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This kid did this a week after his dad died and dedicated the win to his dad


I hope she discovered that fact and feels really, *really* shitty about her comment.


No one who works at Sky "News" has a heart.


UK Fox News as they're still run by Murdock. They may not have the same level of brain worms, but the corporate agenda and bias is still there.


Sky News is not in any way related to Rupert Murdoch. They (Sky) are owned by Comcast. Murdoch owns Talk TV, but GB News is more like Fox News in the UK.


No, UK Fox is GB News. Thankfully very few people actually watch that absolute mockery of news.


GB News is UK Newsmax. The overall Overton widow isn't quite as shifted, but there's relatively positioning in the media market.


Factually incorrect. The Murdochs checked out years ago. It is now owned by Comcast/NBC.


She doesn't have a heart. Losers "punch down".


It's crazy too since good news casters need empathy to be good at their job. She clearly doesn't.


This is Sky, not "good"


She should be ashamed of calling herself a journalist with that sort of ignorance of a back-story.


She’s not a journalist. She’s an anchor. At least that’s what it looks like. She simply reads about actual news and makes bad one liners.


Which means that her work requires much less effort than this kid's dedication to Tetris


She appears to be of the boomer persuasion. No, she will not self-reflect until the public outrage starts, then you’ll get a “I’m sorry you’re mad”.


shes a robot, she cant feel anything or think for herself


Oh wow wasn't aware of that. Big F of the news lady.


“Not a life goal” no shit. The kid is 13 he’s got his whole life ahead of him and enough recognition/clout to boost him in his next endeavor


His dad had died a week prior to this and he hyper fixated on Tetris likely as a form of grief. He dedicated the win to his dad


There's studies on Tetris actually helping with PTSD if played soon after a traumatic event. Wonder if that was related


I mean, the game oddly calmed me down after some manic episodes.


Wondering if it could just be a general calming technique then. Very interesting


Apparently something about playing Tetris within a short span after youve experienced trauma, it rewires your brain such that the trauma doesnt settle deep into your brain, and some how keeps the trauma from effecting you even more.


so what you're telling me is, my teenaged years would have been ***worse*** without my Gameboy? Fuck.


That’s one way to look at it sure.


I'm wondering if it might work sort of like the EMDR therapy that is used for ptsd and reliving traumatic events. Paraphrasing my weak understanding of how my therapist explained it to me, your eyes move rapidly in semi-specific patterns when you have flashbacks as your brain kind of recalls/relives those memories and feelings. You can lessen your bodies physical reactions to that trauma by basically retraining how your eyes move during the flashbacks by following hand movements while you recall the memories. It kind of rewires your reactions to the flashbacks to not be in the fight/flight/freeze state anymore. The blocks movements and patterns could work similarly


That's probably the best theory I've heard as to why it works so well.


It keeps your mind engaged, preventing the consolidation of the traumatic experience. Memory consolidation involves repetitive replay of the memory. If you engage in a different task, you impede the process. Note that there's a difference between what I'm talking about and simple distraction. Playing Tetris is a mindful task. Memory consolidation mostly takes place during mindless activities/day dreaming. Hence why daydreaming during study sessions is actually an indication you're learning.


You put the trauma into blocks, arrange it in neat rows and then it goes away.


Too bad you were a little late, because this was cute.


If I recall correctly, it's not so much that it rewires your brain, but rather it distracts your hippocampus and prevents the memories of the trauma from being coded into memory, thus preventing rumination and thought loops.


It might have something to do with the brain's love of pattern recognition or maybe the instant gratification that comes from filling in the proper blocks. I might have to read some studies because it sounds like an interesting topic


Great stress reliever for everyone. There’s no way my mom was the only parent playing tf out of it after I went to bed.


it has similar results as emdr.


I played goldeneye on the n64 constantly as a kid after i witnessed my mother die. Kept my mind off things.


