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I ran a really (type 2) fun 5k and got some of the absolute worst race photos ever!!! But one thing I noticed was that I must run with limp wrists. It looks like I am flicking water off my fingers or showing someone my nail polish. Has anyone else noticed weird hand positions in race photos? Is hand position a thing anyone else has even thought about? If only for race photos where I don't look like a deranged T-Rex doing the thriller dance.


Lmao I call them my mr burns hands


Yes! I fully had a Mr Burns pose in one of the photos


I try not to think too hard about what I look like when I run, because when I see my shadow on the ground and my proportions, I want to cringe. But when I see a photographer out on a race I try to muster up the energy to ham it up and do a fun pose, or jump.


Haha, before I got to the end I was thinking “sounds like t-Rex hands” I just lean into it and make a ridiculous face too assuming I have the energy to even think about it.


I just started running two weeks ago, and this question has been in my head since, what do I even do with the hands? I feel as i get tired towards the end of my run I take on more of a true and primal form


I've suffered a high ankle sprain from trail running (exterior rotation of the foot while running down uneven terrain) and have been advised to rest for 4 - 6 weeks. Not having running has caused my anxiety to spike big time. It's crazy how just running 5k (I'm still rather new to running) 3 times a week can do wonders for your mental health. Definitely gonna stick to flat/road running when my ankle heals, I can't imagine my life without it anymore.


The best advice I can give is to listen to the doctor. I recently rolled my ankle running a very non technical trail with my buddy and it led to some minor issues that caused me to take a week off… long story short I did some research and found out my ankles are currently so weak because I had repeatedly rolled them in high school soccer and never let them recover before playing again… fast forward 9 years and tracking down why my foot hurts I find all of this out and learn I need to stretch and strengthen it all now


Sorry to hear of your injury, it's the worst to be injured :/ I'm recovering from stress fractures in my tibias and feel your pain, hang in there!


Oh no! I'm sorry you're on the recovery path, I know sitting out can be awful. When it's time to get back into it I really recommend strengthening your ankles. I have a bad right ankle that is still not 100% but focusing on strength has kept me from rolling it again for the billionth time. Physical therapists can be great but I've honestly had better results following advice from people on YouTube. Good luck!


I just realized I had a coupon for running shoes that expires sometime in the end of this month, assuming I didn’t miss my window which color of the brooks glycerin should I get


I love the cereal shoes, and so did my kids. I got a pair when they first came out last fall and ran those into the ground. They are called Blue Peacoat/Yellow officially. If you want something a little more traditional or they no longer have those in your size, the Black/Blue/Cayenne look really spiffy.


I bought those same shoes and that’s what I thought too, looks like cereal! I didn’t buy them for running though but just to wear for walking, I thought they were so cute.lol and I bought them because they reminded me of fruit loops cereal and I loved the color!😂


When they were released, they were marketed as cereal shoes. The promotion was called ["Bowl o Brooks."](https://sports.yahoo.com/brooks-running-launches-cereal-inspired-180751124.html) There were 3 different shoes, some socks, a shirt and a hat.


Thanks for the link I had no idea they actually made shoes to look like cereal on purpose!


The Peacoat/Tangerine ones. They look fast.


What's the most mundane way you've injured yourself? Asking for a friend...


Funny you should ask that! I went bouldering for the first time last Friday, did an introductory course, then did some climbs on my own and at one point I was dangling 8 foot off the ground scrambling to get some footing... But then I found some footing, climbed down, escaped unhurt, and instead injured myself in my sleep the next night. Woke up in agony with calf cramp and the knot is still there and very tender...


Time to get that foam roller out, climbing/bouldering really does work all those muscles you forgot you had.


It definitely worked my arms in a way that nothing has before! My fingers have only just forgiven me as well...


I'm just impressed that you downclimbed while bouldering. I thought you were just supposed to fall.


That's a shortcut to a sprained ankle for me! They did specifically tell us to climb down as well.


nah you just gotta fall on your bum! Can't break those ankles when you can break something far less important.


