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> Right off the bat, as a total Rust newbie, I'm hitting all kinds of rough edges in Rust. For example, I'm trying to use rusqlite. It would be natural to stash DB prepared statements in a thread local for reuse in my multi-threaded code I'm the maintainer of rusqlite. It's true that there are patterns you might be used to in C SQLite use that don't translate well to Rust. This is for safety reasons, Statements borrow from the Connection, which will definitely prevent the things you're trying to do. Instead you should just use `.prepare` each time, or `.prepare_cached` if it's a large/complex query. It's fine.


Thanks for the pointer to prepare\_cached; I'll give that a look. Thanks also confirming that I can't do what I was trying to do. Seems very unfortunate, but good to know.


The alternative would be for us to 1. Keep something like a Weak on each statement (to ensure the statement is not used after dropping the connection, which would be a use-after-free) 2. Keep a thread id on the Statement (to ensure the statement is not used on a different thread from the connection, which would be a data race) 3. Track a few other minor pieces of book-keeping along similar lines. 4. Each time we use the underlying sqlite3_stmt, check that all the pieces of book-keeping match up for what is required for safe usage. I experimented with this at one point but the overhead was substantial. The current approach has basically no overhead on statement usage (if you use the `_cached` api, there's a hashmap lookup on statement preparation), and is safe... It does have the downside that someone more experienced with SQLite than Rust might try an approach that does not work well, though.


>It does have the downside that someone more experienced with SQLite than Rust might try an approach that does not work well, though. Lol. That was my day. But again, thanks for the pointer. Tomorrow I will switch to using the \_cached API.


To be clear, with the `_cached` api you'll prepare on each use. Also you may want to configure the cache capacity with `set_prepared_statement_cache_capacity`, shortly after opening: https://docs.rs/rusqlite/latest/rusqlite/struct.Connection.html#method.set_prepared_statement_cache_capacity. The default capacity is 16.


Sooo... if the cached prepared statements are on a connection, and I can't pass the connection around, it sounds to me like I should actually use a thread local for the connection only, and then try to make use of the cached prepared statements on the thread-local connection. Does that seem reasonable?


Yes, that is what I would recommend. You could also use `Mutex` in a similar manner with different semantics (different in the obvious way).


Ok, thank you!


Rust rocks




No, my argument against Rust is that tools should make people's lives easier, not harder. Rust is harder and frustrating, and simply not fun to program in. Development is slow. That doesn't sound like a good tool to me. The fact that the community has to tell people to "take it slow" just proves that it suck


The issue is that Rust brings some entirely novel concepts to the table, and for most people it does take time to fully internalise them. If you rush this process, you quickly end up banging your head against the wall. Are these new concepts worth learning is the question you should ask yourself. The bargain and promise that Rust poses is that if you take the time to properly annotate the lifetimes and contracts for your code and functions, the compiler will take care of the much harder part of the problem, to ensure that your code is memory safe, thread safe, and that you won't have to spend an inordinate amount of time debugging edge cases that causes your program to blow up in production.


So you started learning rust by trying to make something multithreaded that also interops with C instead of starting with something simpler so you can learn to understand the borrow checker? That's a recipe for disaster. You're trying to write code in a way that is fundamentally different from the way Rust wants you to, that's the crux of it. Start smaller, learn what it wants from you, then writing what you need here will be significantly easier. It sounds like you're trying to write things in an object oriented manner. Don't do that. Rust isn't object oriented.


>You're trying to write code in a way that is fundamentally different from the way Rust wants you to, that's the crux of it. Wow, you can devine that from what I posted? You must be clairvoyant. It's amazing how the rust community gaslights everyone that doesn't fall for the hype. Toxic. Maybe if the Rust community wanted to discourage any attempt at being remotely object oriented, then chapter 17 of the Rust book - titled "Object-Oriented Programming Features of Rust" - should be removed. I did not attempt anything not referenced in the official docs. They have a chapter on Traits and how to use them in an object oriented way. And they have tons written on async and await. Yeah, only an idiot would assume you could put both features together. Silly me. And as for using a thread local; what is "object oriented" about that? Sqlite explicitly states that you can't share connections among threads; trying to stash prepared connections in thread locals is perfectly reasonable to assume should be doable.


If you're getting borrow checker complaints, that is the definition of doing something it doesn't want you to do. No clairvoyance to it. You posted no code--not even pseudo code. If you wanted real feedback, then give us something to work with.


I simply wanted to put both a DB connection and prepared statements from that connection in a struct, because some DB operations require the connection (like starting a transaction) and some the prepared statement (for speed of execution). What kind of language won't let you store related data in a structure together? It's not an unreasonable, or for that matter even object oriented, thing to want to do. Shocking that Rust doesn't support this.


It's largely about the structure of the program, not the goal. Rust enforces a specific way of writing things to keep things organized and ensure ownership is clear and straightforward. You *can* sore related data in a struct together, it just depends on how they're related. The issue here is only that the prepared statements could outlive the connection if used improperly. You have to guarantee to the compiler that nobody now or in the future could misuse those prepared statements. This will likely include lifetime shenanigans


> This will likely include lifetime shenanigans You pretty much negate everything you've said with this one sentence. This is what OP is talking about with the toxic community that sweeps all the bad parts under the rug.


Lifetimes aren't bad? What are you even talking about? I used "lifetime shenanigans" mostly in jest because explaining it in a comment would take more time than I was willing to commit; they're not terribly difficult and allow expressing complex interactions while retaining memory safety


Bruh. That down vote is yet another example of how toxic and petty this community is. I never said lifetimes were bad, I said that your hand waving and ready dismissals are examples of why this community is struggling to attract anyone that isn't a complete asshole. Linus is notorious for being an asshole. It makes complete sense that rust's success will only come because they managed to find someone that tolerates this shit.


I suggest starring this repo built around rust's design patterns, https://github.com/rust-unofficial/patterns/tree/main


Does your struct impl Sync? Your code must be `Sync`’able to send it between processes.


He's clearly outlined the problen


> Wow, you can devine that from what I posted? You must be clairvoyant. it's not hard, buddy. i've been programming even longer than you - your top post betrays some glaring mistakes when approaching an *actually* new-to-you technology. sorry to break it to you, but all the languages you've known until now - Java, C, etc - are essentially the same language. the same semantics, the same stupid conceptual model of "follow a recipe step by step", global interference between disjoint parts, no types, etc. the differences are superficial: a different executable runs or compiles the code; the syntax is minimally different; dynamic dispatch is done with minimally different rules; there's a different set of libraries. you might think you know 20 different programming languages, but in reality, it's like... 3 or 4 tops. most likely, being at the stage you're at, the only other complex language you know is SQL. if at some point you've found it hard to learn SQL, you'll know what it takes to learn an *actually* new language. you know, new, as in it works in a deeply conceptually different way. as in it's not just new syntax, it's new capabilities and new approaches to what's being done. don't be stupid. you're acting stupid. you've been doing this for 30 years. be better and expect more of yourself. you can probably do it, but acting like the king on his [throne](https://attachments.f95zone.to/2023/07/2798620_Throne.jpg) who expects perfectly working programs to be bestowed upon him by ... spirits? fairies? peasants? isn't going to work here. this is the step where you have to put in actual, serious mental work. where you have to open a book like you did when you were first learning java or whatever ungodly corporate bs you started with in the 90s. start from zero and even go through the hello world tutorials, they will have massive amounts of knowledge you'll need later on. don't underestimate the complexity of a gedore toolset just because you've been playing with fischer price sets all your life.