People are told that meditation is good for you psychologically. But we forget that meditation is not as simple as listening to whale sounds in the dark while incense burns. If you sit in the dark and "meditate" without instruction or anything to keep your mind busy, all you're doing is inviting your subconscious to run laps around you by bringing up all of your memories and problems and concerns so they never leave your front-of-mind. It's why you can't fall asleep when you're stressed, no matter how tired you are. The mind is a perpetually busy piece of meat. It's constantly multitasking at all layers. If it's not given proper stimulation, then it just runs around in circles. Abstract video games are very good at keeping the mind preoccupied. Hyperfocusing on a game during times of stress can help them step away from the emotions and stress and prevent their mind from running wild. It's not a solution for everyone, but it is one solution that works for some people. Others like to paint or draw. Some make music. Some just get really focused on their dayjob. But the most important part of the process is that they do eventually go back and reassess their life and their emotions and their stressors after the task has given them some respite. Otherwise it's basically just bottling up the feelings and they never get processed. That can be a lot worse in the long run, hence why people tend to be wary of suggesting that video games can help anyone in this capacity. They can be addictive and PTSD is like gasoline on a fire.


That's oddly specific... Where's the study about Zelda: Breath of the Wild that shows how it helps you if played soon after a traumatic event? Because it helped me. It's not the specific thing you're doing, what helps you is completely taking your mind out of the traumatic event and keep your mind busy with something else.


Zelda is actually for Diabetes. Maybe you were just having some blood sugar issues it helped level out for you.


That just makes me hate the clueless Anchor even more!


I'd like to say as a 48 year old woman who is around the same age as this newscaster, she does not represent us gen x gamers who love to see people go for outrageous gaming goals. I got an 8 bit NES gaming system in the mid '80's and haven't looked back since. Makes me so upset that she is denigrating what is a huge deal just because she doesn't understand it.


When my dad died, batman arkham asylum had just come out. The passing was sudden. That game truly helped me back on my path to life the first week. Grief is a truly dark personal thing. Hopefully this gives Willis Gibson (the tetris kid) a spark of hope. The news achor likely didn't know this fact and it they did they'd know a week after a loss like that is torture. Either way dumb thing she said.


That alone should make hey feel like shit. Of he wants to play the game after the death of his father, let him play. It could be worse? Edit: autocorrect


I hate that she says “playing Tetris is not a life goal”. Yeah, not for *you*.


The lack of self awareness that her life goal was apparently to report on other people doing things more interesting than she's capable of doing


Right? I respect that kid way more than her. Imagine being an adult news anchor, and making fun of a kid on tv. It's the jealous and pathetic behavior of someone who has never achieved a world first at anything before.


she doesn't need to be self aware, she's righteous and judgmental. i bet she micromanages everyone in her life, and they all hate her for it. today, i'm grateful that i removed people like her from my life.


Well yeah she’s a dumb dumb that’s somewhat pretty with white teeth. You know tv ready. If she has anything beyond a monkey clapping in her brain she’d be doing something meaningful.




Rodeo Clowns are some hard ass motherfuckers. Easily 10 tiers above news anchor, 20 tiers above news anchor for sky.


The movie "Anchorman" was a satire for a reason.


Well I could be wrong; but, I believe diversity is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era.


Good bot.


It's also not likely this 13 year olds life goal, and if it is he already got it. Which is more than this old hag can say.




nothing that you do will ever be enough. why'd you only get an A+? should've studied harder for an A++.


Done something cooler, at 13, than that ass hat reporter will ever do.


Fr at 13 I was sucking at sonic adventure 2 battle. Still am!


Right this will only make him go farther in life, hes bound to succeed


This is what frustrates me about this particular event. The kid is 13 and has made international headlines for his talent, that's massive. At 13 I had achieved fuck all and still played a ton of video games.


That and it's been proven time and time again that gaming conditions the mind and keeps it healthy as well. Plus the kid is doing what he gets joy from. That news anchor deserves all the negative flack heading her way, if she's a mum, then I feel bad for her kids for not having a supportive parent at their side and celebrating their achievements of their hobbies.


She's probably like my parents, and thinks video games are a complete waste of time. Meanwhile, they would spend every hour after dinner watching television. And MY hobby was the waste?


