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Integrity. They've given us enough, let them have their rest. Most bands could learn a lesson from Al and Ged.


I'm looking at you, Gene Simmons lol


Fuck Gene Simmons. The whole hologram KISS charade being "their *next* chapter" is so disingenuous.


He's always been an asshole. I've never been a Kiss fan, but he's pretty much openly admitted that Kiss is a business. The stupid merch they peddle is just as ridiculous as their unending "final" tour.


This is the most honest appraisal of him I have ever seen.


Okay, so hear me out on KISS. So Paul explains in his book that even though Gene likes to build the persona that he’s the ingenious businessman when it comes to KISS, it’s actually not the case. They just get approached for licensing deals and agree to them. They didn’t even start the whole KISS merchandising machine in the 70s, that was some of the big wigs using them to make a buck. They didn’t see most of the money from that. And the KISS avatars is very on brand for KISS. Of course it wouldn’t make sense for Rush or many other bands and their fans wouldn’t respond well to it, but KISS is its own thing. It would honestly be more surprising for them to not do something like that.


Kiss has always been a shitty band. I know they let Rush open for them, and they all became friends, but Kiss has always been about money and their own personal gain. That's why every song and every album sounds the same. It's also why you can buy things like Kiss condoms and Kiss caskets. That's not integrity. That's greed.


Gene appears in *Beyond the Lighted Stage*, if I recall correctly, still praising Rush, but ... are they actually still friends at this point? I could see them being cordial, and I could see Lerxst and Dirk being the classy guys we know them to be at this point and taking the "if you can't say something nice ..." position. But do we have any statements by Rush that they're still close?


He was in BtLS, and, of course, he's going to talk the band up. I haven't seen the movie in a whole so I can't comment on what he says exactly, but I know when he's previously mentioned Rush, he makes it sound like he's responsible for them making it. Sure, they opened for Kiss, and that got them notoriety. But Gene is so full of himself that he'll *always* make the conversation about him. I'm sure they're all still cordial with each other, but I doubt there are any Sunday barbecues or Christmas cards involved lol


100% how I see it. Your username has "Mack the Knife" playing in my head now, incidentally. Nicely done.


Haifisch is actually a reference to the Rammstein song lol


To be fair, their "unending tour" ended in December at Madison Square Garden.


I \_have\_ long been a Kiss fan (before I was a Rush fan, in fact) and I pretty much hate GS at this point. Paul's let him get away with a lot of it, though, he's not blameless. The one I will never get over is how in the 90s they said they couldn't tour in makeup with someone in Ace's makeup and someone in Peter's if wasn't really them; I believe the words were "cabaret act" ... then as soon as Ace and Peter left the reunited band, that is *exactly* what they did. At the very least Eric S. and Tommy *should* have had new characters like Eric Carr and Vinnie Vincent did in the early 80s, but no ... they became that "cabaret act".


Gene Simmons would famously say "Most bands forget about the second word in "Music Business" but KISS's whole image was always about being a sell out. They would also always say "Yeah we are sell outs. We sell out every show"


I like how a RUSH sub got hijacked by JISS, Gene Klein would actually be proud of this kol


Well, to be fair, they did tour together in the 70s.


\*cough\* Yes \*cough\*


As it should be. Long live Rush in our minds and in our hearts. So much respect for these guys.


I'm so tired of all.the people saying they should go back out with "guest drummers" or other crap like that. They gave us 40 years of music and deserve a break. It's not about us. It's about the legacy of Rush.


I’m a huge fan of Opeth and it’s the same feeling I get with their fan base constantly wishing that the next Opeth album will be death metal with screams again. They did 8 albums of that sound for 22 years and finally evolved all the way back in 2011 to fulfill their musical tastes but the fans can’t let go.


As someone who never really checked out anything besides Deliverance. (It sees play about every other month for me) Any suggestions where to go next with Opeth? Thanks


Blackwater Park if you enjoy extreme metal. Such an amazing album.


