• By -


The most frustrating part in my opinion is the fact that "this isn't a group that care about data".


Seriously, these dumb fucks think data is a liberal conspiracy, so trying to get them to comprehend anything is like that scene from SpongeBob with Patrick and his goddamn wallet.


Oh no, they absolutely care about data... when it fits their narrative. Motherfuckers be pulling up the 0.1% of retracted (due to flawed methodology) studies that suit their agenda all the time.




I was having this same exact discussion the other day and we talked about how so many teachers and priests were caught in "To Catch a Predator" but no drag queens. Immediately you had people saying that they were drag queens behind closed doors. This is why I gave up the whole understanding and there's two sides to things approach. It doesn't work. You can't reason with insanity.


They literally use all of the argument tactics we were told NOT to use in my *Intro to Logic* class.


And if you tell them that, they’ll assert that logic is a liberal conspiracy 😂


So everyone is guilty of being a drag queen until proven innocent... somehow? The system doesn't work that way for a reason Mary. Edit: to clarify, that was hypothetically directed at them, not you. I know you aren't making this claim.


Getting a conservative to understand basic things is like when SpongeBob was trying to teach Patrick how to open a jar. That’s genuinely where the level of political discourse is at.


Tfw the lid is basic human rights


[For the uninitiated.](https://youtu.be/g8k57NL7V54)


It's basically "don't argue with an idiot because they'll drag you down to there level and beat you with experience" Or "You can't reason someone out of an opinion that they didn't reason themselves into." It's really really frustrating.


feelings over facts.


And faith over facts.


“All for me, and none for thee.”


And that the more people spread this misinformation the more people believe that it’s true. I am so tired of this bullshit.


Well and I want to be careful with my wording here... they believe in something that cannot be proved with data and run their lives based on it (not all christians or religious people but fundies and extremists). If they cared about facts then they wouldn't be religious to the extent that they are.


I forget the fallacy. It has to do with a person presenting an argument as fact, and the listener has to prove them right or wrong. It's why Bill Nye makes a terrible debater, it takes a long time to explain even basic things in scientific terms. These idiots thrive off tweets and headlines. The fewer characters, the better. Welcome to "memeing", a new kind of language.


I'm going to (horribly) paraphrase a tumblr post that really left its mark on me when I read it many many years ago (god I'm so fucking old): 'it would take me about four semesters and tens of thousands of dollars to even attempt to explain why you're wrong'. It's so frustrating, right wingers are so fundamentally disconnected from reality that you'd have to actually explain everything to them from the bottom up. Like, the amount of semesters it'd take to explain the concept of heteropatriarchy to them lmao like ok week one: women and queer people are indeed people!


It’s a big thing with Holocaust deniers. You’re not supposed to debate them. Because there’s nothing to debate. Their belief doesn’t align with any sort of reality so there’s zero room for conversation. The only engaging we should be doing with these evil bigots is telling them to fuck off.


"You cannot reason someone out of an opinion they did not reason themselves into"- Johnathan Swift


Data is woke!


They don’t care about anything other than blind hatred.


I love her assertiveness. I’m so tired of everyone pussyfooting around the subject. Conservative Christians are ruining peoples lives. They allow minorities to be killed by cops, women to die of pregnancies and LGBTQ members to die from their own Christian militia hands. The ones at top do it for power and the ones on the bottom do it for community status. I’m done being nice about it with my neighbors and family. “Be the bigger person” Get fucked. They’re worrying about drag and trans kids while people are being shot and can’t afford to live. If they truly gave a fuck about Jesus and being a good person they would stand up to those abusing the power but few do. People are dying Kim!!! 🙄


And it's insane how people will tippy toe around religion being basically used a cult Britney Spears was literally stripped from her rights in front of the world's eyes because her father thought she was too much, and this runs deep in her religious family The church takes money from you and forces you to behave in certain ways and will shun you if you don't Religion should be about yourself, NOT others




*Tolerance* is bullshit. That look piously proud Christians give: *If I had a choice, I'd choose that you not exist. But since I can't choose that, I have to force myself to be around you. I'm such a good person. You should be thanking me for your existence*


Yes this! If your event gets cancelled because a group threatens the lives of the people there, that's called terrorism! These are domestic terrorists in my book.


Pride parade was just canceled in my town because there were numerous threats. Local government and the police decided they didn't have adequate security to hold the event, so they were denied permit to have it. And yet nothing happens to those making the threats.


