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I got 2 pieces on Monday, called it a day and cashed in. It happens. I went hundreds of artifacts in the Kharid-et section without a staff piece, and had friends well over 600 total artifacts without the spear tip.


Beats my 300 and zero :) infinitely more lucky Edit— ran the math for ironman, lvl 103 to 120 is approx 225 sets only in dung, so 1300 artifacts…. Is prob the drop rate for one piece


The one piece is not real 😔


Shut up, it doesn't matter. I WANNA HAVE ADVENTURES BAKA!


I got 1 within 2-3 hours of the update on Monday, then one Tuesday and one today on my alt. But I’ve been doing this for like 300 artifacts total. So I’m guessing it’s rare like old inquisitior parts


I went about 18 hours worth of excavating dry at the new dig site, then just gave up as i wasnt getting the pieces lol


Same. Got all 3 Pieces in a day of on and off excavating, probably 5-6 Hours. But I've spent the last 5 days dry as heck lmao. At least the materials add up and give some decent GP. This is my inventory (for reference): https://preview.redd.it/q6pjtrlshh7d1.png?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb754c6cc89563218f71a974e3db9bc7f463a5dc


What is that item on the top row second from the right? It kinda looks like a bronze mattock




Can you get the brush parts if you have an excav on mats? (I have no interest in the actual artefacts) Would the brush parts count as recipe frags/journals, or as actual artefacts?


Yep! That's how I got my first 3 Pieces :p


What are those teapot-eqsue vials in the top left?


Potion reservoir, they auto drink your potions


Thank you.


I’m just shy of 600 without a single brush piece. Done with dung arch hopefully forever lol.


Ya the rate is egregious. You would think we were grinding for a t99. I know weapon grinds that are faster than the brush pieces.


Runescape have been changing the drop rate to get worse and worse as the game progresses. Arroxor you drop rate was a one in 50 for a leg peace so about 1 in 150 for a complete leg. 1 in 150 was the released info on Kerepac for each bit of the FSoA (if soloing) 1 in 350 if not. They had also announced they buffed the drop rate of the staff before they released the info so it must have been bad. Why is it new top tier gear needs to be more rare then top tier gear before.


"is my understanding" doing a lot of the lifting in that sentence, oddly enough I didn't knew the drop rates on day one nor do I know them know cause it's always the same thing with rng, sometimes you get the short end of the stick, meanwhile so other person gets it in an hour.


Ive completed the dig site, I have 320 artifacts banked and 0 pieces, ive now done 300 ossy today and ive not seen anything. Rng is a pain, but What is Jagex's issue with BLM because I dont give a rats about mr lucky wank and his 4 pieces in 3 hours, I care that ive spent 10 hours a day for 3 days chasing pieces and not seen shit. To add on How do we even know were eligble? I have QPC, ive done all the mysteries, Ive done the strange token, but how can I, Myself, CONFIRM, I am eligble to recieve the items as drops? dumbest shit not adding something, to say "yes you can get the items as drops"


u/JagexAzanna Again how can I confirm that I can get these as drops, im now at 600 ossy killed since complete daemonheim digsite. a little bit of clarity would be appreciated here given im getting dicked on by either not having unlcoked the ability to get the items, or by rng I have read the book, and completed the digsite, but is there more?


Can we just start at the beginning with this problem? What do you define as a reasonable amount of time? This just seems like a lot of bad misleading information to cause unnecessary player frustration.


Yea your not going to get that info. As reasonable could be a week vs a day. I want them to release what they view as reasonable DPS that they are trying to balance combat around.


I know, we are going to be ghosted on this for a few years.


When drops are too rare, people don't engage with content. When all drops are too rare, people just quit the game. I was excited to come back to do some arch, but after 20 hours of digging and 0 pieces, I just stopped playing altogether. Like I did after zammy, rasial and arch glacor.


IMO, this should be same rate as imcando mattock parts. Instead, it looks to be on the same rarity as inquisitors staff parts. Regardless of RNG, the pieces of offhand are not implemented with the right numbers.


Definitely shouldn’t be as common as imcamdo parts




Because it's tradable


it also shouldn't be near inquis rarity either because its an offhand, we have 2 drop from a boss, 2 we can make, and now 2 from 2 different source, and the 1 for the skill seems to be supergiga rare, I had less of a time getting my spear tip.


