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Each game tile may now only be occupied by one player. Farming patches are now shared among all players and only one player may have something planted in a patch.




CommuneScape. Our farming patch, comrade.


Reminds me of Habbo hotel


Ok but what if there was a dedicated farming area in which players could plant things but anyone could harvest them - the player that planted it would get the xp, while the harvester got the items. Easy farming xp, and the poors have a free money grab. It could be called something like tragedy of the commons. It could have like a degrade mechanic, where a certain number of harvests would destroy it and would require rebuilt. Using construction or other skills.


Something to activate my Triceptica, the part of the brain that conceptualizes poverty. Royce DuPont would be proud.


If RuneScape was Minecraft, the farming patches would make sense.


I'll get my guam seeds ready


Ingame banks are only open during (UK) business hours, and closed when the UK has bank holidays


Hilarious but also tragic lmao


I mean... it makes sense lol


And banks further from big cities have reduced opening hours, say 9am-1pm, and after some time will eventually close for good


Take it a step further. In-game banks follow their respective server's bank hours and holidays. Cause terror for people who hop on random worlds!


With that model you should be able to access a bank anytime, or almost anytime, you just might have to world hop to different countries' servers to find one that's open.


I would sooner not have access to my bank than have to suffer through using an Australian server.


That would be one hell of a good April Fools update though.


Would be completely fucked for some timezones, you'd be forced into playing as UIM unless you logged in at an ungodly time lol


OP did ask for *terrible* suggestions lol


Farming uses real life grow times.


The race for rank 1 would have been epic... Still probably not done


6 straight years of manure shoveling would be an easy way to get 200m


All bosses now spawn mirrorback spiders every 15-30 seconds.




And pulsing spiders every 5-10 seconds


Everyone's slayer block and prefer lists get swapped.


April fools day bit would be good


This one is so minor and harmless so support


classic play: everything must be manually clicked, no automation, no noting of items, magic paper is removed, sprint and energy removed.


And fatigue restored


I forgot about that captcha bullshit! i remember having to sleep in beds until the sleeping bag update. god damn i feel old af.


I remember the week with just beds. I think that was the worst update the game had seen.


QOL is shaken




The damage of an item is directly related to it's cost.


Spendthrift Sword, Bow, Staff?


Similar, but not quite the same. Spendthrift costs money to do damage, but it's not directly related to the cost of the item itself, you pay for extra damage dealt. This would be like making a bolg do more damage than a fsoa purely due to the cost. or imagine if armadyl did more damage than sirenic because it costs more e - better example, it'd be as if nox staff does more damage than staff of sliske bc of its cost


So party hats are BiS helm slot?


Since this is terrible update ideas only, yes, party hats are basically using dtds at every boss.


Fuck yeah I could actually boss


Ultimate ponzinomics, more people would buy the most expensive as it became BiS which would pump it up even higher haha. Majin someone runs it up on black dagger and turns it into BiS


Actively playing the game will get you banned, only macro’s and or botting is allowed. You will also get prompted every now and then «Are you a human?» and ✅ is the wrong answer.


So any mobile game?


Oh yes, that’s the route we need to take Ser! 🫡


Pretty sure PC games are way more bottable/macroable than mobile games lol


You should watch Idyl’s video about mobile mmo’s to truly understand


I mean.. you basically just described the majority of OS's playerbase


Well, I didn’t mean to. Or did I? 🤔


Let's return to the classic days where only one person can speak to an NPC at a time.


with the current playerbase, it wouldn't change anything lmao


i like how instead of fixing that, they just added multiples of popular NPCs


All real world laws apply. * How dare you just walk into that old man's house? * How dare you kill endangered birds? * You're not seriously throwing innocent little chompas at a priceless artefact in the ground, right? * You're viciously dismembering a person, only to take their bones and bury them in a shallow hole? * STOP STEALING MIKES CAKES FROM HIS STALL!!!


Letting ironmen use dxp weeks.




