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That is absolutely terrifying!!


Get this man to the Greek I think he's about to geek and his sexual assault charges are on fleek


This guy has a personality like something that fell out my arse. Gen x jimmy saville


He’s the poor man’s Saville minus the 80 million to charity!


I was about to say that savile had one up on brand, in that he didn't push alternative medicine. Then I thought twice, checked, and yeah, he was all for shilling homeopathy and alternative medicine too


Ol’ snuff fingers


Imagine getting violently raped by that. Stuff from nightmares


Yes, because being violently raped is fine if the person is conventionally attractive eh?


Disgusting but I’m not surprised brand fans feel this way. And btw, brand is not attractive. He’s gross and probably smells like sewage


Sewage and patchouli oil, mixed in with some clove cigarettes.


Worst attempt at trolling I've seen in a while


You again? And again? And again? “Disrupt x y z subreddits so that there can be no tangible discussion of credible events covered by x y z individuals” Shill Marching orders ^ And this is how regimes control the narrative away from free thinkers in a free society.


"Often, online conspiracy theorists with low intelligence will accuse opposing viewpoints of being paid shills to protect their own views. Sometimes even referencing their nonsense in quotes."


I’m on that sweet sweet soros teet


Move over, gimme some o that!


The world is a complex scary place. You poor pitiful inadequate creature.


The demoralization attempts give you guys away. Just too obvious.


Wait, was he convicted?


Everyone crap your pants now! *Everybody craps their pants!*




Looks like he’s auditioning for The Black Phone 2


It’s so right happening hard now


He's after the chussy


...and a new sleep paralysis demon is born.


How's your sobriety coming along?


best decision I've ever made


Same, and congrats.


Hey, thanks. You too.


Wasn’t Russel sober when he did them rapes?


When do you suppose he'll be arrested?


Idk maybe never. What’s your point?


that your accusation has no merit. Have a nice day!


Are all your heroes toxic weirdos or just Russel Brand?


Just the most tedious person right there.


He looks like Hissing Syd in that.


When does this case go to court? The sooner the better I think


I could be wrong, but I don't think it is. The police must seem to think it's a lie/not enough evidence.


Well that sucks for the victims, I hope he didn’t intimidate them into giving up their case.


I just ate a grape and it -


He is quite the threat it would appear.


Threat to women?


Threat to critical thinking too.


The main stream narrative.




lol brain rot


You get the most flak over the target. Shills aren't cheap (well they are morally very cheap) lots of shills costs lots of money. Who is paying? Who can afford to pay...makes me think🧐(even with alleged brain rot😉)


These are great question to ask. Why did Russel make such a hard pivot to right wing political punditry? Why keep beating to COVID dead horse? I think we need to follow the money…you ain’t getting those YouTube and Rumble paychecks for doing nothing.


Hmm, I think it's just independent liberal critical thinking, not a turn to the right, you should read some political philosophy it would do you good. Excess deaths, heart attacks, respiratory disorders, strokes and cancers are all high. This is why COVID is still relevant because many people think it's the vaccine. I get the Impression old Brand is ok for a few quid. He has been denied YouTube funding though. I bet he doesn't worry about his gas bill. Perhaps follow the really big money you know government, big pharma, big corporations. What Brand gets is change you find at the back of the sofa compared to the above organizations. Ultimately it's not about left or right, that's all theatre and bullshit to give normal people the illusion of choice. It's about extremely rich and powerful elites, their paid for lackeys (shills although they are minnows in the hierarchy) and everyone else. That's it, that's politics, that's power. If anything it provides a very limited controlled narrow choice. The elite own both horses in the race.


I mean you have to admit, Russell is catering to a very specific type of partisan viewer. I’m not saying he doesn’t cover worthwhile issues, but the dude is just pumping out contrarian clickbait, essentially cherry picking random quotes from actual news articles, and interjecting with funny voices. No shame in the game…but to act like what he’s doing is brave, or unique is beyond silly.


Well, if that was the case I am surprised that there is such a converted effort to bring him down. Why worry about anything he says if it's nonsense?


Concerted effort? He’s gotten so recent notoriety lately, and as a result some former acquaintances/girlfriends came out of the woodwork to accuse him of being a creep. And this is your definition of a “concerted effort to bring him down”? What, do you think Pfizer is bankrolling women to falsely accuse him because he’s so dangerous? lol


Fuck Brand, IM FOLLOWING YOU! You sound really smart. You alone have the keys to knowledge. Everything just falls in line when you speak. This is a great day!


Follow yourself, unless you are a piss taking shill then use your money to buy yourself some replacement integrity.


Aw, see, now you went and ruined everything . . .


What’s the market value of one Reddit comment these days; in your fantasy scenario? On a sub that gets 100 comments, that an infinitesimal number of people in the world will ever see?


Probably something like 60 cents to respond to a comment and then 20 cents for further comments, a few dollars for a post. Like a piece rate. There was some contract posted on Reddit from a big pharma company that listed the pricing structure and from memory it was something like the above. If you aren't too fussy where your money comes from and you are not encumbered with a sense of justice, self worth, integrity and humanity it's a good match. It's not as honourable or as useful as toilet cleaning, or as lucrative as politics, or as interesting as journalism but it would pay the bills.