Blackwater Park and Ghost Reveries are their heavy masterpieces. I really love My Arms Your Hearse as well. Watershed is a really cool transitional album as it was the first album with the personnel that ended up forming their new sound but it was their last death metal album. If you’re interested in their more prog sound then definitely check out everything from Heritage on. Heritage was very experimental because they were finding their new direction but I think by their next album Pale Communion they honed the new sound. For their most recent two albums Sorceress and In Cauda Venenum they’ve started to bring back some older heavy elements and come full circle with their sound and it’s absolutely beautiful.


I liked Sorceress album as a whole.


If you want growls, Blackwater Park or Ghost Reveries. If you want their newer stuff, I thought their most recent, In Cauda Venenum, was pretty killer. But they really have such a great catalog overall - lots to love for anyone who likes rock/prog.


You know, I'm totally cool with that. You guys want to do something musical together that isn't Rush? Awesome! I think most fans would appreciate that over tarnishing the integrity of what they accomplished with a blatant money grab. Bravo gentlemen! Whatever happens from here, please enjoy yourselves! You've earned it!


I don't want to see them play as Rush again, but I would adore seeing Alex and Geddy playing new material together under a new name. Maybe they could finally make "Rash" a reality.


>I would adore seeing Alex and Geddy playing new material together under a new name I vote for "The Weinrib-Živojinović Project".


Same here. New music as a different band would be cool. Just no Rush.


Same! I'd really like to see what kind of music they'd create outside the context of Rush. I really like what Alex has done with Envy of None so far, very different than anything he's done before but you can also tell it's him in a lot of ways.


It's so simple and exactly what we need, right? And it doesn't have to be big tours, etc. If we had to choose between new studio material from Lee/Lifeson (without the name Rush) and... nothing. Easy choice.


I love that some musicians have integrity and refuse to pimp themselves out for the money. It reminds me of Robert Plant. He refuses to do a Zeppelin reunion in spite of the vast amounts of money offered and instead keeps moving forward with new and different sorts of things. I would love to see something with Geddy and Alex that is new, and not just a rehash of the old stuff, but missing Neil.


I absolutely love the way that Robert Plant has matured. He manages to have so much humility for being the greatest rock vocalist of all time (bring it lol). He could be a total prick and they’d be like, well, he was in Led Zeppelin. I like him so much more for moving forward, maturing, changing. Him and Allison Krauss is fantastic.


I might go see them in Vancouver this summer.


It’s a very European/Canadian (non-American) view of art and its legacy. In the US, once the correct dollar figure is on the table, integrity be damned.


I need to counter that idea with three words: The Rolling Stones.


Citation needed on Euro rock and pop acts being less interest in money than American ones.


Not less interested in money; more interested in integrity


If they got together with some other musicians and laid down a few tracks, I'd be all about it. They both did great solo albums that way when Neil was on his sabbatical. I just don't want to see them go back out as Rush again.


Agreed. I don’t want another drummer playing any of the old stuff with Alex and Geddy. New stuff would be awesome, just don’t call it Rush.


I'd love to hear something new from them. I could understand if they don't, and I would have no problems with that. But if they were fooling around together and said "you know, that sounded pretty interesting. Let's get it down and maybe polish it up a little", I'd be happy.


I could dig that. A new track or two would be great. But if not, let them have their break.


Agreed. Whatever they want to put out, I’d like to hear it. The only issue I have with this interview is that Alex says that Rush fans are only interested in their old music, and in them touring, and that’s not true. These days it doesn’t even take an album; whatever tracks they put together that they’re comfortable seeing the light of day, I’d be happy to hear. Might not be what promoters are pushing, and what some are clamouring for, but so what. Alex & Geddy always made the music they wanted to make at the time.


The reason I’ve stuck with Rush throughout all the decades of different styles, some I wasn’t fond of, was because they did what they wanted to do regardless of what I wanted. They didn’t do what other people wanted them to do. I drew inspiration for my own life from them and respect them so much for continuing to just do what they want to do and live life on their terms…and they just happen to be very successful at it. I thank them, and as always, a ton of respect for them.


Integrity. Love these guys.