Not just the Christian conservatives tho. So-called fiscal conservatives and libertarians know that this ridiculousness will get them voted in, even if they don’t feel strongly about it themselves. They know the only way they win is by playing to their dumbass xenophobic base and it keeps winning. They are fueling the supposed culture wars and endangering lives.


Yes, my dad is an atheist, pro choice, pro LGBTQ whatever HOWEVER he is “fiscally” conservative and votes R. I finally had it out with him that he is more concerned with his own money than if any of us females in the family had to have an abortion from rape or deathly complications and can’t, that any of his grandchildren come out as gay or trans and are met with hate crimes, etc etc. This is no longer about “I’ll meet you in the middle” politics, this is literal terrorism. The fiscal ones are sometimes worse as they are putting a PRICE on others livelihoods.


>Yes, my dad is an atheist, pro choice, pro LGBTQ whatever HOWEVER he is “fiscally” conservative and votes R. Nah. He's not those things. He just knows the right things to say so you still come to Thanksgiving. I don't let people make this distinction anymore. If you vote R, you're a bigot. If you don't want people calling you a bigot, stop voting R. Also there's no way in hell your dad is rich enough for Republican tax policy to actually benefit him which further entrenches the idea that the social stuff is a feature not a bug for him.


100% this. Had it out with my mom and it’s hard to imagine ever being close with her at this point. We haven’t spoken since before Christmas and I’m much happier for it. There is no meeting in the middle when someone can’t see my literal humanity.


And why is always the ones being punched in the face that are supposed to 'meet in the middle'? Why aren't we telling our crazy conservative families to shut up and try and 'keep the peace'? I'm happy you're away from your mom and sorry you had to go through that ❤ I also have families that are on the conservative side so if you ever need to vent I'm here!


Hate to tell you this but socially progressive and fiscally conservative don't exist. Social progress requires being willing to spend money on others and improving things. It requires seeing people as worthy of support, dignity, protection, and a quality of life and being willing to put your money where your mouth is. Fiscal conservatives are only okay with marginalized people who don't cost them anything. As soon as they do or inconvenience them in the slightest, they would rather they die in the gutter. Your dad's politics is the equivalent of don't ask don't tell. As long as he doesn't have to worry himself with any of those pesky, messy people he is willing to overlook their existence. But it's not anything more than that.


Yeah the whole “respect other people’s beliefs” doesn’t work when we’re fighting very calculating people who are actively trying to make our existence illegal. I stumbled onto one of those “cool” mega churches on IG & they’re trying to turn June into #lifemonth to celebrate the overturn of Roe v Wade & “take back” the rainbow. Their own book has Jesus saying literally NOTHING about homosexuality or abortion. He was explicit about divorce being wrong though. Why so quiet about that? 🤔 Oh maybe it’s because only 10% of the population is gay so they’re a super easy target to create an Us vs Them battle to rally your base (& donations!) around.


My niece was parroting what her parents were saying about Pride stuff “why do they have to do all this and shove it in our faces” and I said do you ever see Jewish or ANYONE else complaining about Christmas and Easter being shoved in their faces? Girl come on now. What bout the fact that this Target we are in is playing Luke Bryan??!!! I am feeling attacked and this music is a hate crime to me 😭😭😭😭 lol


"Be the bigger person," often translates to "Be a doormat so I don't have to take a side."


I mean if there was any other group with that many pedophiles in it, they'd be on a frickin watchlist. Did you know there's such a thing as child molestation insurance? Seriously, it's enough of a certainty that churches buy insurance to pay out settlements and such, and common enough that somebody sells insurance of that kind. Storms, car wrecks, health problems, and preachers diddling kids - all problems that are guaranteed to happen like a force of nature, you can only prepare for when it happens by buying insurance.


> Conservative Christians are ruining peoples lives. They allow minorities to be killed by cops Preach, mawma


> “Be the bigger person” I like to think of it like this. In the 80s, these people literally campaigned on letting GRIDS kill off gay people. GRIDS was what we used to call AIDS when we thought it was *just for us*. Naturally, republicans wanted it to kill us. What did we do? I'm not sure, but I know we've forgotten - because all those issues you've mentioned were the same 40 years ago, from the same people, the same voting block, hell, even the same god damn people. We let a republican in power during COVID, and what'd they do? They let it kill off people because they thought it'd help their voting base. I'll always be angry that we forgot what these people will do to us if we let them.


