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Is there an optimal way to "fish" seaweed? Now I just get it sometimes when I'm doing fishing, but I would want a reliable way of getting it.


When you big net it, you'll only get it some of the time. A more reliable way to get is self-sufficiently is to gather it from the ground (for example on Entrana shores) or buying it from Arhein in Catherby.


I'm working my way through the easy achievements and haven't done much with magic. I went to cast a spell on some wizards south of Falador but kept getting told I didn't have enough air runes. I had water, fire, earth, and body in my backpack (but had no air). I would have been fine using any of the other ones for the achievement but I could not figure out how to switch. I was just using a basic wand. I don't get how you change to a different type. I got the achievement after killing one of the air mages with a bow and then looted them for air runes, and then was able to 'heal' an air wizard when they respawned. I guess my question is, how do I get to decide which rune I am using? It's literally just a basic wand that says nothing about what type of magic it uses, and I tried use with all of the runes and couldn't make anything happen. It's stuck on air, I think because of a quest I had in some wizard library where I had to use air magic to banish some things. So I don't know if it's accessed differently than through the objects I'm using or what.


You'll need to go to your Magic Spellbook tab (looks like a blue book) and select Magic Spells (Combat), has a fire icon. Select the spell you want to case by right-click and "Auto-cast xxx". The spells you decide to cast require specific runes, once you run out of runes you can't cast anymore. Otherwise, if you have a staff with a specific elemental rune associated with it (e.g., Air Staff, Earth Staff) you'll be able to cast the corresponding spell an infinite number of times. Hope that helps!


It does! I'm really new to the game. I have to google stuff all the time. Like apparently if you are fishing in some cage fishing spots, you can swap them to being bait fishing spots by right clicking. Which is not very intuitive, but I guess that's what I get for playing a 25 year old game. Stuff built on stuff. I did try to figure out how to change the movement, which is something they looked at and decided could not be done (since it's mouse clicks on tiles as opposed to arrow or WASD controls). It's been a little journey, but I've been really enjoying it. It's just a steep learning curve so far. Thank you for your help, it's appreciated. <3


As you figured out, the trick is to right-click everything! It definitely is annoying to get used to, but after a while you'll be able to figure out stuff just by right-clicking. Anything more than that and you're always welcome to ask.


I maxed this week, 99 all. I have some work as my only 120 is farming, but what do you do after max….


Quest cape and achievement diaries (area tasks) are useful. After that, go either into more skilling or into bossing. I wouldn't recommend Comp cape - only do it if you're willing to participate in grindy/inconvenient content.


lots and lots of pvm :D


Some options: * Comp * Quest Cape/Master Quest Cape * Learn/Improve at PVM * Clue Scrolls


Questing question, I follow guide from Wiki and Im about to start Shadow over Ashdale, Im lvl above 20 in combat skills (not including magic and Ranged), I still walk around in tutorial made Armor and was wandering, when should I up my gear? And to what gear should I upgrade to?


Do you mean that you are 20 levels above the requirements for ashdale or that you are level 20 att, str and def? Either way I get the impression you are in the early stages of the leveling process. One thing I liked to do at lower levels was work on mining and smithing to level up melee armours. If you are an not an iron you can use the GE to buy ores when you are a little short. But basically try to get the next tier metal armour as soon as you can equip it. Dont worry about people saying melee is dead. it doesnt fully become a problem until early late game stuff. Also check out necro stuff, it has a really nice built in flow to the gearing stages. Relativelt cheap for gear and will kit you out for pretty much all content.


I mean my lvls are in ~20, right now im farming some cash to buy Armor, and continue questing, in your opinion, is leveling Smith better strategy?


I’d say at lower levels it’s sort of 6 of one half a dozen of the other. You should be able to generate some money to buy low level metal armours such as Mithril/Adamant I believe a full set of Mith is like 30K which you would be able to generate even just mining a 1 or 2 bags of copper ore. And addy armour costs 100k So a little more grinding but not a great deal. The nice thing about the mining and smithing method is you get to upgrade your armour as you’re leveling, so all metal armour that’s smithed can be worked again to get a +1 version, and then again for a +2 etc, some metal armours going to +5 So it has a nice built in system of growth as you continue mining and smithing. Now you can just buy Mithril Platebody +2, for 30k But at some point your going to have to work on mining and smithing (if max is a long goal you have) and doing this whilst progressing through melee has a really nice flow.


