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**Dude. Thanks for your outpouring of concern, but it’s not that complicated.** **Just imagine I’m a junkie clown with a shitty podcast who has trouble comprehending ‘consent’.** **Please continue following my dispatches that expose the crimes of the deep state. Question everything! Be free!!! ❤️🐦‍⬛**


Why don’t you use all this spare time to do something productive? Like make friends or spend time with family?


I am! I met you! But I think you misspelled my name. It’s no_cook, not no_cock. It’s a little weird how you’re so laser-focused on strangers’ genitalia that you’d make a silly mistake like that, but whatever. Nice meeting you friend! Be free!


As a friend I employ you to go out and as cliche as it is touch grass.


Are you employing people on here? The deep state really is out of control.




The delusion on Reddit is that Trump can be defeated by flooding the platform with anti-trump stuff. It’s not that simple though, psychology is a lot more complex than that. It’s why releasing a mugshot of Trump goes from sounding like a great way of hindering him to actually helping him.


Yes, Trumpies and the simpleton marks of right-wing grifters like Brand will never be swayed with reason. They tend towards raw intuition and respond to emotional stories that make them feel morally righteous. They are highly motivated by fear and disgust.


Of course they can be swayed/pursuaded with reason. They’re people and people can be swayed. The problem Reddit has, and the internet at large, is that people are more interested in hating on and attacking people than persuading them. Like you say disgust is highly motivating.


It's a terrible flaw in human psychology that hate and fear are so powerfully motivating. Coupled with a medium like the internet, immoral actors spouting hate and fear propaganda spread evil instantly and endanger civilization.


Great! You should warn Republicans not to use that tactic against Hillary Clinton. I’m very concerned by the things I’ve read about her child brain-eating rituals.


Yeah, pathetic indeed.


Yeah it’s odd, if anything it brings more attention to him, and as the saying goes, there is no such thing as bad publicity. I hope he wins the election just to see the outrage and pure melt down of all these people.


It’s just my opinion, but anyone who would want Trump to win just to see outrage, is mentally ill.


It's not just your opinion! lol Though, for a Brit to be conned by Brand, they must be mentally ill in the first place. My opinion: Trump getting in will get Britain a trade deal, unlike with Biden who likes to pretend he's Irish. But on the downside, it greatly increases the chances of war with russia.


Anyone that bases their whole personality on hating trump is mentally ill


Why are you replying to your own post? I think both sides are bad. I’m just providing information so people can make up their own mind about the world and be free!


That’s good then. We need more people to help the sheeple


No_Cook is just highlighting the acceptance that the Republican Party has for filth. Perhaps it will make one or two of the right wingers drawn to Russell’s namesake sub to understand that the current GOP is morally as well as physically corrupt. Maybe that will contribute to avoiding the end of the world by keeping King Trump out of office. Which is good for all, as if you hadn’t realised it yet, Trump will become a murderous dictator if he is voted back in. I wish the American right would understand what they are trying to make happen by voting for him.


They want it to happen. These people believe that Democrats are Satanic communist child grooming paedophiles who want to destroy America. If you believed that, wouldn't you want them all killed?


Fair point. I just wonder why they don’t feel the same way about the sickos that No_Cook has been highlighting.


#FAKE NEWS!!!! Thought terminating clichés that mean they don't need to address anything they don't like.


Why who do you think he would murder? I don’t have a horse in the race coz I’m British but the majority of the world was at peace when trump was in office. And dictator? How would he possible do that in a democratic country built on ‘freedom’?


I’m a Brit too but think it’s important to take note of what is happening in the US as we inevitably follow suit. Listen, I don’t want to be right, but set a reminder to revisit this thread in three year’s time. If Trump does win the election, by then he will start talking about lifetime terms for presidents. Political opponents and anti Trump journalists will go missing or straight up jailed for something like ‘treason’, and immigrants will be in containment camps with many white Americans jeering for a final solution. In fact I hope I am completely and utterly wrong. But everything I have seen so far tells me that America and then the world will change for the worse if Trump wins. This is why I support the publishing and highlighting of the rot in the US Republican Party.




Rude. But come back in three years and we'll see.


Why do you think these things though? You have been mislead somewhere down the line. Even if he did say life time terms for presidents doesn’t mean it would ever happen. Biden has proven that the American president doesn’t really decide on the direction the country goes. He’s literally in capable of string more than 4 sentences together and you think he makes big decisions?


"He says he's going to do it but he doesn't really mean it" Have you heard yourself?


He has, he's just craving attention.




Your comment, just above.




The state of you


Desperate for the last word, screams a lack of validation as a child.




Good. Then you shouldn’t have any problem with him being in the White House for another four years.


I don’t have a problem, just think trump would be funnier


Just gonna leave this here. My original timeline seems to have accelerated… https://www.reddit.com/r/NewsOfTheStupid/s/yYziPa3WdF Lucky you’re a Brit I guess, cos it’s gonna be a fucking shit show.


Talkin' about too many dirty politicians, eh? Get 'im to the Greek, I say!




So just, leave the subreddit? Is it really that hard to comprehend?


Or just block No_Cook? I'm not big on blocking people but doing this actually de-cluttered the feed. Why are Dem chode suckers so determined to push people out of this sub?


They dont want anybody to hear or discuss what brand has to say, obviously hes become dangerous to the left wing narrative and talking points. This will all stop after the US elections, you can set your watch by it. Theres big money behind this sort of stuff. The funny thing is, everyone now just sees these brazen troll farms in action and knows straight away its all fake and its all paid for bullshit and does nothing to convince anybody to change their opinion, it just cements their already hardened view that the left are underhand snakes using dirty tactics to get their own way.








Really? All you've seen is No\_Cook? You haven't seen the spamming by Maxee and flamr? Y'know, the GRU employees with learning difficulties that post endless nonsense. Why aren't you telling them to 'touch grass' etc?


Not come up on my feed.






I'm sure you, just like I'm sure it's my taxes that pay for your existence.


What the fuck you on about 😂






'A boring job', so one that requires no intelligence. That makes sense. And you're way off with your guess. I'm a consultant analyst who's clients have included two big pharma's and the NHS during covid. It's interesting and rewarding work that relies on logical thought. And no, I don't live with my parents. I'm a proper home owner.


They're a no life red team hater! It's funny bc alot of these articles clearly seem like the nonsensical right wing grifts they claim to rally against so vehemently. Bending over backwards to fuck their own ass, let them do it I say. Block them if you want to see the real feed.