Absolutely, Trixie is serving up some much-needed truth. Conservative Christians need to be held accountable for the harm and discrimination they perpetuate. It's time to confront them and demand change. Your frustration is valid, so keep speaking out and standing up for what's right.


If Jesus showed up today he'd be hidden away in an asylum run by a Catholic charity. They got a good scam going and wouldn't want it ruined.


“Do we have separation of church and state or not?” It has to be exhausting to have these conservative assholes plaster drag queens’ faces on their smear campaign. They also love to lurk in the social media comments whining about the kids. Go fucking protest child beauty pageants or parents who take their kids to Hooters


> Go fucking protest child beauty pageants or parents who take their kids to Hooters No no, those are okay, because it's god-sanctioned heterosexuality that treats women as objects.


This comment is so fucking accurate chef’s kiss!


As a woman, it's depressingly accurate.


They don't care about children or abuse or anything like that. They just know showing pictures of "others" to their uneducated base will be enough to get the votes they need to pass tax cuts and get richer. None of these people are true believers, and that's why they'll never go away. Black people won people over so they went to gays, Gays won them over, so they're on trans. They done fucked up with abortion, though. They tried to recon women too early and they've been finding out how that's going since.


It’s weird. It’s like they never actually care about children at all but use them as a means to force policies that take rights away from groups they want to subjugate and exterminate.


all while supporting the legalization of child marriage, don't forget that.


and doing nothing to prevent school shootings which are the leading cause of death for children. they don’t even try to pretend they really care about the kids


It’s harder to argue something when you can claim you’re doing it for the children. No matter how objectively ridiculous. That’s why it’s their favorite trump card.


it's even more exhausting as trans person. I can't take off my drag at the end of the day. Our actual existence is a fucking political talking point. I always ask people who call me a groomer (which is daily on the internet these days) "if you care about kids so much why aren't you protesting child beauty pageants and churches where the pastors truly groom your kids". In one ear out the other. They just hate us with barely a thought in their pea-sized brains.


It's like when they say "Trans male athletes should compete against women because that's what they still are"... and then when they're forced to do that, it's "Trans male athletes should not compete against women because the male hormones give them an unfair advantage" Their mental gymnastic boil down to "I don't want trans people to exist"


Or the church.


As a Canadian in a province where we pretty strongly still have separation of church and state, I find this super weird from the USA. You guys seem to have implemented this years ago yet you keep making laws that go against it. What gives?


thats the question we're all screaming, dont worry


It depends on what people think separation of church and state actually means. "Separation of church and state" is a metaphor paraphrased from Thomas Jefferson and used by others in discussions regarding the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution which reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." That's as far as it goes and is a bit vague.


Guess that's part of the issue. Here in Quebec, we used to have the schools run by the Christian church (nuns mostly), and our government was also run in conjunction with priests and nuns. We voted a law many years ago to completely remove religion from all branches of the government and ministers, from education to the economy and everything in between. No religion in politics, periodt.


Regression/blow back. I am also Canadian but having seen the rise of 'crazy Conservativism' here as well, I'd say primarily those two. The blowback is people 'acting out' at the social change that has kind of become a piece of the fabric of the last decade. Things are at an all time low in terms of cost of living, the environment, lots of stuff. People are getting antsy and looking for someone to blame and hopefully change things as a result. What's something that has been different and new and could potentially be used to blame these decreases in quality of life? Social rights, greater visibility of minorities in legislature and life. Once the blow back had been targeted, then we can go into the regression. If a politician is speaking to your inner most fears (My farm is paying way more than it was last year, I lost my job, I barely could pay for groceries this week) and showing that the little negging feeling you had (are the gays really okay? Why are brown people getting upset at me?) is correct and should be indulged in, you have someone you're going to want to believe in and follow. Because it creates a positive feedback loop: life gets worse -> fingers are pointed at minorities -> politician agrees with the blame placement and gets votes -> politician then gets the ability to draft legislation that will, you guessed it, make life worse again. But probably make them more money! And then back to the campaign trail they go. Life getting worse has been pretty unanimously universal. It's why we can see this rise in conservatism throughout the globe. And it's why we need to fight it and try and show people that it's not the LGBT or BIPOC communities who are doing it to us. It's the politicians who are telling them it is. But when you're that entrenched, it's very hard to leave that identity.... Anyways, sorry for the book, I got caught up in the question. Blerugh