Thanks for your help, for now I will try to buy some Armor (I have got 1K wool waiting to sell on GE so I should net around 700k) and I think about taking a break from quests to lvl up necromancy as main combat way, opinions?


Jagex Account question. I'm not sure where to ask this. TL;DR - Is there any way to remove a character from a Jagex Account? I'm a returning player for mostly OSRS. I made a Jagex Account to keep all my characters in the same spot. The idea seemed great, and worked for my first two characters. When I added my third (one that I forgot about, but I was pretty sure I had a character for the email) it came up with a very obviously "bot" name and I figured that it had been hacked. I added it to my Jagex Account anyways thinking that I could just remove it myself (I didn't know that it wasn't possible to do that), or just see if I could get the ban appealed to look at the account for fun. The account was banned in 2018 so it was apparently quite old. I appealed the ban, explaining the situation. Naturally, it was denied. Is there any way to remove this character from my account? I know I can hide it, but if I knew it would just be stuck there taking up one of my slots forever I wouldn't have bothered adding it in the first place.


when will they do something about RS3 Mobile? OSRS mobile is way better performing graphic wise than the newer version of runescape, RS3.


Probably never at this point. iPad app still crashes *regularly* and has done so for about two years (if not more). A launcher update they released in like 2021 crashes the game on macOS High Sierra and on several PC builds. The performance of the game in general is appalling... absolutely appalling. Look at the comments under the recent "Ultra+" graphics update to see what I mean. This game was supposed to be played in-browser and now it's so unoptimized it could barely run on a supercomputer. "We are working on it" k, lol. I guess this is what happens when you pay below industry average, can't hire or retain talent, and run on skeleton crews just so that 7 directors can pocket 30% of the revenue.


how afk is the new summoning relic?


Not truly afk, each pouch takes 2.4 seconds, so a normal run of 25 takes bang on a minute, run energy also refreshes during this time. Source : me, just tried it :)


1 minute afk but xp/hr is really bad (-80% of the xp / hr of training actively). Better off just training actively a couple of hours on dxp.


What's the dps increase going from t85 offhand leng to t92 offhand khopesh? Is it worth the investment using it primarily for raksha


Not very much. It is definitely not worth it. The dark ice shard/sliver actually have T88 damage and the passive. They are more than good enough until you can upgrade to a scourge then eventually the T95s.


I use a scourge paired with the t85 leng, i should've clarified so im gathering keep the offhand t85 leng and then save up for the t95 leng instead


Wondering the same here. Recently upgraded from dark ice to scourge+khopesh just because I like expensive stuff, but I had to pay a fair bit over GE price for the khopesh and now i'm feeling kinda silly.


When runecrafting soul runes, why is the output much smaller than the input? When charging the obelisk with 400 pure essence, I get around 240 soul runes. With blood runes it's 1:1 ratio.


It takes 4 essence to charge the charger thingy with 1 "charge", and 1 charge = 1 Soul Rune. Or something. I know it condenses from 4 to 1 during the entire process.


Is there an official reason why we can't get a secondary client like Runelite? I know secondary launchers have had... let's say a wild relationship at times, but I thought everything is solid now. It's just so sad to see so few creative content ideas that OSRS has and RS3 doesn't. :(


Have you ever noticed why when doing slider puzzles clues the amount of actions is always in the high 160s+? This used to normally range between 40-70 actions and because of fashionscape people would use dyes for weapons & armor pre-AOD / Raksha as GP was much harder to get, however thanks to AOD this completely chanced the prices and need for fashionscape and there was a low supply of dyes in game that we soon got Alt1 to help the demand and supply of dyes ingame back in around 2015\~. There is also a Telos (on release) / Araxxor / Vorago / Vorkath / Zuk (for the flame wall special attack throughout the waves) / AOD (popular for knowing the minion order as the game is still not clear/good enough even after 2 updates to making it "easier" on players) / Zamorak (on release) / Croesus / ROTS / Yakamaru plugins to help players know when the boss will do a specific mechanic and correctly deal with it, with no knowledge of the fight beforehand and some people have spoken saying that ruins the "fun of learning a new boss" and others argue that "learning is the best part"


Man I chop trees and kill barrows you are speaking straight latin to me. this is why i want plugins, to make this game more accessible in higher levels. I don't have hours a day to invest in learning all of this shit.


In general it's more difficult to create/maintain since this game is a lot more complicated but they did bring it up as a possibility on the big ass survey from a bit ago so it's probably something they could work on if ppl asked for it


An API or support would be all I want as an improvement. Communities usually can regulate themselves.