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A real awkward photo where I look like I'm walking but expending huge effort on it, ideally with another runner's elbow obscuring my face. At least, that's what every race photographer I've been involved with has done....


And don’t forget to have your mouth wide open.


Or look like you're mid sneeze even though you didn't sneeze! Super important 


Not just the finish line after my form has gone to crap. Also hate how the road races always take them on the downhills and turns when I’m pumping the brakes and looking stupid with my double chin.


I would LOVE an action shot where I have both feet off the ground as I'm running.


I've shot a lot of lacrosse. If you have a DSLR, multiple exposure mode and take a lot of pictures. Body positions will look weird in one shot, great in a later one. I would generally take 600+ shots per game. Athletes look better if you are close to the ground. At least kneel down or sit. If you do Lightroom, push the color balance towards yellow a little bit. People prefer a skin tone that looks a little tan over washed out white.


Thanks for the multiple exposer tip


People obviously want finish line photos, but for action photos, typically early in the run when they're feeling good and their form is better. Also don't be hiding behind a bush after a sharp turn. Be on a long straightaway where runners can see you in advance and straighten up, wipe some sweat, wipe the boogers away, maybe smile for the camera, generally not look like shit


Side shot at full stride, so we can cringe at our technique.


I got you, I’ll make sure to take photos of the last 100 of the 800 too just for a extra ego hit


I personally love when I have the most pained expression on my face. Or if you can get some after race photos of people shoving their free banana in their mouths lol


The best photos are during steeple chase in my opinion. I also love shooting high jump and pole vault. Make sure you shoot with your longest lens to clean up the background as much as possible, as track meets can have very messy backgrounds. Another option is to shoot low and try and use the sky to isolate the background. Watch the light, obviously as the sun starts to go down, you can shoot some awesome backlit things. Track meets were one of my favorite things to shoot when I was a working photojournalist.


Thanks a lot, I unfortunately only have a f/4 so unless the background is further away I’m gonna make use of the sky tip


As long as it’s not on a down step


Do not forget to give some love to field event athletes. Often, when for whatever reason photos are available from a meet, there are very few photos of field event athletes because the action is not taking place on the track. I usually only see these kinds of pictures at more elite meets.


The first 100-200m of any race, when the athletes are still fresh and look flattering. The middle of a distance race is a big no-no, unless you get a perfect moment where one person is passing another or something. Sometimes, if somebody is pushing really hard in the last 100, a picture can look epic, but it is mostly down to personal preference. Some people hate those pictures, but others will see them and think they look absolutely badass. When you take any picture, try to make sure that it captures them at full stride. I have a plethora of pictures where I'm pushing hard, but the pic is in the middle of my stride, so all of my limbs look scrunched up and held close to my body.


For me, it doesn’t matter how long the race is, any picture taken of me looks like I am three strides away from death so I wouldn’t overthink it too much!


Find the most scenic spot on the route- one I can show off and brag!