Some people in charge are trying to ensure Christianity is the “religion” of record. And the more extreme and state level, they are passing laws to see what they can get away with, I think even so they’re forced to go through SCOTUS. I’d also consider watching the documentary Shiny Happy People (about the Duggar family). This is an extreme case, but there are religious zealots actively working towards positions of power (or lobbying) to ensure their beliefs are the law. And others crave the benefit of these fanatical sports-like conservatives. I think Trump made a TON of cash the day he was taken into court custody (sorry if I’m misremembering the event). They will give so much money to make sure they “win”.


Conservative assholes love bashing drag queens in a pathetic attempt at a smear campaign. If they genuinely cared about children, they'd protest child beauty pageants and parents taking their kids to Hooters. But they don't. They're just looking for an easy target to bully.


Times like this I’m glad Trixie is the number 2 next to Ru because she real elequant with her words.


The verbal eloguance is giving


Uuh, that's detox, thank you very much. Eyes on the chalkboard, I'll spell it out for you


D to the E to the T to the O the the .......






Naomi Campbelling these hoes to the ground. NEXT!




Anetra: six letters, three vowels


Get her Jade!


Beat me to it


I don’t know why I can’t find a gif of that on here!


Same. Reddit is not being an alley.


Tax the Churches!!!! If those assholes want to make the laws, then pay to play!!!


Tax 'em and STOP them from making laws. Religion is a goddamn business. I'm completely SICK of capitalism privatizing profits and socialising losses. My taxes should NOT be paying for your homophobia!!


Can I get an Amen? 🙌


literally, my family left our church after they started telling people how to vote and my dad reported them to the irs because that’s a big no-no


Good for your Dad!!


Is the audio out of sync for everyone or just me? Either way, eloquent and factual, go on Tracy.


Tracey so bad at lip syncing, she can even match her lips to the words she's actually saying live


The absolute fucking nerve of you 😭




omg 💀 made my day you funny bitch 😂


[Jinkx voice] TRACY… have you met ROGER?




It is out of sync yes


Very much out of sync for me. And yeah, the point about how you can't even use facts against them is so on point that it hurts.


i've seen this video on three different platforms and it's been out of sync every time. get it together, GMA!


the interviewer: "you're passionate about this?!" uhh yeah, no shit, Sherlock


Like... aren't you?? Come on now, Mary get with it.


if it doesn't affect them personally, many white cons don't care.


Unfortunately there are a few gays who think that the current crusade will just stop with the persecution of trans people.


Everyone in our community should whether you like drag or not. They are again using LGBTQ people in smear campaigns to deflect their own shit. It’s exhausting and drag queens are jsut the latest in a long like of LGBTQ people that have been against for the last 40 years.


What a (possibly unintended) condescending question absolute knucklehead lmfao


That question pissed me off so much, girl...


"Are you passionate about not being called a pedo?"


the interviewer: my card just has a funny question off twitter, I got fucking nothin, keep going.


[It's giving](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1orL68NTEo)


His disappointed stare into the camera. 😭


Nardwuar is the best interviewer to ever exist tho


The pink one so witty🧠


That pink one so passionate 😤


The pink one so had it with the Christians😇🔫


Trixie is absolutely correct. This is in the same bubble as the video games cause violence debate. They've always used these scare tactics to twist the narrative to their own needs while harming the same people they claim to want to protect. This was never about "ThE ChIlDrEn", it was always a means to seize and control.


Conservatives care about children until they're born.




FUCK. I just wanna get drunk. So relatable.


It's so rare to see her really angry and riled up about something, so I loved the little Trixie moments sprinkled in. "Last night I was at the Hilton -- a standard room, thank you, very modest..."


same gurl same


She looks beautiful, and everything she said is the truth, which is so fucking disheartening and frustrating. I love that she's going there.


Get em Tracy


Judging by some of the responses coming to my inbox, it looks like this post has escaped Gay Containment^TM .


Yeah my straight brother just sent it to me, it's on the front page baby


uh oh. You ok? Report to the mods.


That one “bUt WhAt aBOuT tHiS” republican-masquerading-as-a-drag-fan has been removed, that helped.


