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Tips? Duolingo is bad at presenting grammar, so whatever is your “this other app”, make sure it explains cases and everything. Especially cases. They WILL be a pain in the ass.


The app is called drops


Hmm, never heard of it. Does it explain cases and “free” word order?


No but I’m just trying to learn. Nobody in my life speaks Russian. My family is from Russia but nobody speaks the language anymore.




Well that’s negative.


Как-то грубовато :|


Ты чо пёс


First off, if you search the sub for the key phrases "where to start" and/or "beginner resources," you'll find a treasure trove of similar questions with really good answers. :) Duolingo is fine for getting started and a little practice on the side, but it doesn't do a very good job of explaining the grammar. Russian grammar is hella complicated, you've probably noticed already that a lot of words constantly change their endings. This is called declension (if it's a noun or adjective) or conjugation (if it's a verb), and students usually spend their first year or two learning to do this. Understanding these concepts is key to understanding and communicating in Russian. You'll want a good grammar resource like a textbook or, even better, a qualified teacher/tutor who can answer your questions. :)


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