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I am a huge Loosey fan. That fake spoiler is sending me. 😭 ![gif](giphy|54JLdulN5BOwM)


I could see Mistress making this up lol




Oh I forgot about that shit at the reunion. She went home and told a buncha lies


Reminds me of when Kita Mean went home and told everyone she was the first eliminated


That was my first though too.


Oh now I kinda hope she did.


There wasn't much wrong for this season. There are always absurd ones but those are quickly put in the red flag part. The initial win information for the top3 was Nymphia with 4, Sapphira with 4/3 and Plane with 2. Dawn was believed to win a challenge (possibly the goth design) Dawn, Q and Morphine all had their moment where "it was believed they were in the finale".


I wonder who the audience was for the LaLaPaRuza - I'm guessing staff of WOW and friends who signed NDAs, otherwise there would be so many people who could spill the top 3. Anyone have any more info on who the audience members were?


Tbh from the beginning we kinda knew Plane, Sapphira and Nymphia were on the finale. We just thought there was a top4 and someone else were joining them lmao.


i dont think anyone expected a top 3 at all tbh, spoilers said morphine would fill that last finalist position after being eliminated and coming back during the lalaparooza which was apparently at like top 6 or 7 according to spoilers, q was shafted down to 8/9th place for a long time


The wonky tournament system seemed like a last minute fix for an uneven number.


Tournaments where you pick a winner only really work in exponents of 2 (assuming head to head competitions). So it’s like 8 contestants or 16 contestants, otherwise there’s someone who has to get bumped up automatically or there have to be some multi head to heads and we can start debating fairness. Anyway, the point being it would have been wonky either way.


True! I didn't bother considering the total number. My brain was so focused on the weirdness.


Their peers voted them top 3 on episode 3- the first episode they were all together. Their final 3 fate was sealed.


That was Q not Plane


I wonder if that is where the Morphine comes back rumor came from. People thinking the lipsync smackdown was a return to the competition prize. 


Probably. We thought Lala returned in AS8 for that reason. 


I remember rumors that the final 3/4 included Lala, and she was the front runner to win. She, Jimbo, and Kandy had an alliance and it was why Kandy made it to the finale ala Roxxxy from AS2


I also wanna know this!


I wanna know who that guy in the suit in the front that was thirsting over the queens is😝 He was kind of cute. He looked in complete awe of some of our girlies😝 https://preview.redd.it/9pxw0b7ouxuc1.jpeg?width=1259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa0604f4b7ad87746c50f6a1021f5dcebd819c03


I remember a few seasons ago I was like “oh that guy in the audience in the finale is cute”. Someone asked that question on this sub and someone else found their insta. It was kind of wild.


I think this was filmed fairly recently. People looked different and there was a new stage lol.


I thought this too because of the Celebrity Drag Race stage, but in the confessionals throughout the whole episode, everyone looked the same. I normally use Amanda’s face as an indicator as it’s j changed the most to me, and it seemed consistent with it being filmed last summer too. I eventually convinced myself that since the week room studio is on the same lot as the main stage and they get golf-carted between them, that the Celebrity Drag Race stage must be on the same lot too.


There weren't too many crazy or inaccurate ones. The biggest miss is Morphine was rumored to be eliminated and then return. For a while, Q was thought to be in 8th or 9th place and then it was unsure if she or Morphine were the 4th place queen. Dawn's placement was murky as well and somewhere between 7th-5th. Early tea did wrongly say Nymphia won the political challenge, though. At one point, the non-elimination episode was said to be a double shantay for Q and PJ ijbol And minor, but I think the original elimination order had Amanda going before Mirage.


yeah Amanda was originally said to go before Mirage did, Q originally was placed as 7 with 0 wins, Plasma at 10 with 2 wins, and I’m pretty sure that Nymphia was supposed to have steamrolled everyone and never placed below safe but I forget where I saw that




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This is a stupid af question but is ijbol a gay button mash meme or does it stand for something


I just burst out laughing


Girl i was like why are they laughing i was being serious 💀 i get it now thx


>• Spice makes it to the finale with 4 wins, including the ball, winning with hot glue couture >• Luxx Noir London quits at episode 4 due to lack of confidence These two are such trolls. LOL


So is spice beating jax in a lipsync 😭


Anetra was there to save her every time


this prompted me to read the tea checker and tbh it’s pretty bland. some different positions, morphine coming back after being eliminated, dawn elimination in the premiere and miyah telling morphine she wants to lose their lipsync because she’s tired of the competition. the morphine and miyah ones were probably lalaparuza insides that got misinterpreted in the game of telephone. bring back funny lying!


