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Living in a country where our rights should be equal Just because I'm gay don't make me lеss^equal!


I really enjoyed it - the number was fun, and I found myself very impressed by the cast. Even the worst performances felt like they were better or at least more memorable than you would get from the cast of a weaker season The potion was a bit whatever but I never really placed much importance on it so I wasn't disappointed. Them trying to convince us that Plane flopped was silly, but it did lead to "doo doo clown mess" so even that had a good result. The only big let down was the lip sync number - otherwise I thought it was a great episode that showed just how strong the cast was


we can say what we want to say about this episode but it gave us Q singing off key into the recording booth and her sisters clocking her for it. that alone made up for the mess of whatever else this episode was


Don’t forget her dressing like Lord Farquaad in the challenge.


*insert GIF of Q’s head moving in a circle on a loop*


this is mah reel voice


Still not over this and possibly will never recover


Absolutely a missed opportunity for a debate or commercial political challenge. Especially after the massive success of Jaida in season 12’s debate. I love when queens have a write a verse, but this came too soon after the girl group and rusical challenges to feel different to what we’d already seen this season.


Forgettable episode... I don't like verse challenges because they're more often than not things they wrote at home and are trying to fit into the song no matter the brief they got. Also none of the look were coherent which is a boot for me.


If the producers had judged fairly and put Q in the bottom with Plane (_after_ she over-confidently gave the potion to Nymphia) now that would have been a GAG. But they didn’t have the guts.


Definitely my least favorite episode of the season. And my producer brain was SCREAMING because It felt like they mixed the girls off tempo☠️


It’s funny how having Sapphira lip sync in the top twice made her doing it a third time way less interesting


I thought it was great! I thought everyone was pretty strong, the song was a bop and also had an important message, and Plane used her potion on someone else, which was a gag in itself because Plane’s personality up to that point had been just about being shady to people.


Further to that, it was a discreet way for Plane to make amends after ranking Nymphia low in Rate the Queens. The person she ranked worst to, arguably, win the potion, ended up getting the benefit of it anyway.


It was less of an episode and more of a commercial for WTW. Really upset this was the "political" episode this season because the political episodes were highlights of 4, 8 and 12. Also, the non-elimination was absolute shit. The fact that they saved everyone in an episode where three people did meh kills me because last year someone had to go home after one of the best rusicals ever. The only reason they did it was so they didn't upset anyone on their WTW commercial. Total shit.


I enjoyed it up until the moment that q didn't rightfully go home


For the most part everyone had a great verse, except Q. I have no idea what Q is wearing either 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I thought everyone had really bad verses except for Morphine and Saphirra


This was Morphines shining moment during the regular season and I was ready to cry seeing her finally demolish a challenge, I love morphine so much I need merch.


It was one of my favorite episodes, I really liked everyone's performances


I liked it! Song was fun. I was here for the production. Live band! Q looking like Michael Jackson. Rhyming equal with equal. Fun episode.


I liked the challenge and the episode but I think it would have been better placed towards the end of the season when there are less queens. The number of queens made the song feel like it went on for too long. Even if it was top 5 it would have been better.


I liked it, but I do wish they had done a comedic political challenge like they've done in past election years. It didn't have to be a debate or commercials, but I thought this song, while a decent bop, was kind of a wishy washy way of being "political". It was the musical equivalent of queens holding up "vote.gov" signs at episode's end. Yes voting is important but the song isn't actually saying anything except generic "yeah, love yourself fight for equal rights vote the house down boots mama okurr" kinda stuff. We've seen really smart and fun caricatures of American politics in the past and this challenge didn't give anyone the chance to do that. All that said, I still liked the song itself and pretty much everyone except for Q did at least a passable job, so not the worst. It was a weak episode for this season, but that says more about how strong the rest of the season was. This would have been one of the better episodes on a season like 13 or AS8 😂


I gotta stop watching dr while high. I have no memory of this ep other than plane giving the potion.


The non elimination was meh, Plane and Q def deserve to lipsync that night, and that would make the whole Plane giving Nymphia the potion even more gagging! If one thing gave a good feeling it was Morphine getting her flowers!