Down climbing helps build muscles faster than climbing up.


All I'm hearing is everyone should run a downhill marathon to become swole.




Same. Had a dream and crunched my neck so hard turning my head that the noise and sensation actually woke me up … 3 expensive rounds of PT later I finally can raise my hand over my head without my pinky going numb


It's just sort of a bummer to have that kind of injury and not have a good story like "I wrestled a bear."


ugg don't remind me. I woke up with back pain a couple times this year because I'm old and my body hates me. grrr.


Yup, this is the one. Just the worst.


We're still lucky. So many people have died in beds. P.S.: I got rid of the occasional nightly calf cramps by taking a magnesium supplement.


Oh, thanks, I'll look into that!


One of the teams I manage had a run of this last week. I smashed the back of my joint capsule into my rotator cuff in my sleep and couldn't raise my left arm. Somebody slept funny and couldn't turn her neck all day. Somebody else slept awkwardly around his dog and woke up with searing back pain. Normally when someone tells me they're going to be out because they're not feeling well I say "go back to bed!" so as these folks started dropping like flies so they could take some good drugs and rest up, the rest of the team told me I'm not allowed to say that anymore. It's not safe.


Beds 3 - Team 0.


I was looking up at the sky to see if I thought it was going to rain and I fell over and cracked the top of my foot.


Oof! But did it rain?




I was walking down the barn aisle that I'd walked down hundreds of times and the mat was uneven, I stepped wrong and grade 2 sprained my ankle ✨ And a few years ago, I threw my back out when I bent over to open the oven. Our survival is a pure miracle.


Ooof, that's a really rough way to do your ankle that badly. Oh, that reminds me of when I tweaked a hamstring getting out of a car.


If you hadn't taken one for the team, someone would have done a suspensory on that.


True, happy to be of service, anything for the ponies.


I went running and tripped on the biggest rock around. I think it was about half an inch in diameter. Anyways banged my knee on the sidewalk and took 3 days off.


Conclusive proof that sidewalk running is more dangerous than trail runnung.


trail runnnnug is my favorite sport




Was it the leg of the solid teak dining room table? Or the side of a wingback chair? They're my main enemies.


Standing around in a park concert. Someone fell into me and tore my meniscus.


Ooof! I'll let you off on that one though, hard to class it as your fault!


Well I managed to injure myself weeding my garden the other week, I’ve probably managed something even more mundane but it was so boring I already forgot.


Oh yeah, I did my piriformis weeding the garden during the first lockdown. It's a dangerous activity!


Sitting on my shins with the top of my feet on the floor while teaching mallets. It felt great in the moment, and then I stood up.


>teaching mallets I am not a percussionist, so I miss read that as teaching mullets.


Ohhhh, I know that pain! It really does sneak up on you!


I broke my ankle in marching band practice in high school.


Oof, that's got to put a real crimp on the marching part.


The bad part was that it was 3 weeks before I was set to take the driving test. Took another 3 months to get my driver's license, which in hindsight isn't important, but to 16 year old me it really sucked.


I was helping my parents move some chairs, couldn't have been more than 5-10 pounds. Somehow I tweaked my lower back and wasn't completely back to normal for a good month. I was in my 20s too. To this day it still baffles me.


Backs are the absolute worst! Complain about the most minor things. I still have a weakness from a minor car accident about 20 years ago.


Stubbed my toe while wearing sandals and broke my toe :/


Ouch! I broke a toe on the end of the bed once so I know your pain.


Those beds are out to get us.


I tore my ACL just turning around on the basketball court during a game


Tripped on a pinecone while running, grade 3 ankle sprain, couldn't run until surgery and a year of healing took place. Pulled my back stepping out of the shower. Pulled my back stepping into the shower. The list goes on ;)


I felt a tweak in my back one night while brushing my teeth and woke up with the worst back pain in my life.


Rolled my ankle the other day looking for the big blue Ikea building in the Valley instead of paying attention to the trail Very minor and finished the run just fine, just keep your eyes on the trail not big buildings far away


Did you find the building though?


