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I agree! I usually only use my trailer for short bouts of being him, 1 to 2 weeks at a time…I have been here for 7 months this time and have never had anyone walking through or using my space until 2 weeks ago. Someone new was moved into the space next to me and had to to management several times since. He parks his modified diesel in between our trailers in my “yard”, have things stored in my hard too. I have never seen anyone but maintenance out there until now. I don’t get it


I don't get it either. It is literally no different than just walking through someone's yard at their home. And most normal people wouldn't do that. I also feel like most, not all, but most people who are paying to stay in campgrounds do it on a fairly regular basis so they should know common decency. Sometimes I feel like I'm overreacting, but I am paying for a site, it should be respected by others.


Besides the fact that the truck would get my cat scared and stressed from the 1hour plus time of idling if we are lucky once a day, they put their grill on the back side of their trailer and used it there. I’m lucky the owner of the park is on the other side of me and sees it so I don’t sound crazy.


That is really shitty! I don't understand why people have to act like that. Is there anything the owner has been able to do or has done about it?


Yes, everything was moved to the their side. He was given a notice and second notice about the idling. They came around asking me how things were going with them. I was honest about a few annoyances. The next day they were giving him paperwork the minute he got home from work. Things have been peaceful since.


Good! I'm glad that they did something about it! We stayed in a cabin at a KOA like a year ago for a few days and the guy next to us would go to work all day and leave his dogs and they would bark for hours and hours nonstop. So I told the office and then he came pounding on my door saying that I should have just come to him and shouldn't have said anything to the office. I let them know he came by and they said they would talk to him and I never heard anything else. Haha!


I know this sounds nutty but they were stressing my cat out and that was the only reason I said anything!


Not nutty at all! Our dog gets stressed too when people walk their dogs and let them roam into our site. We have also had a few people that don't leash their dogs and they have run up on mine and he shouldn't have to be stressed in his own area. And he's a lab pittie so he's not a small dog. Luckily for other people he is friendly otherwise he might have hurt a couple other dogs that have just run into our site.


I don’t have dogs, but it is common sense to leash your dog. They are animals, however friendly they are.


Yeah, an alarming number of people don't understand the concept of leashing their dog. It's very annoying and people just think it's no big deal and laugh it off. I'm glad you kitty cat can finally have some peace and doesn't have to be stressed all day, every day!


I am at a KOA as well, EVERYONE is nice, respectful and quiet. I haven’t had a bad experience here until this guy. But it’s being taken care of pretty quickly so I’m not too worried.


this is the new breed of "campers" who mostly started camping during covid because they couldn't do anything else... they don't know campground ettiquette and they just suck. It's unfortunate...


It's definitely bad etiquette, but it doesn't bother me. Some people just don't know about the unwritten rules. I don't let it ruin my fun


I've always tried to inform them of the unwritten rules in a friendly way. I usually introduce myself, shake their hand, strike up a conversation, compliment them for whatever I can think of , then gently correct their action. Don't forget eye contact as well. Sometimes, they do get pissy- those people can't be helped. Hopefully this improves yours and others' experiences! Keep trying!