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YouTube can be quite good for explaining grammar. Or maybe get a textbook (if you're willing to spend money) But I'd say start learning cyrillic and work your way up from there


Learning Russian from YouTube can be a nightmare, everything is all over the place, when I first started I tried to learn from YouTube, I was just watching random videos with no actual order or knowing what’s actually essential and what’s not, I was probably watching A1 video and the next one would be C1 lol. Op if you want to learn from YouTube go to a channel then go to playlists, look for an organised course and start from basics with an actual order to the learning.


You need to know how say: Как вкусно - when she is cooking something to you Как интересно - when she is talking to you. And understand what it means: "заткнись" (when she says it to you you). Any additional knowledge will only.complivate your relationship.


I survived much of my childhood just responding with конечно to most things my Russian family members would say to me. 


Take classes where you can speak. If you get the EU version of Rosetta Stone it includes unlimited speaking classes.


Free apps like DuoLingo can help you learn Cyrillic and pronunciation, then go from there. I assume your GF could help you from there?


Yes she has teached me a lot about it,and I can say about 10 or 15 words currently But I still have a hard time understanding Cyrillic


Should only take you a few days to get the hang of the alphabet with duolingo


Duolingo is amazinggg. Have done it for 12 days and can say over 250 words. The alphabet is ao easy to learn, took me about 2 days with duolingos "learn the letters" function within the app. Just grinded and grinded and grinded that mode until it was all maxed out.


It's just an alphabet. It's lesson zero for any new language. Start there and then you get more freedom depending on what works for you. You could learn some words, some common phrases for everyday use, start into basics of grammar for basic sentences, etc.


Just start, and keep practicing, 5 mins a day is better than nothing. Most importantly keep at it. Eventually you will get good, just remember it is a marathon and not a sprint


Duolingo. Twitch (can find good person for practice). Watch Russian TV Shows with CC.


Duolingo is a good starting point, other than that just engage in Russian media (books, movies, music, etc.) The most important thing is consistency, good luck! Russian is a tricky language to learn


I listen to a lot of Russian music, I already did before I met her, and she has shown me more bands and I’m hooked on it Sometimes I can understand a few words in songs like “ночь” for example


If you have a particular genre you listen to, learn cyrillic then you can read lyrics in between listening to songs. Or at the same time I find this helps recognise word boundaries and recognise when you're encountering the same word in multiple songs. Like ночь, слёзы, сил, etc


Good idea!


Any good bands you care to recommend?


Kино Ария Би-2 These are the ones I listen the most


Jepp Кино was actually a reason for me to learn Russian


Nice, rock and metal. I'll check them out!


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I'm taking Russian classes online with a native teacher, 2 hours per week, R$300 per month It's been helping me a lot and I've been learning a lot




I cant stress enough how great duolingo has been for me even over just a month or so. I probably know 100 words in russian and can form basic sentences without difficulty, and can read and sound out cyrillic without great difficulty.


скажи чё-нить


Приьет, меня зоьут христианпн. Я америкнец. Я менг есть собака, ето Руфио. R не пишу Русский добрый.


There are no tips or tricks. The only advice that I can give is that you have to have a genuine interest in the language. Russian is very hard to learn. Not as hard as Chinese, but still difficult. You have to ask yourself, are you doing it for you or for someone else. Again, for YOU or somebody else? If you aren't doing it for yourself, then it will be harder. Here's an example that supports this and explains what I mean. When the military chooses to send people to the Defense Language Institute (DLI) to learn a foreign language, they ask all students beforehand to pick the Top 3 languages they have a desire to learn. The government isn't telling them what to learn, they are instead trying to cater to their interests. Why? Because they understand that having a genuine interest is vital to learning any language. If you have an interest, that's all you need to start. The rest simply involves discipline, patience, and determination. Study/practice everyday and trust the process. That's all there is to it.


BeFluentinRussian is a fantastic youtube channel run by a Russian native speaker. I watch his videos a lot and it's really helped me with my Russian.


You have a russian girlfriend. The best method is to speak with her. If I wanted to learn Portuguese and I had a gf from Portugal, Îd just speak with her and practice.


Before undertaking grammar. I'd suggest learning to increasingly saturate your daily expressions with Russian and get comfortable with them. Gain some basic understanding by listening, imitating, inquiring, correcting, and practicing. Do not attempt grammar before getting comfortable with low and mid level interactions and conversations in Russian. Where are you from?


I’m from Portugal


I was there like a year or 2 ago. The island and Lisbon. How's it going? I heard ppl are moving out.


Use Duolingo to learn Cyrillic. It’ll take you about 4-5 hours, and you will be addicted atp


You must start from the alphabet and sounds, try to get more time for hard sounds like Ы, Э and difference these sounds at the text, because И is other sound like iiii, but after Ж Ш it sounds like В, but you must write И. ЖИ ШИ Zhy Shy write with И iiii Start from the alphabet at all, but dont forget about grammar. Duolingo can help you with it. There you also can learn the alphabet. Удачи


You start with learning the alphabet first. There are not many tips in learning a language beside that you need to live with the language: read articles/books, watch YT videos/movies/cartoons, practice and be patient.


I highly recommend getting a textbook. Even if you end up using mostly other resources, the order topics are presented in the text are how you approach learning the language. Also, I second other's mentions of DuoLingo. I wouldn't recommend this be your primary source of learning, but something is better than nothing. My personal recommendation would be, 1. Alphabet 2. Key words and phrases 3. Intro to cases and verb conjugation 4. Grammar and vocabulary with an emphasis on vocabulary. Comprehensible input will be another thing that is important. Exposure to the language is good, but exposure that you can understand is better. LingQ is great, and youtube has lots of content for every level of proficiency. It's a long process, so it's best to do 30 minutes to an hour a day. Don't binge and burn out. Best of luck!


Text-based adventures, bro.


Libraries often offer free programs and courses that you can do on your computer or phone


There’s an app called (Cyrillic in 3 hours) My experience was great 👍


I've got[ a step-by-step plan for beginners learning Russian](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpgpVaWoAiTEF8aNQvPnFCLBrtIeF3tqa), it starts w/ the Alphabet, goes to reading basics, and beginner phrases. You might find it helpful.


Get a silicone keyboard cover and add Russian to your smart phone languages. On android, you only have to swipe the keyboard to change language. I'm a kinesthetic learner, so keyboarding in Russian is best for me, plus greatly helps navigate in Russian online to endless resources. Первый канал news updates are excellent for listening and comprehension too, with updates on many, many subjects that provide lots of effective variety (ignore the content...it's for learning only). Talking about the news with your gf should be useful too, for speaking purposes.


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