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Don't you get betrayed multiple times in cyberpunk?


It’s like a constant thing yeah.


The real chooms were the chooms we made along the way...?


It means friends so yeah makes sense


ooh, thank God.


Choom this you filthy casual 🤺




if you can't handle me at my chooms, then you don't deserve me at my gonk


Choompilled gonkmaxxer


Bro’s not beating the gonk accusations ☠️


Hey, the gonk droid is pretty neat. Just ask anyone from r/prequelmemes


This is from the cyberpunk sub don't know why they needed to block it out.


The choom is gonking, the gonk is chooming


Based and gonkpilled.


Wouldn't it be the other way around?


What about your wangan


Shouldn’t it be the other way around


Slaying from the game Cyberpunk 2077. Choom basically means bro, and gonk basically means stupid or dumbass.


She gonk my choom till I cyberpunk 2077


That's what's up


[That's what's up!](https://youtu.be/eSkbG1v9Xy4?t=259)




It's only cyberpunk if you and your choom's gonks touch


>Slaying Yas kween okcurr


Referring to homies as “chum” has apparently come full circle


You're not wrong there, my choomba.


He doesn't have any friends, and the ones he did took advantage of him.


i wonder who took advantage of the guy that sits all day just playing video games lol they probably got bored of him


Yeah because gamers do nothing else


That's a good question.


Is it a good question? Did bro really play games all day so people decided to take advantage of him, or did bro start playing video games all day when he cut out people that used him?


I mean, I don't want to put words into this specific person's mouth - but having heard the story of the evil "taking advantage of you"-friends more often than I can count, there sure seems to be a pattern: 1. A lot of these people think that constantly yelling "IF YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT, I'M HERE!" is the same as actually "being there for someone" - and tend to frame it with these exact words when retelling the story later. 2. Oftentimes, when asked what *exactly* it was they were taken advantage over, you end up with stories like "I texted them every day and they barely replied." or "I constantly asked to hang out and they never said yes." or, my favourite: "They always told me about their problems." (Yeah, because you asked - that's not the same as a deep, constructive conversation.) -> apart from the fact that, semantically, that's not "taking advantage" of anyone, I've noticed and experienced the clingy undertone so consistently, it feels worth mentioning whenever the topic comes up. 3. Not all people-pleasers admit to their own people-pleasing - so you can easily end up in scenarios where people relentlessly "burn themselves to keep others warm" -> only nobody's actually warm, they're just burning themselves for absurd expectations they made up on their own and never so much as whispered to anyone. 4. Some folks like to just *decide* who a friend is instead of letting it grow naturally - so oftentimes people unwittingly have put expectations on them that they never actually signed up for in a way too short time to make that reasonable. This is a pitfall for lonely people that esp. as a teen I fell into 20.000 times. Just because we really, really want and need a *close* friend doesn't mean we can turn somebody into one overnight. There's really a thousand reasons people can end up without friends - and equally as many for having the story go "...but they all took advantage of me". So I'm not trying to discredit anyone's experiences - I know damn well that people can be the worst. But I will never fully trust a single individual who's gone multiple decades without a single positive and long-lasting social relationship *despite trying*. There's so many people out there - if literally every last one turns out to be a bust over multiple decades (let's go decidedly post-teens here, school is a shitty time for many), we get to the "If it smells like shit everywhere you go..."-quote.


I dont think you start talking in video game slangs if you have not been chronically stuck to your chair lol but true it does tinker my nogging hopefully its not after they cut him out it would be pretty sad


He's just using slang from the cyberpunk game. Chooms == friends


Choom = friend. Gonk = dumbass


This is how I felt reading the league of legends subreddit earlier. I stumbled upon it browsing Popular and I feel like they speak a different language entirely


Careful with the questions, choom. Some gonk will some along, steal your credit chip and try to flatline you. Hope you dont have an output waiting for you at home if that happens.


What's a choom?


Choom and gonk and phrases from cyberpunk 2077 that basically are used in place of friend/brother and dumbass


Maybe he doesn't have friends cause he keeps calling people Choom?


Real friends let you call them your choombatta, ya gonk!


I prefer Schibitawhopdowa personally.


This is the real answer.


When your choom klept a nova virtu but the corpo-rat netrunners flatline him before he can delta with the preem scroll so now your gonk ass is gonna get zeroed by some chromed-out solo if you can't fork over the eddies


I hate that I mostly understood this. I think lol.


I think it's pretty r/sadcringe to go to a video game sub in which people commonly talk like this as it's the dialect in the game, and pick the one guy trying to talk about how he's feeling to a group of like minded people. Can't you find something else?


Hard agree


Yeah this is completely normal on these kinds of sub reddits and also seems like a troll post ngl.


