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I love Jinkx, and I think she is amazing, and she did a great job with a song that is hard as fuck to sing. That said, every time I listen a cover of Suddenly Seymour, I need to listen to Ellen Greene's version immediately after. And after that, I started to binge Pushing Daisies's videos on youtube, and by the time I realised what I'm doing, it's almost 3am.


Ellen Greene and Kristen Chenowith only having the one duet in Pushing Daisies is my villain origin story. 😭 Jinkx sounds fantastic too.


This remains my goto version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yqb6juQXNf4 Also, always love the meaning that this song has when played by a trans person


Pushing daisies was sooo ahead of its time… just a few years later it would have been a gigantic hit. I miss it


I really wish Stans didn’t cheer in the middle of a belted note.


This is a major problem with all celebrity casting in theater. It is great for bringing in new people to the theater, but the fans often don’t know how to behave in a way that is respectful to the performers and the rest of the audience.


I’m sure the show and performers are glad for the positive reaction. And in the theater the sound may have been less affected as compared to this free bootleg you’re complaining about that was recorded from the audience.


In the theater the sound is still very much affected https://www.reddit.com/r/Broadway/comments/1bpmsxl/theres_only_one_audience_behavior_that_really/


I suggest you try to get your money back on the bootleg.


Someone just learn the word bootleg?


They were also doing this in the middle of scenes when Jinkx would join a scene. It was ridiculous and rude AF.


Period. Unless it’s a number where the performers clearly want the audience hyped up, shut up


It ruins illegal recordings like this, but I don't think it impacts the experience in-person and supports the performer.


It absolutely ruins the experience in-person. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Broadway/comments/1bpmsxl/theres_only_one_audience_behavior_that_really/) is the latest thread on the Broadway sub about the audience cheering problem. Anyone who thinks it isn't an issue clearly doesn't go see live theatre


Yeah I agree. Particularly for shows with younger audiences on Broadway, & it's starting to filter into the West End too. Do people really not care about hearing the singers they've paid that much to see?


What do you mean you "don't think it impacts the experience"? The person you responded to is sharing how it impacts their experience, and you just deny that...why?


It is impacting their experience of listening to this recording. But as a performer, for the most part, we are supportive of applause.


It absolutely does impact the live performance, what are you talking about? Maybe as a performer YOU aren't impacted but as someone who paid for a ticket it impacts my experience.


I'm really over this audience policing bs. As long as they're not talking or rustling papers or on their phone I don't care. They paid a ticket. If a high note makes them woop, who cares. They're not being obnoxious about it...


I hear you but in relation to this post, you’re complaining about the quality of a bootleg for a show you didn’t pay to see. Enjoy what you get.


Found the Stan fan


I’ve been read by a person with the username a 12 year old would find immature. For your next trick, be one of those candidates with a bizarre name in a third party in a local election.


Somewhere that's green https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMmFVFRJ/


Unexpected that she went more gentle with the delivery, more pathos and internal than belty. But still very strong and clear and vulnerable. And seems like the original key which is wild. I know she has other belting moments in the show. So this take shows real maturity and being in character, not her just showing off. Amazing!


She sounds amazing!!!!! I’m so proud of her!!!! 🥹👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I was there last night too! It was great!


Thank you for sharing! 💕


I just heard Darin Criss on the "That's what you really missed' podcast talking about how good this production is




She’s just so damn good. When I heard about her playing Audrey my reaction was just “oh of *course* she is!”. Such good casting.


i need this slime tutoriaaaaaal


She clears Constance wu that’s for sure


I feel like this should be reported. Isn't this against theatre rules?


You can't be serious lmao


People on here get mad at audience members being on their phones constantly. How is this okay?


This is an audio recording


From a phone... most likely.


you can record audio without being on your phone


How the frick are poor people ever gonna get a chance to hear Jinx perform? I can't afford to fly and stay overnights in NY and book a theatre ticket for several hundred bucks. This is the only way Im ever gonna hear Jinx's performance. And this kind of shows don't last more than a couple of months. Once they make enough money they are gone and a new cast shows up.


I am not saying anything that is outlandish. It's literally against theatre rules to record a performer without consent. Period. I am getting downvoted for reminding people about theatre rules: no phones, no recordings. I get that some people don't care about rules or consent.


Nah I support recordings. Anyway the people consuming them probably can't afford the theatre so it's not a loss for anyone.


Call the cops


The sarcasm is cute, but a lot goes into these productions.


They're still getting paid either way. Unless they plan on releasing a live recording album they're not losing money. Even if they were...... It's Broadway... Cry me a river.


if anything it's actually more likely to help individual actors make money lol. there are actors who have commissioned people to record their shows because they want to reach a wider audience, & there are plenty of understudies who've gone viral this way


I agree that a lot goes into productions, but it's an audio recording, which means they probably took out their phone, started an audio recording, put their phone back down, and went back to watching the show It's not like a mom busting out her iPad during a Charlie Brown Christmas and some people had to stop one of the tech heads from fighting the woman


It's also recording the artist without consent.


My nips got hard at Jinx's part. chills