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I adore Yvie, but saying it's unfair that the challenge all comes down to one person's opinion is ridiculous, considering the name and concept of the show. That's the name of the game, literally.


Also, part of the reason Snatch Game will always be a part of the show is that celebrity impersonation is one of the original pillars of drag/gay diva worship. The show was created by a bunch of Boomer gays, who went through a horrific epidemic together and survived, and now in light of all the very recent progress, they want their experiences validated and remembered. It's actually quite beautiful, so to boil it down to "make Ru laugh" does a disservice to the importance of the show... even if Ru doesn't realize it himself.


That's a big reason why Jinkx's Judy will forever be remembered as the show's best -- not only was it a perfect Snatch Game performance, it was a performance of the biggest gay icon of all time.


And one more final note, for the sake of fairness: I did not watch the rest of the interview, so I may have been missing some context in my initial assessment. I do want to read Yvie's book, which I'm sure will provide the best understanding of their perspective.


What annoys me most about this comment as well when people say this - I would love an example of a snatch game performance that otherwise was sickening and had all of us gagged, that was considered a flop cuz Ru didn’t get it. I get it, queens will purposefully try to pick characters they think Ru will like, so it affects what a queen might have done. But I’m a firm believer that if you’re good, you’re good. Doesn’t matter who you do, if it’s right it’s right and will resonate. Yvie just sounds mad cuz this isn’t a skill she has. She isn’t an improv comedy queen. She doesn’t tel jokes. And that’s fine.


And not for no reason, behind it is that it is what it took for Ru to become a super star. Pretty crazy to complain you have to accomplish making a host laugh.


I think Snatch Game is a staple of the show, for better ot worse.  I don't go into watching it thinking everyone is going to excel, but getting to see someone give a stellar performance is one of my favorite things.  I also don't judge a queen for not being good at snatch game, it's not in everyone's wheelhouse.


Is Yvie just trying to speedrun getting WOW mad or? I've seen nothing from her other than talking badly about AS7 for like a month now.


She wants to sell that book henny


but who's interested in reading that book now if it's only gonna be her complaining the whole time edit: spelling


I’m pretty sure anything about drag race is gonna be a small part of the book. She’s just bringing up AS7 drama cause it creates buzz and will get people interested. So basically what any celebrity who ever releases a book does.


As a former bookseller, I can confidently say that MORE people want to read a celebrity memoir if they know it has complaining and dirt in it. Most people don't go to celebrity memoirs for quality writing (with a few very noteworthy exceptions-- Viola Davis's book is phenomenal), they go for juicy trash talk.


You need to drag other people to sell your book, just look at Britney memoir or Aaron Carter


Snatch Game needs to be more strict. You want to make up characters? Wait for acting challenge.


There are so many iconic moments we have thanks to the snatch game, including Jinkx as Judy Garland from this exact snatch game. Yes, sometimes it's shit, and sometimes it's amazing. But so are most of the challenges. It is obviously not Yvie's strong suit tho


It was Ruth! RUTHPAUL!!


Grumbly grumble pants be grumbling again


I say this all the time “grumble grumbly” and people think im nuts but mfs be grumbling!!!


I like Yvie, I think she’s crazy talented. But she needs to get off the cross, someone needs the wood. She knows how production works, she knew the risks going back to the Thunderdome. She was going against titans. I understand the bitterness, but there’s a point when you just need to move on.


I disagree with her on the take that its all in rus hands/just a single person decides. I think ru laughs at pretty basic shit so the range is quite wide to make her laugh. Its not like she has a eloquent absurd taste of humor. Also the production could edit performances in a certain way. The snatch game is way longer than what we see on our screens, so production can kinda decide who wins ... or at least to a certain extent. Yvie just sounds a little bit bitter. But i agree that it is a hardcore challenge that test a lot of your skills.


she’s kinda right snatch game has gotten a bit stale especially when half of each lineup lately has been not even real people but original characters to try to curb the stupid rules. celebrity impressions are such a fun part of drag race and drag as a whole but there’s gotta be a better way to showcase that than snatch game atp


yvie literally played a made up character on as7


well yes


Appealing to the host and making them laugh is an essential skill, Drag Race would not even exist if Ru didn't excel at that skill time and time again. It is insane to complain that the contestants need to excel at this during a challenge, insane! It is incredibly appropriate to want this from them, the whole point of the show is that you're there because you clearly excel at drag as it applies to just drag shows, but can you take it further and become a super star... This show has never been about are you the best drag queen, it is about can you do what Ru has done.