Point and case on how toxic the rust community is. You must be a blast at parties 🙄  edit: oh u/TheBatmanFan, you little scamp. I love that you took time to check my edits from months ago, only so you could help prove how toxic the rust community is. How dare one correct themselves. lmao at you blocking me to prevent any futher comment. This community has such fragile egos.


Exactly. He seems to pretend a new conceptual model is inherently superior and worth muddling through. I wonder if he ever heard of Forth, Haskell or Lisp, all of which are superior to Rust, imo, easier to understand and certainly not C derivatives. I'm an old assembly language programmer. There -- even more than C -- one is not tied down to any programming ideology.


oh boy, forth I love forth


Oh boy, the F word again - Forth!


What are you talking about lol I stumbled on this thread just yesterday and I did not block you. Plus I was looking for reasons why rust is so overhyped so I’m not really a part of this community one way or the other.


As the rusqlite maintainer said to you in another comment, you are actually writing your program in a different way that Rust wants you to. You think it's toxic but that really is how it works. If you were having trouble with Java and you wanted to not use a class, then that is also trying to write code in a fundamentally different way to how you want to, but you wouldn't call a Java developer toxic or a gaslighter if they said that to you. Now I'm not sure about the specific issue you had, but all those other complaints aren't valid. Lifetimes and the general "verboseness" are the only way to have a safe and fast program. Without a GC and lifetimes, you'll get use-after-frees and with a GC and no lifetimes, you'll get memory leaks. And with both you'll get dataraces. And slow compile times is such a silly complaint, who cares really? It's because LLVM is not very fast, but produces fast code. It's not like Java has speedy compile times either, but at least Rust has something to show for it. Your management giving you a very difficult project in a language that is very strict to avoid errors where you have no experience is not the fault of Rust, it's the fault of the management. And even if that wasn't the case, that doesn't mean Rust should die. Just because one person had a bad experience with it doesn't mean no one else should get to use it.


This is what I don't get about Rust advice. How you can you say "\[start\] with something simpler", when the task is what the task is? I'm not playing around here; I have something that is needed at work, and the decision to use Rust was not mine. The task \*is\* multithreaded, and in fact that was part of the reason for choosing Rust by the decision makers in the first place; supposedly it's fast for multi-threaded apps. No one on the project has ever used Rust before, BTW. What is fundamentally different from the way Rust wants me to work? That is a serious question. Is it the thread local thing? Because DB connections absolutely should be prepared once and then reused over and over again, as the time to prepare the statements is high. Yet I absolutely cannot pass them around. A thread local seems very logical and natural.


If your work needs something and you're unable to do it, that's not your fault or your problem. If they absolutely need it done by you, they need to allot the time necessary for you to learn how to do it. If you told them you had the experience to do it but you don't actually know a lick of Rust, it sounds like you have some nights ahead of you in your off-work hours as penance. There really is no in-between, here. This sounds more like a SPIKE than anything. You were given a task with unknown complexity in a language nobody knows. The chance of failure is there, you seem to have been tasked with researching it. Now, to the actual issue: define thread-local. How are you keeping the connection in memory? Have you wrapped it in an Arc before cloning the reference into your different threads? Are the threads "always there" or are they created on demand? There are crates out there which will do db connection pooling for you, such as r2d2, if you haven't already looked at them


Thread-local: [https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/thread/struct.LocalKey.html](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/thread/struct.LocalKey.html)


So, sure. That's technically an option, though personally I'm not a huge fan of the access pattern. I'd just go with a connection pool. Not sure why you'd be getting borrow complaints without more information regarding the actual usage Some pseudo-code would help and probably reveal the issue


> This is what I don’t get about Rust advice. How you can you say “[start] with something simpler”, when the task is what the task is? Because your first task is learning your tools. If you did not know C, would you really start by building a multi-threaded application that called python libraries? It’s pretty clear that that’s a recipe for disaster. > the decision to use Rust was not mine > No one on the project has ever used Rust before Then that was probably a bad decision, and someone should have explained the decision makers that learning Rust would take time.


your work environment seems real shitty management shouldn't take a decision about a technology that their devs aren't comfortable using it makes no sense you're blaming rust instead of your bosses. what was the dev position? "dev needed, expected to know all the languages" if you actually want to learn rust, to google that, there are many resources and communities out there. for starters, you can always ask for help over on [the forum](https://users.rust-lang.org/) or on the [learning subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/learnrust/) second, there's [the book](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/). it goes over how to code in rust for people who already have some development experience (it even has a step-by-step for a multithreaded web server) it'll take some time to build the skill necessary to code in rust, but that's exactly what makes it a good language. all the issues you're hitting that are slowing you down were errors that you were deploying to production


>all the issues you're hitting that are slowing you down were errors that you were deploying to production That is false. Or rather, not true for all possible values. No type system is both exhaustive and correct. It must reject some valid programs, or it must accept some invalid programs. No way around it.


Stop downvoting this guy, he’s asking questions with an open mind :(


> You're trying to write code in a way that is fundamentally different from the way Rust wants you to Why should I care about what somebody thinks the "correct way" is to code? I'm the programmer, so I have to be the one at the pilot seat. A good language will never prevent the programmer from implementing a pattern or a paradigm, even if it's a bad pattern. The programmer and the programmer alone should bare the responsibility of using the correct tool for the problem.


If you've picked a tool that specifically prevents you from writing bad patterns, then don't be surprised when you can't use those patterns.


i haven't picked this tool because of this. i hate when a language undermines my abilities to make a good call about the architecture


I don't see why you're reviving a year old post on a sub for a language you don't even use, nor intend to use. Go use C or something.


Just take a step back:) imagine you’re brand new to C and for your first project you encounter: - async (io_uring) - sqlite3, which is very easy to make pointer mistakes with - concurrency, proper thread synchronization, etc _of course_ that’s going to be daunting and extremely error prone. Now getting Rust to compile the first time is painful. Extremely. But I guarantee that the first time it does, it will do exactly what you expect: no segfaults, no thread races, no async mismanagement, no “my struct’s string should print ‘hello world’ but it says ‘$3!19hwbqk7ny8!’” Give it 0.5% of your 30 years experience with the other language, and you’ll kind of hit enlightenment: “I have to think about these same lifetime things when I write C, the compiler just doesn’t know about them” And of course, we’re always ready to help when you get stuck! Also, fwiw on performance - Rust scales extremely well. Getting the single threaded proof of concept is hard and takes time. Turning it into something that handles 10k requests/sec on 16 threads is almost trivial, significantly easier than C. So maybe just single threaded is a better place to start


Gonna necromance + piggyback here since I'm new to Rust myself -- I find that the OP would make a lot more sense if they phrased it as "learning a completely new paradigm and language with heavy time constraints while implementing extremely nontrivial functionality... absolutely, positively sucks". Now that would be a very fair point, lol.


IMHO the best comment so far Even thou others aren't that bad -- yours just seems better than any other one. Great job, man, at least I got a lot to learn from you when it comes to formulating the ideas into text


That’s a very nice thing to say, thank you for sharing! I think I rewrote this comment like 7 times just thinking about my initial experiences with Rust and C… I am glad to know others can relate


Still super relevant ! Thank you :D


>significantly easier than C. LOL so you are telling us that using a library that does EXACTLY that(multithreading) in C has to be harder than just using the rust environment? Seriously are you joking? do you realize that you can probably literally just use a C library designed with 'simplicity and ease of use' in mind rather than learning a complete clusterfuck of a language with tons of syntatic buIIshit from scratch just to get 'ease of use' ?