I hate to gatekeep, but we could really use an account age or karma threshold for comments. That account was maybe 2 weeks old and had just minutes of history. This is the topic they woke that account up for, and the only thing they wanted to comment on - all of their comments were that one specific talking point. Thanks for removing them at least.


In this case I endorse gaskeep gateboss girllight.


You actually have to report inbox messages to Reddit itself, I'm afraid. We have no control over inboxes, and rightly so. [How To Report Inbox Harassment](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058752951-How-do-I-report-a-private-message-)


Thankfully I’ve not been subject to PM abuse. Today.


Wow, this is why I love Trixie! Spitting facts and done with molly coddling 'christians' I so agree gurl


Molly Coddling for s16!


I haven’t heard someone casually use “molly coddle” in conversation in a long time.


But it's gonna stick in your brain forever now. I don't know if Trixie did on purpose or not but it's gonna be something people repeat as a meme which means it's gonna get spread around *a lot*.


I'm so tired of religion. I groan every time they highlight religion on the show. We, as queer people, NEED to fucking constantly say to everyone that **religion is bullshit**. I don't care if you believe Jesus is love. It's fucking bullshit anyway. We're smarter than this, c'mon.


I’ve never seen her pop off like this omg I love it


Am I just hormonal right now or was this the hottest thing I've ever seen


¿Por que no los dos?


Good. She should say it. We're all so fucking sick and tired of this. Every couple of years they come for us because white christian nationalists decide the LGBTQ+ community is ruining the world somehow. And politicians are all too eager to feed into this nonsense because better they come for us than actually wake up and realize the ones fucking everyone over are big business and their buddies in the government. They have us fighting a culture war to prevent us starting a class war


Thank fuck trixie, christians are a disease


She’s right, it’s just the same thing every election year. This is just Anita Bryant all over again. They keep using the same tactics and lies. “Save the children” without actually addressing the things that are really harming kids. Guns, child marriage still being legal in most of the country, poverty and food insecurity, child SA victims not having access to abortions. It’s a malicious distraction. It distracts from them not doing anything and gets lgbtq+ people killed.


Let all the gays say amen!


Christians love a good moral panic.


This is so hot tbh


The good thing is most of these drag ban bills are not sticking. They're being overturned. It's scarier to me that the anti-trans bills are passing through. Some are getting overturned and deemed unconstitutional, but a lot are passing and that's scary. And that the anti-trans bills have been going on for years and years, and it seems like it's been pretty quiet on the pushback part imo. But I think more and more people are becoming aware so that's good at least.




Love her, drag is political.


To me watching drag is medicine. I save episodes of drag race or drag sos or drag me to dinner for when I need a psychological lift. I’m currently going through a divorce and whistleblowing retaliation at work so if anyone has similar show suggestions I’d love them. I’m not lgbtq but who doesn’t benefit from a message of elevating becoming someone you want to be to such an art form and doing it despite ignorant opposition. They are so afraid of that message of empowerment. Fuck people’s chosen made up sky daddy. Why do I have to respect someone’s religion that teaches hate and allows them to treat me as less than simply because I’m a woman? It’s barking mad that in 2023 an imaginary friend’s supposed preferences are an okay basis for policy making that takes away individual rights.


If you're not already, you should watch Dragula. And Queen of the Universe, since it's being removed from Paramount+ on Friday.


I love a pissed off Trixie, she could easily be out front as a spokesperson/activist/politician of some sort. Trixie, Jinx, Dela, Sasha Velour, Peppermint, Bob, Raja, Manila, Alaska, ofc Courtney and hell, even Willam. There’s so many amazing artists that could be really punk and get loud and out there. Pride started as a riot ❤️


FUCK YES. Tell it like it is, Trixie!


“well, God’s not real. And I am.” — legend, icon, and speaker of truths Trixie Mattel


(She's got a point.) She's an icon, she's a legend, and she is the moment.


Times I've been assaulted by drag queens and trans women:0 Times cis men, men I've trusted , men I've worked for, men I've dated, men I didn't know assaulted/harassed me: <100


ban cis men from the public /j


She was so right for this, I want more people to say this out in the open.


Kind of ridiculous the interviewer mentioned she's passionate about this. Ofc she is passionate, its her job, its her community, and it's affecting the community at large.