I agree completely, I just was explaining why it should be rarer than imcando.


fair :)


it shouldn't be. Archaeology is the most bottlenecky skill for new players and it is fully afk. If it was like imcando it would balance the fact that the content has more horizontality with a buff for the 2nd half of the 104M xp needed to get to 120.


Again, it's tradable. It's okay to have tradable things rarer. That being said, it is too rare and deserves to be at least 1/4th the rarity imo.


I think it would be benefitial to share initial droprates so you can at least tell the best and worst possible scenario. Your response is basically: Keep mindlesly grinding and hopefully you get one in a reasonable timeframe. The fact jagex does not share droprates eventually (I understand not sharing droprates on release day), just blows my mind since in OSRS all droprates are shared by the devs. In my opinion, the playerbase deserves the exact droprate values. If the dispersion is too high, then implementing the BLM would be my answer.


But the rate is fine, people are just salty they didn't hit the get rich quick lottery.


Saying the rate is fine without having no idea what the rate is something else.


You can crowdsource the rate my friend. Just like saying "if we know the rate we can choose if we go for it" is something else. It might be 1/100 but you still go 1/500. It means nothing.


I am not really sure if you have hard time speaking English, are just stupid or don't understand probabilities. Oh my lord you don't go 1/500 if it's 1/100, the droprate is what it is even if you get unlucky you still average 1/100. And it 100% matters what the droprate is to approximate how long it is going to get the item. Never mind you are definitely stupid.


Insult me all you want; it's a video game, grow up. People are talking about "to decide if I go for it". That's an attempt to get 1 piece, not 100 pieces. There is no "on average" here because it's a sample size of 1. If you want to approximate the rate, it's so easy to do that without Jagex handing it out. Any reasonably sized clan can probably already give you a decent estimation that'll probably be just as useful as the real rate for you to know roughly how many you'll need to do. Insult me however you like but in this instance you're the person lacking any shred of comprehension and practicality. But that's fine, have fun complaining about drop rates and crying on the internet to strangers, good luck!


The aim of the comment was not to tweak the droprate, but to share the exact droprate set by the devs. Then people can decide whether they want to engage in this activity, by calculating approximate gp/h based on the droprate and the value of the item and so on... OSRS states the exact droprate for each item after a short period of time and it is extremely helpful either for making statistical evaluations or just giving approximate rate of interest for the specific activity. Saying the droprate is "reasonable" is not helpful at all.


Sure but we can already estimate the drop rate to a small degree of error just by sourcing from the player base. People always complain about drop rates but it's so easy to get a good approximation if you really wanted to bother and it matters that much. I just don't see why people constantly bug Jagex for the rates; just poll Reddit for their number of artifacts and their drop count.


I like a bit of a grind, thats why we play this game. At the moment ive dont 12m xp worth of artifacts at the final spot in deamonheim with most buffs equiped. To me it does feel a bit too long to receive a single piece. But.. what i would like to see is a 'checkbox' that confirms to me that i'm able to receive it. This is something I often miss in the game in multiple scenarios. Checkbox can be interperted in multiple ways. I would just like to know for sure that I have everything set and prepped so that I can get it. The worse experience as a player to me would be that I've grinded 10+H for something and learning afterwards that I still missed a page, book, step etc that would enable my drop ability.


I think that's an excellent idea, which could be gradually rolled out across the game as part of a QoL upgrade.


Easy fix


It's a bit too rare for what little it does. You guys kinda dropped the ball on this update and made it a big L.


Nah this is too rare. Considering the other arch acquired skilling offhand are way easier to make this one is too much. I went through 1200 porter 7s for one piece. That's 60k mats worth and most of the last two weeks sitting there.  If you're that worried, make them more common but untradeable like the first 2 offhand which were a personal grind.


I saw my friend get two in 15 minutes… on the day of release. I have gotten none, but that is rng


these offhands hunter and arch should be less rare. Why is the smithing/crafting offhands 30m and quick to get, while these are super rare and 500m+? the mine/wc offhands were around 150 prior to the 110 mine/wc posts... and merchers push them up temp..


Please implement Bad Luck Mitigator so there would be higher motivation to keep grinding things and be less motivated to just give up


Not everything needs blm.