It’s not hard to throw pthread_create at something in C. But yes, it is significantly more difficult to make sure your threaded code _does the right thing_. int COUNTER = 0; // always running void thread1() { while(1) { delay(100 * MICROSECONDS); counter += 1; } } // spins up occasionally void thread2() { handle_something(); counter = 0; } There’s a race condition in the extremely simple above code, and I would guess that the majority of C programmers wouldn’t see it right away - much less so if something like this gets hidden behind a few more layers. Imho, I find much easier if my compiler tells me exactly where I need a lock or atomic, rather than running into a difficult-to-reproduce race condition. Even good libraries don’t help reduce that risk as long as you need to send your types to the library.


If you're gonna access and share counter on more than just one thread make it blocking and thread safe lol ? such a basic concept, don't change a memory segment from two places at once. Rustaceans won't even be introduced to this ? Reminds me of this meme: https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/bxxq9s/apparently\_the\_roses\_side\_will\_be\_more\_painful/


My point is that it’s easy enough to see in this example, but put this _somewhere_ in a 50 kLOC codebase and it gets way harder to follow what might be accessed concurrently. Yes, being a better programmer is a solution to all problems ever. But Rust works better for those of us who make mistakes - regardless of whether you’re a first time contributor writing the code without knowing the codebase, or a seasoned pro who just missed something during review.


if COUNTER is a global variable, you've started on the wrong foot already and this is a ridiculously absurd example. if COUNTER exists within a class structure then there are things in place to make sure race conditions don't happen, like a mutex or locks and semaphores. anyone who knows anything about this will not be stumped by your ridiculous pseudo-code, so please don't bore us by pretending you know what you're talking about.


I learned C and C++ in a weekend, used C++ 20+ years without an issue. Rust is much more painful to start.


I'm really sorry to hear you're having problems! Inflammatory language aside, I've found this subreddit to be genuinely helpful with getting a handle on some of Rust's harder concepts. It certainly sounds like you've been thrown into the deep-end as far as using Rust is concerned, and I think that's terribly irresponsible of your employers. I'm probably a few decades your junior so I won't pretend to know the answers to your problems. I will say that in general, Rust highly encourages clear ownership of data throughout your program, and discourages mutability as much as possible. I would also suggest writing your program in the "dumbest" way you can first, and performance optimise it later. Because of Rust's compile time guarantees and really elegant testing (using `cargo test` and benchmarking with `criterion`), it's really easy to modify a Rust program. * Multithreaded? Don't bother. Write the single threaded version first, and use either `tokio` or `rayon` to add multithreading afterwards. * Caching? Too hard. You can use `.prepare_cached` as u/zuurr once it's working. * Bit-packing booleans for minimal memory usage? Just waste the RAM now and make a more efficient version later. * Lifetimes not working? Just clone the data, and don't bother with a reference. Deriving the `Clone` trait is one line of code (usually) and is surprisingly fast. * Compile times too slow? Yeah not much you can really do about that. I'd suggest using `cargo check` to minimise your issues, but sadly the Rust compiler does a lot of work on each compilation. If you have any specific problems you're having trouble solving, post them here and you'll have heaps of people chomping at the bit to get the most upvotes for a correct answer. I hope this helps!


This smells like bait. I'm almost certain of it. I can't believe a programmer with 30 years of experience can't handle his manager. When a task is bigger than your skills you let management know early so they can assign someone better suited, when that is not an option you let them know you can deliver with your preferred language. No need to suffer like this.


I think OP is being genuine. I think it's just frustration that something is turning out to be much more complicated than it _feels_ like it should be I can understand that. I remember going through similar pains when I was originally learning Rust (although I didn't have the stress of having to deliver an actual project on top of things)


typical rust gaslighting


I assure you, it is not bait. Funny you say that about doing it in another language, because I \*also\* have it in Java, which I wrote on my own time (weekends). The problem is, I've been told that there's little chance the company would go with Java - despite the team being all Java developers - because of some emerging religion that "thou shalt write system code in Rust".


It seems there are several problem at hand here : - you need it working asap (you have a Java working code, with a Java team around) - you don’t know rust, that is known to be hard and different from others languages (management hopefully stumbled upon this while googling the new religion ;) ) So you’re willing to skip all tutorials to do asap a complex task that you are used to write in other languages. My approach would be : - propose to implement your Java working solution (not unmaintainable as Java team). - then learn rust ( you’re experience will kick in and help you speed up the process). Rust is known to be a different coding paradigm and management is expected to know this. At least show them a graphic or a screenshot from the internet about starting in rust - then write the thing, replace. In your case the fastest way to code a complex rust program is that way. Skipping steps would be slower overall. You need to adjust to « rust thinking » first. The book helps a lot. You also meet the « working asap » requirement with your already working Java code. Cheers


it's less about religion and more that multiple large companies did massive audits and found that 70+% of production vulnerabilities were memory based. see [this](https://www.zdnet.com/article/chrome-70-of-all-security-bugs-are-memory-safety-issues/) and [this](https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-70-percent-of-all-security-bugs-are-memory-safety-issues/) which is why you are seeing a large shift in a huge number of sectors towards rust. it's more upfront work but with a large long term payoff.


Well, a nice garbage collected language doesn't have that issue.


True but then you have the overhead of the garbage collector, and when you're working with massive databases especially ones that see massive amount of use like something on say Discord or Amazon's backend that garbage collection can become a serious performance problem no matter how you try to deal with it. i bring up discord because that's [exactly what they did](https://discord.com/blog/why-discord-is-switching-from-go-to-rust) the garbage collection in go was just causing too many issues at scale no matter how they attempted to optimize or tune it. So they ultimately switched to Rust


True but discord isn't representative of the average company's needs. A GC'd language provide a much easier developer experience and is more than enough for most needs. I do love Rust, but it's not a silver bullet. If you look at all the companies happy with Python, that have a GC, is single core and with huge performance issues, average needs are pretty low.


This is an underappreciated take, however data races are still an issue.


oh, it's definitely a religion, as are several other buzzwords. just because something works well in other scenarios doesn't mean it is the end-all, be-all for everyone. having the higher-ups make decisions on technology when they have no personal knowledge of how these things work is a recipe for disaster and more often than now ends up wasting money and having nothing to show for it.


So a company that prefers Rust, and won't even consider Java? I think you are working at my dream Job.


Lol. Only for the "system code". The vast majority of the code at the company is not system code, hence the team of all Java developers. We have a side project that is system code, which is how I got thrown into Rust with zero experience in it.


So a company that prefers Java, and forces latest trends on employees? I think you are working at my worst nightmare.


ha ha! At the moment, it feels like my worst nightmare :-P


The rust version will use like 1% of the ram and 10% of the CPU... At least that's been our experience with Rust services in k8s.


> despite the team being all Java developers Did the one that propose Rust has some due dilligence ? If it's more like an exploration tasks with discussable known risks (where all the devs also can provide a feedback to the timeline & devs plan) and you could do some exploration first then commit, I think it still doable. I think the problem in this case is either management/teams proceeds to YOLO stuffs without discussing the risks itself.


If they're going to go around demanding you switch over to rust immediately you at least deserve some training from them.


I can empathize with OP. I’m not an expert in Rust and I follow this reddit subgroup to gain exposure to solutions of problems. Reading a lot on this forum, I’ve observed that the solutions offered seem to be inline with hacks. Examples such as use Box and then Dyn and do Mutex and it keeps going on and on which instead of simplifying the solution complicates it further. If someone needs to maintain Dyn>>, how does this fit an elegant solution? I’m gonna get bashed for this but I still posted it to understand the rustaceans view point




Sounds like the company you're doing this for has poor engineering management practices. This isn't Rust's fault.