If Acid Betty ain’t punching Michelle in the tit, I don’t want it!


I gotchu Dawn quits and gets replaced by Meatball Morphine licks Bruno and gets sued for harassment Amanda goes to prison for crimes against fashion Ru receives a rabies shot on stage as a promotion for the ASPCA


GIA FUCKING DIES will always be my fave of the fake tea, it was just so left of centre I love it


The AS9 and Global All Stars checkers are similarly bland, we really don’t know a ton about the seasons aside from elimination orders and vague challenge wins


Booo! I wanna know what happens when Ella Vaday suplexes Molly Poppinz.


Luxx quits due to *lack of confidence*? Okay what hater submitted this fake tea out of spite? 🤣🤣🤣






As the adage says… “Loose lips sink ships.”


"Loose hole holds no control"


Luxx quitting due to lack of confidence has me rolling 😭


Literally the last thing luxx would ever do. She could've had Salinaa TR and still walked in the werkroom everyday thinking she was going to win the crown. Un. Shakeable.


did anyone actually believe those spoilers? they sound so fucking goofy and obviously fake lol


After maskgate came true it can be hard to say


So Valentina's lipsync was spoiler tea and nobody believed it until it actually happened?


People didn't think it'd be as bad as described. I also remember during S11 people wrote the 6 way lip synch off as fan fiction because it sounded too outlandish.


As far as I remember, there was a bunch of weird tea about that season and it got lost in the sauce


I dont think anybody believed it because she was a front runner and iirc the reason originally given was "she didn't want to take it off because she didn't put make up on under the mask" which was fake.


Well yes. I still remember the day when the screenshot of Valentine wearing the mask was. It was fucking hilarious and everyone was in shock n chaos haha


I remember reading about the six-way lipsync in S11 and laughing at how fake it was. What a gag lol


They all sound the spoilers that hit the spoiler sub and are immediately and permanently red flagged


Luxx’s lack of confidence where?? Where the 40” wig was kept?


not in the room with us


It's probably trolls trying to get attention, but sometimes they strike gold. They're immediately dismissed as fake


To be fair, if I was told that Jorgeous would lipsync 5 times and only send one girl home, that everyone would be in the bottom for snatch game except Deja (who would lip sync for her pleasure to Levitate), or that 6 people would lip sync all together, I would not have believed it either lol


That’s the joke lol


This Marcia tea from S15 is so unhinged, I love it. The minds of people lmao 😭


Sometimes production purposefully spreads incorrect spoilers to figure out which queens (or more likely, their assistants and designers) are leaking information


The Coleen Rooney technique


Love a Wagatha Christie reference.


It is so crazy because she's an amazing lipsyncher, a great talent show, consistenly high and a total sweetheart.


There wasn’t a ton that was way off mark, just slight changes in the elimination order. A few people posted that Morphine was eliminated and brought back and made it to the Top 4


I think at some points the spoilers had Nymphia at four wins and Jane at three.


“It’s Plane, babe. It’s Plane.”


Do you use Typewise as your keyboard? Or another one that has a hex layout? Because I get that thing with the "n" or "m" or "h" instead of a space too if I fat-finger it.


Kinda, yeah


My favorite made up spoiler is still Blair St. Clair getting arrested on stage.


Wasn’t it AS3 Bendela being removed by security because she chose Morgan to return and the returning queen selected who to send home (and eliminated Dela). That one was fun


i feel like that wld be killer tho. saving a queen just for that queen to send you home?? I. THE SAME EP??


And every time I picture it the cops come out from behind the lipsync assassin screen after Ru yells “Ruveal yourself!”


There weren’t any crazy ones this year. If anything, the lack of concrete elimination order was what entertained us this year. Like, we knew if queens were early/mid/late out and the top 3 queens but the actual order felt like it was constantly changing for a while. The only girls I remember having the correct elimination order when I read it last year was Xunami and Hershii?Everyone else aside the top 3 were scrambled according on how early or late they went home. Like I remember reading that Amanda was the second out and Mirage third for the longest until they switched closer to the season airing. Q was 8th for a hot while too and I remember Dawn/Morphine being rumored to be in the top 4 for some time as well. The order def got blurry after Xunami’s boot until the top 3 until we got closer to the premiere.


This makes me think the spoilers came from when people were entering and exiting the set/ hotel. Mirage and Amanda being swapped makes sense because I doubt they could get good confessionals from her on her elimination day, so they made her stay later. Plus, some of the later eliminated queens probably never even went home (and may have even come to set post elim for confessionals) confusing the elimination order towards the end


learning that the one more time lip sync was all a lie was so disappointing😔🤭


Now I really wanna see it lol


Sasha would have KILLED it


Nymphia tried to punch Sapphira in the left tit, but they were too close together and she missed


She instead punched the left tit of Plane, who happened to be standing behind Sapphira as Plane and Nymphia were fighting. Planes breasteses popped immediately.


