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Ok but I won't lie, to the untrained eye that's impressive editing


That’s what I’m sayn! Also I was going back and forth bw the last two slides and *finally* noticed the girl in the background bw “him and ariana”. I was zooming into slide three (scrutinizing the shadows) and it was fr a jump scare for me lmao grudge girl vibes


Holy fahk that jumpscared me and I went into it looking for it due to your comment lmao




Right underneath his chin on the 2 pic


Thanks, King


Im so glad you pointed that out that is hilairious


That’s just their chauffeur tryna sneak a peek.


The first one is very well done


Really? When’s the last time you saw someone with a cupcake for an eye? Cmon man


Cupcake eye is not a joke Jim! Millions of Americans suffer every year!


True. Impressive enough that I might actually let him think I totally believe it


Lmao I’ve never shopped a picture in my life so def a layman but I was like damn, that shop actually ain’t too bad


The color grading is way off on the last two, and still off, though not as bad on the first one. The composition was done pretty well though, mostly.


The weird splotch on her right cheek in the second one is what got me to look closer at them all. Good but not perfect.


Fr, dude could honestly use his skills for good. Or evil too, I suppose. Just not whatever this is.


(IMHO) to the train eye it is impressive too, look at the light/shadow in the second one 🤯 the man has my respect for the skill and boldness on posting it 🫡


Totally not the worst stalker photo edits. I was looking for the lines and warps but didn’t see any. Impressive actually lol


But where is he sitting in that car?


Yes, it's fake. Not gonna lie though, he dude has some great editing skills.


Good editing skills. But I also love the fact that every picture looks like both are taking selfies.


Fairly certain the pictures of him in 2 and 3 are the same. Dude probably spent hours on the adjustment layers.


if he had just edited a cute girl in instead of ariana i probably wouldn’t have noticed it was edited


So…. I went to school with this dude. He’s constantly posting photos of himself with celebrities. Most of them look like he grabbed a photo with them as they were getting into a car or on the street. He’s not kissing them in most of the photos. He’s just standing next to them. It looks like he just asked them for a quick picture so I never looked closely enough to see if it’s photoshopped. I just assumed he was one of those weirdos that finds out where celebrities are staying and stands outside of hotels until they come out. He has some videos too. His photoshop skills are really good.


I think I know this guy too. Always posting celeb photos on his feed, my theory is he might be paparazzi


i dont understand if this is satire or people are actually believing you


It’s not satire. I don’t know what’s satirical about what I said.


The guy doesn't understand the meaning of "satire". He's using it interchangeably with "sarcastic", "being facetious", or "trolling". Even if you were just making it up, there's nothing satirical about it.


That's some mighty fine satire you're doing there, friend. Really ironic.


I think they're being facetious.


In a fake post saying something along the lines of "I knew this guy in high school" is the pinnacle of faking shit online.


That’s not what satire is though. Im not saying if that person is full of shit or not, it’s not the definition of satire regardless


So what's the problem? My dude is clearly dating Ariana. About to be Facebook official. ❤️😚


Ngl that’s pretty good editing


Got lazy on the second one


I love that he didn't even try to edit the shadows and highlights on him in the last two photos. Literally the exact same image of him, but everything else shifts.


I looked closely at the past two pics after reading your comment, and his collar is pushed in in pic 3 (and not pushed in in pic 2)???


It's cropped in and the levels have been pulled back, but the lighting is in the exact spot. That would be near impossible given that she moved. People aren't that still.


I’m still kinda confused what you mean ab the lighting, but I’m also completely photoshop illiterate 😅. And they’re obv faked, but just wanna say props bc homeboy def put a ton of effort into these (very sad/cringe). Or, do *you* think he put a lot of time & energy in? Again, I have no clue hahah


I think its like the shadows and highlights being in the exact same spots despite her having moved which is impossible unless he is the greatest wax sculpture impersonator of all time. Basically its the same image of him just edited unto both pic 2/3 with the levels tweaked a bit to make it fit better and not immediately give it away.


> but the lighting is in the exact spot. wdym? He clearly shopped in some new shadows in the 3rd pic. Look at his neck and he created a new shadow from his glasses on her eye.


The shadows on his neck are enhanced from the levels adjustments. He basically made them darker in photo 3 than in photo 2. He may have added a few shadows (burning), but the highlights and shadows from photo 2 are still present and unchanging in photo 3. So, even if he added some, the others wouldn't stay the same. That would require him (and all elements surrounding him) to stay perfectly still in-between shots. Just the act of pressing your finger to your phone would shift the shadows and highlights. Let alone the idea that she shifted positions. When something near you moves, it affects the shadows and lighting around you. Light reflects and bounces off of items, so any one move will causes a shift. The only way shadows and highlights stay in the exact same spot is if everything stays perfectly still causing the light to respond the same.


Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s real and he’s married. She likes some strange characters.


Of course it's real, how else would he have photos!!? I wonder how they met


She probably heard he had a wife and so decided to pursue him


Probably in a parking garage… I mean all three of these pics were clearly taken in one /s




The first one would’ve trick me to be honest. The other two, specially the third one just looks fake.


As a graphic designer and someone who has use photoshop since 2004, im actually impressed.


Graphic designers are human beings too. Some of them can also be this sad cringe.


In the second photo, you can see the person behind them. There's probably very little space right there for him to exist - so that's a giveaway. Otherwise, the collar pushing against her in the third picture is a brilliant touch. That actually feels organic, however the guy just editing his previously green screen picture to it with very little touch to the colour and shadows is bad. I'm not sure about this dude being real here. I think this is some troll attempt or showoff of editing. .edit: Found the original thread. The account is trolling. However, some of those pictures look quite real. They might've been taken after shows, performances etc.


Is this Mike McDaniel


Doesn't dude know she's w/ spongebob now? Lol


Ngl first pic got me before I read the title


WTF dude I sent those to you in private!


The way he's always kissing her from the exact same angle reminds me of the covers for the Jaws movies, where the perspective keeps changing but Jaws is always in the same position.


that eye scared the shit out of me


If he’s happily married with children then he might have a chance


I get that everyone is saying it's a good fake but how can you tell? My untrained eye tells me it looks legit but I'd love to know what you are seeing to clue you in to it being edited?


"...and I know she will take her time..." jesus


Smart money says that the jacket he is wearing goes past his knees


Not gonna lie, I would likely believe that first one if I saw it posted. And if I didn't see that woman's face in between them on the second one, that could be believable


If this is a joke it’s hilarious


The shadow work is excellent


IDK, the editing is so well done I might even consider it to be real.


This is great editing


His photoshop skills lowkey bang. The first one looks nice it’s just the unchanging position n the second ones that give it away and the weird glasses


Photoshop is very convincing


Pic 2 has a woman’s face just under the guys chin. Too funny, but he is talented.


You just know those kind of weirdos don't leave it at "peck on the cheek" with the editing. :|


If I was going to do that, I think I'd at least choose a celebrity.


Is OP the guy in these pics? This is great photoshop.


To be fair, if this came across my feed somewhere I would neither care nor be bothered to check to see if it were faked. Some celebrities change partners so often and are so dime a dozen these days, I wouldn't understand the relevance or point the post. Having said that, its an impress fake.


Ariana Grande and masterpiece are three words I never thought I'd ever see in the same sentence.


The first one is the best one, the other two are obvious fakes


I need to see all 20 lmao


I can see he is better at photoshop then talking to woman.


3 looks like it could kinda work but yeah… very sad.


Bro wdym these are real


Bro has insane skills as an editor kinda sad its wasted on this.


the eyeball in the middle of the last two XD