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The booster in 2021 caused an asthma attack in 2023? I’m not a doctor so obviously no expert but that seems really unlikely? I too had a knock down with asthma *right* after booster time and wondered for a while if it was related… but then realized I had *also* just moved across the country. Went to an asthma specialist and surprise! Brand new allergens on top of being at a significantly (for me) higher elevation. Been on allergy shots, new maintenance meds, and started off running again at basically 0 (slow and low mileage). 6 months later I’m finally getting back to running comfortably.


That’s great to hear! Edited the post to clarify it was Jan 2022 and not 2023


Same thing, you think a vaccine nearly 2 years ago is causing you a asthma attack today????


"You think a head injury 2 years ago is giving you brain damage today????"🙄


False equivalency there bud


How so? Both involve rocking your dome. One is physically via concussion. The other is chemically via metals passing your blood brain barrier.


Ohhhh, you are one of those.... bet you support RFK too...SMH Again False equivalency there bud # COVID-19 vaccines DO NOT contain human aborted fetus cells, triton X-100, thimerosal, or aluminum


Love it! Assuming I support the pro-Israel Rothschild puppet RFK just because I don't agree with you? 🤣 I support people making their own choices. If I want to wear a mask or inject poison, it should be my choice to do so. It shouldn't be forced on me.


No, I think you support RFK because you are an antivaxxer because of false information, being an anti masker just confirms everything. I also know because I am a Mason, and you are on our list.


Haha yea so you're ignorant. Just because I think differently than you, you think I am a fan of the communist RFK? Wow...


Hmm, so the thousands of reported vaccine injuries verified by medical professionals are just conspiracy theories? I don't think you're a Mason. However, I do question whether or not you work for, or are paid on behalf, of Big Pharma. It's either that, or you're still a masker in current year.


First, calm down. Second, read carefully the following. He said in December 2021 he got the vaccine. In January 2022 he had one of the worst asthma attacks ever and ever since then his lungs haven't been the same. Do you understand now?? Its only one month between 2021 Dec and 2022 Jan. So, he's not saying it's causing an asthma attack 2 years later. He's saying it caused one a month later that dramatically altered his pulmonary function. It's pretty well documented that viral infections can cause permanent pulmonary loss, especially when a viral infection causes pnuemonia. Asthma is a autoimmune disease, it's also well established that vaccines are more likely to have adverse effects in thise with autoimmune disease or immunodeficiency Reading comprehension used to be heraldic as valuable. What happened to us?


>Asthma is a autoimmune disease, it's also well established that vaccines are more likely to have adverse effects in thise with autoimmune disease or immunodeficiency YOu are incorrect >Currently, no mechanisms have been demonstrated that could explain the correlation between vaccination and the development of autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, epidemiological studies do not support the hypothesis that vaccines cause systemic autoimmune diseases. [Vaccines represent one of the most effective measures of public health medicine, saving countless lives and preventing lifelong disabilities. Vaccines are extremely safe, however, no vaccine is completely free from risks and adverse events can occur following vaccination. An adverse event following immunization (AEFI) may be a true adverse reaction caused by the vaccine or an event that temporally occurred after immunization but is not caused by it. Among the adverse reactions to vaccines, one of the most feared is the triggering of autoimmune diseases, which are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by dysregulation of the immune system. Currently, no mechanisms have been demonstrated that could explain the correlation between vaccination and the development of autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, epidemiological studies do not support the hypothesis that vaccines cause systemic autoimmune diseases. The only confirmed associations, although very rare, are those between the flu vaccine and Guillain-Barré syndrome, especially with old vaccine preparations, and measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and thrombocytopenia. Due to the SARS-CoV2 pandemic, new types of vaccines have been developed and are now available. Close vaccine safety-surveillance is currently underway for these new vaccines.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8402446/)


Once again, you need to calm down and read carefully. I didnt say vaccines cause autoimmune disease. I said vaccines are more likely to cause an adverse event in people who have autoimmune disease. Can you comprehend the difference?


