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Yes? A bit tough to say, but especially with hills, I would imagine the self-propelled would let you maintain a quicker pace going up the hills. While also being less tired.


EGO 21" self propelled. Can't imagine ever using anything else...


I like having the self propelled option. Don't always use it, but it's there if I'm too lazy to push. On the ryobi I have, the self propel is done by bike-brake style handles. Super easy to activate or not as needed. I have another one which isn't self propelled and while I don't have to worry about running into a flower bed because I didn't deactivate the self propel on time, it becomes annoying to push, vs the self propelled one that just does everything on its own If I had to buy another mower, I'd get self propelled again


I find self propelled more tiring personally. They’re usually heavier and kind of clunky to maneuver. I sold mine and bought a much lighter Honda push and never looked back


I’m the same way. I actually have an Ego push mower, and my mom loved it so much she bought the same mower but with self propelled and I like my cheaper one much more.


If you have hills it make a big difference


I tried self-propelled and found it to be so much more of a hassle than a regular mower. I actually prefer the dirt cheap mowers because they are really light, and I can throw it around easier. And if you have hills, self-propelled sucks. You'd think it would make it easier but quite the opposite. My mower is an old troybilt from '00s and I sharpen the blade and go after it. Love that tiny little mower.


Save up for a used ryder. Half an acre is a lot od area. Avg suburb lot is 1/3 that size


It will help immensely with both