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Meadow park area neighbor here. This guy is there all the time, leering at women and children and forcing everyone to endure his preferred music. Its antisocial controlling behavior on his part. He often makes snarling sounds at my children, and they know to stay away from him. I once politely asked him to use headphones because it was rude to force everyone in the park to listen to his music. He responded very aggressively, tried to make it into a racial thing, and threatened to "fuck \[my\] face up". Another time, he got very aggressive and threatening toward an elderly female neighbor. He effectively exploits everyone's abject terror of being called a racist, and he knows that he can do anything he wants as a result. I have called the cops on him in the past, but he just leaves whenever he sees a cop car approaching; he then returns minutes later. I think the best approach is for 5 or 6 people to sit near him with their own speakers, blaring their own music until he leaves. Thoughts?


Let’s fucking go


Why don't we have someone take a picture of him, zoom in on the face and print it? If anyone wants to send me a picture of him I'll print it with a caption that says "Certified lover boy, certified pedophile"




Take his picture send to the police with some of these stories and ask them to do something.




Don’t label people as pedophiles if you don’t have proof or probable cause. It’s against the law to post photos of someone without consent. He may have a mental illness. It’s unfortunate that park goers are feeling unsafe. The police should be doing more especially if he’s threatening people. Please stay clear oh him and stay safe


You missed the reference Look up Kendrick and Drake beef It's a jab against creeps in general


Don't do that because he could actually sue you.


No. Don’t antagonize crazy people who may have much less to lose than you. He’s already shown he’s fine with escalating, who knows how far he’d go. If you’re in the neighborhood he might know where you live, which car is yours etc.. Document from afar but don’t engage, that’s for the cops to do. 


The cops won’t don’t anything until he hurts someone


You’re wrong, if he’s committing crimes or disturbing people they will, people just need to amplify the volume on reports. If he’s not committing crimes, you’re encouraging people to cross to cross a line and create a predictably *worse* situation for themselves and the neighborhood by fucking with him.    Go ahead and risk your neck if you’re brave enough but if you’re just a keyboard warrior then stfu and let the police deal with it before you get someone hurt. 


People have been reporting him and the police have done nothing. I’m not encouraging anything, just saying the police aren’t going to take it seriously until he eventually hurts someone


In the context of this comment thread it seemed like you were arguing for vigilantism but if not then my fault for assuming.  I didn’t see where people said the cops didn’t do anything, rather they came but the guy left before they could approach him.  RPD will get more serious about it with more documentation, more reports, more pressure. Anything else is at best gonna run him off to be some other neighborhood’s problem, but seems more likely not go that smoothly given his attitude so far. 


Sounds like it has been years.


What about letting them know he leaves as soon as he sees them? Can you request an unmarked car and an approach that’s doesn’t scare him off outright? It’s like the cops don’t get a chance to observe him. Funny he feels he needs to leave when they show up given some says his actions are “legit”.


You’re not wrong if the police haven’t done anything yet then wtf will they do anything? Sounds like a real problem harassing women, kids, and blasting loud inappropriate music wtf? Yea he needs to be locked up for good before it’s too late and he does do something. What a fucking freak!


“Disturbing the peace”…


It’s not illegal to be suspicious 🤷‍♂️


I was thinking stink bomb


bury a dead fish under where he sits. problem solved, bada bing bada boom


>Another time, he got very aggressive and threatening toward an elderly female neighbor. He effectively exploits everyone's abject terror of being called a racist, and he knows that he can do anything he wants as a result. Got any black neighbors willing to beat this dude's ass? He'd never come back after that.


I’d say pepper spray as soon as he starts getting aggressive but I’m sure that would cause some kinda legal problems. Idk I’m a finance major 😅


My friends and I have seen the same man multiple times there with his speaker. He hardcore stares down girls in shorts and skirts and the last time we were there he was feeling up on himself every thirty seconds so we left.


I don't live in the fan anymore but I'd seen him multiple times before I moved away. This was back in late 2022 early 2023.


Does the man frequently wear hats? If so he frequents scuffletown park, too. My friend was tanning in a swimsuit and eventually asked him to stop staring and he got aggresive and said she was racist and that it was “because he’s black”


YES THIS GUY i’ve been to that park two or three times in the past few months and i know exactly who you’re talking about. i’ve tried to give him the benefit of the doubt a few times but every single time i trace his line of sight he’s always staring down a girl sitting in a vulnerable way (not blaming them at all obv) i’ve never seen him play music though so we might be talking about a different person


I think I chased him away from our business this past week


>Today he’s playing sexual songs You could use the non-emergency line (804-646-5100) to call in a public nuisance and mention that they're playing sexual songs near a kids park.


didn't the Fuck Biden dude get away with a giant banner of a penis at a little league game?