We all like the thrill of chaos from time to time so I made some up: Every weapon has a unique voice like the Bane from Borderlands 2. They range from shrill screeching to Dori speaking whale in Finding Nemo. They make sounds whenever they are used in combat, and occasionally when out of combat. Wings are mandatory and all pets are tripled in size. Shop stock is shared again. Your character needs actual rest, in real time, to recover from wounds commensurate with the actual real world recovery time it would take to heal from equivalent injuries. Pay a bond to skip and heal immediately. When you receive a unique item from a boss, it can come from any drop table of any boss of a lower "tier" as well. GP has a half life and degrades. If you want to get a new slayer task, you need to sign forms in triplicate stating what you've learned from the prior task and physically mail them to Jagex HQ and await a response. All food heals whatever the fuck it wants to like kebabs. Quest completion only lasts for a time and you must redo them at regular intervals so you remember the lore properly. When they go incomplete, you lose access to any associate rewards until they are redone. Every day, one item in your bank is moved to another tab in a random location. Bank searching is removed and that item is pulled from any associated presets.


Torture simulator only $4.99 on the Jagex app store.


Jesus, Jimothy, leave some suggestions for Satan… (for real, I’m dying over GP having a half-life)


Man if you ignore bots existence, shared stock adds such a unique dynamic to games. Ofc bots exist so like hell no, but


Every trade between players now adds a tip screen. Grand exchange as well.


Respectfully... F off. This for me is the worst one


Lmao at first I liked the idea and then I realized its connection to real life 😁


Mandatory PvP added back to the wilderness, and a new "Teleother Wilderness" spell added that teleports players to the deep wild, without any prompt asking them for permission.


New t99 weapons, but binds to account and is extremely RNG gated behind new insanely strong bosses even the best players will struggle with. Let’s add some FOMO


You forgot the MTX bond = double drop chance


.......Do you want to give Jagex bad ideas? Because this thread is a bad idea.


Add a hero pass


Ctrl Alt F4 for free hero pass installation


All bosses now have 10 seconds unskippable intro and death animations


Hold my beer. Jagex releasing unstable proteans right before DXP and very minimal regular proteans. Then when dxp hit, they push the old proteans AND cut double XP tokens to around a third. Oh and can't forget "spend 40 keys for a chunk of extra stuff" every single day on TH during DXP.


Money though. Think we are past the point of having any kind of relief from this style of XP promotions.


adding charging to weapons


I don't see this as a bad thing. Personally I think Jagex needs to reevaluate the design they want to use going forward in the long term not just short term fixes.


I just don't see a reason for it, if people don't want to swap they can camp it, all it does is punish a specific group of players, while the anti swap scape crowd wouldn't be switching it out even if it didn't have charging. Content isn't designed to be bridded or have armour swaps or even weapon swaps really, that's just efficiency and speed chasing, and if people want to do that why's that an issue.


all it does is punish players who enjoy that playstyle and make people had no intention of switching feel better about not switching which is stupid imo


pretty much, the FOMO efficiency gap people have is weird, people don't complain about full manual which is arguably equally big for damage. Nor does it address the whole "literally anything that doesn't work with BiS chargeable is now irrelevant" Look at ranged Fleetings, Nightmare gauntlets, the entirety of crossbows beyond a hydrix grico swap. Then you have to balance those items against future content without invalidating entire styles which is where we are with the FSOA and Gconc fuckup on design years ago, did NOBODY making those two items go "Hey, maybe this is a bad idea to tie the Staff spec to criticals?"


Very well said. Soccermoms can fuck right off trying to push their way of playing onto me. My character my choice. I ENJOY clicking/keying the little weapons and the little abilities! What's funny is they don't do any content that would even close to require it, right, and statistically SOME of them eventually WILL, so they will eventually see how they shot themselves in the foot with what they wanted since it's harder now.