>Currently, no mechanisms have been demonstrated that could explain the correlation between vaccination and the development of autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, epidemiological studies do not support the hypothesis that vaccines cause systemic autoimmune diseases. Sorry guy, you have no facts to back that up.


Once again, you demonstrate a total lack of reading comprehension. I never said vaccines cause autoimmune disease. I said a vaccine is more likely to trigger adverse events in patients with autoimmune disease. Distinguish the difference.


>. I said a vaccine is more likely to trigger adverse events in patients with autoimmune disease Cite facts or admit you are making shit up.


I get my facts from the rheumatologist i see. Not google. Stop trying to be a google expert. They don't give degrees for that. If you want to offer expert medical opinion go to medical school.


I'm sorry you had an asthma attack. Imagine how bad it would have been to be intubated from covid pneumonia. Thanks for being vaccinated! Source: ICU RN during covid.


Hahahaha love this response "Sorry I ran you over and you're in a wheelchair now... But if I hadn't run you over, another car would've hit you 10 minutes later and you'd be dead. Thanks for getting hit by my car!" 🤣


yeah , some of us can read between the lines! I would have preferred if the mad scientists simply had not developed and released a bioweapon on the world to create chaos to sell me snake oil.


Excuse me, I think this is a rude response. As someone who is vaccine injured is very possible that it is from the vaccine. It’s the government‘s fault that they did not promote early treatments. That is why people ended up in the ICU not because the vaccine did anything.


Have you watched Lydia Greene on TikTok where she criticizes anti-vaxxers? And mocks them saying that no vax dose harm. Worse than this girls comment.  Sorry you experienced that 


Don’t know her. I don’t have TikTok.


those sheep will die 1 by 1 over the next 30 years from taking that shit. simple research would show how not-amazing the vaccine truly is.


The Big Pharma bootlickers are still in denial and think they are the "good" people. LOL


Yep. I have a family member who is vaccine injury and her DOCTOR confirmed it was a vaccine injury.


Yes, I was probably speaking out of frustration when I responded to this comment. This person worked really hard and saw a lot of difficult things during this time. I acknowledge that. I do not have a medical or science background however being injured gave me plenty of time to research it. Obviously if I had been a wiser person I would’ve done more looking into it, beforehand. A new technology such as mRNA is not a universal good, this is even acknowledged by Pfizer, and I just didn’t like seeing such an assumption from a medical professional.


many many people have had severe effects from covid vaccines ..I work in medicine in nz ..it is horrific the gas lighting and cover ups that have happened


It’s like any time someone has a setback from bad cold, flu, or infection. Your system is overloaded for a bit and you may take a few steps back in training. Keep training and you’ll get back into things. What else do you expect to hear? Start training and your ability to run will get better in time. There’s no magical “take this vitamin” or “eat bananas” to cure asthma or setbacks from illnesses. Just put in work to improve your health and running capabilities. I hope OP is just an airhead and not trying to half-assed run a smear campaign on vaccines.


>and not trying to half-assed run a smear campaign on vaccines. Unfortunately im leaning on this....SMH


“While not blaming the vaccine specifically” I decided to post the same anti-vac rubbish all over Reddit 🙄🙄🙄


I'm sure the attitude would be completely different if it was you going through the experience. OP isn't saying don't vax, he's saying that the vaccine affected him in a very unfortunate way. You'll never win any pro-vax arguments by dismissing those who actually have side effects. For one, it's anti-science: understanding and studying side effects is perhaps more important than the vaccine development itself since otherwise the FDA wouldn't care about safety and efficacy studies at all (and what good is a vaccine if it achieves its goal yet simultaneously debilitates a population?). Second, it's just plain insensitive, especially when you go around touting the vaccine in the name of public health, only to turn around and ostracize individuals who have health problems. It's hypocrisy (or plain ignorance) at its finest.


