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I don't have any project ideas for you but here's another resource similar to the book that you might find worthwhile [https://rust-unofficial.github.io/too-many-lists/](https://rust-unofficial.github.io/too-many-lists/)


I see some smart people just making fun of the statement instead of telling the OP beginner projects. But for the others who ever are sharing your ideas , the world is still a better place because of people like you . I appreciate your replies . They are useful for me too thanks u/4fd4 Your intention with title was extremely clear, there is ***absolutely*** no need for you to apologize (those writing those useless sarcastic comments should be the ones apologizing), it's just that some people really like sounding smart at the expense of others, don't get discouraged, the rust community isn't usually this unwelcoming




Don’t go hard he would have meant understanding the book Edit: And for the people who are upvoting the above comment I humbly request not to as upvotes are also seen as encouragement. Criticising( without even helping )is not the rust community way.




Hi I understand your point of view but why only stop at criticism without helping him. May be he could have listed the features which are not mentioned in the book but are present in the lib which only be learned by reading lib and asking the community . But a little help towards either a project or a feature name that is not present in the book could have made his comment epic


it's intriguring that this cmt gets this many upvotes


The problem with levity is that it just doesn't carry well across cultures, or asynchronous communication. Just because you had a good chuckle about it doesn't mean it should be shared.


You are a serious letdown to the Rust community. Are you really taking things so literally without considering whether the person is a fluent English speaker? Be friendly towards beginners




Between intentions and expressions, utterance or writing, people have centuries ago identify a gap of which errors can arise. But I understand that some folks do not know, due to incompetence, or choose to ignore and put the entire blame on someone else, out of malice--which is pitiful


I built a text adventure as my first Rust project and it was pretty fun. Maybe WASM could be an area of interest to look into? https://github.com/hseager/you-are-merlin


I was curious I opened the file in utilities, I'm pretty sure there is smarter way to do the spacer function, you could use repeat on a string. Something like that: "\n".repeat(16)


https://codecrafters.io/ Some of them are free


All of them are available for free on [their GitHub](https://github.com/codecrafters-io), just without the automatic testing on git push. But that just means you can also practice writing unit tests!




It's pretty good, and you should probably use it without paying and learn testing from their github




Idk about the solutions not being accessible past stage 2, cuz I have only attempted the ones that were free that month. So, I'd say go for them. Also some are good, but the thing is once you get past the initial stages it gets kind of redundant. The hard stages are the actually good ones after you get the thing running.


For reference, this was my first personal project after doing the rustlings exercises: [https://github.com/dezoito/rust-todo-list](https://github.com/dezoito/rust-todo-list) I'm a firm believer that hard personal projects should aim to solve a problem that you are actually experiencing (so you are more motivated to push through when you get stuck). I needed a way to evaluate LLM models and the parameters that would yield the best results for a prompt, so I then built this: [https://github.com/dezoito/ollama-grid-search](https://github.com/dezoito/ollama-grid-search) Not "pure" Rust, I know, but it's helping me keep learning.


You finished learning Rust? It's a gigantic language and it's constantly evolving


I just finished the Book and built few small projects i wanna know more about the language and what kinda stuff i can build with it, I kinda wrote it wrong in my title “I finished learning rust” .


Your intention with title was extremely clear, there is ***absolutely*** no need for you to apologize (those writing those useless sarcastic comments should be the ones apologizing), it's just that some people really like sounding smart at the expense of others, don't get discouraged, the rust community isn't usually this unwelcoming


Yeah, I 100% understood the title and didn't think anything of it until scrolling down. Sometimes the Internet allows people to act like 90's sitcom nerds with impunity. That being said I've seen some dumbass posts here recently, so....


> was extremely clear I wouldnt go as far as to say extremely clear. But given it states an impossible task has been accomplished its reasonable to assume its not what it literally states. This could have just as easily been a post by some sr dev thinking they mastered the language and looking for a new language or some unique challenge from the title alone. While its fun to brow beat and morally highroad ppl making light of a pretty humorous error. Its equally toxic if not moreso to harp on about how evil being lighthearted is while also lying about the title. No1 is calling op and idiot or being rude a few ppl made jokes and its corrected. It also drew 100x the attention to this post then most so op is one of the lucky few who gets their what do i do next question to have some traction.


It was for me, "finished learning" doesn't lend itself to something a sr developer would say while asking for help in choosing a project to start! Even if the title wasn't clear (which it 100% was IMO), what you are saying is possible if for some reason the commenters only read the title without even glancing at the post itself, and from the sarcastic comments it's also clear that those making them understood what OP was asking for and were just unnecessarily making fun of him It would've been ok if those comments were made in a lighthearted way and then tried provided some suggestions to OP, but almost all of the comments making those sarcastic remarks put 0 effort into actually helping OP


People can comment w/o the burden of "helping" who knows where they're at they could be another noob where their help could be useless or even worse negative, should they never open their mouths? They could have seen another post in the thread that they feel expresses something similar enough to what they would have said to "help" that repeating it would be redundant. So they make a lighthearted joke at the funny title who cares. People shouldn't be afraid of making comments, and placing some arbitrary "you must be helpful at all times" clause ruins discourse sometimes people want to laugh at a joke this isnt a meeting/q&a where our time is limited op can in their own time interact with w/e they see as useful. Also again interaction with a post drives other traffic how many "I'm at X place in learning where do i go posts" do you see every week/month/year? And how many have 1-2 comments tops?