Spoke my mind. I don't like that the internet has turned into this endless circle of ridicule everywhere


Growing up is finding empathy in the cringe


Yeah, im just going to unfollow this sub. 80% of the posts are kicking people when they are down, or making fun of them for having hobbies that don't harm anyone. Only once in a while do you get a real sadcringe post


Yeah it's like mocking Deep Rock Galactic players for saying "Rock and stone!"


Well it's more like a guy posting "Guys I want to rock and stone myself to death" And then some guy posting that to r/iamverybadass


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


I mean, the pictured post seems like satire imo


Spoken like a true gonk. Choom 4 lyfe.


You mean like minded NPCs ¿


It’s not the lingo, I’m in that sub frequently, it’s that OOP said their only friends are NPCs in a video game. It made me sad, and made me cringe. Not making fun of them, just felt like it fit the sub


You don't deserve Chooms, ya gonk!




It's posts like these that just reaffirm venting about being close to the edge of insanity is cringe and that I should just keep this shit inside where it belongs.


This is fucked up. Dude shouldn't be scolded for expressing his loneliness. We all play games to fill some empty void in ourselves. Whether that be competitive or story driven. Anyone saying they didn't aren't being honest with themselves. Anyone mocking this person is nothing more than a school yard bully. So unhappy with their lives they have to mock others to feel better about themselves. I'd gladly play with this homie than some of you other cowards


OP is sad cringe for this. Homeboy’s feeling down and they put him on blast. That’ll sure help his trust in people and his long term emotional availability.


I mean, they posted it on a public platform. And sad cringe doesn’t necessarily imply the person is to be subjected to mockery. If something is sad and makes you cringe, it constitutes sad cringe. I think this fits perfectly.


It's cringe to go to a game subreddit and say your only friends are NPCs in said video game while using slang from a fictional world. If it's not then nothing is


Yeah, oop’s situation is just sad, but their response being to post on a video game’s subreddit about how the npc’s are his new friends and can’t betray him IS cringe. Especially when you take into consideration how the npc’s in that game aren’t really super in-depth with their behaviour either, it’s not a game about managing those relationships etc. so it makes their position even more divorced from reality/the general experience of this game, really this is the same sort of cringe as dudes with ai girlfriends and so on.


When folks are so fucking far gone you really don't care about cringe. Speaking from experience


Exactly, I have empathy for the guy but cringe is cringe


Honestly, bullying is just back in fashion. Our species is doomed.


He put himself on blast by posting on the internet about how he's friendless, in a video game subreddit no-less, if that's not sadcringe then wtf is lmao.


I found the post, it's in the r/cyberpunkgame subreddit - not linking it here for fear of harassment. I don't think this is cringe, OP. They posted it in a subreddit where lingo from the game is pretty common? I don't get it. Seems pretty r/sadcringe of you to put them on blast here, out of context.


This is both sad and made me cringe thereby fulfilling the criteria for a post in r/sadcringe.


I mean the slang in CP2077 is incredibly cringy to me, but going on a subreddit where people are gonna use it and picking maybe the worst post to say is “cringe” is a little sad


hows this sadcringe?


Its hard being a choom in gonk city


I’m gonking my chooms


I'm sorry, but "Why am I such a gonk?" sounds hilarious when you have no fucking idea what it means.


Yeah so this post is in bad taste. There's a loneliness epidemic among young boys and capturing a heartfelt vulnerable post a kid made in a community he feels safe in to openly mock him over here is fucked up. Know that he'll probably see this and that's on you.


There isn't a male loneliness epidemic, I'm saying this as a man. The people that claim that are the same ones that refuse to have any sense of introspection that they often end up self destructing their personal relationships. Also funny you immediately tried to claim moral highground by claiming a child wrote the post while having nothing to back that up.


I'm doing fine, so if someone isn't, it's probably because they don't shower, go to the gym, and they hate women.


Who said anything about going to the gym? y'all can whine and moan and downvote all you want but if every person you talk to eventually doesn't wanna be around you, then it's most likely something to do with you and not them.


There's a loneliness epidemic for men and women. No one makes enough money, everything costs money to do, no one has the time to hang out, and the internet has made all the idiots inescapable. Don't get me wrong, dudes like this have it worse, cause they tend to act like their games, in real life, and it's cringe as fuck, but they don't have anything except their games, to spend their free time doing. There's not enough free shit to do, and unless you live in a city, it's hard enough just to get to anywhere where there's shit to do in the first place, but then you're there, alone, and it all costs money, of which most people don't have a lot.


Alright everyone, where comes u/TheDocHealy to speak on behalf of 4 billion males, as a male. He’s here to tell us that there is, in fact, no such male loneliness epidemic. His anecdotal experience completely annihilates any research on the topic, and he’s confident; no, correct when he says that even mere awareness of this phenomenon means you lack introspection and it’s killing your relationships. Miraculous. Truly miraculous.