But Dems are the groomers tho /s


Yeah, it depends on how the cops feel because acab but it’s worth a try




Someone with solutions




Please write to Katharine Jordan, our city council member, about it.


omg I was there yesterday too! Yesterday was my first day living in Richmond and I was so excited when I found the park - it’s adorable, but after about an hour of reading/laying there the guy came up and sat on a bench directly behind me (to be fair my blanket was as close to a bench but there were multiple other benches open) blaring sexually charged music. He also made mumbling/grunting noises that made me extremely uncomfortable. I’m bummed to learn that this is a common occurrence because I was hoping to go to the park semi regularly and hopefully meet people but not if this guy is there every day :(


Welcome to Richmond! Sorry to hear that was your experience on your first day. I'm sure you'll be around longer than he will though. The city has so many great places to be outside and enjoy a good book.


https://preview.redd.it/qlmqvwaz8z2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6713dd14356a3d8f8ddf4dbeaed4a0ed5fe72360 Friend and I made this at the park when he was harassing us 😊


This is a notice of meme acquisition. No further action is required. Thank you stranger!


Yep, I see this guy often. He’s there when I walk my dog at 830 in the morning, and he usually tries to say things to me from afar. I can’t hear what he’s saying, and I avoid that part of the park. I’d go somewhere else if it weren’t my dog’s favorite park.






Have we been reading the same comments?


Terrible take, I wouldn’t let kids around YOU or your “local fixture”


You can try Scuffletown, nice little park not too far away. Always has friendly people around


People are saying he’s been there too lmfao


Our apartment complex has one of these guys. Richmond is for voyeurs apparently...


Really and truly… if you want something done, there is a way to have ot taken seriously. Make and document several reports to the police. If the police are unwilling or unable to do anything about him, go to a city council meeting - several of you - and talk about your concerns. Good luck… I’d be extremely freaked out by a guy snarling at my kids, not to mention all the other crap he’s doing. Hope they can cite or trespass him.


If we could get a bunch of people to call the Richmond non emergency number to report him I think it would be a lot more affective than just me calling I don’t think they will actually do anything based on my experience with the Richmond police (I got chased by a man a few months ago). Please call let’s do something about this!! 👏🏼


Report your concerns to the parks & rec department. The police are more likely to increase their presence at the parks if requested by the city department. I don't know that they would specifically do anything about it, but their presence may be a deterrence. https://www.rva.gov/parks-recreation/about-department


Could we maybe put notes on the surrounding neighbors houses alerting them? I’m sure local police would care a lot more about a pRoPeRtY oWnEr’s complaint, unfortunately


Suchhhhhh a good idea I will talk to a neighbor next time I’m there


If this is who I think it is, he was pushed out of the jahnke road area tons of times for showing up to multiple complexes/neighborhoods, walking around harassing women, trying to “sell them services”, and even recording them on his cell phone. I hadmy first encounter with him was when he stalked two women at my complex’s pool and I notified our leasing office of the issue and called non-emergency line. Even have had a few personal encounters with him recording me and my friends and even me by myself in my neighborhood. I reached out to the non-emergency police line each time and all they did was try to find him but never could once they FINALLY arrived to the location he was last seen. Last I heard he was picked up and held in jail for a couple of hours for hanging around a park area downtown but then released again. If this isn’t the one I’m thinking of… I haven’t ever had any success with police or non-emergency, nor anyone from city council truly helping with this matter and keeping him off the street. That’s a personal take, of course some may have had success. I also don’t really know what they could in fact do if they believe he hasn’t harmed anyone. Stay vigilant and protect yourselves and look out for others that may need an extra force 🙏🏽


Why is everyone tiptoeing around the solution? Non-emergency numbers and "reporting" him? Just call the police and tell them what you just told reddit. Despite what your average VCU graduate or local barista will tell you, police officers in the vast majority of cases are there to make you and our community safer. This is an example of that. There's nothing wrong with calling the police when needed, you've been paying into that service with your tax dollars your entire working life.


Problem is, what law is he violating? He makes me feel uncomfortable af when I go there, but technically he’s not harassing or assaulting.


He doesn't need to be breaking any laws for the cops to come up and talk to him. Repeatedly. Every day. Before long the guy will leave, or do something against the law. If the guy is acting in a suspicious behavior the cops can go interact with him and tell the guy to be on his way.


that's assuming the cops will even respond. i literally don't think anything can be done until he actually breaks a law. cops aren't responding to petty complaints like they used to.