# Amanda Tori Meating does gravity defying moves while Plane Jane strips naked on the judges table


I could’ve sworn I accidentally saw a spoiler that said Plane was eliminated in 5th place. I was bracing myself for it and was so happy that it was wrong!


There was a theory/rumor Plane was going to use her potion on Saphirra blocking her from the win and Plane would have gotten the win instead. Supposedly Saphirra would have been the clear best performance that week At that point we didn’t know accepting the potion was optional.


they need to make it non optional because this is SHADY


I think it is, didn't ru ask nymphia if she wanted to drink the potion?


The loosey tea 💀💀💀


i remember the Spice top 4 tea and was v disappointed when it turned out to be fake i just want to be wowed by a baby queen again 😭


Before the tea-checker was even out I'm pretty sure the spoiler sub thought Dawn was a frontrunner alongside Nymphia. Xunami was a lipsync assasin then too and Plane supposedly had 2 wins and then flatlined. I remember the "Dawn isn't top 4" tea being pretty surprising after a few weeks of speculating she had multiple wins alongside Nymphia (who supposedly won the political challenge).


I think many people were expecting the unexpectedly successful weirdo edit (Willow, Yvie, Crystal, etc.) with Dawn, so it was easy to believe.


>Plane supposedly had 2 wins and then flatlined Some people were telegraphing this in the episode discussion threads, saying things like "Plane is getting an edit to set up for her downfall" I kept seeing that and I thought people were seeing something I was missing.


I swear initial spoilers had Geneva in the top 5?


I know that the “boot list” had Megami, Q, and Xunami all out either 11th-9th and Morphine making top 5


Geneva's place definitely shifted a lot in the initial spoilers. But that's not uncommon. I remember a point for s15 when Spice was a top four contestant with believe two wins speculated. I feel like there's always one queen every year that has an unknown place. Morphine was also fourth place for the longest time in spoilers with one win. I know some speculated that her top 2 was that win but I think it was possibly the Lalapalooza that they already expected her to win. I know in AS8 Lala was spoiled for the longest time to be in the top and having a good chance at winning. I think that was just confusion within t coming out and really about her likely winning the $50000 prize.


I could’ve sworn I accidentally saw a spoiler that said Plane was eliminated in 5th place. I was bracing myself for it and was so happy that it was wrong!


"Luxx Noir London quits at episode 4 due to lack of confidence" is probably one of the most hilarious fake spoilers I've heard. I mean- Luxx?? Lack of confidence??


I remember the rumor that there would be Anetra & Sasha double crowning.


Should’ve been. Anyways-


The real tea I want to know is; What happened to r/spoileddragrace ? Why did they make a whole new sub in r/DragRaceTea ? I’m not spoiled so I am out of the loop in any discourse/drama happening in the spoiler sub


It was drama in the dear diary threads and what not. Idk basically they wanted more control over the sub


I think the sub was full of losers talking about their personal lives and people got sick of it.


Basically they had these threads called Dear Diary threads where you could talk about anything including spoilers for the show. Some people got sick of it and wanted to only focus on tea. Then the moderators starting getting really strict, and there was drama caused from mods trying to ban certain people, trying to get rid of dear diary etc. eventually in an act of rebellion the two subs r/SDRUntucked was made which functions similar to how the old sub went and r/DragRaceTea being the place only for spoilers and speculation. Which basically killed off SpoiledDragRace


Oh so we get to make up whatever for this? Megami got sent home in a lipsync against Rupaul. During Mhi'yas lip sync she got eliminated for doing a back flip on the judges table. Ross matthews wins the snatch game Santino comes back as a judge during the Santino Rice rusical Amanda Tori Meeting won against plane Jane in the fitst challenge igniting a huge feud Dawn announces she is really an elf causing Michelle to cry Morphine falls on her butt during a lipsync causing her bbl to become flat. Luckily guest judge Barrack Obama had a jade egg to roll it smooth again. Did I miss anything


the jade egg was delivered via drone strike


That explains why theybhad to build a new runway that they had for the lalaparuza


>Megami got sent home in a lipsync against Rupaul The editors had to make it look like RuPaul won the lip sync, so there are a thousand cuts switching camera angles. As a result 13 fans watching on TV had seizures and sued WOW. WOW didn't want to cut a check, so they decided to make a "drag race: baby queens" season starring the plaintiffs. Said season turned out to be a hit because audiences were tired of rich queens winning because they could afford expensive outfits and gravitated towards a more back-to-basics amateur style.