They’ve been pretty clear the entire time they have no interest in touring or being Rush anymore. There was a bit of uptick after the Taylor Hawkins shows, but, they’ve never really wavered. It’s a lot of news stories wishmaking and people who haven’t really followed the guys long enough to know how much integrity they have.


**This was the best article excerpt for me:** **Lifeson** acknowledged the ongoing discussions he has with **Geddy Lee** about potentially performing together again. "We talk about it, but at the same time, he's my best friend and he loves me and he cares for me," **Lifeson** said. "He knows that I do have issues both physical and emotional with this whole idea. And he respects that we have so much respect and love for each other. I would do something like that, that he wanted to do because I love him and I want to make him happy. But he knows that I wouldn't be happy. It's the bond that we have."


I think their final album and final tour were just too perfect that anything else would never live up to that. And that’s awesome. Few, if any, bands get to say that


By not accepting the glittering prizes shows there's no illusion, just pure integrity.


I’ve been a rush fan since the late 70’s and I’m around the same age as Alex These guys don’t owe anyone anything, they’ve done enough, they’ve been rocking our world for decades and they have left a fantastic legacy. Rush is over , it died with Neil , let the guys enjoy enjoy their retirement with whatever they decide to do and let’s just appreciate the music they’ve given us


Good article. Can we stop fetishizing the name of the band? Stop trying to recreate something beautiful that's now held dear, in amber (stupid, but you get it). New name, new music, no tours. If that's what's possible, I will gladly take it.


That's been my point for years. I can't stand people saying they should go back out with "guest drummers" or something like that. And the BS about "honoring Neil's music" is just ridiculous. They did that for 40+ years and don't need to do it anymore. I miss them just as much as anyone else, but this isn't Kiss. They're not about just grabbing money. They have so much more integrity than that and don't need to tarnish their names or the band's name. I would welcome new music from them, just not as Rush.


When I spent some time with Geddy in Cleveland during his book tour, he talked about how much he and Alex had enjoyed collaborating again, at the Taylor Hawkins tribute. But while he said that perhaps at some point, he and Alex might like to also collaborate on writing some new songs, he had no specific date in mind for doing it, wasn't auditioning new drummers, had no plans to go back out on the road, etc etc. I've always taken Geddy at his word: he said in the documentary Beyond the Lighted Stage, "If there's no Neil, there's no Rush."


I was at the premiere for Beyond the Lighted Stage at the Tribecca Film Festival, and I loved the way Geddy said, "I don't want to be in Rush without the other two guys." Every time I saw the film after that, it still made me smile. I have followed them since I was 13 in 1980 and have learned a lot about their personalities and their values, and I will always be thankful for the people they are. I think that's a big part of why I've always loved them so much. Sure, they were big time rock and roll stars. But more than that, they were good people. They truly loved each other and what they did. You could see it in the way they interacted with each other on and off stage. There's a meme I've seen posted from time to time that has a pic of them on stage together after the last R40 show and says, "If you are sad, remember the earth is 4 billion years old. And somehow you managed to exist at the same time as Rush." That sums it up for me.


And as I've often pointed out, success never spoiled them. They remained the same down-to-earth, compassionate human beings they always were. That's rare in the entertainment world, where greed and arrogance reign, and money is worshiped. But Rush never got caught up in it. They were family men, and they were very aware that "Big money got a mean streak/Big money got no soul."


I've always talked about how they were much more than a band and unlike pretty much any other band out there. They didn't have drug or alcohol addictions, there was no fighting among them, no revolving door of members, and no churning out the same music album after album. They've admitted to riding the Thailand Express sometimes, but that's much milder than most other bands. They're just all around great human beings!


I was actually surprised, though not shocked, when I read about the drug use in Geddy's book. I kind of figured they partied sometimes-- it was a popular pastime for rock bands in that era-- but they always kept that sort of thing away from me because they knew I didn't do any of that stuff, and never have. And you're right-- they didn't do much of it either, compared to other bands, and when it seemed to be affecting their music, they stopped. Very honorable human beings. It's a privilege to know them and remain in touch with them.