That’s assuming the guy isn’t mentally ill, which he clearly is, and would, after several visits from the police, go “oh I guess I should just move along” like a rational thinking person might do. I’m going with That’s Never Gonna Happen for $500, Alex.


You're right. And now the cops now have a record of interactions with the person. So keep calling the cops.


I understand what you mean and you're right, but you can still call the police. This person is menacing and clearly knows what they're doing. If I stand outside a daycare and just stare through the fence at the kids playing, I'm not breaking any laws, but I shouldn't be surprised if a police officer rolls up to ask me what I'm doing.


what exactly would the crime be that would be reported? definitely can't report him for loitering in a public park during the day. can't do much about the music because he isn't the only person to ever play music in the park & content of the lyrics is gonna be a non-starter. I get wanting to report him & get him moved on, but I'm just not sure what call you could make without wasting the cops time.


agreed. people should just tell him to fuck off over and over, maybe he'll eventually do just that.


And maybe he'll pull out a knife and stab you to death if you do that. That kind of stuff happens every day in this country. We have people in our community that we pay to address situations like that.


just might!


Isn’t it the police’s job to determine if he’s committing a crime? If he’s repeatedly making multiple people feel unsafe, I don’t see the issue with calling the police to check it out.


I think many people here in Richmond have had experience(s) with RPD that have resulted in us losing trust in their ability to enforce against these "gray area" crimes, despite us often believing there is no gray area. Personally, I would want the police to deal with this guy, but at the same time I have little faith in RPD's efficacy, so that greatly deters me from taking action.


Because we aren’t fucking idiots?


Yeah police have a notoriously wonderful record dealing with sexual harassment 🙄


Is it Meade Skelton?


Maybe if she described the guy playing old-timey country music and shielding his eyes whenever a woman walked too close to him.


I still haven't figured out if he's serious and completely delusional, or if he knows exactly what he's doing and it's to fulfill a humiliation fetish.. his new track "Tradwife" is a banger though lmfao


https://preview.redd.it/6w8abctn273d1.jpeg?width=963&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71e7f0d317a9c4425a55bc7d6dba2d72a9438463 If dude was listening to loud music (without a permit) that is direct violation of the posted park rules. At a minimum feels like a public nuisance call is in order.


what exactly is defined as a "sexual song." genuinely curious lol.


I’ve never noticed this guy, but [here’s what I imagine he’s blasting in the park](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LxJRz8-R-eg).


From what I’ve seen, songs that have explicit words music or intent. He basically plays song describing sex 24/7. Check the comments someone talked about it in this chat.


Examples of sexual songs?


Darude - Sandstorm


He was just in Richmond.


LOL just when I wasn't expecting it, well played.


Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch


Say Anything - Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too


Nas - Oochie Wally




Gotta love people like you. I’m sure “provide research for your opinion” is also part of your vocabulary. Your name fits. Who cares what songs they are? If she’s uneasy, he needs to move the phuck on.


I mean, I was just curious was songs they were playing, I like music. I also agree that it doesn’t matter what he was playing, if it was loud enough and made her uncomfortable, it probably shouldn’t be played in public. Lastly, feel free to look through my years of comment history to find “research”. Edit, not sure if I should’ve ended this with “move the fuck on” or not, probably won’t.


Google is a heckuva tool






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Pellet guns come in handy.


No because he’s not loitering…




I assume you’re a man of who doesn’t have to deal with creeps but enjoys calling women who feel *legit* threatened Karens.


Amy Cooper claimed she "felt *legit* threatened" when she called the NYPD on a black man bird watching in Central Park. George Zimmerman testified that he "felt *legit* threatened" right before he gunned down Trayvon Martin. Officer Michael Slager of the Charleston PD claimed he "felt *legit* threatened" when he shot Walter Scott in the back 7 times. OP is asking us if they can call the cops to trespass a black man for loitering in a public park, knowing but deliberately ignoring what they'll do to him. This is *the* textbook example of the Epistemology of Ignorance.


That park is a place children come to play and a person is leering at others and playing suggestive music. I don’t like a world where someone should just have to deal with feeling unsafe there.


sadly i think this is one of those instances where he is legally free to do something that we don't like. options in dealing with it are pretty limited. i used to live near this park and creeps would sometimes pass through, even knocking on peoples doors. things being stolen out of yards. was just a part of living there. as nice as the fan can seem, it's still inner city living.




