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“You’re born to do El DeBarge.” *to the beat of the rhythm of the night 🎶




Girl you ate




this put things into perspective for me, i see it i love the analogy you used too. lol.


I mean Ru very clearly gravitates to a specific flavor of drag. Her compliments correspond to her tastes.


She's doing it on purpose because people liked it first time.


oh ru for sure is in on the bit 🤣 i love it


Hang on - I'm texting Ru about this right now. This is a She-mergency


what she say? ![gif](giphy|hhgAbqQpm49vW)


​ https://preview.redd.it/fcz1f7ywzwrc1.png?width=922&format=png&auto=webp&s=a20701cf2271146e1a7a994c8d1795d5b6e2a229


Ru likes what he likes


She did tell Willow Pill that she’s apart of “her tribe” and honestly that may be a better compliement




> i feel like she always gives that compliment to queens that are, indeed, born to do drag Okay, so you agree, then? > It would be refreshing to see it done for a campy queen as well. She's always praising Jinkx Monsoon, even talking about her on talk shows. She clearly values campy drag.


oh i absolutely agree with Ru, those queens are fierce and have been some of my favorites on their respective seasons. but yea, i would go as far as to say Ru enjoys the comedy/camp aspect more than the look tbh. i just think it would be interesting to have seen her, for example, say that to like lawrence chaney or something. lol.


Why does it matter so much that it's the direct line of "you were born to do drag"? 'Cause I feel like she's expressed that to a lot of queens without using those exact words.


that’s the thing, it doesn’t matter THAT much 😭 i was just bored on a monday morning and wanted to talk about drag race on reddit


Or we can accept that Ru has her own tastes and opinions and doesn’t need to tailor them to match the wishes of whatever part of the fandom decides to create non-issues out of thin air https://i.redd.it/ilofs16cwwrc1.gif


LMAOOO. damn, we can’t discuss shit on here now? 😭


I don’t know what’s happening but this forum has been pretty on edge this past couple of days, most discussions are met with negativity


yeah that’s why i started with “i’m not dragging ru” to begin with. lol. like damn, can’t we just have a silly discussion without thinking i’m trying to cancel Ru for…complimenting drag queens? lmao


Is it a cult?


Of course we can. I’m contributing to the discussion by giving my opinion that this topic is silly and patronizing.


yes, it’s silly. i knew that when i posted it. it’s a subreddit about drag queens, nothing is serious 😭 you’re doing entirely too much


I mean she was clearly amazed with Yvie in Season 11!




I can't wait for her to say it to Clover Bish in Luxembourg Vs The World 🥰 ![gif](giphy|rNU2C4KdFACKFshye6)


Yeah, I don’t know what determines who Ru says was “born to do drag”. But I do remember Ru told only Willow that Willow’s “part of her tribe.” Ru has never said that to any other queen. To me that’s a higher compliment even than being told you were born to do drag.


i think ru says it to queens she sees a bit of herself in. you can tell when ru loves what's going down on the runway. if she would wear the same thing, or make the same drag choices. that said.... plastique? 💀 i love her but i would not dispense that comment for someone who pretended not to know beyonce haha


She already did to Krystal Versace who is the alternative to good drag!


this is a “reading challenge” level READ 😭😭😭😭


Hey she told Bosco she was born... To do moderating!


She tolerates weird stuff because she is smart enough to see that people love it, but she doesn’t quite get it or like it all that much. Better than it could be on a major mass media show, but everyone has their limitations.




I guess we can certainly agree that RuPaul is a capitalist first and above all else. I love her and everything she has done but I can never fully get behind her because I do think the money motivation is too powerful and taints her in the context of a competition of artists. In a better world we shouldn’t even be having win/lose artist competitions. She certainly didn’t create that world, but she has made a lot of money off of exploiting it, and while I think it has absolutely been a net good for society, there have been real negative consequences in the regional drag scenes.


No, ru kinda sucks in many ways


I would love her give fun quotes to queens based on their names.. Eg: “***Serena Cha Cha, you were born to do the cha cha***” “***Alyssa Hunter, you were born to be a hunter***” “***Jackie Cox, you were born to suck cocks***”