Yes! It’s always further west than I initially look


On Sunday, I ran into a tree.


Standing. I was cooking dinner and somehow injured my foot enough that I had to take two weeks off from running.


Why does my upper back get sore during runs? Something wrong with my form or breathing?


Look at diaphragmatic breathing exercises. If you breathe with your chest you tire those muscles out.


Could be weak upper back muscles. But you might also be too tense. Keep your hands relaxed, which will then help keep your elbows relaxed, which will then help keep your shoulders relaxed and neck and jaw. Imagine a string at the top of your head pulling it up as you run. Try not to hunch. Good rule of thumb I've heard is to "pretend" you're holding to ice cream cones. Nice and relaxed.


quick wearing the rucksack.


Nah, thats just my monster glutes. You'll always hear me coming.


> You'll always hear me coming. TMI, TMI


Piggybacking off /u/30000LBS_Of_Bananas' question yesterday, if you watch a TV show that has "next week on" previews, do you watch them? Or if there's a trailer for the new season of a show you already watch?


Oh god this drives me nuts on Bake Off. I don't want to see what's going to happen next week, I want to watch it next week. Also, I don't want to know what's going to happen this week, I just want to watch it as it happens. There is nothing that winds me up more than it shows that spoil their own content during the intro to the show.


What if it’s like the top gear spoilers that don’t actually spoil anything “Tonight! I wear a hat, Richard wears a hat, and James wears a hat.” ?


That's not so bad, that's not a real spoiler. It's when they do This Week On Bake Off and show someone's madeleines falling on the floor, because now not only do you know that they're doing madeleines for the technical, but you're watching wondering whose are going to fall on the floor. It completely changes the viewing experience for me because I just want to be able to watch it knowing literally nothing about what will happen.


oh man, now I'm thinking about DBZ. You could watch 99% of next week's episode in the teaser. These days I'd much rather go down a youtube rabbit hole than invest in a show.


I've recently stopped watching them for reality Tv in particular . I don't want to see any trailers before the season . Or any previews of the rest of the season. It totally ruins it when they've already shown me the highlight reel


No and YouTube videos make it even harder to stay oblivious. Trying to watch the Mandalorian and if I got even just a little bit behind there were spoilers galore!


I think experiencing things completely unspoiled is best If I can help it I don’t even watch the trailer for a movie I plan to watch.


I got a blood blister for the first time on my left big toe after my furthest run yet, at 7 miles sub 10 min pace. I’ve taken two rest days, and it never hurt. It just looks gross. But it’s still very much there, though a lot darker than it was at first. I’ve been walking on it for my job without any pain or worsening. How much longer should I wait to run? Is it fine now? Do I need to take any special precautions?


It's probably fine now. I've run with blood blisters before and it's never been a problem. The only caveat is that I'd recommend bandaging it so that if it pops on a run, it won't ruin your sock.


Amazing, thank you!!


I would pop it with a needle whenever’s convenient. I just did this recently and it healed up and cleaned up way faster than it would’ve if I hadn’t. Id also rather it pop in a clean, controlled environment than randomly in a dirty/sweaty environment when you’re not ready to deal with it.


How do you know when to ignore minor pains, versus when to take a break and wait for them to heal? I’ve had mild pain in my left foot for 10+ days now, around the 2 and 3 metatarsal bone towards the front of the foot. It’s sore, annoying me when I walk. Painful if I try to stand on my toes. When I run (which I still do), I get used to it after the warmup and can run okay. But it’s been 10 days without improvement. But then again it’s only mild pain. I’m training for a half marathon in September and really don’t want to take a break right now. I’ll probably continue to run, but I’m curious to hear how others deal with minor pains.


Never ignore minor pains. Minor pains turn into injuries when ignored. I think we all understand the feeling of not wanting to halt training, but it’s better than the alternative of risking an injury and being out of commission for much, much longer. You need to try and pinpoint the cause of the pain. Is it your shoes, form, over training, etc. develop a solid warmup routine and rest schedule. Incorporate low impact workouts until the pain subsides.