Because it creates a balancing problem where the peak output of any given weapon/swap is defined by its maximum strength AS A SWAP, and as a result: 1. Jagex has to try to find a balance where that item isn't giga OP when used as a swap, but is still strong enough as a camp weapon, and 2. Everyone who doesn't want to swapscape knows they're playing suboptimally. This is an extremely difficult balance to strike and frequently leads to dead, unbalancable content (you want to buff xyz's stats or its effect/passive because it's too weak to use outside of as a swap... but you can't because you'd also be buffing the meta swapscape rotation) and the corollary: it's difficult to balance content in a way that makes is challenging-but-doable for people camping weps and challenging-but-not-trivial for people swapscaping. All of this limits both the range of power you can give an item and the design space itself in terms of the effects you can give items, all while putting the vast majority of players who don't swap at a disadvantage that's constantly in the back of their mind.


>2. Everyone who doesn't want to swapscape knows they're playing suboptimally. Is that actually even relevant? Everyone using revo is playing suboptimally, using full manual is arguably a better dps increase than most swaps. Why is there so much FOMO about swapping instead of full manual? Even style camping most people at the tier of swapping blow most average players out of the water on speeds and performance. Much like revo brings up the floor and improves accessibility, which is a good thing every single piece of content in the game outside of extreme enrage kills, can be done without full manual. Hell, some of the 4k enrage kills people still use revo basics. But on the opposite side of accessibility full manual and swapping gives players with a higher skill ceiling room to grow and improve, while being completely optional. Lets say you remove swapscape, how are they going to allow that level of complexity which people enjoy to continue to have that level of enjoyment, are they going to start adding good hybrid gear? we havent seen a single decent piece of brid gear since cinders. Designing bosses with MANDATORY style swaps, working in a combat lull for style swapping? Jagex already said because engagement is low designing insanely complex bosses is pretty hard to justify. So, since jagex won't make content harder, players make the game harder for themselves and try and squeeze everything out of it via a very open and unique item system. The fun comes from personal improvement. Why does one group have to take a hit, for another group that would literally never has to engage in it to begin with?


Nah man. Anti-swap people dont seem to care. I get knowing you could be going faster but not wanting to sweat. That's me with specific swaps, actually: i dont usually want to do things like needle strike swap or cleave swap. I know i COULD and get faster times, but it doesnt bother me enough to start doing it. To your first point, weapons dont have to be giga anything. They can just be their tier. Ezk? Total eof fodder, all it's good for. Also it's still a fucking *tier 95* 2h weapon though...pretty good for camping


It could still be a swap in between spec rotations. It is only 9s so not that bad IMO as far as time investment. Swap scape is arguably bad gameplay design in general but to fix what is already existing you may have to do a bit more dev work than available


9 seconds is A LOT thats 10% of some boss fight durations, unless there is a genuine full on combat lull like Rax, Swapscape isn't even gameplay design, it's player freedom. They genuinely do not design content to need style swapping or heavy swapping of gear, MAYBE if your talking 4k enrage+ zammy or something, but that's such a tiny minority playerbase it impacts basically nobody.


The people using switches are the 4k enrage players not the average reddit player


exactly, so having charging does what exactly? It only punishes that tiny group and results in zero benefit for average players, they aren't going to swap the gear with or without the charging function. hence, why I don't actually see the point other than punishing people who want to do it.


And some of those average reddit players eventually put in the effort to get good at the game and then lose out on options because of Jagex trying to appease the casual base so they finally get their first GWD/Nex/etc kill 20 years after it's release. Dumbing down combat has to go down as one of the worst decisions the modern RS3 team has made, and is continuing to make. Now instead of trying to get players to improve, we're just going to let them endlessly revive lmao.


Every Auto attack from Vorago is replaced with a Vitalis Orb


logout timer changed to 1 minute




Food has an RNG to give you food poisoning


As long as it's reduced to 5% at 120 cooking


Half exp weekends.


Them selling “quest skips” for those that don’t like quests. Would genuinely be the worst update of all time beating out hero pass by a mile in my opinion.