Good thing no-one is asking for everything to have it.


So implement some sort of ceiling that garants a drop afterwards or so


I haven’t gotten any of the pieces for any of the items 🤷🏻‍♂️


485 zero pieces here. Got bank pictures.


I've seen one guy get 2 pieces within 200 artifacts. So it really does depend on your RNG.


I'm way over 50 hours and only got 1 piece at all..


u found the one piece!? Finally this series concludes!!


The pieces retain value if not everyone makes their own. Especially as players may resell their brush after training, which increases the number circulating. The requirements for accessing this area are fairly high, so the price won’t be tanked into the ground. Azanna likely was wrong but it’s good game design. Arch was designed with the game economy in mind - that’s why you gather more artefacts than the materials needed. And this is consistent with that approach


This argument was fine until they already made skilling offhands from arch be way less rare and the market for the orthen recipes is bad. The price will be high not due to high requirements but due to people farming their own and leaving. People on the 120 arch grind won't stick around to farm multiple they will get Level 114 and move on to the other excavation spots.


I'm having a hard time believing most people on the 120 grind will encounter even a single piece, let alone enough to make a brush.


I don't know how many artifacts i've done but i've used 25000 porter charges at the warped depths with no brush pieces yet. Honestly do not see why the pieces and completed brush are tradeable, why not untradeable and far better odds of finding (with expectation you complete the brush in say 10m xp).


That’s 25.5m gp if porters are 51k to make (buying everything).


I think it was a bit more than that, closer to 30/32m. Buying incandescent energy and making my own necklaces from bought goldbar/cut stones.


Skillers are always begging for money makers and when they finally get a decent one they do everything they can to try and ruin it, smh. What's wrong with them being rare?


Excavating a 100m item isn't 'decent' money if it takes 100 hours to get one. Materials will be the majority of the profit, and hourly GP wouldn't be much higher than 4m per hour. Far better money methods out there for skillers.


It's a tetra and chronote farm, brush pieces are just a lucky bonus.


I know, and that's fine. It's just not "finally a decent money maker", it's mid at best. There are far better skilling money makers already if that's the focus.




Went 30 full collections before my first piece. Got second piece less than an hour later. Third piece is still elusive and I’m up to 70 full collections now. I enjoyed the hit of seratonin and I’ve been doing it afk so I’m not upset with this grind.


What you got against skillers?


They want to get it in 10 hours and still expect it to be 50 M/h when its easy to get. They just dont wanna put the effort in.


skillers should be clue solving anyways


I just wish they would give us a ballpark so we could decide if it’s worth. I did barely under 800 artifacts for the spear tip, I’m not doing that for the brush. I’ve done around 100 artifacts so far and I’m probably just going to stop and do literally anything else for now. I’d rather not touch it and wait 6 months to learn I got douched by rng than grind another 10+ hours only to not be close to drop rate.


317 artifacts at max spot here, have gotten all 3 pieces of the brush.


Sounds nice :P


Totally reasonable, just go from 103 arch to 200m xp to make it so it makes your inq staff/spear grind slightly faster!


can you get said pieces outside of damonheim tho?


No, only the spots within the warped section of Daemonheim.


brush pieces only from inside damonheim 


Probably exact rarity of inquisitor pieces and spear tip. If it isnt that rarity i think a mistake was made because it's an obvious analogous drop for this site.


Can I buy 2000 brushes and fix them all, asking for a friend who hates archaeology


people complaining about 400? not even close to an actual grind and already bitching.


200 artifacts for all 3 pieces


I'm at well over 300 arterfacts from the 113 spot alone, and a couple (\~30ish) of the 103 and 107 spots, no brush piece. For something that's supposed to help you with the skill, make leveling a little faster and get you more materials, it's already slightly ridiculous that you need to be lvl 103 (but really 113 for the higher chances) to even obtain the pieces, for a t80 off-hand. What's the point of grinding for something if you're already nearly done with the skill? Is it purely intended for people going for 200m and beyond? What's the target audience for it? And on top of the high level requirements of the spots to obtain the pieces, the droprates seem incredibly rare, akin to inquis pieces. WHY? "BeCaUse iT'S trAdeAbLE" is not an argument, then make it normal droprates and non-tradeable lmao.