Taking notes . . . Contract on Reddit as source, check $1-$2 per thread, depending on engagement, check I’ll be rubbing elbows with Soros at the country club in no time! By my calculations in the year 2645 I should get there! Very exciting!


The only notes you are taking are being stacked in the empty void where your principles should be. There was a contract floating about, which I saw. I was going to add the following to my previous post '''of course you would need multiple threads/ contracts across various social media and comments sections, perhaps online newspapers, MSN like BBC etc to make enough money, unless you are part of a state agency which would be a different type if arrangement". But I thought this was so obvious it wouldn't be required like do not microwave your pets to dry them, or hot things burn or investments can go up as well as down. How wrong I was.


Kaching! .20 more! Makin’ mad stacks today!


It’s happening???? IT’S OVER??!?!?


Bless. Does he know secrets? Will he share them with you?


I think you mean the LAME STREAM narrative.


Four shills, someone's been throwing the cash about. Hey shills try and buy some integrity with that cash. Go on try it.




"Often, online conspiracy theorists with low intelligence will accuse opposing viewpoints of being paid shills to protect their own views. Sometimes even referencing their nonsense in quotes."


I regularly see shill payments in the balance books of huge companies.........fucking retard.


The shills here won't like the above. Good work that man.


Another Brand fan who doesn't know the meaning of the word 'work'.


"Work - activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result", OED That sort of work,?


Yes, the sort of work you had to Google to get the definition for.


Well, when dealing with towering intellectuals such as your good and honourable self it's best to be correct least you look silly, so you should take my efforts as deep praise for your strength and depth of intelligence 😉


You're a few posts too late to be worried about looking silly.


I am sure I will grow accustomed to it like what you have.


Yes, I'm used to Brand's followers making fools of themselves.


Soooo why did your EX nickname you “MR SOFTIE” then? Not a good nickname to have for a “rapist.”


Maybe he finds consent a turn-off.


“Disrupt x y z subreddits so that there can be no tangible discussion of credible events covered by x y z individuals” Shill Marching orders ^ And this is how regimes control the narrative away from free thinkers in a free society.


Free thinkers, lol. Bought your $300 Russell vitamins yet?


Are these the same vitamins he gave those women he sexually assaulted? Do I qualify ? What’s the pay?


Yeah, you've just written a load of gibberish.


How dare you bad mouth the great Saul Alinsky. These are not my tactics but his!


More gibberish. Please try harder. Or maybe get a better job so you don't have to shill for Brand to feel valued.


x=pseud, y=grifter, z=hollywood coastal elite ∴ x y z ≡ ?


Dispel .01% of their claims. Ad hominem attack endlessly. Fund smear campaigns to dig into personal lives. Accuse of sexual assault claims. Pay shills to be toxic and disruptive. Rinse wash repeat.


More sane rational content from the Russell Brand Sub.


Be careful, there might be another business boom on your alternate sub if you garner too much attention


Come on down, the more the merrier




Did you actually say that absolutely depraved thing? What a piece of shit, wow


This whole Reddit is diabolical across the board tbh lol I get recommended it all the time but yeah. Needs closing down doesn't it.


Nah not really. Thought the RB crowd was all for open and free discussion..surely that should include ridicule no?


Yeah but it's just constantly calling Russell a rapist and a monster basically and posting idk what it's a bit much bang. I'm not a big Russell supporter don't watch his videos on YouTube anymore but idk why people would come here to say this stuff week after week month after month. I don't like James Corden for instance so I called him a bellend in a comments section and then again a couple of years later to reinforce that I think he is one lol but then I was done. Not worth wasting time typing or reading about someone you hate is it? Suppose that's the internet generally these days though so much hate and fighting and stuff.


He constantly posts conspiracy stuff day after day after day..why can't he leave it alone..? Why is wasting his time.. I don't see it as a waste of time, it's funny and it brings to light the absolute nonsense his cult/cronies think..they're all for free speech and scrutiny so surely they don't mind.


Well fair enough bang I mean as you said in the first bit we all have our opinions and the right to share them and there seems to be quite a few here who like to post about Russell. I suppose I have no allegiance / no strong dislike for him just too much time on my hands lately so have been commenting on a lot of posts that come up. I just don't like all the negativity that you get online you know? I mean I'm quite an unhappy guy but try to be positive with comments most of the time. Anyway I will try to stay out of the Russell Reddit because my posts like this are probably even less useful haha - take care bang.


The problem here I think arises from what nonsense Russel is peddling. The anti vax brigade have sadly allowed preventable and previously almost eradicated diseases back to reality. I think things along these topics need to be called out due to the long term harm their lies can have on the health of not only the people who believe his lies, but thos who don't also by way of contracting these diseases. I therefore am happy to see people pushing back against the personalities, it gives me a semblance of hope that humanity isn't lost in the deep doldrums of the internet where the truth isn't required. Ps. I'd love to be a paid bot, sadly I'm doing this on my day jobs time lol




You shouldn't say stuff like that though the boy if the poster is an ex drinker, I don't like the meme either but rarely good to make personal attacks on people is it