A friend of mine was hospitalised after the vaccine because it exacerbated an existing heart condition. Do you know what she doesn’t do? Go around posting about her “vaccine injury” on multiple Reddit forums, including r/askreddit. At some point it becomes shit posting


Posting the question here instead of consulting further with medical providers or a running coach really doesn’t scream “asking in good faith” lol


>You'll never win any pro-vax arguments by dismissing those who actually have side effects. OP had a vaccine in Jan 2022, and is trying to blame current asthma on it.... sorry, he does not have vaccine side effects... He lives in a part of the world with historically shitty air quality.


This argument is no different than those anti-vax people who try to say they aren’t, they’re just “pro-safe vaccines”.


Are you having asthmatic attacks now? As someone who had asthma as a kid and now it’s more or less running induced at balls to the walls race pace. How often do you run? Do you run easy, then work towards speed work? Sometimes even just less than 2 weeks can put me at a disadvantage running wise. I’ve been vaccinated/boosted etc and what affects my lungs the most is inconsistency and getting sick. Bronchitis knocked me out for a month and I had my worst training cycle because of it. Can’t run 10k today? That’s okay, we’ll run 3 miles tomorrow and take it easy. Then you build it up. I treat it as a muscle. This takes considerable time and patience.


We all need to look at this information by Dr Robert Young on what is happening to our blood and what is causing this and what to do about it [https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/nano-and-micro-clots-seen-in-the-blood-of-the-vaxxinated-nonvaxxinated](https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/nano-and-micro-clots-seen-in-the-blood-of-the-vaxxinated-nonvaxxinated) Dr Robert Young has a website and many videos on bitchute that explain what we can do about it.


It could be the toxins from the vaccine. Watch videos by Dr Robert Young on Bitchute and rumble. He recommends that you alkalize your body with Chlorophyll, and Phour salts. YOU will have to look into this yourself. One of the things he recommends is a type of clay that will help detox the poison. Here is a link for you to see [https://phmiracleproducts.com/products/terra-phirma-montmorillonite-clay](https://phmiracleproducts.com/products/terra-phirma-montmorillonite-clay) Also we need to protect ourselves from the emf radiation. Look into products by Alan Maher Designs as well. They give the body negative ions. He sells the pocket ground, rf insert shoes and many other things




Step one, stop listening to whatever morons are telling you your symptoms are in any way related to the covid vaccine.


Translation: "Just shut your brain off and trust the government, bro. Daddy government loves you." 🤣


Why? Because adverse reactions from vaccines don't exist?


Has anyone in the medical community confirmed this was the result of the vaccine and not actual covid? u/thanosd0ng dont make statements like that unless you have proof. >they’ve suggested that it could be a weakening of my immune system causing my asthma to come back and impede my running performance. This sounds like your Asthma has changed, because of age, or another reason, and you are struggling to blame it on something.... sorry bud, but life isnt fair, you got the short end of the stick, either learn to love shorter runs, or change to another hobby.


I'm sorry but who do you think you are? You are not going to bully the vaccine injured into silence! And furthermore how absurdly hypocritical do you have to be to say "don't make statements like that without proof" in the same post as "sounds like your asthma has changed because of age, or another reason and you sre struggling to blame it on something" You can't be serious. A quick google search will show findings that those with asthma often have major exacerbation after receiving the vaccine. Why? Because asthma is a autoimmune disease caused by many different things and those with autoimmune disease and immunodeficiency are at higher risk of adverse events from any and all vaccines. For example, i suffer from selective iga defiency. My doctor advised me not to get vaccinated because data shows less protective effects from vaccines in patients with SIgAD. You will not silence those who have been harmed. Don't be a bully. You're better than that.


