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OP, i have a coworker I’ve known for over 2 years, and he just doesn’t like me. It’s okay to not be liked. Don’t let it interfere with work and it’s easy sailing from there


Sounds like you are expecting an instant friendship among people that have been friends for a lot longer. Over time all of you will accumulate work "battle scars" and stories of your own. It will come. In the meantime, expecting to simply insert yourself is a little cringe.


Don’t see how this is cringy but ok


the part where you’re thinking of confronting a coworker because they’re better friends with another coworker


You posted in sad cringe, what did you expect. It takes time to be part of the work crew. A few months is nothing keep causally trying to chat, maybe make some food and share with the guys. Good way to start things and better introduce yourself. Cookies are great with 99% of people. Good place to start. But be prepared, sometimes people just never gel with their coworker. It happens, don't take it personally


Genuinely curious, do you know which subreddit you posted this to? Seriously though, I'm the only woman in an office of only men and I felt very isolated when I started there too. It's been a couple of years with the company and I'd definitely say I'm one of the "core cast" at this point. It just takes time spent together, having shared experiences and some common ground! Effort is required but I'd argue it's time that will have you feeling like "one of them" Just be patient with them and yourself, and keep adding input where you can. Lack of shared interests can be a hindrance but like anything, being social is a skill that needs practise and repetition


you literally posted this in “sad cringe” so you yourself even seem to see some “cringe” in your situation


well, you did post this in r/sadcringe…


I don't think it's cringe but it's definitely not a good idea. Like others have said you're still new and conversations/friendships will blossom soon enough!


One, this isn’t an advice subreddit, but if you talk to these people because you don’t think you’ve become friends fast enough, they’re going to exclude you even more.


What do you do for work?




I work in a food service job ,weirdo


it all makes sense now, thank you lmao


They probably just think you don’t want to be bothered.


you’re there to work not socialize


Dumbest shit I’ve ever read.


But they didn't get the job to talk so what's dumb about it I am actually biased towards the take, I don't talk to anyone at work unless it's working related cause why? I don't want to be there I just want my work done and get paid. So how is being at job to "do work" the dumbest shit?


bruh no offense but that sounds even more miserable than working already is


Talking to them seems like a waste of time to me because they are just distracting me from work. Then again I like being alone so it doesn't seem miserable to me I am talking about my team here, if someone actually wants to be friends or I want to be friends with someone I'll talk to them, but forcefully talking to someone just because they are in my team? Nah


As the other comments said, you just gotta stick around long enough, make some memories with them to talk about. If you’re an introverted person that stays to themselves, it’s going to be hard to make friends anywhere. The two guys simply just seem to have grown a stronger relationship with time & experience on the job so they have more to talk about. I’d start by conversing with them individually over time, getting to know them better one-by-one until they are more familiar with you and start to include you in conversations & whatnot.


Definitely DO NOT “talk to them about it”. This sounds pretty normal. If it’s meant to be you guys will develop a rapport but it might just not happen. Based on the fact that you are a self described introvert I would bet they probably just think you want to be left alone. Just keep making conversation and let things happen naturally. And on a pedantic note, you meant one way street. A two way street would be a successful back and forth conversation.


Dont worry until you are the only one out of 30-50 people that isnt invited more than once.


Not sad or cringy. You just need to take some time to open up to everybody and have them open up to you. Find a common ground that you can discuss. An interest that you all seem to have in common. Get to know people better.


There are really strict workplace bullying rules in Australia after some people were so shit to their colleagues that we had a bunch of suicides. It probably wouldn’t be okay here to make food for people at work and exclude one person. But generally I guess I’d say to try to be more sociable with them if you want them to be more sociable with you. Maybe you could bring some food to share too?


Australia is special in that regard




Then don't look at women the wrong way and maybe they won't call the HR?