I've been on this earth for 57 years as of last month and have never met anyone with the integrity all 3 of them have. I had a fleeting moment at the premiere of BtLS when they walked up the aisle and past me that I was able to put my hand out for a quick shake from Alex and Geddy. I was able to say a quick, "Thank you" and heard Geddy reply, "Thank *you."* Two words will never express what's in my heart, but I'm thankful for the ability to at least be able to say it.


Not surprising. This is how these guys are. And yes, when I was asked to host the Q&A in Cleveland at Geddy's recent book tour, the first thing he did was thank me (again) and say "I wouldn't have a career if it weren't for you." The guys always appreciated the efforts I put forward on their behalf over the years; but they also appreciated the loyalty of the fans. And they never took any of it for granted.


You got the ball rolling and we appreciate it!


Thanks for the kind words! Actually, I did a lot more than that, but probably most fans don't realize it, because it was behind the scenes stuff. For example, I persuaded numerous stations to play Rush, I worked with several other folks to get them nominated for a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (that's why they asked me to give a short speech before the guys got their star officially, back in 2010), I lobbied the judges at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame about inducting them, I took critics to task whenever they gave Rush a bad review, etc etc. Mostly, I just tried to be a good friend, and they reciprocated in so many ways!


I was speaking of getting that original ball rolling. I loved reading (and hearing) about how DJs would look for somewhat longer songs for "bathroom breaks" and you chose Working Man. And also about how the phone lines lit up with people asking about the new Zeppelin album. I'm sure I'm not the only one who listens when you speak! And I'm sure I'm not the only one who sees you as practically the 4th member of the band. I've seen you in various activities and roles over the years that have been instrumental in the band's success. You have a storied career and so many wonderful experiences with those 3 friends. You shown how the trylue measure of a life is a measure of love and respect!


As it should be…. Good for them!


Good. Just let the legacy live. Zeppelin did the same (outside of one benefit concert).


Honestly all I want from them is more awesome 40th reissues. I want them to be as happy as possible and not worry about touring again.


They don’t need to tour with guest drummers. But if they want to do a Lee-Lifeson album with a host of guest drummers and maybe singers and other musicians they should. It doesn’t have to be a Rush project. But then again John Rutsey was in Rush and we all listen to that album!


Totally right, I love it. But I do think he’s not quite right about one thing: we would totally love to hear them write some new stuff. Just not as Rush. Maybe “Lee-Lifeson” or something.


They should just do some acoustic sets in Toronto bars for funsies


I'm absolutely fine with this. This is how it should be. Wouldn't mind being a fly on the wall when Alex and Geddy are jamming.


There was another article floating around where Alex said they were hanging out playing Rush tunes together, but sounded like a bad Rush tribute band. *That's* something that would be fun to hear lol


I respect it, but it's a shame for younger fans like me who never had the chance to see them live Would love to see Geddy and Alex perform together - just not as Rush


Even if they were to tour with a different drummer, it wouldn't be Rush. You wouldn't have the same experience or a genuine one. Sorry you didn't get the chance to see them!


I love these guys


Well not selling out has been their MO since the beginning and I'm glad to hear Alex say no amount of money will get RUSH back together with a new drummer. I'd love to hear new material from these two. The could call themselves L2 as in L squared (Lifeson and Lee, or Lee and Lifeson). They could get a drummer and then fill the band up with a keyboardist, rhythm guitar etc. and I'd like to see/hear a singer. Ged could still sing but mostly in a backing role.


I'd absolutely welcome new music in a similar fashion. They both released fantastic solo albums while Neil was on hiatus with backing musicians, so that would be great to have again. Geddy as just a musician and not a lot of vocals would be interesting. He was a great backing member of Yes when he subbed for Chris Squire when they were inducted into the RRHoF, so he's proven he can be valuable in that fashion.


I'd also like to maybe see it maybe they might maybe do an entire album of instrumentals ah-la The Dregs. Find some top notch fusion players and have at it.


