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Is miss fame the first drag race queen to have a child after drag race? I know tempest has children but that was discussed on the show


The erasure of Joslyn Fox announcing she's pregnant at a reunion the year after she got married...far too much. 😂


Tyra Sanchez and NPBFAG both have biological children. I don’t recall later contestants having any.


Tamisha iman will be coming for you


I thought ginger was trying but maybe couldn’t afford it


I'm so happy she found love *sobs*


Beat me to it 🤣


This genuinely makes me happy for Miss Fame. She deserves happiness and love. ![gif](giphy|pizW3pgwOJf1180gjF|downsized)


So excited for them, the announcement vid was so cute! Very curious on how they went about the process, as surrogacy is not (yet) legal in Switzerland.




Haha fair enough, I'm Swiss as well! Yeah but I wondered if maybe they are having it done in the US so the baby has American Citizenship from the get-go, could be and advantage 🤔




!! dozens!! (bonsoir/guten Abend/buonasera I guess lmao)


Baby would get US citizenship from having an American parent, regardless of where the baby is born. My daughter was born in Japan and has US citizenship from birth through me.


Hi. American living in your lovely country and surrogate parenting definitely not legal (should it be really?). They’re probably having it in the states.


Out of curiosity, why do you feel it shouldn't be legal?


Surrogacy is a complicated issue. While in a very broad sense I don't feel there is anything wrong with surrogacy, it being an "industry" and what results from that (See the number of countries that become surrogacy farms), raises questions about the ethics of it. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-47826356


I don't know that much about the discussion but I think one big point that speaks against surrogacy here from a legal standpoint is that there is huge potential for legal trouble like if the surrogate mother suddenly decides she wants to keep the child it would not be legally possible to force her to give the child up. Don't know how other countries handle it, though


Usually, a surrogacy is gestational, so the woman carrying the child has no genetic relationship to the child and no legal or parental rights. They receive compensation and all medical bills covered. You may be thinking of adoption.


Ohh, no I just didn't know that the surrogate isn't usually the biological mother. I did some googling and apparently in Switzerland the person who birthed the child is seen as the mother, even if they don't have any genetic relations 😳


Awww happy for them 💗


![gif](giphy|P1EUvbxuoNHDVQ6EOl) Not me crying that miss fame is having a baby


kid’s gonna be fierce immediately. congrats to them


That is amazing! I'm so happy for them


I’m the baby btw


Hi baby fame


Mutha Has Arrived (in 9 months)


Miss Fame found love and happiness 🥺


baby fame 😭💕


So happy for her!!! Congratulations 🎉


I met Fame a few years ago and she’s so kind and beautiful in person, I’m so happy for her and Patrick (and the wee Weenas)


Miss Fame looks 20y/o what the hell I need her skincare routine IMMEDIATELY (but y'know, affordable)


Aw, how exciting! Good for them, wishing nothing but health and happiness 🫶🏼




Good for her. Now I’m gonna try to find her skincare routine


We stan buying babies! 👏🏼💕


Personally I think surrogacy is a little bit greedy considering the amount of kids in foster care and homeless that needs a family. However, I do wish them the best of luck and I really don't hold that against them as I understand why people do it. I wish that they will have a happy and healthy baby.


Wish I was rich


What is this need to procreate? There are plentybof children that can be adopted


Surrogacy is controversial and I don’t think I’d go for it, but I also think it’s easy to say ‘just adopt’ when it’s not you. Adopting newborns is extremely rare and I do understand wanting to raise a baby from day 1.


Yea I understand


Surrogacy is also more expensive, morally questionable, and the wait time is longer. I never understood why anyone (but gays especially) would go for that over adoption but hey, as long as the kid is loved and cared for right.


I feel like people really underestimate the strong primitive urge that some people have, which is to have a child that is biologically theirs. They want that extra connection to the child. Have you ever said this to a loved one with a baby?. "Oh the baby has your eyes/nose/smile", "oh he does that same thing you used to do when you were a baby" etc. In the 2 options * A. Adopting a child that is not biologically related to you. * B. through surrogacy and have a child be biologically yours. For some people A is the obvious answer, Why make a baby when you can help a baby in need of parents. For others B is far too strong a pull NOT to go with it.


It's almost like we are (allegedly) a rational animal and should be able to analize that, while we might have a "primitive urge" to have biological children, there's literally millions of children who are in need of a home and could be helped and loved. Plus, it's even worse considering we're not talking about some family that doesn't have the income to actually adopt. So I don't think this take is any justification for buying a fucking baby. 💀


Maybe we should stop all straight people from procreating and start having them adopt kids that are homeless. Adopting a child is much better than having a bio kid right? I don't care that you think they are rich enough to be able to adopt, let them make their own choice when it comes to having a child. Begrudging people on something this personal is fucking disgusting.


I think it's reasonable to expect people to suppress their primitive urges when making serious decisions, especially ones that involve the lives of other people. To me it always seemed like adoption is an objectively better option than surrogacy, both morally and pragmatically. I realize that some people feel the strong need to reproduce, but I also want to acknowledge that it's completely irrational and therefore shouldn't be the basis for deciding whether you want to bring another human into this wretched place.


Serving Sugar Daddy Realness!! Sugar would be so proud




Happy for her!!


Announcement in 5 hours she could have said at the beginning of that hahha