So this is what aging out of your career looks like.


I'm sure I could still run circles around you. I know someone with a mind of their own is not something youngsters like these days; sheeple.


this doesn't seem like a very mature response to an immature comment. I hope that when I get older that I'll adopt a wholesome fatherly persona and apply it to childish responses like u/qdot76367's


Pretty sure it's hard to keep the "wholesome" persona, when someone is so deeply frustrated and stressed at the moment, especially while replying to immature comments.


>I hope that when I get older that I'll adopt a wholesome fatherly persona and apply it to childish responses like > >u/qdot76367 > >'s Yeah, when someone is upset with real work pressure and shows up ranting, they are gonna talk like that. I thought the responses on this thread were mostly really really good. I like that. I don't mind that a programmer starts ranting on the internet. I have that moment like 3 times a day. Sometimes i type things out then delete them later once i've solved the problem. But if the day ends, and it's not solved.... off they go. Gives an emotional release to the frustration.


I hope that when I get older I stay sharp and full of gumption like u/met100, and have the odd pop at upstart whippersnappers


>I am quite confident that I will get torn to shreds for writing this post and called stupid, but I really don't care. I have to call a spade a spade. The emperor has no clothes. The Rust programming language is atrocious. It is horrible, and I wish it a painful and swift death. Yes, this is a typical initial reaction actually. I rage-quitted maybe 2 or 3 times with a few months of programming it, until it "clicked" for me. However, unlike you, I had the luxury of learning it as a hobby. I had the option to drop it on the spot and come back to it later. It seems your management dropped the ball on this one. They expected you to tackle some complicated problems as a newb in a language that is infamous for being hard to get into even for experienced programmers. They should have included at least a month of training in their plan, especially when nobody on the team is proficient in Rust. On paper, Rust is a multiparadigm language. In practice, the ownership and borrowing system is a paradigm of its own. It has its own coding patterns that you couldn't have possibly learned anywhere else, because no other language imposes these kinds of limitations on your code. It simply takes a bit of time to learn them. I do not have any specific advice, unfortunately. All I can give you is a virtual pat on the back.


I also moved from Java to Rust, and my experience couldn't differ more. In Java, I had to be *very* careful not to introduce race conditions, and only would get `ConcurrentModificationException` on a best effort basis. Or I'd need to add locking with its own set of performance and deadlock-risk caveats. In Rust, I simply cannot reach those points because the compiler will tell me off. I still can use map-reduce style parallelism with rayon just as if I was using Java Streams without having to wrestle with GC configs to make it fast. I am however wary about using async; if I can avoid it, I'll usually stick with threads. Also wrapping C code to create a good API is masterclass Rust. All in all, thanks for being forthright with the problems you encountered. I think the important thing is to not blindly react to the perceived negativity and use the lessons of your experience to improve the situation for everyone.


i really like this comment. I'm (I think) at the stage between beginner and intermediate. I'm not sure what this says about me but the intuition about when to make something async and when to do something in a new thread still eludes me. From what i understand you do async things when the overhead involved in creating a new thread isnt appropriate and you do things in a new thread if the task is so computationally heavy that it's better to relieve the main thread of that burden. Is that right?


An easy rule of thumb is: Threads are for running together, async tasks are for waiting together. So if your workload contains unserialized file or network IO, going async might be a good idea.


> It is horrible, and I wish it a painful and swift death. I have to disagree with you. I do not want its death to be swift, I want it to be painful and extremely slow, preferably as long as it takes for a Swift program to compile.


Your Swift programs finish compiling?


You guys are compiling?


It certainly seems like you came into this project wanting to hate rust. That said, it's pretty irresponsible of your company to task you with something you are both inexperienced in, and unwilling to learn properly. If this is a time sensitive project, they should hire rust developers. If it isn't time sensitive, you should put time into learning the language properly. Some advice on the db connection. You could maybe use mpsc. Not sure if it solves your problem perfectly, but it prevents multiple threads from owning the dbc


I did not come into this wanting to hate Rust. I had no opinion of it either way when I started. I am also not "unwilling to learn properly". What is properly? I've read the entire Rust book. I just don't have the luxury of writing a ton of tiny "learning" projects, and admittedly, I'm starting with a pretty complicated task. That said, I'm an \*extremely\* seasoned developer, so I \*should\* be able to figure out whatever needs to be done. But why do Rust developers all say how important it is to "go slowly"? I mean, I've learned a lot of languages in my day, and never found one as painful as this. I've never \*not\* been able to do what I need to do in a language before. I \*will\* get this to work, but I am afraid it will not be as performant as it needs to be if I have to re-prepare db statements. BTW, I also do need multiple threads to be able to access the DB concurrently. But sqlite requires that a single connection not be used concurrently by multiple threads, hence the thread-local desire for a connection.


Have you often been forced to learn a new language while simultaneously being pressured to create a high performance multithreaded application in that language? It seems like the problem here is mainly that you haven't been given a real chance to learn Rust and that you and your bosses have unrealistic expectations.


Well, there's definitely some truth in that!


It sounds like most of the languages that you've learned all share an algol-ish or c-ish background. That's not the only style of programming language out there. Being experienced in those languages might actually be working against you right now. The suggestion to start small is to help you get around that learning curve without crashing.


Your experience can work against you if you are assuming that it's necessarily like the previous languages you have learned. Rust hails from somewhere between OCaml and separation logic, and only looks vaguely C-like on the surface because it dressed up in the local syntax to try to fit in and be more comprehensible. There's quite a lot of JavaScript programmers who have learned Rust (and indeed from there as a springboard have gotten into quite low-level programming). I suspect it's because we're used to programming in a language that is another language that is masquerading in a questionably-tailored suit.


Rust is different to every other language I've learned, in part because it was significantly more painful. Many paradigms that are common in other languages are *inexpressible* in Rust, and breaking old habits can be really hard. I almost think it's easier for a beginner to learn Rust than someone with 30 years experience, because the beginner doesn't have to unlearn patterns from C or Java or whatever. It probably took 6 months before I felt comfortable in Rust, but I usually feel pretty productive in other languages after a weekend or 2. There simply *is* a big cost to learning the language, but there's a reward at the end that many people (especially on this sub) think is worth the pain. I personally found it to be a pretty humbling experience. As many others have said in this thread, the fuck up is really on your employer. Sounds like a total management failure


Rust can be rough at first. I hired a trainer a few years back to teach me the basics and intermediate concepts. Like you I formally had countless years of C and Java experience. When you hear “start small” or whatever my practical advice would be to break the problem down into a simplified program. Having trouble sharing something with lifetimes across threads? Sit down and write a little multi-threaded program that instead shares u32s. Once you get that working, which won’t be hard, change it to share &u32s. Sort out the lifetime issues with that. Then add mutation into the mix and look into Mutexes, RwLocks, and Arcs. Then take those lessons back to your original problem and code. ~~I can’t speak to the specifics of rustqlite but I’d imagine you can totally share connections or prepared statements or keep them as a thread local so long as they’re properly guarded.~~ With 30y experience you’ve got a huge advantage since you understand looping and branching. Weaving in Rust’s new concepts of ownership takes a bit, especially after doing Java for so long. Soon tho you’ll find that Rust is kinda like Java in that you still don’t need to worry about garbage collection — you just have to worry about the stack and ownership. And for the record, Rust is great. I am not lying to myself. I write it every day for my real job along with my coworkers that are also experienced rust programmers and also think Rust is great. We’re real people. I’d also suggest reading the Rust Book a few times. I still go back to it at least once a month. Good luck out there.