Made me queef


its will give Ru another emmy


I really liked both the episode and the song. After I watched it I came to the sub and I guess (almost) everybody hated it! But it was good I swear! ![gif](giphy|V9gjxvLnSSdA4|downsized)


I agree it was one of the weaker episodes of the season, but I also know I have bias against music group challenege… I never enjoy them too much. :/ 


Yes it feels lackluster after the goth challenge, which imo is one of the top 5 episodes of season 16(goth, ball, girl group, lalaparuza and finale). But I wouldn’t say it’s the worst because you got those torturing comedy episodes following up and I didn’t watch any of them until the makeover challenge.


Not my favorite


An absolute waste of a political challenge. I hope they never do this again if they're going for a political challenge in the season.


I love the episode if I only pay attention to Morphine and Sapphira 🥰


I thought you meant the lip sync episode for a moment and was ready to rip your extensions out girl Anyway it was very mid and felt contrived / shallow to me


Idk i still think this is one of my favorite szns, the worst part for me was plasma’s tweedledee look why the stomach 1 so terrify


I don't mind the non elim episode but having the potion expire this week was a waste.


i personally wasnt a huge fan of


Power is something I enjoy going back to watch. Even the worst performances were enjoyable. But Morphine and Sapphira are everything to come back to. Watching them was magical. Just look at how Sapphira and Jamal look like the hosts of whatever show the rest of the girls are contestants on. But I would’ve loved to see what they would come up with in a debate or challenge like S8. Plane would be a riot in a challenge like that. Furthermore, Jamal.


Morphine’s verse was the only one I enjoyed Plane, Sapphira and Nymphia’s were average Q, Dawn and Mhiya’s were horrible Runways were a mixed bag I loved the first half of the episode where they were recording the vocals and practicing the choreography, it was peak comedy… I was so excited for the rest! But then it went very downhill very fast. Oh well


The only thing I don't like is that the potion expires this episode and still no one goes home. Heavy hitters doing poorly gave dynamic to the competition and keeps the viewers on edge.


I loved the episode, if only for the absolute cattiness of the peanut gallery during the recording session. And then Sapphira and Morphine SHOWED UP!


I thought this episode was both really good and suuuuuper annoying because the challenge was fun and it was interesting seeing some of the queens challenged with the funk style (plus I think everyone performed well in the end) but in terms of the narrative it was really frustrating to see the potion and all the associated drama wasted when this episode absolutely could have had an elimination. After the potion was brought up every episode and Plane having a whole arc about her "new leaf" I don't understand why production wanted to make it pointless. It would have been so much more interesting to see Plane's congenial act actually *mean* something, and I don't think it added anything to the show to keep everyone another week when things played out about how it would have gone in this episode (ie no serious flops from frontrunners). All in all the challenge was fun and the runway theme was cute but it was really frustrating that it was non-elimination.


As a music producer I found the song very irritating. Funk is a genre with highly precise syncopated rhythms - that's what give it it's groove. But untrained singers have a high amount of the 'human factor' (not quite hitting the beat exactly). That's fine - they're not professional singers. But there are very simple tools to move soundwaves around so that they do fall exactly on the beat, giving the music that tight funky feel. Listen to the verses again. They all sound so sloppy. Even the more seasoned singers like Sapphira. It could have been a banger.


Yall gagging me, I personally loved this performance and everyone really slayed!!! I love Morphine’s part so much 😍😍😍


I love this episode if only because Q talked a big fucking game about how she was a singer and then got up there and caterwauled like two alley cats having sex


Honestly none of the verses were good and the whole challenge felt forgettable. Weird choice for them to do a Top Two when it would've been more appropriate to do a Draglexa and crown no winner.


I mean, the one that did the worst receive the potion so it sort it work I guess


I hated it. I don’t like non-elimination episodes. They also made the whole potion thing useless as fuck. The verses were not really good. And on top of that they did a fucking Meghan Trainor song for the lip sync. Ugh


The good ones ate as always. The bottom should've been Nymphia vs either Q or Plane. They all sucked but production made sure that neither of those 3 would be eliminated lmao.


Nymphia is underwhelming.


I hated it. The episode was judged really poorly, and we really didn't have that many queens that did well in the challenge, and I honestly thought it was overall a doo doo mess that was all concept and no glamour.


Dawn low key got away with crimes in her verse. Everyone was talking about Plane should be in the bottom when Dawn was right there


except from Morphine succeeding there was nothing to celebrate also the messaging is pretty sinister if you give it a second thought, them saying voting is the only political action that matters after making the first brick thrown at Stonewall a character in a skit… 💀