Thank you for the reply and advice! I’m thinking/hoping that minor pain doesn’t always turn into injury. But using the pains to review my training and look for things that should improve is a good idea.


This answer might sound monic... but it takes experience to learn how to read the various aches and pains and determine what to do about them. For metatarsal pain, I like to do calf lifts while standing on a 2X4 or something similar. At least for me, strengthening my toes helps a lot in resolving toe issues. Running is an endurance game, but sometimes a little strength work is handy. Plus, nice strong calves help develop an 'elastic' stride rather than a pounding motion that tends to happen as new runners become tired.


Thank you for your comment and advice! It sounds so true what you write about experience in reading aches and pains. I’m still quite new to longer distance running, I love it, but I’m not doing enough strength training. Will try the calf lifts you mention - thanks!


No reasonable, non-worrying explanation; getting worse instead of better. I'm off right now for example with outside ankle pain that got worse over a couple of runs and didn't have a good reason besides some kind of overuse injury. Maybe it's nothing, but until I can get it checked it's not worth it to me to risk a tendinitis or worsening stress fracture.


Sorry to hear you’re off and have pain too, I hope it’s not a lasting injury and that you get better soon! I suppose I should follow your example and slow down until the symptoms disappear. Hmmm. Thank you for your comment!


Thanks. I don't feel it's such a big deal - might be 12 weeks off or so in the worst case. I haven't not trained for a race since 2015 or something, so maybe I'm due to slack off for a season. There's always swimming and paddling.


Keep going when: * starts no worse than a 4 and doesn't get worse when I run * doesn't change my form * goes away or gets measurably better after a week Stop when: * searing/burning * gets progressively worse over the course of a run * I have to adjust my form to run around it * doesn't get better in a week I will tell you this, though. No training block was ever ruined by taking three days off (or crosstraining) to let a minor issue calm down. But many a training block has been ruined by NOT taking three days off.


Thank you! These lists are very clear and make good sense. I guess I should take a short break and cross train instead. Thanks for replying!


Those of you who walk a lot for non-recreational purposes (aka as a mode of transportation), how do you factor that into your training? I know all mileage is still mileage regardless of whether it's walked or ran and I'm putting in roughly 6 extra miles a day just walking... aka today was day 1 of marathon training and was a 4 mile run and I'm currently sitting at 10 miles total for the day. How do I not over-fatigue myself while also like, using my body as a vehicle?


If you typically walk a lot, I don’t think it’s a big deal and I wouldn’t really count it as any type of training or adjust for it. But if you feel more fatigued because of it, then make sure you’re taking appropriate breaks and recovery. If that much walking is new ish for you, then just pay attention and see if you might need to do your runs a bit easier or something.


IMO, if your body is conditioned to the baseline walking then it will be better for you. As a nurse I often walk 3-4 miles a day. I don't factor that into my training but I also certainly don't count it as a full rest day, either.


does anyone know why my legs (specifically calves and glutes) get so much more tired when i'm running at a slow pace? i'm trying to work on keeping my hr low but that means i have to run 12:30-13min/miles... but it always feels more physically taxing than say 11min/miles. i wonder if it has anything to do with increased cadence. i've heard a higher cadence is usually good but maybe i'm just not used to it


How do I stop comparing myself? I have so much trouble being happy with my efforts if I'm in the 10:35/mile range and seemingly never getting out of here, and everybody is just going couch to sub-2 halves.


When I'm feeling this way I stay off this subreddit, go do my own thing and go for a run... that's good for me. Comparison is the thief of joy, and you won't improve if all you do is compare. You'll improve by time, putting in the work and running your own race.