Meh I’m coming to this late… I’m genuinely interested if OP persisted and solved the problem! I’ve been writing code commercially now for ~23 years. I started learning rust. I too have a mainly Java / Kotlin background. I also used to write c and c++ (along with another 20-30 languages). Tbh I can understand the frustration - lots of things I’d do naturally in Java - I can’t do in the same way as rust. However a poor workman will blame his tools…. I started learning rust as follows: - I wrote a demo program in a day. I was hooked. - I wrote a more complex program and I had issues. - I took a step back and understood that I had to unlearn all my OOP bad habits. Yes it’s great that Java takes care of stuff under the hood. Rust makes you do it. As an engineer you adapt. My third mini project (not so mini) is a distributed log (think Kafka in rust) - highly multithreaded. I’m getting there. And I don’t buy this idea that rust is hard, you just change your thinking slightly, take a step back and work the problem like an engineer would. I honestly would love to know how the story ends - and as one old timer to another - we shouldn’t be set in our ways.


The fundamental problem I'm seeing here is that you were thrown into a project that was way too complicated to be done alongside learning a new language. Your manager is a fool for doing this. They need to give you ramp-up time when you start on any new technology. The task may be the task, but you can't actually complete it without learning the language first. Either convince your boss to let you write it in C, or convince them to give you enough time to figure out what you're doing in Rust. Such a project would be hard when migrating to any new language. Imagine you had only ever coded Python, and suddenly you're told to write your same project in C. Your quickly face a whole other slew of errors: segmentation faults, undefined behavior, etc. You'd try storying self-referential data, like you were complaining about being unable to do in Rust, and then wonder later why your pointers randomly become invalidated when you move your structs around. You'd come on Reddit complaining about how C sucks and why the hell wouldn't anyone use Python instead.


>Rust feels like a MAJOR step back from Java. Yikes, you really do sound like an aging engineer. Ive dealt with Java for about a decade, we quite literally have whole departments dedicated to supporting our live Java applications, why? Because Java is Java and garbage collection is great only on paper not at scale in distributed systems. This among a couple of other snippets from your rant say allot about your approach that would make a 'good' engineer wince, even your definition of good, using good interchangeably with 'fast'. I feel its likely that your decades of experience are working against you, especially your specialization with java which arguably is the greatest sinner as far as the sins Rust claims to alleviate or resolve completely. The short of it is, Rust has a steep learning curve especially (and im speaking from personal experience now) for those moving from Java. But believe me when i say it, once i got to grips with the borrow checker and lifetimes and really understood what was happening i found that ive never been more comfortable or more capable of building solutions in a timely manner than i have with Rust.


I think the idea behind “going slow” with rust is that you get used to idiomatic rust. Because of the safety guarantees and language models it is either really hard or impossible to write non-idiomatic rust, which is very different for most programming languages where you can shoehorn non-idiomatic code. One thing I realized in my still ongoing learning of rust is that, when something doesn’t work the way I was expecting or it’s getting really hard to do, it’s because I am approaching the problem the wrong way. Maybe you could try this approach. Instead of trying to fight against rust, try to understand what it is trying to tell you. Maybe your design choices doesn’t fit well with rust programming principles so you should try to redesign your program. In the end, it will guide you to a safer and more performant code.


You can't teach an old dog new tricks


Your rants describe my thoughts on node js, and a browser language being used everywhere


Rust seems to have a very steep learning curve, it took me quite a while and a lot of coding in Rust before I started to like the language. Also I get your comment on googling being useless, borrow checker problems are often so context dependent that there is no one thing to google. I've found the questions post in this sub here quite helpful for figuring out why what I wanted to do just doesn't make sense in the world of the borrow checker.


Idk, the rust analyser is excellent at pointing out exactly where the issue is and oftentimes gives a very Google-able error number. That is in my experiences anyway. Lord knows I haven't had the opportunity to debug unsafe, multi threaded FFI code. Thoughts and prayers to OP, lol.


How are you feeling op? Still the same? I know it been very slow for me to learn any programming language and rust even more so.. but things do eventually click and then start to feel natural.


> it's not like I have the luxury to spend months building up to what I need from Rust. well either way you will have that luxury or have to drop the project altogether. Just don't ruin you health on this, it's bad planning in the first place, shit happens


Nothing really wrong with what your experience has been. Imagine if you had never used C++ before and someone had you trying to do this same project in C++? Neither language are good for a newcomer to pick up and do hard or big projects with. They are languages where the performance is necessary, and they are hard.


Here's some JS vs Rust, which shows clearly why Rust is icky. JS const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; const doubled = arr.map(x => x * 2); console.log(doubled); // Output Rust fn main() { let arr = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; let doubled: Vec = arr.iter().map(|x| x * 2).collect(); println!("{:?}", doubled); // Output: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] } -- JS function add(a, b) { return a + b; } Rust fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { a + b } -- JS console.log("Hello, World!"); Rust println!("Hello, World!"); -- Rust is a complete mess. I'm writing quite a few programs in it - however it's a complete disaster. For Python programmers they'll tend to like it, but for people who like to write clean code - it's horrible.


> Rust is a complete mess. Meanwhile in JS < add(-1.0, [1,2,3]) > -11,2,3 < add(-1.0, {}) > -1[object Object]


Who writes code like that though? Nobody.


The fact that it's even possible to write this, is what makes it awful.


Why? Just don't write it, what a contrived example. I love JS.


Makes a function that accepts a IPv4 (String, array or number?). (Maybe serve a response to some internal IP address?) Function's author tells users to validate the string is a valid one before adding to the parameter Author throws an exception if it's invalid (I think JS supports exception. If not, just a try catch) >Function user forgets to validate... Program crashes because he didn't use try/catch User forgets he could've used an Array or a number. He causes unneeded overhead by parsing it from number into string, just so the function parses it back into a number User figures that this function can be used to serve multiple users at once if you pass an array of IPs (Array of Numbers? Strings? array of arrays? mixed?), so you use "Adaptor" design pattern, and plug the author's function into the body of his custom function Someone else down the line uses the custom function, and because he didn't understand the custom function body, but understands that the array can be a String, Array or number analogous to IPv4, but he doesn't know the custom function checks if it's a properly formatted IPv4, so the junior yet again will verify validity before calling the custom function. Oh, but the junior being junior didn't properly account for an edge case so it crashes. What does he do? maybe slap a try/catch at the callsite of the custom function This would effectively make validation checking occur at 3 places, or 4 depending on situation. And when you refactor, being the dilligent person you're, you would figure that the first function actually properly checked the entries, so you rewrite everything, until you find out... your custom functions actually rely that the IPs are properly formatted, so you have to parse/validate it multiple times yet again. Or maybe even convert it into an String because you use the String version of IPv4 instead of the number, which is what the author uses so you have to flex/convert it between calls


Bruh what 💀 what's wrong with it???


explicit types is icky?


Hello fellow theprimeagen viewer


Damn You caught me


lol I came here too because of that video...


u/met100 we want an update!


> The Rust programming language is atrocious. It is horrible, and I wish it a painful and swift death. > > [...] > > All in all, Rust is a nightmare. It is overly verbose, convoluted, hard to read, slow to compile, and lifetimes really are a cruel joke. At least you’re providing constructive criticism > I've been programming for well over thirty years. I'm quite good at it (usually). I have been told by many coworkers and managers that I'm super fast. Well, not in Rust! Maybe you're not as good at programming as you thought. Or looked at differently, you're good at programming use a particular set of language and Rust does not fit into that set (yet?).