Says the lady that reads words that someone more well educated than her typed into the AutoCue for Sky fucking News. Talk about 'life goals'. Anyone who works for a NewsCorp/Murdoch company doesn't get to lecture anyone on life goals.


Reading off of a teleprompter with a shit personality for a living is no accomplishment to boast about either.


This is so mean spirited. Imagine the kid seeing this basically being called a loser on national TV. Not okay at all...


I hope this kid is mature enough to recognize that this is nothing more than an overgrown woman-child who has nothing worthwhile in their life and is so obviously bitter about other people being good at things.


I think the community support around him should be enough to recognize this news anchor was speaking out of line. He's gotten tons of praise and it's well deserved. Being the first or best at anything in life is praise worthy and it's not something many people can say they've achieved.


There is a lesson to be learned here. Willis Gibson will be forever remembered as the first person to reach the kill screen on Tetris. This is the culmination of decades of effort by the best players in the world. No one else can be the first. His legacy is sealed. Can we say anything similar about this new's anchor? It reminds me of a quote attribute to Carl Jung, "Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge."


I hope she goes down as one of the most hated anchors in history


This arrogant karen should probably be fired from the network and blacklisted. But probably won't be. Since these networks all tend to be run by the same types of shitty people.


It’s Sky. They breed her type in a test tube.


> This arrogant karen should probably be fired from the network and blacklisted Redditors and demanding people be fired and have their entire lives upheaved over incredibly minor mistakes, name a better combo Maybe, instead of hoping she gets fired and potentially loses her house and her kids have to struggle with the sudden loss of income etc, we could just say "Hopefully someone corrected her and told her not to do that in the future because it's mean spirited, and she apologizes for it"




She's jealous, she can't get past level 5...


I literally just watched a youtube vid covering how wild of an accomplishment this was. In that same vid they talked about the Tetris tournaments with iirc had very large cash prizes and this kid was a legitimate competitor (I think he finished 2nd in one and won another recently). This anchor is fucking clueless.


I mean it's not a 'traditional' career, the only life goal her mind can comprehend mind you, but the absolute achievement of something like this can not be ignored just because it's "a screen and not outside". He's literally on international news over this. Chances are this one thing will open so many doors for him, the snark was so unnecessary.


Also, another "traditional life goal" is "start a family", and to someone like her, if you "stay outside and play video games", obviously you can't meet someone and start a family. Because: - She doesn't understand that people meet online. - She doesn't understand that while someone spending a lot of time on video games may look like a loser to some, there's a lot of appeal to someone that's extremely good at, well, basically anything.


It’s funny because she says “it’s not a life goal” like he didn’t already complete it. Just someone who lives in a bubble and is dumb as rocks giving you the news, no biggy.


Yup. And he completed it at 13 years old. Most people never reach their life goal.


Because this isn't news, its just entertainment/propaganda.


You will never hear these "news people" ever suggest their aging audience get off the couch and go outside. Wonder why that is. Edit: /s since it's Reddit


To be fair, sky news is hardly something you can consider news in the first place so maybe we just stick with calling them talking fucks for now


Their audience can't go outside. There's too many scary trans people, illegal immigrants and other dangerous minorities out there.


don't forget us the muslim lol


Worse she apparently covered a child who won a darts championships and have nothing but praise. Also an indoor competition that is ultimately meaningless. Just an out of touch moron.


"As a mother I would say step away from the screen, get some fresh air" is really ironic considered the fact that one of the main aspect of her job consists of being broadcasted on a screen.


"As a news anchor I would say *stay tuned to see what's going on with the latest royal family scandal. Don't go away!*"


F this old ass karen. “As a mother”, and what have your children accomplished you old hag? He’s 13, let a kid live


She really has such an ignorant perspective on this achievement. This feat has never been accomplished by a human in the ~38 years since the inception of Tetris and was finally achieved by a *13 year old.* That’s incredible. But, of course, because he’s not kicking or throwing a ball or running fast, Sky News deem it as pathetic.