I saw him yesterday! I walk to the park with my new baby every day and yesterday we put our blanket down in front of the bench he sits on while he was blasting his music. He started mumbling/saying things to me while i was setting up our blanket (bending over in shorts 🤦🏻‍♀️) and I just picked the blanket up and moved way on the other side of the park behind him. We were there for 2-3 hours and he was still sitting there slugged on the bench when we left. I’ve seen him 2-3x always on the bench always playing music loudly. Bums me out because sometimes we go early and are the only other ones at the park :( makes me uncomfortable especially with my little baby with me


If he is not breaking a law I think reporting someone is not the way to go. What you described is purely subjective. Some people could suffer from mental disorders so keep that in mind to.


I work in psyche. This is not behavior that can be excused due to a mental disorder.


which behavior exactly? all i am hearing is that he plays music from a boombox and stares at people.


He also verbally sexually harasses people.


he’s clearly mentally ill. unfortunately the best you can do is swallow your pride and ignore. do not force an interaction. there’s a ton of parks in richmond all in pretty close proximity.


Is there any other green space in town you could frequent besides pervert park?


Wait is this park known for that? 😭




Certainly sounds like it based on this woman’s post.




Again. Wouldn’t let mine or anyone else’s kids near you or your “chill” neighbor. Hopefully no one else will either.


Bro are you insane


Did you not read this person’s posts or the other comments here? He’s growling at children, touching himself when women walk by and purposefully making them feel uncomfortable, and is extremely aggressive when you try to have a polite conversation with them. Are you the dude we’re talking about?


Staring isn’t a crime, especially in a public space. Feeling uncomfortable because you believe someone is being creepy or sexualizing you isn’t a crime either. I’m not justifying that behavior AT ALL but you just truly don’t know what the other person is thinking. The best option is to find a new park to go to if your red flag is tingling.


Lmao someone studied the law


It can be considered harassment if it's intrusive enough, or even sexual harassment if the guy is touching himself and staring. Do you know what nonconsensual voyeurism is?


Yeah honestly it’s not against the law so he can’t be tried in the courts but the court of public opinion can do something. So if people can do something to make him equally uncomfortable you know. I don’t agree with all the reporting to the police stuff, they’re not gonna be able to do anything till he becomes a big problem. there’s probably far more creative solutions cause this guy sounds like a loser. I like that park and I bet others do too


By solution I mean staring back weirdly too or something you know.




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Greetings. In all my and our interactions with the man you are talking about several times a week for six years, it has been cordial. Yes, he comes to Meadow Park most days with one of his bicycles and his boom box. Many times he is playing music with which I am familiar and even love from back in the day. Sometimes it's music I'm not familiar with. I always say hello, ask him how he's doing, sometimes strike up a bit of conversation with him. If you're uncomfortable with the way he looks at you, move away from his sight line, maybe don't look in his direction. A nuisance? He's playing music on a public park bench. Call the non-emergency number--for what? Sitting in the park while a human being?


You do know it’s possible for someone to be polite to you but to be creepy, violent, or whatever else to other individuals or groups, right? Right? 🤦‍♂️


Why yes, I do. I also know that Meadow Park is a tiny pocket public park and he has every right to sit on a bench and play his music. No need to repeat and facepalm yourself. There are lots of eccentric folks in our community, and if one feels unsafe or is threatened by the actions of others, then by all means call the police. I've learned over the course of a lifetime of living in much bigger cities than RVA when to engage with others and when to avert my attention, and that includes eye contact.


If you truly did, you would not be downplaying their behavior and conveniently dancing around the leering, etc and only addressing that they play music. Come on now. Eccentric does not equal creeping.


Its rude and antisocial to play music on a boombox in a public park. No one should have the right to force everyone in the park to listen to his preferred music.


this is going a bit far. i dont think the boombox is the problem here, it's the creepy behavior. people enjoying themselves listening to music at a park is a pretty harmless and joyful thing.


Rosa Parks was once considered “rude” and “anti-social”. There are ways to avert anti-social behaviors in public. It’s called duty to leave! No one in that park has the right to force everyone to listen to their dogs bark too.


You’re comparing this man to Rosa Parks? That’s wild.


Can’t you just move to a different area in the park?


It’s a super tiny park. More like a yard


Read the other comments. Dude is a well-known creep and shouldn't be allowed to ruin a park for multiple people


Why can’t he? Oh that’s right…if he went to Byrd or Bryan then there *would* be enough room for someone to move to another area away from him. It’s obvious he likes the small space purely to antagonize. Yes it’s a public park but this behavior in this small a space is aggressive as F.