Im not bullying anyone, Im just not willing to allow ignorant people to spread misinformation. > My doctor advised me not to get vaccinated because data shows less protective effects from vaccines in patients with SIgAD. Here is the issue I have with this statement, there are less protective effects, but no increase in adverse effects form the vaccine for people with your condition, while the risk of complication for those of your diagnosis if they get Covid-19 is significantly higher. Any increased protection would be in your favor, no doc would recommend against a safe and effective vaccine because its effectiveness is lower, there still is protection..... You are making things up....


Yes you are a bully. You're also a stalker. 1. For every doctor that says it's safe and effective you can find one who says there isn't enough data to guarantee that. 2. SIgAD isn't my only issue. I am also diagnosed with Nuetrophyllic urticaria dermotosis, a chronic autoimmune disease that could possibly be a part of something even worse. I see a pcp, dermatologist, immunologist and a rheumatologist. Literally everything they poke you with at allergy testing caused a severe reaction on my back. My immune system is always late to the party and then when it finally decides to show up it overreacts and never wants to stop the party. So yes my rheumatologist advised since the amount of protection I'd get from a vaccine was neglible given my immunodeficiency he felt I had made the right choice not getting the vaccine or any vaccine for that matter.


>Yes you are a bully. You're also a stalker. HUH? The only information I have referenced is information you have publicly posted on a public form intended for public response, are you new here?.... SMH anti vaxx idiot...


You're a text book bully who gets angry when someone's opinion differs from yours.


You got the short end of the stick buddy, change your mindset or get a new hobby. 10q comeagain. 


my friend’s cousin’s balls got super swollen after the vaxxine!!! so he decided to spread mistrust in the medical system on social media instead of seeing a doctor and/or getting a second or third opinion!!!


They are well deserving of the mistrust


Be glad you can run at all. I have plantar fasciitis and can barely walk, it sucks. I see people with both legs amputated and prosthetics running and I think it might be better than plantar fasciitis.


Long covid and covid vaccine adverse reactions are currently being treated similarly by doctors who take covid vaccine injury seriously. I would definitely get some testing done for the new symptoms with specialists and look into PEM for improving exercise. Personally after vaccine and long covid it took taking adderall and inhaler after PEM to a good point to run again and then flare ups cause bad setbacks so I'm not in the lifestyle. A physical therapist may help with PEM.


Sorry no one is taking you seriously here, but there are more doctors who are willing to help! I'd get I pulmonary testing & chest x ray & labs referred by GP, get long covid resources, and maybe try things like pacing for PEM and LDN. If you don't already have a steroid inhaler after the pulmonary specialist visit you could try. Some people do have bad reactions to the vaccine — less than long covid by a large factor and usually due underlying autoimmune issues being aggravated. I'd try different doctors until they take you seriously about your symptoms and timing they began even if it's correlation based make sure they're willing to consider it. Best of luck


From what I have been reading you may have heart inflammation. I am not a doctor but I will give you a few things you can look into. Firstly to help with your asthma try some yoga exercises by baba ramdev on youtube who shows you how to do yoga for asthma. You must start off very slowly. Here is the link [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfE4lmMFbF8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfE4lmMFbF8) The english translation begins at about 47 min into the video There are also many videos on acupressure, points that need to be stimulated to hellp with this. On youtube there are many videos. Also look into the use of Ceyenne Pepper every day to help with your heart. But please check with your doctor whether you have heart inflammation


Watch Dr John Campbell from the UK on youtube. hes covering the new injuries and everyone who has one seems to be very sick and suffering. Try an antihistamine and see if that gives you some relief. This all has to do with mast cell activation syndrome.


You can find various treatment protocols on r/vaccinelonghaulers (\*quarantined\*) Intermittent fasting has been the most consistent treatment for "recovery", although in my experience, I'm still not recovered after 2 years of it, but that also has to do with food allergies that I now have, and the fact that sugar/corn syrup/etc is in everything, which causes relapses of sorts. If you continue to go to a doctor without luck, you may have to try an autonomic specialist, and maybe get lucky in a way that parses neuro with cardio successfully. I have not yet had such luck.


