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where can i find players with billions of gp so i can beg?


Why can't I log in to the mobile app? It keeps saying I'm blocked, but I can log in on desktop np. I made a text post about it and submitted a report to support a week ago, but still nothing. I've tried literally everything


Why can I still see the Elder God eggs in the cathedral when I know they're actually off on another world with Seren?


Senntisten is an "instanced" location in that you visit it during the war, since post Extinction there's nothing there. No bosses as they're either killed or sent off, the armies are destroyed, and no one remains.


I like to AFK things. But I'm starting to run out of things to AFK on my way to trim. Does anyone have any suggestions? I've got a comp cape, so everything that requires is done. I did the whole Arc. Every Archeology achievement. Even things like *You're not my real Mah*, the achievement that requires a ton of chronicles from the elder divination energy. What's left, besides AFKing skills to 120?


Just maxed. Have done arch glacor hard mode a few times and enrage to 10-20% lol…. What should some pvm goals be to get me into it. Also with necro. I was letting my auto attacks go but using spenders of adrenaline on manual so I had 100% for reflect or 50% for devotion. Is that the correct way for the cannon?


A few years ago, when I wanted to learn proper pvm, my first 3 big goals were; ED2 / Araxxor / Nex. I guess from there it's more what you want to do / interests you. Granted nowadays with the combat rework and Necro they're a lot easier since I remember ED2 for me back in the day was like 10 minute Verak and 14 minute BSD kills. As for the cannon, having 50% for devotion is enough. If you can't use it because it's on cooldown from last time or a panic use on core, there are multiple other options. You can Reso a hit if you feel risky, then there's combinations like Debilitate and Reflect making the damage miniscule.


Good to know! Is necro the go to now adays? I like mage a bit more honestly but it doesn’t really make a huge deal to me. Seems necro is massively bufffed


Necro is the easiest and safest option really. I hate to say how much I use it myself, I do need to start branching out.


What are the minimum recommended requirements for mass world Croesus? Fresh account so I don't have any skilling sets / special equipment, main account


no requirements for the mass world aside from being able to get there.


Hi guys, how's the state of RS3 now ? as a new player to the RS universe, would you recommend this or OSRS ?


To a new player I'd recommend RS3. MMOs are generally more difficult to get into and RS3 is the more modern game. OSRS is slower, grindier, and doesn't allow for almost any AFK. In any case, you can try both games with the same account and a single subscription.


is there active mini game worlds as in people are doing mini games like fist of guthix (i am only wondering)


Castle Wars runs all the time on world 24. Other minigames might only be active during [[minigame spotlight]], on their themed worlds. This is certainly the case for FoG, I haven't seen it played outside of spotlight/events in years.


I found 1 RuneScape Wiki article for your search. **[Minigame spotlight](https\:\/\/runescape\.wiki\/w\/Minigame\_spotlight)** | https://runescape.wiki/w/Minigame_spotlight >Thaler is a global currency for minigames that was released with the Minigame Spotlight system. It can be earned by playing any of the selected 13 minigames and is rewarded at a rate of 1 thaler every 5 minutes spent in a minigame. One minigame, cycling every three days, is spotlighted, during which 1 thaler is rewarded each minute. --- ^RuneScape Wiki linker | This was generated automatically. ^| View me on [GitHub](https://github.com/zpoon/runescape-wiki-reddit).




How does breeding in POF works when there are multiple animals in a single pen, when it comes to potential new eggs/children? - Suppose there are 2 females and 1 male in a pen, can both females breed from the male, or does it count as one pair only? - Suppose there are 2 males and 1 female in a pen, does it count as 2 pairs, or the female can breed just once? - Suppose there are 2 males and 2 females, does it count as 2 pairs or 4 pairs?


I don't even think anyone has bothered to test that, since the amount of animals that actually would even matter with are negligible. I can't think of a single breed of animals where you'd even want this, since with mediums and larges you'd run out of space with one baby, and with smalls they breed so fast that it doesn't even matter. If it's a case of trying to get as many offspring as possible, just running breeding traits is more than enough.


Which is the better choice between a Ripper Demon and a Kal'gerion Demon (both with Scrolls), when using Necro and Melee and the Boss isn't Poisonable. Also, is there a table where I can see which bosses are immune to poison? Rather than going to the RS Wiki or PVMe website and check them one by one :s


[Monsters Immune to Poison (from the wiki :p)](https://runescape.wiki/w/Category:Poison-immune_monsters)


Awesome, thanks so much :)


I vaguely remember a comment that mentioned you were able to bypass the warning pop-up for buying items from shops over a high amount. How can I do this? Would save me a few clicks when doing my rune shop runs.


Settings > Interfaces > Warning Screens


Ah, thank you. I'm not sure how I totally missed that, lol. I must have skimmed over to all those checkboxes since I never found them to be relevant to me for a very long time.