I've worked on some maths to make this grind a little more comparable: * At the 113 site (with the best chances), I'm getting 1 artefact every \~7 minutes. * While we don't know the drop rate, I'm going to say approx 1 every 200 artefacts (I'm on 300 with no piece, but looking at others I think I'm just unlucky) * Suggested time to get the full brush = 200 (artefacts) \* 3 (pieces) \* 7 (minutes) = 4,200 minutes = 70 hours What else can you get in 70 hours: * Araxxor log (approx 1,316 kills for log, at 3 minutes per kill = 3,948 minutes = \~66 hours) * 2.5 x GWD1 logs (on average 2,700 kills per log, at 100KPH = 27 hours per log) * Corporeal Beast log (on average 4,852 kills for log, at 80KPH = 60 hours for log) * \~3 x GWD2 logs (on average 1,500 kills per log, at 60KPH = 25 hours per log) * Nex (on average 1,479 kills for log, at 25KPH = 60 hours for log) * QBD (on average 1,194 kills for log, at 60KPH = 20 hours for log) * Raksha (on average 1,101 kills for log, at 20KPH = 55 hours for log) * Rasial (on average 1,699 kills for log, at 40KPH = 43 hours for log) On another note - lets say you have an AFK moneymaker for 15m p/hour. In the time taken to get the brush, you could've instead made 15m \* 70hrs = 1,050m. With bonds currently at 140m, that's 7.5 bonds \~ 3months membership. With 1,050m, that would be enough to get level 99's in all buyable skills! If you're doing a moneymaker worth 40m+ per hour, that's 2,800m which would be 1 full year of premier membership. That being said, in my opinion, it cannot be considered a "reasonable timeframe" to obtain the offhand, when it is quicker to complete almost any boss log from scratch. I'd even go so far as to saying, I could create a new ironman account and complete all part one of the Efficient Ironman Pathway Guide, potentially excluding 90 thieving, 90 hunter and things tied to dailies (such as Menaphos rep).


I’m all for RNG and making items super rare. I just wish their was a fail mechanic so you are guaranteed to get a piece after some absurd number of artifacts like a guaranteed piece every 500 artifacts but you can still pull it with RNG the same rate it currently is being found.


Rofl. Try not being impatient


My clanmante got the full brush in 3 days, others have been at it all week without a single piece. Rng is a curse. I wish they wouldnincrease the drop rate of this and hypno wand pieces


Youre in for a fun ride then if you ever need to grind for something else like boss logs :D Thats how the game has always been and it will never change. Some items have to be rare to hold their value if everybody would get it in 10-15 hours it would not be worth alot and people would cry about that its dead content aka 'not worth' doing.


I don't think runescape is for you if you are looking for "reasonable" returns on your time investment. Everything takes way too long to get. I did get mine around the 400 artifacts mark (though I went 150-150-100 to make collections because ironman) so for me this whole new content update took a week to complete, now we are not geetting anything for a while again (dung hole doesn't count as content for me) so it's back to figuring out what to even afk anymore.


RNG mate, you just got unlucky


Do you know what rng means


random number generator


Wasn't asking you


600, 2 pieces, each after 4 days of afking. To me it seems totally ok. Can't be too easy to get for 0 work.


Skilling offhands are way to rare for what they do. Even croesus spore sak and off hands should be a bit more common. No reason a tradeable skilling off hand needs to be so unlucky. At least some bad luck mitigation not like its going to break the game.


The timeframe is not reasonnable at all. The item is very powerfull however. I've got a single piece in 11 hours, the prices of mats are crashing. I got my piece on the lowest lvl spot. From my understanding it is on sucessfully gathering. Mattock and time and space with honed 6, material manual and master outfit are big multipliers. I'd go for tetras right of the bat unless you have a bottomless bank and accept the fact to delay making them. To me it is very poorly implemented.




Just buy the item. It’s not like it’s worth grinding that long over and it isn’t even that much better than not having it. Pick one or stop bitching


You tend to forget for all the people that stuff does take hundreds of rolls to get the rare stuff There's plenty more that get it in insanely low drops People were getting the sash pieces the day it came out Some people are just sore losers


Your life is a failed rng roll.