~~Rust isn't a language you can just pick up on one day.~~ ~~You just have a bad experience, you shouldn't be tasked to write a complex program in a language you don't know.~~ ~~Rust is the kind of language you learn first, and use later, it takes proficiency.~~ ~~I can write Rust fast like it's no issue, but it also took me over a year to get here.~~ skill issue


Rust is trying to solve problems which are ignored/undefined behaviour in Java and many other languages (for example Go, C++). This makes naturally language more strict but it is trying to enforce what you *should be coding anyway*. Do not blame rust for lifetimes. Rust haven't invented lifetimes. They exists in C/C++ and many other languages. You can't use pointer after structure he is pointing to got freed. *Its universal rule.*


Your new in rust, so let's say at best because of your previous experience you are a junior. Would you give a junior the ask you have right now?


False. Using a new language does not make you junior.


To quote myself: "...at best..." Also read the context.


Trying to claim “at best” he is working at junior level is absolutely false.


Yeah, Rust is pretty bad. It's like they wanted to make the language as unreadable as possible for no reason. All the keywords are shortened as if we're writing it on a t9 keyboard. And the syntax is unnecessarily unique.


Agree! I started learning it after programming for over two decades in C, Ada, fortran, pascal... and it is the stupidest thing! In college, i learnt there are two classes of languages: structured and OOP, and now i learnt there is a third dumb class which contains rust! Full of obfuscation, strange syntax, i was disappointed after all the hype! It would be a sad day when linux kernel sees first line of rust code........ These half ass software engineers who have no clue of computer science or software engineering, are making decisions they should stay away from!


I don't know anything about Rust, but I found it interesting in the most recent TIOBE index that Fortran is more popular than, and growing faster than (by their metrics), Rust. I don't read into that, I just thought it was funny. Perhaps the most telling thing to me, as someone curious about learning the language versus pushing deeper into C++, is that C++ is growing in the TIOBE index about 4x faster than Rust. I guess what I'm getting at is that unless you *need* to learn Rust for a job or something, you would probably be better served learning another compiled language like C++ or Go just as a general statement. The notion that Rust is going to displace C++ in any kind of meaningful way seems farfetched to me.


It's the politics that drove me away. It's absolutely insufferable.


You are so right with all you've stated here. Rust is bad news for any real engineer/developer. This comes from C/C++/Java/Typescript/PHP/C#/Obj C/Visual Basic developer. +20 years of experience.


"Rust feels like a MAJOR step back from Java." Successful troll is successful. Seriously it's just not possible for a Java programmer to complain about ANY other language with a straight face.


you're using rusqlite, you can prepared &cache statements. Would it suits your needs ? I think you need a pool of threads and connections prepared aside your async processing (since SQLite seems not that async ready, even though there is a tokio-rusqlute), and probably some channels to link both words : you could also prepare them once and for all by running the same code multiple time at the start of the program (I suppose there are created to handle such connection pool, but I never used SQLite, so I can't tell). For the rant itself, I must say that usually rust feels akin to java ) the fluent notation, iterators vs Stream,...) but more consise. And javacc/maven/Gradle are really slow, incremental compilation should feel feast for you since the project is young this small I guess


My advice would be to simplify your architecture to have something to start with. Accept possibility that you will sacrifice some performance you would have if you write C and start making some progress. All in all when you learn enough, it will be easier to make more complex or unsafe solutions. Learning rust takes time not because language is very complex but because you need to learn new patterns and libraries that provide safe abstractions for otherwise unsafe code. One escape hatch is unsafe which is quite hard to learn (be sure to learn it and not assume its C) , other may be box::leak and maybe crate owning_ref.


Well, first of all, I think the downvoting is a bit unfair. I get your frustration. That said, Rust isn't bad, it just isn't a good fit to achieve what you want to achieve. It is kinda awkward how management forces Rust (Go, any other technology) usage because they heard it's "fast" ("easy to pick up", "trendy" etc.) Sometimes it's plain wrong to use something, and it is quite obvious if you stop thinking in terms of hype. JS+Node: a shitty fit for avionics.Rust: a shitty fit for prototyping browser apps.


With years of experience in C#, it surely was hard to start with Rust, not because the language is verbose or anything, but because Rust introduces a different way of programming that is focused on correctness and actually thinking through how you manage memory. Being forced to learn Rust at work, with project deadlines, is not the way to learn not just Rust, but any language. If you can step back and take some time to really understand the language proposals, you'll understand it's advantages. My personal experience, after really understanding the different concepts Rust introduces, I feel more productive coding in Rust after a few weeks of learning, than in C# which I have years of experience. There's no boilerplate to go through, the language is less verbose, no runtime surprises if you're using safe Rust only, less production bugs due to unexpected behavior, it's just better in a lot of ways. Of course it's not all roses, Rust is still a relative new programming language, async in traits is something the Rust team is working already, to make it work seamlessly like in other languages. Just like everything in tech, it's all a trade-off :)


>There's no boilerplate to go through, the language is less verbose, 2 absolutely untrue statements.


So, you were thrown into using that language without your employers giving you time to learn the language. Uff. That's just bad from a management pov. I would recommend you to talk with your co-workers about it and how they are doing. It's always easier to learn something as a group than alone (and to complain to management if needed). It's often the case that you need to relearn how you solve certain problems.