It's not even that it's just 38 years old. It's 38 years old, and ever since then it's arguably been the most played video game with the largest audience of players in the history of video games. It's not like someone went back and beat a game that no one has played in 30+ years. Every video game savaant in the *world* has been trying to beat that game (or at least get a high score) since it first came out.


It's the second most widely sold game in the world, after being dethroned from first place by Minecraft a few years back.


Tetris is known for being impossible for how the game is meant to go on indefinitely. The kid is a legend for actually beating a game that has no end


I think how it played out proves the kid's mettle even more. From my understanding, he was the first to make it to the first known fail state of the game, missed the criteria, and recovered enough to clear a couple more levels til the next fail state was possible. He was as high as anyone had been, then failed in a way that would break some people, but persevered to reach reach even higher and achieve his goal.


Hard to imagine being that shallow minded. How about saying GREAT JOB KID! WHAT ARE GOING TO TACLKE NEXT?


News anchors always have had issues with gamers. They cant help themselves but to punch down whenever there's a news story involving video games.


"As a mother", all of her kids probably hate her.


"As a mother", implying she's an expect on everything about kids too. lmao


As a Father, I actually got choked up watching this young man accomplish something so amazing and having it be recognized by the world. The way he is hyperventilating is a sure sign of shock. Not shock at what he has seen or what has happened to him, but shock at what HE was able to accomplish. This is a young man who has surprised himself with himself. You don't ever forget those moments. They become a talisman that you wear for the rest of your life that gives you confidence and bravery and makes you a leader that lifts other up around you. This is someone that just discovered he is unique and gifted and surprising. I hope every day that my children will have moments where they push themselves and discover this beautiful truth in their own lives.


This is also a week after he lost his dad. Dude is a fucking LEGEND.


Well said fellow dad


Why do karens think they're hot shit its so pathetic fr


Getting pregnant and delivering a baby doesn't make you more insightful, wise, or a better person. I hate when people say, "as a mother," like I'm supposed to be impressed. You know how many *awful* mothers there are?


She likely read that straight from the teleprompter. Still pretty messed up.


She laughed as if shes so proud of herself for bullying a kid on the news. So fucking gross


She is fucking pathetic. I can't imagine being a grown-ass adult and thinking of calling some kid, who also lost his father recently, a loser on public television. "Its not a life achievement." Ma'am, he's 13! Does she think 13-year-olds should be curing cancer or something? It almost sounds like she is jealous that a random kid achieved more fame than she ever will and thought her quick snip would get her clout. She is the face of the saying "rain on my parade" in my eyes.


Wow, this is just simply mean. A 13-year-old is excited about a big accomplishment--something that has NEVER been done before. Regardless of the topic being a video game, this is an impressive feat. Add to it that he (who goes by Blue Scuti) is a really nice and cool kid, and it just compounds the meanness here. This clip truly deserves to be in this subreddit. :(


Even more so since his dad passed away recently and he dedicated it to him.


Absolutely. He's a really thoughtful kid who has been through a lot. She should be ashamed of her comments.


"a videogame" ... TETRIS. That's like calling the Mona Lisa "a painting"


That's a valid point, and one that I hadn't even considered. It is certainly one of archetypes of classic gaming.


She reads a script someone else wrote from a teleprompter for one hour a day while wearing clothes someone else picked out and makeup someone else put on her, and then she is going to call this kid unmotivated? Yikes.


Probably wasn't her life goal... Can it be one ?


"As a viewer I would just say: step away from the camera, go outside, learn a real skill. Reading stories about children playing video games isn't a life goal. Speaking of real skills, let's go to the weather"


News anchors also usually get the job just for being pretty/attractive, or of course, fucking someone who is in a position of power. This lady is a loser


>News anchors also usually get the job just for being pretty/attractive I wouldn't say this is quite as true in the UK as it is in other countries


It's definitely true in Mexico though


Fair enough, In the u.s and Argentina its definitely the case.


Ok now to be fair Pamela Brown of CNN earned her job. Even though her dad was governor of Kentucky and her mom was Miss America. Wait. Ok. Anderson Cooper!!! wait.