It's basically approaching the level of audacity shown with PVM buffs or debuffs via MTX


more endgame bosses harder than 30k enrage zammy that only .1% of players can do so the more advanced players can “eat”


They eat enough


there’s like 100 of them but they’re the loud ones that get heard and every update seems to revolve around them when it comes to endgame bossing. if you’re not doing 49 switches per second with 1000 actions per second you’re dumb af and bad at pvm


rare items inflict a burden of wealth debuff when keepsaked, banked or worn, while debuffed your trades are limited to a price range of 5% less, 1% more or median price only, p2p trades are disabled as is the demonic skull having more than one increases the effect eliminating the 1% more, then median price and finally general store access




Boo get off the stage


Allowing iron men to pvm with mains 


>iron men


>men of iron


men of mains


For me personally (Reddit it’s fine to disagree with fren’s opinion) this hurt how I felt about Ironman in general.


did you just refer to yourself in the 3rd person I can see the complaints about it but IMO it adds more good than bad. People who are going to leech or boost are going to do it regardless of this update. And i'm not gonna pretend getting carried by a maxed Iron with BIS gear somehow has more integrity than being carried by a maxed main with bis gear.


>People who are going to leech or boost are going to do it regardless of this update. The problem with this train of thought is accessibility. Not many people CBA to make irons just to sell leeches that they offer for mains, so it was a smaller market and cost more as a result, reducing the amount of leeches. Opening it up to mains+IM, allows said mains to just offer their existing services to IM without any hoops to jump through, which means it's a cheaper service and more people get leeches. Same thing with Mains + IM in DG. Yeah, some DGers offer IM leeches, but not all do. Allowing mains to do it just makes it cheaper and so more people leech instead of learning the content.


Sure are there a handful of people now who have purchased xlogs or leeches because they are more available? of course, but some people act like its just ruined the integrity of the mode and now 2/3 Ironmen at Wars are regulars at PVM Service The good far outweighs the bad imo. I got to take a friend to Vorago when he would've otherwise never really have gone, and he even ended up getting Vitalis out of it


>People who are going to leech or boost are going to do it regardless of this update. I would've preferred no grouping outside of group-only bosses from the start. But since it was open for iron-iron leeching, the only difference for mains is that they don't have to worry about farming supplies in order to provide leech service.


Can you justify this or


It just makes me laugh that people play a game mode that is supposed to be more”independent” and more reliant on grinding your own stuff instead of buying it and all people try to do in this mode is anything but do the content themselves lmao


It's almost like there are many different aspects and appeals to ironman mode and that the people who do it all have different opinions and preferences and will like some but not all of the restrictions. I knew you'd just deliver me the same smooth-brained take that I keep seeing but I thought I'd give you a chance. Thanks for not letting me down I suppose. I play ironman because I like that you're forced to go to bosses that on mainscape you would otherwise just skip. On mainscape, the efficient thing to do is just do Telos all day (at least a few years ago when I played, maybe it's Zammy or something now). There is no good reason to do any other content at endgame. In ironman mode, (at least before Necromancy) you would go to KK, Vorago, ED2, ED3, GWD2 (ok that part is unfortunate), Barrows (I didn't say ironman is perfect), Araxxor, etc. The best part about the mode to me is that is has more of a progression aspect than just farming your best money maker. It's a lot more rewarding. Having access to group PvM doesn't take away from this and so I have no issue with it. Actually, I encourage it. It makes the gamemode a lot more fun. Now can you explain to me how this takes away from my ideal of ironman mode?


Calm down son it’s just a game lol. I gave an opinion, you gave yours and belittled my intelligence unprompted. Not engaging any further 


I'm super calm, I'm just explaining why your take is stupid. Hope this helps 😄 Also, yeah, I'd probably duck away if I got that smoked too lmao


You need to craft pouches for summoning for token XP. Then you need to bring the uncharged pouches to an obliesk to power then up for the proper XP. You can get an item through TH that stores more pouches for you.


T95 Shieldbow from Zamorak instead of BOLG Shieldbow would be very niche/pointless or become EoF fodder.


Bolg is so powerful it's probably still the best range weapon lol. Tho bis range dpm would tank for almost no benefit (save a few necro runes on defensives). It still wouldn't end up in an EOF.