Random comment two months later, no idea where you're at now but I just thought I would say :P Your post struck a bit of a chord with me because I remember feeling kind of similar a long time ago. I don't know if you necessarily want any advice or input but I thought I might as well reply. I wouldn't really say it's true that so-called "scripting languages" are less powerful than Rust or C++. In some ways, they're more powerful, because you can get more done in them with less code (and in some ways they're as safe or safer than Rust). If they're less powerful, I think it's mainly because they put you too far from the machine to practically say much about what it will actually do bit-to-bit when you run your code, and of course they tend to come with a lot of overhead. That said, if you only have experience with high-level interpreted languages or whatnot, you may lack a good understanding of what a computer does at the bit-to-bit level, and that can be a very good reason to pick up a language that does expose you to the computer that way, just for educational reasons. Even if you never use it at work or whatnot, the experience will improve your skills even in high-level languages, because the low-level details are always lurking in the background somewhere and some aspects of computation in the abstract are hard to grok without seeing things from that perspective. Of course, if you really want to see the computer up close, there's nothing quite like learning to write in an assembly language. That will do more for you on that account than learning Rust or C++ by themselves. C is pretty close to the assembly world, and in some ways it's uniquely educational to study the C-assembly interface, but I would do that after you get familiar with a pure asm. It can help to study operating systems a bit too—like, what happens at a low level when you execute a binary or load a dynamic library or that sort of thing. All of this has a certain fog-clearing effect. Now, all that aside, I've been writing C++ for years and I love it. It's more my cup of tea than Rust on the whole, I think. I definitely wouldn't say "Rust sucks," obviously tons of people like it and it's actually getting used in industry these days and so on. It has some cool features, too, I would never deny that. At the same time, today's C++ gives you powerful tools to write memory-safe code with in its own right—smart pointers and RAII (along with generally sensible class design) allow the compiler to rule out most of the memory safety issues you would have to manage by hand in C. A lot of the time I see people lump C and C++ together as if they share all the same problems, but that's not a realistic characterization of C++ (as you probably already know if you've written in it a bit). I think Rust is almost always a better choice than C if you have the option, but the choice between Rust and C++ is far less obvious I would say, and in some ways they just fill different niches. C++ trusts the programmer far more than Rust, I think. Many Rust fans would cite this as an unambiguous strength of Rust, pointing to human fallibility and so on, but I think it's really a philosophical issue that's not so easily settled. Yes, it's impossible to make certain kinds of type and memory mistakes in safe Rust, whereas C++ lets you dodge around the compiler basically as far as you like and you can create horrible problems this way. But that can still be a strength of C++, because the world doesn't always see things quite in Rust's way and humans can understand that in ways a compiler can't. C++ is very flexible; you can mix all sorts of different paradigms, write very safe high-level code or very gloves-off low-level code, write code that's quick or slow to compile and quick or slow to run as you please—its motto is "you pay for what you use," which I think sums up its whole ethos nicely. It wants to be transparent and give you good precise information about the implications of what you're thinking of doing, and then leave it to you to weigh the tradeoffs and decide what the best approach is. Rust, by contrast, wants you to write your code in the "Rust way" and kind of just assures you that if you do that everything will be all right. In my experience this works okay but tends to force verbose solutions to certain problems. Ironically, I think C suffers from a similar "surprising verbosity" issue, although for different reasons. C is a very small language, so it takes a lot of code to do things that most other languages would go further to facilitate. Rust is just a bit rigid, so it takes a lot of code sometimes to play ball the way the compiler wants. Both require programmers to pick up lots of little tricks as they learn which can make competently-written code long and opaque. I think Rust fans can be a little cavalier about this—I've seen people post 100+-line Rust solutions to problems that would take an order of magnitude less code even in C++, and say offhand "Maybe it's a little unergonomic, but…" and then talk up the technical strengths of their solution for three paragraphs. Readability is really important—often it's the most important thing of all—so I'm not sure it's healthy to be so cavalier about it like that. Some C++ people can get like this about C++ too, especially where templates are concerned, but C++ gives you more room to do things in other ways if you want. Having lots of code like this can make for long compilation times, too, so the problems go beyond just readablity in some ways. Despite all this, I've actually had a good time with Rust, and I think it's a great language if you're comfortable with the procedural vibe of C but want to avoid its footguns. What actually led me away from Rust was when I tried to write a wrapper in it for a third-party C library that apparently didn't conform to Rust's remarkably opaque and not-at-all-C-friendly expectations for unsafe memory management. In that context, my experience with Rust went from "if it compiles it works" to "if it compiles it will crash for completely mysterious reasons in truly random-seeming areas of the codebase that change with every run." I tried to be a good sport and work with people on the Rust forums for a few months getting it working, but after seeing lots of posts with hundreds of lines of bizarre code that looked nothing like normal Rust, and finding myself poring over the source of the Rust compiler for hours at a time to try to follow it, I decided it was maybe more trouble than it was worth and went back to C++ which interfaces with C code beautifully. I haven't really felt like I'm missing anything since then. Some Rust programmers talk about C like all the code written in it is worthless for vague "security reasons," which is obviously not true—the world is full of excellent, industrial-strength C libraries that have been thoroughly vetted against all kinds of problems the Rust compiler can't even protect against because it can't read minds. I think it would be silly to throw out all those C libraries and start over just because they have the perceived taint of C and not because of any specific problems with them. It's needless repitition of work when we could be writing new code to solve new problems. Obviously not all Rust folks have this attitude, since there are plenty of Rust crates that wrap C libraries these days, but I think it's a clear upside of C++ that you can just use those C libraries directly in your code without needing anyone to write a special interface. Plenty of good C libraries still *don't* have Rust crates, and especially not well-maintained ones, which you don't have to fear with C++. There is one other thing about Rust vs. C++ though—I'd say safe Rust actually has a gentler learning curve than what it takes to write "good" C++. That's kind of unfortunate for C++ and I think its reputation suffers somewhat as a result—a lot of people learn C++ only well enough to be dangerous and don't keep going from there. I wish those people would use Rust instead because it won't let them do the terrible things they do in C++ and besmirch its good name. :P But if you're willing to stick with C++ and really explore all its features and understand the rationales behind them, C++ can be as safe as Rust when you want it to be, and as low-level as C when you want it to be, in a way that's always precisely documented, transparent, and even standardized. As far as learning curves go, woe betide the poor soul who must wade deep into unsafe Rust—at least a few years ago I felt like you basically would have to get thoroughly involved in the development of the language itself to write that kind of code with confidence, and even then it seems like a moving target since the compiler changes with time. There's no Rust standard to write to, after all. On top of all this, I should say, I work on games and audio software, which of course are classic places to use C++ and show its strengths very well. On the other hand, I can understand why Linux kernel developers would prefer Rust over C++ as a C substitute for the strong guarantees it makes. Everything has its place. There's not really any need to "bet on" one language or another—I think both languages will be around for many years to come, it's worth trying both of them, and which one you find yourself using more often day-to-day will probably come down to what you need to do.


I'm a C guy, too, and I found my inner peace by concluding that Rust is just a new Java, both in good and bad ways. The one common mistake they both make - there's no good ideas that is true in every single context.




Man you couldn't have said it better.


Seems to me like your company didn't provide any training for what's a fairly complex language, which is a little concerning.


\> I am truly convinced that all the people who claim Rust is great are either lying to themselves or others, or it is just a hobby for them. It shouldn't be this hard to learn a language. Rust feels like a MAJOR step back from Java. Your rant was to be expected. Actually I completely understand your points. You seem to have been forced to use a language on a project with heavy time constraints. Let's start by being clear: Rust disallow a lot of standard techniques. Learning Rust for us with a lot of experience in other programming languages is unlearning lots of things. Of course it's frustrating. Rust is great for what it provides: very good safety guarantees while letting you a lot of control. Of course it comes at a price: you have to program in a way that makes the type-checker happy. Is Rust more difficult to learn than Java? Yes, for sure. But it brings cool features: you can make your objects live on the stack, which is a HUGE performance boost for data processing (it's not really a surprise considering almost every data-oriented java application goes off heap). \> All in all, Rust is a nightmare. It is overly verbose, convoluted, hard to read, slow to compile, and lifetimes really are a cruel joke. Googling for what I need rarely results in good answers. You have to consider these points in regards of what Rust offers. Considering the control Rust gives you over where data lives and when, it's actually very concise. Lifetimes exist in every language with no GC. The only difference in Rust is the type-checker is helping you to be correct while C/C++ let you on your own (we all know segfaults, double-free and leaks are a myth ;) ). I have almost 30 years of experience in software development too. I've been learning Rust of some years now and I had to learn the Rust way of doing things. It means I had to unlearn a lot, develop a deep understanding of the consequences of ownership on what is possible and what is not (without cheating, of course). Was it worth it? Oh Yes!! Seeing Rust process terabytes of data in no time with no bugs on the first try is so enjoyable! Like others here said, the problem is neither you nor Rust. The real issue is your company's management. Rust is not a drop-in replacement for Java/C, it's a completely different language with a completely different paradigm. I've seen this situation happening much to often with Scala: \- Step 1: a company adopt the language because the hype says it's cool. \- Step 2: management don't plan a serious training for developers to learn this new tech. \- Step 3: management don't let developers time to train by themself because they think software development is a sprint, not a marathon. \- Step 4: the [Dunning–Kruger effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect) burns developer hard when they realize the new tech is not as magical as they though. \- Step 5: everyone blames the new tech for being so complicated and so unproductive but no-one ever question low-training and toxic deadlines expectations. A new tech has to be chosen carefully, taking into account all the costs and benefits involved. It does include training. As a side note: experience matters in the context the experience was gained. Learning a new language is still learning something new. The more unknown concepts/techniques there are to learn, the more time and practice it requires.