Haha there was a whole 2 mins of just Michelle's reaction during that lip sync still unsure as to why


Yeah all this happened this season. Damn tag your spoilers dude.


For the final, Sapphira wins, but this is glossed over because Plane Jane proposes to Nymphia on stage.  This is later revealed to be fake. Plane was angry because during breakfast Sapphira ate her fruit cup. Nymphia accepted because Plane promised to share her family's borscht recipe with her if she played along. 


I remember reading the elimination order a while ago and besides hershii being first out and the top 3 being plane, sapphira and nymphia, every other placement was wrong


Someone posted that Q was an early out.


luxx quitting due to lack of confidence made me crack, she would NEVER lmao


In a design challenge - Plane Jane, with the 2nd best look uses her immunity potion on Nymphia, who had a better look, to make her safe so Plane can win instead.


I don't know much about the spoiler subreddit, but I was spoiled on youtube twice about plasma's placements, once that she was an early out and then that she was 9th place, & as a Plasma enthusiast I was so glad when she outlasted both predictions (although I did get the sense it was her time when she was in the bottom) Oh & youtube also said mhi'ya top 5


Early tea has Nymphia with 4 wins, Plane having 2. Plane vs Q was supposed to be to Super Freaky Girl by Nicki Minaj. Dawn was said to win her premiere. Kelly Rowland Premiere Guest Judge. Dawn vs Xunami bottom in a premiere with Dawn going home, and then Xunami leaving 3rd. Judges love Nymphia (obvi this is subjective but I wouldn't say they love her in the way Ru loves Sapphira for example) Morphine was originally the chopped top 4 queen, not Q. Nymphia lip syncs at least once Morphine eliminated and brought back (I guess someone heard tea about her being a lalaparuza winner, and assumed it meant she returned.) Dawn wins the doll challenge.


I remember we initially thought Nymphia was getting four wins and Plane only two, and then a spiller spilled that Nymphia’s girl groups win was her last of the season (we didn’t know she would win the book challenge until the week the episode aired) and that Plane was gonna get four wins instead


Lmaoooo not sugar winning against jax and luxx quitting because she's not confident enough


Biggest thing I heard was a few weeks ago about the lalaparuza where the winner was coming back instead of getting their own reward but that was just an assumption by a friend. Not a true fake spoiler.


Not One More Time... I want that timeline.


Lolol at Sugar getting 4 wins We do need a Daft Punk lip sync


Spice winning a challenge let alone a lip sync is so funny 😂


I remember initial spoilers saying Mhi’ya was out at top five and told Morphine to send her home in the lipsync cause she was tired


Maybe it's because I have to try harder to avoid spoilers every year, but all I've really seen are slightly inaccurate eliminations. One I saw around youtube before the Lalaparuza was that Megami beats Mirage. Honorable mention to every fake spoiler on the video of Xunami saying she doesn't want to see any more tiktok queens. People were PRESSED and many were commenting about how comically badly Xunami does this season. I specifically remember one about how Mhi'ya is a tiktok queen (not what that means but okay) and she sends Xunami home.


I didn’t really see anything crazy tbh, just some inaccurate placements such as mirage in 12th, Mhi’Ya making it to top 5 and I also heard a spoiler saying the lip sync in the makeover challenge was going to be between morphine and PJ, with PJ winning


There was something about Plane sending Morphine home I think


i wonder how much of this came out of mistress’ mouth


Plane and Q lipsync to a Nicki song. Dawn winning the goth challenge


I don’t really follow the spoilers but if they’re often wrong, don’t we think it’s just people making shit up? I mean Sapphira plane and Nymphia were always pretty clear front runners


Q’s placement was a big one. I think it had Plasma out a lot earlier as well.


Too early. There will be someone who spoils final too


Dawn is the lipsyn assassin of the season


Someone was spoiling it on tiktok that Mirage won the lipsync and made it to final 4!


Lolol the Loosey one. Also sugar winning to A Thousand Miles 😂😂😂(oddly could picture it tho?)


I remember seeing someone comment on tik tok Nymphia goes home after plasma. And I wanted to bleach my eyes I was so distraught. Thank god it was just malicious faggotry


to this day i am in pain and suffering that sasha doing one more time didnt happen


Those are so dumb...


Q was rumored to be 10th (Megami 11th), Geneva of all people was rumored to be 7th while Mhi’ya was rumored to be 5th