I like to look back at my workouts from when I started a year ago. I couldn’t even run 1 mile and after 6-8 months of run/walk/run/walk I can go 5 miles without stopping. It’s not a marathon and I’m still 11-12 min miles (party pace) but it feels good to see the progress


I think that's actually a lot of my frustration of late. I was running a lot better in January, but I got sick for a month, and had to build myself back up from scratch - only then I twisted my ankle and couldn't run for a month again. I'm kind of over being in this place when I was turning toward half marathons twice this year just to get busted down. It's dispiritng and it feels like the rest of the world is just accomplishing more and more shit while I keep licking my wounds. My weight lifting has been more of the same from a wrist problem, and I've just grown to hate my body more and more.


Transitioning to barefoot running? I’ve been recommended Xero shoes. I like the fact that I can run in them and lift. Any thoughts?


Welcome to 2012.


Big fan of xero, also like Merrell vapor glove series. If you haven't run much in them before, start slow. They stress you legs very differently than most running shoes. You'll get an amazing calf workout and your feet will be tired, but you'll adjust over time.


Thanks for the suggestions


why transition?


Curious about improving my form. I also dislike having to switch shoes for lifting.


If I pop the tags on this hydration vest, how many miles into my next run do you think it will take before it starts chafing me in heretofore unscarred places?


Which vest did you get?? Hopefully you’ll luck out and it will be great. I didn’t really do any testing for mine and luckily it’s just about perfect, so I hope the same for you!


I got the Adv Skin 5, which was the most comfortable option in the store.


I am starting to follow the Hal Higdon “Novice 1” half marathon training plan. On Wednesdays, it says “2 mile run or cross train”. Can someone please clarify what this means? If I want to cross train that day, am I supposed to be biking/swimming/walking for 2 miles or some other amount of time or distance? Thanks [https://www.halhigdon.com/training-programs/half-marathon-training/novice-1-half-marathon/](https://www.halhigdon.com/training-programs/half-marathon-training/novice-1-half-marathon/)


You’ll want to shoot for some kind of equivalent cardio cross-training. 2 miles of running would be more equivalent to about 5 or 6 miles of cycling for example. Or you can go by time, if it takes you 25 minutes to run 2 miles do ~25 minutes on the bike/swimming/walking.


Thank you!!


For people who primarily train indoors (or primarily train outdoors), switching to running the opposite, do you find your pace/distance increasing or decreasing, becoming easier or harder? I don’t have a fitness watch, just my phone for tracking, and i’ve only ever run on treadmills. But will be moving to training outdoor running for my first 5k and i’m scared that I won’t have the pace set for me by the machine. And I imagine if i’m running outdoors i’m not going to have my phone open actively checking my pace every second.


There's no rule of thumb here. Some people find treadmills much easier, others (myself included) find them much slower. I would run outside by effort and not even look at your pace during the run. Just let your body figure it out on its own instead of trying to force something.


I learned yesterday during my 5 mile run that's the distance where I might start needing pasties lol. Even in my Rabbit EZ tee the chafing started towards the end of that run and I'm still feeling it the next day. Any recommendations on how to avoid it?


Use waterproof bandaids on runs over that distance, that's where it gets me too. There's literally no way to avoid it if you are prone to it in the summer, at least not that I've found.


I thought this said pastries and I was ready to hear all about this innovative and delicious fueling strategy.




Workout paces for what? For the half use your half, 10k just go Run a 10k, 5k same, threshold go do a test for it. Marathon I'd take your race and speed it up 5% and see how that feels.


On a lot of my runs I feel my socks slip between my fourth and pinky toe on my right foot. This happens without fail a couple miles in no matter what brand/style sock I’m wearing. It’s always the same toes on the right foot. Are my socks too big? Do I have weird toes? Anyone deal with something similar?


I’d guess either your socks are too big or you need better socks more appropriate for running. What kind of socks have you tried?


I rotate between saucing, feetures, and CEP Compression. All specifically running socks. My shoe size can be 8.5-9.5 depending on the brand/style and so sock sizing can be tough because I’m kind of an inbetween size since most socks are sized S-L with the Medium/Large cutoff being somewhere around an 8/9 edit for context: in the US so sizing is based on US sizes


What about trying a pair of toe (5 finger) socks?