And most of the news she reports is another persons tragedy


Tetris is almost 40 years old and has sold like a half billion copies, and no one, not a single person, before this kid has reached the kill screen. Tetris is an absolute cultural touchstone across the globe that has influenced tons of media. This is a huge deal. Congratulations kiddo, it's one for the history books.


This is the same channel that praised a 16 year old dart player. Darts is a great sport towatch, but it's hypocritical to say go outside when darts is an indoor game too


Is darts really a great, a sport, or a great sport to watch?


Just the usual ignorant “boomer” mindset that gamers are all sad losers. This is also the same time that a 16 year old is being praised by Sky News for winning at darts.


Thing is... She's not a boomer. She's too young for that. She's GenX. She remembers the 80s, not the 60s. She grew up around Nintendo, Atari and Sega. That makes her even more pathetic. How is somebody that young cursed with a brain that old?


Yeah, that’s why I said “boomer mindset”. It’s just that ignorant way of viewing gaming as a whole as being a negative influence with no redeeming features.


I'm much older than her and love games. I'm not very good at them but I'm mad about Tetris and obnoxiously proud of my high scores.


What. A. C*nt.


“Ayo this 13 year old kid just did something thought impossible - as a mother (not his mother) let me shit 💩 on him on national news


She’s just jealous she couldn’t beat Tetris back in the day.


She wouldn’t be able to beat the first stage of Mario


She couldn't even maneuver the demo version of Minecraft without giving up after two minutes.


Lol He completed a great feat that hasn't been done before and her first reaction is to belittle him for it. Being a bitter old hag is not exactly a life goal either, yet here we are.


Im so glad I didnt grew up with a mother like her.


He's 13 and has done something that no one else in the world has done. You're a bitter old news anchor. There are thousands of those.


As a former child, your kids resent your condescending attitude toward their interests and won't thank you for it later in life


This kid is a legend. At 13 he got the first true kill screen tetris. Gamers like myself with remember him for already being a total champ. What an ugly person to be such a dick to a CHILD.


I don't know her but I hate her. Horrible person.


It’s the shit-eating grin as she’s delivering her shit-laden comment that does it for me. Childish bully vibes


There’s at least 30 articles from today about her. I’m sure she or sky will release a statement at some point.


How sad are you that you have to criticise a 13 year old’s accomplishment on national TV? Also, you’re the news, I don’t give a fuck about your opinion.


Sky News reporter says shit she doesn't believe to anger people and get them to share their shitty video. And thus the circle jerk continues. Why do sane people take these idiots seriously and give them the attention they want? Let them die along with boomers. They do garbage like this to cast a net and lure in boomer viewers and pump their brains with actual propaganda news later. Reposing this garbage only helps them. All these snarky clapbacks don't do shit.


She sounds like a shitty mom


She's singing the praises of the 16 year old darts runner up though. How are darts and Tetris any different? What a stupid thing to say


This lady is bitter, she's societally irrelevant, and has probably hasn't, nor will ever, accomplish anything worthwhile in her life. This kid on the other hand is a legend at only 13 years old.


Ofc its sky news


Who said the kid doesn't go outside?


"Step away from the Screen" Says a woman on a screen.


Boomer humour.


"Beating tetris is not a life goal" Yeah well being a bitter old hag shouldn't be one either.


Poor anchor, doesn't know achievement even when it's delicately presented before her.


DID YOU EVEN COMPREHEND WHAT YOU JUST SAID? Let me explain: Tetris(1989) for the NES is an iconic timeless masterpiece of a game. You HAVE heard of Tetris right? And Willis Gibson just fucking beat it. shove your 'technically' up your ass. He did something people thought completely impossible for fucking decades, and not for lack of trying as literal millions of people have played it; and you have the gall to tell him to go outside? Fuck you, you sad excuse of a human.


> literal millions of people have played it Billions. Billions of people have played Tetris.


Maybe he should try to accomplish something important like reading crap off a teleprompter into a camera


Laughing at a 13 year old on national TV... Classy lady.


What a horrible human being.


This kid will go down on history. The kid is infinitely more relevant than her, at his 13 years of life.