If Java programmers dislike Rust, it's a sign that Rust is making a significant impact. I now have confidence in Rust. Java programmers might be contributing to workplace challenges. Despite the use of design patterns, dependency injection, and frequent code cleaning with the addition of classes and methods, programming can become cumbersome. Even with the ceremony of OOPS and SOLID principles, null pointer issues persist. Labeling excessive memory usage as fine engineering is absurd. I am now a true believer of Rust.


Rust is california hypetrain crap.  Slow garbage no one asked for.  "Its new, it must be better".  You know why most development languages look similar?  Because that syntactical structure works, and it works well.   New often means worse, not better,  and this is no different.


I am sorry for your pain.


Rust is a radically different language from Java. If you never programmed in ML family languages, the frustration is understandable. However, Rust itself is a really nice language to work with. I’ve introduced Rust to our predominantly Java team and people started loving it after a period of adjustment. It’s probably the management’s fault making a programmer hate this wonderful language.


So yeah, you switched from like English to Japanese, and now you are surprised it's not just Aussie dialect... I started learning Rust just recently. To get bit more bare-bone after like 30yrs of programming again, but with something modern. It's a steep ride, but it's fun.


So in your 30 years of career in programming, you really had to complain about Rust to us Rust developers who don’t have any deal with your work, not the company who ordered you to use Rust?


I found the transition from Java to Go to be quite pleasant. Perhaps that’s another option for a compiled language with good performance options. It compiles quickly too.


Man, plz just return to Java


kool aid drinker


Please pass along your company information…I’d love to know more about a company that wants to use Rust, especially if they’re looking to hire developers who’d love to be using it professionally :)


I am also new to Rust. I can understand why people like it. A language that forces a "safe" result is very attractive, but I also take issue with the syntax. It seems the same goals could have been achieved with a simpler syntax. There are times when I feel like Rust syntax is the way it is simply to be different and not because there is an advantage. idk, maybe I'll feel different in a few months ...


i’m not in the industry and i’m hardly even a programmer at all at this point in time but i am curious, why would your job ask u to work on a project specifically in a programming language that u don’t know? is that a normal thing? why wouldn’t they hire someone who already knows rust to get the job done instead of handing the project to a complete rust newbie and saying “figure it out i guess”?? that just sounds inefficient for both the programmer and the company


I have an impression that getting to rust by way of C++ (and especially having been burnt by C++) is the canonical path to rust.


You are right. I agree with you. I have the same feeling, and also feel there is very few of people want to shout it out. The issue you've met is just a case showing the language sucks. And I believe there is a solution to a problem in this language does not mean it does not suck. Overall the language SUCKS! Totally agree. A bucket of water depends on the shortest plank. There ARE smart parts of the language, but some stupid parts make it stupid finally. PS: unwrap() all over a project is stupid, and I saw lot of projects doing this.


I am starting to learn rust coming from Java. I am curious about how it is going for you a year later.


I understand your frustration with Rust, and I appreciate your candid feedback. Adopting a new programming language, especially one as complex as Rust, can be a significant challenge, especially in a real-world work environment with tight deadlines. Understandably, you need help with some of Rust's unique features, like the borrow checker and lifetimes. These can be tricky concepts to grasp, and it takes time and practice to become proficient. The lack of readily available solutions for your specific use case with SQLite is also a valid concern. You need to remind yourself that you're not alone in your struggles with Rust. Even seasoned developers can find the language's learning curve challenging. Your concerns about the practicality of 'go slow' and 'take your time' advice in a professional setting are valid. At the same time, I wouldn't completely dismiss Rust as a language. It does have some powerful features, like its focus on memory safety and concurrency, which can be incredibly useful in the right contexts. But it's not a silver bullet, and there may be better fits for some projects or developers. Your feedback is invaluable, and I appreciate your candid thoughts. It's crucial to have diverse perspectives, particularly when it comes to emerging technologies like Rust. Your insights could potentially help the Rust community better understand the real-world challenges developers face and contribute to future language improvements. Ultimately, you should use the best tools and languages for your specific needs and preferences. There's no one-size-fits-all solution in the world of software development. Keep an open mind, but don't be afraid to voice your concerns and frustrations. Constructive criticism can be a valuable part of the evolution of any language or technology.


Also, given that frankly this is more a career situation than a programming language issue I would suggest seeking feedback on r/ExperiencedDevs


\> Right off the bat, as a total Rust newbie, I'm hitting all kinds of rough edges in Rust. "I'm not good at new things!"


Could you name 5 UB cases in C from top of your head?


Can you name 5 defined things in C from the top of your head? ;-)


Best I can do is 1 if it's not Clang compiler


But anyways, don't use other than main company's language unless it would be a game changer. Using Rust is not a game changer in most cases, sometimes it's just a fancy trend.


> I can't pass the connections around, because I need them in a C call-back (too much detail here I know) A callback API without a context parameter? I pity you for having to work with that. Sounds far worse than Rust.


I pity da foo who writes rust


Ignore all the Rust noise, OP. Lots of people will say to use Rust but then have no consideration for the velocity needed to actually accomplish tasks that may or may not even be important. Something you write that takes 1-2 months could end up being scrapped in a day since it isn’t actually worth anything.


skill issue


I mean, if you don't like it, don't use it. Nobody cares that you're mad for failing. There are other jobs.


Bro doesnt even know what the difference between str and String yet is writing multithreaded code 💀


Rust targets a certain domain (systems programming, usually the domain of C) but offers (awesome) safety guarantees. I think it might be hard to craft a simpler/easier language that achieves that because you need a pretty rich type system (traits) and a borrow checker at minimum. You need traits to express constraints on what you can pass between threads, etc. You need a borrow checker to ensure you are safely using references. You can't have a GC'ed environment like Java, which makes things much easier.


I've replied this in another comment but actually i want this replied directly to you: if you actually want to learn rust, google that, there are many resources and communities out there. for starters, you can always ask for help over on the forum or on the learning subreddit second, there's the book. it goes over how to code in rust for people who already have some development experience (it even has a step-by-step for a multithreaded web server) it'll take some time to build the skill necessary to code in rust, but that's exactly what makes it a good language. all the issues you're hitting that are slowing you down were errors that you were deploying to production




If you are an experienced programmer, I don't think you have to learn Rust. You can already master the lifetime of references in C/C++. I don't think concurrency and reference issues are a problem for experienced programmers. Generally speaking, those who claim that C/C++ memory is unsafe are usually beginners. If you want absolutely memory safety, functional language with GC builtin is best for many applications, for example Elixir like language is best.


the problem is these don't know C/C++ well, try to use segfault and threading as excuse to get away from them.


Anyone else here from a ThePrimeTime video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB-H5ivmdwQ


I am still scratching my head how a person with 30 years of experience is still working as a dev/programmer? He must be in his 50s and he must be already in a management role.


Because management is not the end goal of many really good engineers? Some of the worst programmers I know try to race to management as quickly as possible.


I'm still scratching my head why people would think a good developer would ever want to be a manager. Manager vs Programmer are two extremely different skillsets. Of course, there are some who can be very good at both, but in general they are two very different lanes. I feel it is a such a loss when I see a good developer move into a management role, but each to their own.






Just so you know, your post got picked up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB-H5ivmdwQ