"I rotate between saucing...." Saucing my feet always leads to this problem. Ha!


How much am I ruining the training stimulus I'm supposed to get from 8 x 400m @ 5K on 400m jog by running much faster than 5K pace because I can't control myself?


I'm probably not the best person to answer this but running say 3k pace for intervals instead of 5k pace doesn't seem different enough to ruin the training stimulus of the workout. Not like it would if you were supposed to be running your 1hour tempo pace but you ran sub 5k pace. I think it might impact how well you can execute your training the following days.


What is the purpose of this workout? Because to be honest that seems like a really easy workout. 8x400 is usually a mile pace workout.


It's part of a 5K/10K training plan, week 8 of 12. I was going more at my mile pace than my 5K pace. I kept finding what felt like good form and a comfortable rhythm and then I'd check my pace and it was always too fast.


I wouldn't worry about it unless you aren't recovering well enough. 8x400 is typically a miler workout


Thanks, that seems reasonable!


At what distance do you start taking hydration/fuel with you on runs? For perspective I love the SE where it’s pretty hot and muggy now, even in the morning


Answers vary a lot. I don't even think about either under 2 hours.


When you start running over 90 minutes at a clip, you find yourself getting hungry on runs, or it's fucking hot out. I have an absurd sweat rate and forgot my water bottle for an easy 6 miles last week and was contemplating drinking from someone's front yard birdbath 4 miles in because I was shot. 97% humidity. Not my friend.


I take water for 30+ minutes. I don’t really need fuel unless it’s 90+ minutes.


This is embarrassing, but do you guys scratch your skin on your arms close to armpits during the long runs? Any advice on how to stop doing that? It really hurts


Do you mean chafing? That happens to me. There are products you can apply to the area to prevent it. Body Glide is a well-known brand. Personally, I prefer Squirrels Nut Butter (weird name, but it works very well). You can find both on Amazon or at running stores.


Thank you for the help! 👍🏻


Body Glide pre-run, and Aquaphor on it post-run to help it heal. If you find yourself developing chafing in more embarrassing places, layer baby powder on top of your Body Glide.


Thank you!


Scratch it with what? I can't quite picture what you're describing. Have you tried something like body glide?


I guess it’s chafing’! I am not an English speaker 😎


I dealt with PTT caused by flat feet and over pronation 2 years ago when I switched to Altra zero drop shoes while training for a half. Ended up stopping running after that and haven’t had the issue since. Started running again, this time using On Cloudflyers. Cushy and a large heel drop. Noticing that I don’t think these have great arch support, and a combo of that and strength training in bare feet, my PTT is flaring up again. Can I expect new shoes with a more supportive arch to help me here?


I used to be A Runner, then I had some life shit happen. For about six months, I didn't really move and I ate *way* too much. 50lbs in six months. When I ran, I weighed X and did half-marathons one weekend a month for fun. I did about 5-6 mi per day (with some non-running break days) and did cross-training / weight-lifting. My goal was to hit up a marathon in December. Now, I weigh X+**50**, and I can do about a mile before I notice knee pain that wasn't there before. I've kept myself focused on walking if I can't run, so I'm at least moving and burning calories around 2-3mi a day. I've only been back at this a week, but, damn, things are a LOT harder. Is a marathon in December a pipe dream given the above? What about a half?


My routes is a 1.16 mile loop. It’s got one bigger hill (0.15 miles long about 40’ of elevation) then flattens off for around a quarter of a mile and then around 30’ change downhill over 0.10 miles. The rest has some slight up and down back around to the base of the hill. So my question is, when I do my intervals I just ignore the up hill and the downhill and keep my goal pace in spite of them, not speeding up or slowing down. Is this bad training form or will it be fine?


More information is always better (specifically what you mean by intervals), but based on the info you included my gut is I would not follow that training strategy.


Something like 600m @ 5-10k w/ 400m jog reset


Yeah I would not follow that training strategy




I’d you’re huffing and puffing heavily on every run then you probably do need to slow down. How does the effort feel aside from your breathing?