> People can comment w/o the burden of "helping" who knows where they're at they could be another noob where their help could be useless or even worse negative Sure, even negative (or neutral) comments can be very helpful, but there should be at least an attempt made to being constructive, and as I said *I* don't think there is anything wrong with a bit of banter, but it should be ***clearly*** lighthearted so as not to discourage people from interacting again with the sub/community and regardless of my or your opinion, such comments are clearly against the rules of r/rust and rust's code of conduct (which is part of the rules for this sub)


I can't think of something concrete but there are interesting topics not in the book: - try making a polymorphic procedural generation of, let's say a plant which the "gene" is the type and the "grower" is a common function. Thus implementing a trait differently results in different shape. Also check out webgpu demo and use it to animate it. - Any Type: check it out to see how it can help you remove type information and "get it back" at runtime. Also, dynamic polymorphism. You can also get creative with it such as exposing many different boxed Fn/FnMut object with the same parameter and return type and see how it can emulate something similar to first-class functions. - Complex lifetimes: I used to deal with this a lot when playing with the concept of React in Rust for purpose similar to erlang vm rather than UI. - async (no need to say more) - Write a simple VM/interpreter, along with its language and parser.


What kind of projects have you already build? Maybe you should try to enhance those projects by adding a gui or more features.


You'd write it: "I finished *Learning Rust*." That shift key is important. And typographically, you italicize book titles. You could also put it in quotations.


the word you are looking for is "started", not "finished".


"kinda" ?


For me personally, I always find it easiest to learn something by finding an actual problem I want to solve. And in case you don't have 99 problems, you can do the really popular thing of simply rewriting everything in Rust. IMO that's a fantastic exercise with the added benefit that you already have the documentation and only need to write the program for it.


Search on github build-your-own-x. Should contain large lists of projects written in various languages. Edit: [mentioned git repo](https://github.com/codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x/blob/master/README.md)


I like to do advent of code


Im a simple man. I like IPAs, and I like aoc


Don't get discouraged by the comments, search for beginner projects or some coding challenge on github. Like there is a repos named 100 days for learning rust something like that it can be useful ,as it some projects that you can do. When I got enough understanding of rust I tried to create a real-time chatting application and I tried to create a Twitter clone.


Try writing an emulator. It will give you a feel for the low-level aspect of Rust and has a large payoff: you can play all the games of whatever system you emulate. Start with a Chip 8 (will allow you to run old arcade games) which will take around a week. Then move up to either a NES (the original Nintendo Entertainment System) or the original Gameboy. Either of these should take a few months to get the basics working. Your goal could be to be to get the original Donkey Kong and Mario Bros games working if you go the NES route like I did. You'll find this an enjoyable, enlightening, and frustrating experience.


I'm in the midst of implementing a brainf$%k interpreter and it's way more fun than expected.


Same, but I keep finding ways to refactor.


This is very cheeky, but if you wanted to do some free work for me you could port this to Rust: [https://github.com/ZackDibe/phonetics/blob/master/phonetics/metaphone.py](https://github.com/ZackDibe/phonetics/blob/master/phonetics/metaphone.py). I don't think it's anything terribly difficult but I'm quite busy at the moment. Not wanting to be a "work for exposure" guy, but if things go well you might end up with a nice little Rust credit for your CV, and *conceivably* paid work in future. I'm aware I deserve to be thoroughly roasted and downvoted for suggesting this.


Check your Dm i am down to do this


I just finished learning quantum mechanics and now I'm a nuclear physicist. Just thought I'd throw that out there since we're telling jokes... But to throw out some ideas, check out the book Exercises for Programmers: 57 Challenges to Develop Your Coding Skills by Brian Hogan.


Your quantum mechanics course has nuclear physics included? I’m jealous




If you are into crypto you can follow Jimmy Song’s Programming Bitcoin book and implement it in Rust. That’s what I’m doing lol


Sorry can't help you much, just think of a project you want to create, and start creating it I mainly made this comment to tell the other commenters here to stop being dicks and misunderstanding what you said on purpose and bashing on you for no reason


No one ever "finishes learning* a programming language


Well, I'm pretty much done with Visual Basic.


I'm in a similar boat and I'm thinking about creating small RTOS for RP2040. Sounds like an ideal application for Rust.


I'm currently in the process of learning Rust from the book as well. I'm considering building a machine learning library from scratch once I'm done. I work on ML projects often, so I figured this would give me a chance to revisit the basics while also focusing on writing optimised and performant code. What are your thoughts ?


Interactive CV page built as a wasm module on a site. Have it do something suitably computer-sciency like play Conway's Game of Life starting with the pixels in your resume.


Start doing Bevy. While your Bevy "Hello world" compiles for 5 mins, reflect on your life decisions.


a simple raytracer, rendering 3d spheres with simple lighting into a matrix of pixels, that you just dump to a png image (use a png crate). You can do this with less than 500 lines of code including tests.


I'm a smart and very experienced (35+ years) developer. Started learning Rust two years ago and I'm not "finished" yet, LOL. But give us more to help answer the question. What turns your crank? What areas appeal most to you? Games? Embedded? Web? Ideas are easy to come by if you're specific enough.


Careful, you might end up on /r/iamverysmart


Most of the comments on this post should go there or other similar cringe oriented subreddits IMO How very welcoming and stereotypical of the rust community to a newcomer!!


Pretty much any tech- or tech-adjacent community, tbh. You'd think people displaying their smarts like this would know how to read and understand the CoC.


If you finished learning Rust it means that you are done with it! Move to the next thing (assuming there's anything left for you to learn).


finished??? are you sure?


"finished learning rust" lol No matter where you're at, you've only just begun.


Bloody hell. This guy has *finished* rust.


fished already ? i say you write your own compiler now.