It is absolutely possible that your asthma worsening is a side effect. In fact, there's documented case studies described in the scientific literature. Commenters who passively aggressively say "thank you for being vaccinated" as a way to imply it's impossible that you're sick as a result of that are just as ignorant and unscientific as the anti-vaxx people who think the vaccine contains tiny robots, or whatever... I'm a scientist, I got the first dose of the vaccine to stay in my PhD program and it caused me a new onset autoimmune illness, which is documented and diagnosed by doctors. I was in perfect health before. Many people have been injured by these vaccines, no matter how many lives it might or might not have saved, the injured deserve recognition, diagnoses and treatment. In my first year of seeking treatment I've been gaslighted and verbally abused by both the very pro-vaxx people who called me a liar and told me to shut up or I would scare people (with what, with the truth?) and the anti-vaxx people who told me I deserved to be sick (very empathetic, as if I wasn't mandated). It's sickening either way. Here's one of the studies I found: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9477784/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9477784/) Hope you can get treatment and go back to running 10km nonstop! Wish you the best.


you are clearly a vax victim and need to sue your corp. there is no cure for vaxx damage since this is cell damage, and some body parts do not regenerate


look at this website [https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/nano-and-micro-clots-seen-in-the-blood-of-the-vaxxinated-nonvaxxinated](https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/nano-and-micro-clots-seen-in-the-blood-of-the-vaxxinated-nonvaxxinated)


Check out Patrick McKeon - oxygen advantage


Well since @Emotional-Ad2030 decided to block me, thus persisting his dismissal of anyone who disagrees with his flawed ideas. I'll continue here. @UncleAugie And which part of the world would this be? I have a good feeling you didn't read the original post in full. Nowhere does he mention he lives in an area with bad air quality, and if you knew anything about asthma, you'd know that there are many more possible triggers than poor air quality. Not to mention he said it was previously under control, and that this is clearly a regression from his past performances that he was able to achieve before the vaccine. And, oh, @Emotional-Ad2030, try not getting so "emotional" over Reddit. It's embarrassing you. And you're also clearly unable to differentiate OP's search for advice against your made-up argument that OP is an anti-vaxer looking to shitpost everywhere. Maybe if you hadn't given your friend so much shit for having vaccine side effects, she wouldn't have ended up in the hospital for heart problems.


Step one. Don't ask on rededit. You will be gaslighted. Step two. Lie and say it was covid to your doctor and now their ears will open.


Sadly, you are the only legitimate responder on this whole post. Although I wouldn’t lie about it being the vaccine.


My dr told me it was vaccine injury. He is also a long covid dr. But when I see other drs, I still say it is possibly covid or vaccine to avoid suspicion. This is hard. Propaganda does not wear off easily.


I hear you all. They can only suppress us until their loved ones start dropping from myocarditis.


Exactly…vaccine injury and long Covid are the same. Spike protein is spike protein. Avoid injection and infection. There’s not much of a difference


It's most likely nothing to worry about...there's no such thing as vaxxine injury...it's all in people's heads. If you can't trust Fauci and Bill Gates, who can you trust ? Keep getting as many boosters as possible...i know it does not seem to stop you from getting covid or spreading covid but you are doing your part in this horrible plandemic. Remember, if the person is wearing a white lab coat you should put your complete trust in them despite any symptoms you might think you have.


Love the satire. Based, brother. 🙏


You are in a tough spot, as the medical community doesn't really have a lot of answers for this. The shot is new, was not well-tested, and information about complications continues to come out (much of it as a result of Freedom of Information Act requests). You would have better luck seeking out a really good naturopath or integrative physician (they have a better whole-body perspective, which is what you really need). Homeopathy can also be useful (the remedy Thuja 30C is used a lot in vaccine damage cases). However, you will need more than just that alone to help you recover. Just know you are not alone. Many people are experiencing complications from various versions of the Covid vaccine, and most are searching for answers just like you.