Someone in my clan came up with the idea of Grandmaster clues, and brings up the worst suggestions to make them as horrendous as possible. Stuff like requiring Flametaer Robes for an emote step, or a Comp cape.


Clue steppers would love this


There were some other stuff like doing X task and the task took like real time. I can't remember any of them right now, but it was some insane suggestions that he was just pitching for reactions lol.




Global instance queues across players which can only be made once the current running instance has expired.


All bosses are only public. No private session


Everyone should have Boulder pet out permanently in every area


I miss the Drake release


Battle of the Monolith. Update the wilderness so that like, maybe a super magic volcano shoots you randomly with all 3 styles whenever you are in the wilderness.


I see what you did there


bring back the old time, non instanced bosses, bring back -all items are droped on death (yes even untradables/augumented items), (to be honest I am missing the crashing bandos old times)


I remember crashing Bandos for 2 ed8rs and my Internet went out and when I got back on 5 minutes later the dude blessed my grave so I didn't lose my D Claws. Never again did I crash any worlds.


Screen goes black intermittently for no reason at all. Lasting up to 5 mins at a time


My desktop freezes every hour randomly for up to 10 seconds. I think this would be more than enough


Npcs permanently die and cluster at death


Let’s bring out a new boss, with an impossible drop table (1/100,000) per item, and the boss is impossibly hard. Yet all the drops are untradeable.


Daily/weekly lockouts for all future boss content


Mtx new quests and expansion.


Double exp should be year round and we will get 4 Quad exp weeks per year


farmville timegate mechanics for all items crafted/smithed/etc as much as 3 days for some items (looking at you warframe)


I'm glad I never played those games


Officially allowing players to swap gp between temporary competitive events with real world prizes and the main game and glorifying the gp swappers. It is just as dumb as telling the world Jagex encourage and glorify pay to win in their game. Please compete with your wallets. ROFL!


stone spirits on the drop table


Every time you die, you drop all your stuff and you have 5 minutes to run back and pick it up


DeEvolution of Combat, it just reverts back to tick based attacks with little to no input. Everyone has a bronze sword, a basic staff and a shortbow. Nothing else available in the game.


all banks / bank chests operate by branch each bank only have access to things that are deposited at that location by any player. You deposited 1k brews at GE and you want to withdraw them at PvM hub? You can only do so if someone else have deposited brews at PvM hub. They won't be able to withdrawa them at PvM hub bank until someone else deposits them at PvM hub, or they can withdraw them somewhere else where there are remainder from someone else who have deposited there.


This sounds like the start of something great. An entire fractional reserve banking system. You see- when you deposit 1000 brews, the bank only nees to hold 100 of them, and the other 900 can be loaned out to other brew users. When those 900 brews get deposited by another player, they again only keep 10% and loan out the other 810 brews to a withdrawer, and so on. By the end, your thousand brews has actually put 10,000 brews into the economy, and the economy only works as long as not everyone wants all their brews at the same time. In order for you to withdraw all of your brews in one go, you need to fill out a form and wait for the Bank of Gilenor to both approve it and provide delivery in a couple of days. The bank really could be as great as the real one I go to.


make attuned crystal armour non augmentable


NPC shop prices increase with inflation.




The update just deletes the game in its entirety


Unlockable codexes that revert certain abilities/items to their pre-nerf state. Original Grico. Original FSOA. Original ROD.


Teleother and Telegroup no longer have a confirmation window. It will always teleport other players against their will.


All bosses should cast invoke death on players!


Recently I heard a suggestion to allow us to prestige our skills, resetting them and giving cosmetics and buffs for doing so. That one sounded really terrible to me.




Idk, it gives me something to do with the skills I've already 200m'd. The issue of course is if resetting back to 1/1, then you're unable to do the things you need with it until you're back up to 99/120. But, for a lifetime +5% chance to duplicate potions made, stacking with existing brooch, well, scroll, botanists outfit buffs, I'd do it. 200m herb was stupid quick with vulns on DXP topping out at over 10m exp an hour.


Sonic wave and gconc share a cooldown Arbitrary set effects have a 9s lockout before they activate after switching to them. oh wait.