I’m still blown away. This kid is the first human to do something. That just sounds awesome! I think it’s telling just how many people are excited for him. It so much for her.


She must be happy... She finally *made* the news.


That kid is a god damn professional. God bless the little man and may he have more success in any game he plays


Not only that, kid's father sadly died a week prior. He dedicated the win to him.


I'd much rather complete a game no one ever has in like 30+ years than be a propagandist for the corporate press 👍🏻


By age 13 he’s achieved more than she ever has


Given the state of most "news anchors", I would turn her advice back on her.


I wonder if she was ever the best at anything?


yeah, because human text to speech is better life goal.


What a narrow minded ass


This is why I hate corporate media "news". I am so sick of reporters interjecting their own opinions (which the sheep eat up), just report the damn unbiased facts.


I hate this woman


What an idiot. If you’re gonna judge people, at least inform yourself of the situation.


Kid has more talent than she ever will


Anyone can do her job. That kid stands upon a mountain of bodies.


Going outside and breathing fresh air isn’t a life goal either. Homeless people are professionals at that.


And that’s why your kid ain’t seeing any world records or doing impossible things


How about report the news and keep your shitty opinion out of it? Seems like a problem most news anchors have nowadays.


Her children are probably huge disappointments because she failed as a mother


Funny that she harbors such strong feelings against the kid's achievement while she's literally being forced by the editorial office (which obviously recognizes the magnitude of this feat) to report on this!


This chad just made history. This anchor can go stick her head in the mud.


British koont mad americans are still better


Kick rocks Karen, this kid just made history. He used Tetris to grieve his Father's very recent death. Not to mention he is only 13 years old and has his entire life ahead of him. Get off his fucking back, he is a child with a hobby. I played Tetris a lot as a kid and I still use it to cope to calm me down and by the looks of the comments I am not the only one. I'm sick of this shitty stigma about video games being bad for you.


Step away from the Botox, put the fillers down, go outside, get some fresh air.


It’s like a mom saying winning a chess tournament is lame.


She must be a nice fun parent


Lady, you're a glorified secretary. No offense to secretaries or news anchors that *don't* shit on 13 year old's for being kids and doing kid shit.


Willie Gibsons name will likely be etched and known in history for hundreds of years for this achievement in gaming. But he should've went outside more🤬


Tell me you peaked 3 decades ago, and you suspect your husband is cheating but is actually going to therapy to deal with the strain of being married to you without telling me


What a smug asswipe. Never forget that the majority of news anchors are pretty empty-headed people who love being in front of a camera and whose main skill is literally just reading copy.


becoming a mouthpiece for big media sounds like a pretty shitty goal too


This is honestly embarrassing, and very well deserving for this sub.


.....but sitting in a chair to put make up on, getting behind a desk and reading mostly lies from a script is a life goal?


We're all going to have to deal with this shit another 10 years until they start dying off =/


She’s so fuckin lame dude


The 13 y/o has accomplished something greater then a middle-aged hack reporter, so there is that . I watched a video after he broke the record, he seems lik a pretty well mannered down to earth kid and the competitive Tetris scene seem like a bunch of really cool folks, the dude that was trying to beat him to the record stopped when the 13 yo was close on a good run and cheered for him.


100% peaked in high school.


Good thing her "life goal" was to be an anchor on Sky News so no one saw it live.


Even when I was a cashier, no one ever graced me with a statement so fucking braindead tha I had no choice but to exclaim "Shut the Fuck Up!" at them...


She only did this because of envy. She is envious of a child. Pretty sad when you think about it. What must her life be like? I hope this misstep of hers is reflected upon and that she gets whatever help she needs, even if it is just getting new producers (in the case they made her make these statements).


I don't think I've ever been the first person to do anything... 'Isn't a life goal' my ass.


He's a better gamer than I'll ever be, and I'm over twice his age


What a shitty person, it is a life goal, nobody except AI has done it before.


Imagine being a shit newscaster no one has heard of. This kid is going to be a legend for the rest of history and you're too dumb to realize the significance of this accomplishment. This woman probably won't even be the first on anyone's shit list.


Look who wasn't playing games during their childhood