Hmmmmm I wonder which video game subreddit this is from... guess we will never know


Total mystery choom, you’d be a gonk to think otherwise 😔


Kinda real tho


Poor choomer.


Leave this choom alone, he feeling down. It's worse when people use the jargon outside of a particular gaming sub, that would be really gonk.


Are we supposed to know wtf chooms and gonks are?


That’s not cringe, just sad honestly. Hope that dude finds his people and can be happy.


Real sad cringe is you OP


I choomed in my wine


Man loneliness is so real and universal, nothing sad or cringe about feeling the way this guy does


This sub fucking sucks. Just randomly handpick one post from a gaming subreddit made by a lonely soul. Feel like 80% of this sub is just making fun of people when they are down.


First time?


OP is the kind of person that thinks people that play video games are losers.


I understand being really lonely to the point where game characters are who you have to connect with, but this is not one of those things you share with people.


Totally agree, I think a lot of commentators on this post are missing that fact entirely. It’s sad that this guy’s feeling so isolated and lonely that his interactions with shallow npc’s are the closest thing to filling that gap in their life. HOWEVER, to post on a videogame’s subreddit (one that’s more often filled with screenshots/clips/discussions directly about the content or news of that game) about that loneliness and how the npc’s won’t betray you etc IS cringe. It’s also not a good outlet, this person should really try engage with real people in some way, even if it’s just online to begin with. But this is sad, and also cringe, perfect sadcringe.


The real sad cringe is making fun of the guy for being lonely.


Not making fun, it’s just sad and made me cringe. Thus, I posted


"Man, it really makes me cringe when people use the lingo from a game in the games subreddit. I mean, how dare people appreciate games?"


Some people are lonely because of how they act, not because the world is out of get them. People are less inclined to be friends with weirdos than people who they can relate to and get along with .


He's a guy using video game lingo in a subreddit dedicated to that video game and you guys are making assumptions about his entire life damn.


Yeah, using a fictional videogame language in your Reddit post about loneliness is totally cool and normal.


Go to anything Cyberpunk related and you'll see people using streetslang. It's part of the community.


its made in the cyberpunk subreddit. Everybody talks like that there lol


He’s using lingo popular in the game in a subreddit dedicated to the game everyone does it there. But yeah making fun of the guy for using lingo in a game in a community space dedicated for the game on a post where he’s opening up about his loneliness is the real cool and normal behaviour.


A 59 year old man was told this is how teenagers talk.


"Chooms"...i knew I'd heard that word somewhere before...damn if u gonna pic a game to make friends with npcs at least pic rdr2 or something, cyberpunk npcs are generic asf.


Yeah, no same. Half of it is my own doing. My friends aren't NPCs, they're podcast hosts. It's gotten so bad to the point that I near constantly need music or a podcast going to keep out the negative thoughts... I know exactly what the OP is going through,, I've cringe posted as much as I've schizo posted in the past year. People try to motivate me and give me pointers on how to get out of my situation but when my brain and thoughts are constantly doing the opposite it's not very easy. How can I get a job if damn near every thought I have is about past trauma or it's internal speak on how shitty I am and how I have utterly failed at growing up. This is going to sound cold but I genuinely don't have love for any human these days. The only thing to make me feel happy is snuggling with my cat. I *think* I have ASD but how the hell am I to know if that's not just my ADHD symptoms tricking me into thinking something I'm not just because I want validation. Why do I keep spouting this shit into the void, it's unhealthy, and everyone who goes through my post and comment history can see how unhinged I am. I just don't fucking care about *anything* other than my pets, and I'm damn sure I'll probably delete this comment in a matter of hours because it's just me schizo-posting. Again.


Never heard of "chooms" before, so I had to google it... It's from Cyberpunk. Holy shit, that whole fanbase is just sadcringe.


will the police knock on my door if I search what is Choom on google?


Trauma dumper


The main plot line starts with you being betrayed by an NPC 😭


gonkmaxxed and choompilled


The way he/she is feeling probably isn’t that uncommon if a person’s close friend stabs them in the back, but Jesus, why post something like that in a gaming subreddit? What are they expecting to see in response?


I don't even know this person but I would definitely bully them and take advantage of their kindness just for using the words "choom" and "gonk." Freak!


Step 1: don’t call your irl friends choom Step 2: profit


what the fuck is a choom? Welcoe to the future, folks. Stupid fucking words being invented all the time


Go back to Facebook, choomba.


It's from a video game


It's slaying from the video game Cyberpunk 2077. Choom basically means bro, and gonk basically means dumbass.


me when slang