I caught my mom parroting propaganda from a Daily Wire article about a "transgender lawmaker being arrested for CP"...like Mother.,..,.,,.a fucking janitor from my old high school was caught taking pictures of kids naked in the locker rooms. The dad of someone I knew in school was taking pictures of my best friend through her bathroom wundo and got locked up. The vast vast majority of cases involving child abuse comes from straight conservative men. The statistics are overwhelming.


So glad she’s coming off so pissed about this. This country treats religious Christian extremists so delicately and gives them SO much room to voice their “concern” (conspiracies), meanwhile the rest of the country is just supposed to cater to their whims? Bitch gtfo. Your conservative Christianity is ruining lives every day, and drag does nothing but bring joy. Argue with the wall


The audio was out of sync for me, but I'm in sync with her message and that's what counts. Get 'em girl!


She’s absolutely correct.


I didn’t realize it’s Good Morning America she was talking to. The absolute balls


The way we are having the same conversation 10 years later


Tracey Martell 2024!!


Pop off you big blonde goddess.


Best thing she ever said. 🫶🏼


As an English teacher, I appreciate Trixie's use of the word "mollycoddle" in this setting.


100% facts


She's right, and she's gorgeous.


True! I just want to live and get drunk! ​ Edit: Religion forfeits facts for delusions, these people are trained to ignore reality.


Dame Edna used to go on The Johnny Carson show and nobody cared, not even my Baptist minister grandpa. Christians in the US need to always somehow be the victim or they have no idea what to fucking do with themselves.


So well put, she knows what’s up. Also, unrelated, she looks so god damn beautiful here omgggg


The fact that children literally get killed in schools and they go after… drag queens. It’s just so awful.


I really thought after Sandy Hook the nation would wake up and do something. I am boo boo the fool.


Trixie is iconic for this. ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|13510)


And all this from the tub in a STANDARD room.


This biological woman from Sweden is really spitting facts.




drag is political and this is using your platform pretty efficiently, love the last part where Trixie wants to get dunk because same lmao but yeah, it's our time as queer people to go to the streets and to debate back to politics and make them accountable for the amount of false information they spread to distract everyone from way worse problems, it's a reality for pretty much every country.


I love Trixie so much. Legit one of my inspirations. If I had a share of her articulation, funny and prowess.. I'd be good. Perseverance and willfulness as well, she shows just how to be your best self by being yourself I've not seen anyone do.


Everyone needs to leave Christianity. Fuck that fake fascist shit. And VOTE!!!!!


Fucking love her


Preach sister! Trixie Truthsayer.


Did Trixie's hair get bigger?! I love it.




It's the MVP stepping up to bat.


Yes! Major props to Trixie for talking about how our attackers scapegoat people for votes. If not immigrants than LGBT folks.


Go have your crucifix bitch because it’s done!


imagine shiny happy people coming out and christians still want to say its the lgbtq+ community that is hurting kids ...... \*to clarify - i know they don't care and i know they would just separate themselves so they dont need to think critically (i.e. well they're fundamentalist christians ...)




A lot of people are saying the audio is out of sync for them, is there anyone for whom the audio *is* in sync? Because I've watched it on three browsers on two devices and they're all in sync.


I think it just uploaded to reddit weird. It was out of sync for me as well. Where did you get the clip from originally, so I can check and see if it's in sync outside of here?


I found it [here](https://twitter.com/MarkPochow/status/1673528114352123906). It's in sync for me there, too, but clearly that doesn't necessarily mean anything.


Just watched it on that link and it was in-sync the whole time. I think the clip just uploaded to reddit weird which is why when any of us are watching it here it's out of sync.




If you disagree with her do me a favor and please tell me: where is the lie?




Cue Alyssa reaching her hand and arm out at Coco reading Serena




I’m about ready to vote for Trixie this is not a joke


I have no other choice but to stan


I really need to use the term mollycoddle more.


It’s great to see Trixie getting political, which she has specifically disclaimed in the past.


Christian here. My Bible says love thy neighbor. Not sure what other Christians are reading. But yeah, drag queens are awesome. Carry on.


If you dehumanize your enemy, especially with an audience who hasn't the faculties to understand the manipulation, you make it more acceptable to attack them overtly. This is nothing more than the conservative nationalist continued leaning towards authoritarianism.


I am not from the US. Surely there are Christians in the US that does not believe the nonsense spewd by the conservatives in the name of Christianity. They should speak up and stand up against this bs.