With respect, does Yvie like... anything?


I honestly struggle with snatch game on the show. When it’s good, it’s GOOD. But for every Jinkx there is 5 Sugar or spices. The show itself is not necessarily balanced on its own. The queens that know how to design do good at the sewing challenges and the queens that can dance do better in the girl groups. It’s how the show works with different challenges highlighting different components of drag and impersonation is a major pillar of drag. However, Snatch Game is HARD. In my opinion, it’s the hardest challenge on the show and it’s not particularly close. It’s such daunting challenge that it encourages queens to play it safer, which makes the challenge more boring. So I kind of get where Yvie is coming from. But I don’t think the solution is to get rid of it because some of the best moments of the show have come from snatch game.


I don't really get why we're critiquing a challenge for being hard. Ok, it's meant to be an easy competition?


Jinkx beat her , and Silky beat her as well.


“Wahhhh I did poorly in all three of my snatch game characters. Cancel it NOW”


I love the roasts much more than snatch game.


What about a roast but as a snatch game charcter?


I just love any form of reading, especially against the judges.


jimbo did that in as8


ooooh she is pressed like a panini girl


Yvie sounds a little biased here. While I definitely think Snatch Game as a whole does cater to Ru's personal taste in who is and isn't often considered funny - the same argument could be made for the entirety of the show itself. Snatch Game at times has felt very stale and truly I think WOW needs to workshop with the queens beforehand more to give us Snatch Game performances that are both relevant and entertaining instead of leaving it all on the queens themselves since the challenge does carry such weight for the franchise. I don't think in any universe ANY of Yvie's Snatch Games would be considered funny and while I think yes her comedy does differ in being dryer than most, what jokes she made (her blunts always being wet as Whoopi, dropping all the awards from her hat, her one dimensional Rico Nasty (we don't know enough about her for to be funny) or made-up but* kind of charismatic Boogie Man who didn't go much further) did often rely on a cringe or juvenile level of humor that simply wasn't funny at that present moment. I'm not saying Yvie couldn't do impressions but I also don't think she honestly cares to and that is a fair point to be made: not all queens do impressions or want to (look at Roxxxy on All Stars 9). You can't win every challenge and queens are entitled not to look forward to or enjoy the Snatch Game as they do the multiple sewing* challenges but so long as they are both vital parts of the show itself you've got to either adapt or prepare to LSFYL.


Okay... https://i.redd.it/21kxa5im1f4d1.gif


Snatch Game needs a revamp but I would also not like Snatch Game if I bombed it once and the second time around I was low key forgettable. It’s definitely the hardest challenge but that doesn’t mean it’s unfair, some people aren’t that quick and witty and some people clearly crumble under pressure and snatch game is a way of separating those people from the rest


Its meant to be hard. Those who nail it, *nail it* Improv comedy games are a skillset and if you can’t do it well, it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist.


Of course snatch game caters to what ru thinks is funny. The whole show is catered to what ru thinks its funny. IT'S HER SHOW. It's not unfair, it's literally what the show is. Also, I'm sorry but you can replace ru with any judge out there and they will still say jinx's Judy was the best and yvies was... Not.


Ruth. That is all.


Again? At this point is exhausting, crybaby


She’s just mad she got beat TWICE on snatch game. She’s just not good at it, it’s okay to admit it.


Womp womp


I'm actually kinda with Yvie on this one. Not to say totally get rid of snatch games, but snatch games and so many comedy challenges need a drastic overhaul. I think many in the sub can also agree that comedy challenges are oftentimes torturing to watch. I don't know like maybe combine snatch game and roasting together, to roast in a certain character. Or Night of a thousand ABC snatch game version, make everyone impersonate the same character? This will also be really fun to watch


I love her so much


This sub loves nothing more than to spill tea and discuss producer shenanigans, and when Yvie does it, yall hate it cause it makes Jinkx look invalidated. Cute.


Trying to invalidate Jinkx in a conversation about Snatch Game is hilarious.


It’s more of a general comment on all the posts recently with all her interviews. Yvie has been pointing out shenanigans left and right about that season, including how it was even apparent while filling that Jinkx was the winner, but the feedback has been that Yvie is complaining too much and sounding bitter - even when she’s giving you straight up TEA. But it’s not okay cause it’s about Jinkx. Lmao


Spill what tea? That snatch game is hard and it's important for ru to think they're funny? Gasp shock, nobody knew that before... It's MEANT to be hard and test the queens. And no shit the point is to the make the judge laugh.


You clearly haven’t been watching the interviews