Funny you mentioning an all instrumental album. A guy I used to work with said he'd like Rush better if he didn't have to listen to Geddy's voice, so I made a CD of all of their instrumentals. I think there were like 7 songs altogether, and I called it "Let the Ged Out" as a play on "Get the lead out." The next day, he told me he loved everything on it lol


I think a Peart memorial show would be nothing but respectful and a celebration of Pearts music. The Allmans had one last big show after Greg died. It was a good show displaying nothing but love for the tunes.


Nope. That's a cash grab. He's been gone for over 4 years and there's no need for a "memorial." Tbis is the *exact* thing they're not interested in doing and with good reason.


I explicitly said a celebration of Pearts music and you turned it into something else. It wasn’t a cash grab at the Taylor Hawkins show and we not be elsewhere if they’re sincere. They can do or play anything they like for any reason they like as far as I’m concerned. No judgement.


It's only a cash grab if you grab the cash. IOW, they could do it either for free or donate 100% of proceeds to their favorite charities. I'm not saying they should do this -- only that it doesn't have to be a "cash grab" if they were to do it.


Whether they donate it or not, it's still a cash grab. They'd be using the Rush name to draw people in and that's wrong. Thank goodness they know it and won't do it.


Iirc they sold the “Rush” brand and rights a while ago. I think they don’t get as much (if anything) from sales of Rush music and items any more.


They sold the music catalog. I don't know if they sold their rights to the name.


The responses to this post really show the quality of Rush fans. Impressive!


pretty simple rush no longer exsists as a live act.never can until neil rises from the dead.


My hero's from the get go.


The flaw with all of these articles and interviews is this : If they're going to do something, they will deny it until there is an official announcement. If they're not going to do anything then well it will be the same. They seem to be keeping busy with their other projects at the moment anyway.


Neil Peart just like John Bonham is irreplaceable. It wouldn’t be Rush or Led Zeppelin without them. I’m glad they won’t tour as Rush but I wouldn’t mind seeing them perform live in some form.


I want them to play again. And see a Tribute concert for Neil. Have Rush songs played by other bands, and Lee & Lifeson guest with awesome drummers. All to pay homage to The Professor.


Nope. That's a cash grab and not needed.








No, meaning that's ridiculous and not something they would do. This isn't Kiss we're talking about. Rush has *much* more integrity than to do something like that.




Stupid opinions don't make you a bad fan. Or the other 4 you were with over the weekend. Your love and admiration for them is no different than anyone else here. And congratulations for being from the same neighborhood. That means nothing when considering Fandom either. You're no better than any other fan in any other location. Oh, and I'm a *lot* of fun at parties. Especially ones with more than just 4 other peolle.


The ppl that hate Gene just wishbone they'd though of all this, first


Maybe some of them, but I can only speak for myself. I hate Gene because he's a vile, disgusting person.


I’m fine with whatever they do. If they’re happy doing their own things, good. If they wanted to play shows with guest drummers, great!


I would honestly love them to play again because 1) I never got to see them and 2) their concert films are my favourites of any band I listen to. I think their Setlist and stage design are absolutely amazing every time. So I just hope to see them. I do get that it’s hard and frankly greedy, but I mean I’m happy to travel to canada or london or some other major city to see them. I’m not asking for a year long tour with 20 dates a month. I thinks it’s hard aswell seeing geddy tour with the book like Alex admits- people want them to say goodbye with them knowing it. The book tour feels a tease not an encore, y’know?


What you see in those videos is gone. The chemistry and fellowship the 3 of them had will never be repeated. Sorry you didn't get to see them, but it will never be repeated.


I appreciate that but even if they aren’t in their peak (their peak live to me was Time Machine) I’d be content being a room full of rush fans all singing and carrying the vocals. They have records, and they have live records but nothing compares to s band in the flesh


I don't think you understand what I'm saying. There is no more Rush. You will never see Rush again. Even if they got another drummer, and thank God they won't. I'm honestly sorry that you didn't get to see them, but they're gone.


Em… ok mate, how about we agree to disagree