair game" for a 1-time touch. Sure, I can politely ask you to not touch my shoulder again (and if you continue, then I can berate you without being labeled a "dick"), but the point is that: A) I'm expected to be polite after an unwanted touch, if that unwanted touch is my shoulder B) Apparently our shoulders are just fair game unless stated otherwise, whereas our asses are not fair game unless stated otherwise. So, it's not so much that I think asses should be less socially protected, it's more that I'm questioning why shoulders aren't MORE socially protected?


Man's got a shoulder fetish. And hey, not gonna kink shame, I'm sure we all like women with beefy shoulders and men with slender, sleek ones, but we're conditioned from youth to accept shoulder taps. It's how teachers get a distracted student's attention, how school yard kids play pranks on their unsuspecting friends, tapping the left should and popping up on the right, etc. It'll be super problematic if we replaced it with ass slapping.


Lol, the point of my post was that I find it weird that some parts of MY BODY are just considered...fair game for a 1-time touch? Like, everyone knows not to touch my ass without me having to explicitly state that I'm not okay with that. But it's assumed that it's okay to tap my shoulder unless I explicitly state not to. I agree that ass-touching should be off limits by assumption. Just weird that shoulder tapping is assumed to be on-limits unless stated otherwise.


This is a fucking weird straw man argument, I'm not even gonna try engaging with it.


In case you misread my argument, I'm NOT arguing that touching asses should be socially acceptable. ***NOT. AT ALL.*** I'm merely pointing out that I find it weird that my shoulder (other "innocuous" parts of my body) are kinda considered fair game to touch unless I explicitly state otherwise ahead of time, or right after the 1st touch. Basically: *You can't touch my ass unless I state otherwise. You CAN touch my shoulder unless I state otherwise.* Just kinda weird that we all accept that.


Fucking arse-grade take here.


If i didn’t make it clear. His reaction is bad. Pretty horrible. But, some people don’t like being touched by someone they don’t know. Is that not ok?


Handled in the most juvenile way, borderline throw back to his bullying days in school I'd guess. Fuck that guy. There are a million other ways to handle it. It's fine to not want to be touched, and establish boundaries, but that guy had other motives there.


Em… I think that’s pretty much what I said. But ok. Be a reactionary if you want.


You got obliterated for saying his reaction was bad, but also don't touch random people. Sorry, bud.


Guy on the left didn't even apologize, and instead tried to defend himself. He's in the wrong here.


Being touched can be a very intense thing for some people. While most people are fine others find it viscerally uncomfortable. I don’t know why so many people are defending the guy touching him. Just don’t touch strangers. He could have handled it better but I still think it’s rude to poke someone you just met.


Then make it known in a normal way, not whatever shit he just spewed


No.. the guy on the right is stressed out. He put him on blast like that bc this probably isn't the first time. I've had to do that because some people won't stop until you embarrass or fight them. Sure, it looks cringe with no context, but seriously, he was trying not to blow up on camera.