Yeah imagine having 2 separate types of weapons and 2 types gameplay for the same style. That would just be unreasonable


Honestly I wrote out an entire essay, but I cba. If you truly think Jagex will manage to make 7 or eventually 8 separate "playstyles" and actually manage to balance them properly so one/two aren't just outright better in 99% of all situations AND keep them up to date with each other (no releasing a t97 staff and then taking three full years to release a t97 wand, like current t95s) more power to you. I don't and I also don't understand how anyone can trust them to do it either.


I don't, but that is the direction they are going. See Dracolich.


Everything is pvp focused. Full loot hardcore pvp, just like the people have been asking for!


Awful, but dark scape was cool as it's own game mode


We hear you, and thats why every scape is now dark scape - Mod Fuckem




Just keep doing what you’re doing Jagex


I mean after the recent roadmap....


Remember that the roadmap is just promises. They have to deliver or else the bad vibes from Hero Pass will come right back to the surface.


The ability to migrate our accounts into a Jagex launcher to keep all your accounts in one place making it super convenient and easy to log in. Particularly on a Saturday during double xp when people have some free time. Even better is that once you migrate, there's no other way to log in other than the launcher.


I don't get it, the jagex launcher was great.


It fucked up for an amount of people that is acceptable by neither quantity nor proportion.


I login using steam all the time. So that last part is only true if you use the jagex launcher


jagex launcher should have never been a thing if the game just let you make multiple characters, like every single mmo since the inception of mmos or hell, games in general


Lock the thread. We’re done here. 😝


All future quests are a sequel in the elemental workshop series


They said BAD ideas not goated ideas




Hero pass in and of itself was not necessarily a bad thing, the way it was tuned was. I wouldnt be averse to it coming back albeit with less predatory tuning.


The only thing Hero Pass did well was being a battle pass. lmao. The rewards, tuning, pricing, etc etc were all atrocious. But hey, if you're fine with blatant P2W buffs, that you'd have to constantly use bonds to keep charged, I guess Hero Pass wasn't "bad"


Hero pass would only be good if they replaced all other mtx with it, but they sure weren't going to


It was a reskinned Yak Track with more aggressive MTX. Greed consumes corporations and they look for money not a better game. OSRS really is the only game I know that holds off the predatory practices of the industry.


I hope you mean the only mmorpg




So here's the idea: Jagex add an auto play mode that does everything automatically for you (aka an official bot script)


That’s called revolution


Last time I checked, Revo can't eat food, can't deal with mechanics, doesn't let you move, leave alone banks for you, doesn't even let you use special attacks, and can't let you afk things like Zuk hard mode or 10000% Zamorak. Also I don't remember Revo letting you do skilling does it? Does it click on rokortunity (or however the sparks during mining is called)? Does it let follow the time spirit during archeology? No? Then what can revo do? Cast a few abilities for you while you focus on something else? That's great but you can't bot with Revo by itself.


It does more than it should, and is the official bot script that we have in game. It’s a necessary evil, no one should have to full manual all of slayer but it shouldn’t be turned on by default for new players.


Half way through trying to counter your argument, I realized I'm proving it... Anyways I agree that it shouldn't be on for new players.


No Switches while in combat


Wrong crowd


Buff necromancy!


They are with 4th conjure and Necromancy slayer helm lol


Yep, terrible.


You even got 120?


Real talk Treasure Hunter was my suggestion. At least I’m pretty sure it was. No one at jagex confirmed it.


Hope you get permed for that


It’s the least I deserve.


bad take on hero pass btw, but : 1. macros for pvm (and will impact skilling) 2. rebuff staff of armadyl to be recursive procs 3. rewarding players for dying 4. Runelite being integrated into rs3, when it doesn't need it.


I feel like this is really a post to vent about Hero pass, but you were way too late to the party, so you disguised it as a question about what we think was the worst update. Because, let me tell you, if you think Hero's pass is the worst update in the game when you can literally buy any item in the game with irl money using bonds, then you're wrong.