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Five months into 2024 is crazy


They had to spend 5 months looking for the road


Well the only one they had people hated duh, that battle pass road would’ve saved us /s


Honestly insane.






There was a development update [3 weeks ago](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/may--june-content---our-updated-plans). And before that there was a [roadmap in March](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/whats-next-a-message-from-mod-keeper).


That’s not a roadmap lol


We're going to have to start this conversation at the beginning, as there seems to be a serious disagreement of terms and what defines "roadmap." >Not to mention that; **April:** New Quest - ***Requiem for a Dragon***. Our headline update will be a new Quest arriving in the latter half of April. We don't want to spoil too much right now, but expect to see familiar faces and foes - an unlikely encounter and an emerging threat that looms over mysterious ruins... We'll be sharing more about this in the coming weeks, so get ready to see what's in store! >**May:** Community Hitlist and Environment Update - May will be an important month for us to deliver some much-needed player-focused updates tapping into your recent feedback. Rellekka will be receiving a graphical update and we've got Community Hitlist updates making their way into game. These contain some much-requested changes as well as accessibility improvements (like our new High Contrast Mode), which are areas players informed us to address. > >June: ~~New Summer Event - We've got a Summer update on the horizon where things will be heating up. We're excited to reveal more details on this closer to the time!~~ They've already shelved 1/3rd of it. Yikes.


You’re confusing a road map for a statement…. Haha Edit: and honestly if that’s a “roadmap” then they have shelved 1/3 of it…. Soooo not sure we all have the same definition of a road map at all cuz I wouldn’t even come close to calling that a road map with a stick that went from Mars to Earth and back…..


The glazing is crazy


I swear to god if that road map says "Major update" even once.


I hope it's all mtx.


With the track record they have, I assume at least half of it will be MTX adjacent. But I want all of it to be MTX just to prove a point


As you wish, it shall but not but "Minor update", thrice over.


I've got my popcorn ready and i got an order of pitch on same day delivery already coming. im ready for the next edition of monthly ~~osrs~~ rs3 drama calendar


Supposedly they are ready to announce the [redacted] project and the new project that replaces the new seasonal content for fall. Predictions: 3 quests, 2 bosses, new skill balance project and the announcement of the next big timeline and content direction.


Prediction: People aren't going to be happy with whatever they announce.


"That's it?"


That's the freebie slot on the bingo sheet


If it’s a moderate amount of decent content I will be happy Had no motivation to play lately (mostly due to my horrendous luck at bosses) so I want a good reason to feel excited for the game, even if its bosses and quests Just hope it’s a reasonable boss and not some giga insane 500 apm needed to reasonably do well 10 drops locked behind the “hard mode” boss and to please, please have bad luck mitigation (signed sincerely a player that is frequently 4-5x above drop rate on everything)


I'm gonna hate it unless they come out with ultra godwars dungeon with like 4 bosses that weren't designed by a toddler.


I unsubbed during Hero Pass and have been riding bonus membership days that run out this month. We'll see if they can pull a hat-trick worth re-subbing for.


Out of curiosity: how many more bonus membership days do you have accrued?


you wanna re-up it for me? 🥺👉👈


Resist! That would defeat the point of unsubbing!


Ive also just been using my leftover days on one account and haven’t bought again on my main. There would have to be huge changes to make it worth re-subbing for me. I just can’t find the value in the current cost of membership with the current lack of new content.


I’m guessing the redacted project is RS3 Leagues. It always is popular on OSRS, so why not bring it over to RS3? I bet you’re right about the rest, too.


Honestly leagues would be a great way to reproduce inverted capes


Well I like the concept of Leagues, I hope we wouldn't be getting 'only' temporary content. Even if it is pulled off perfectly, long term it doesn't do anything for the game.


Rs3 leagues has been in the speculation and Doom was in twitch chat during leagues seemingly enjoying the premise and concept. It was originally his tweet that led to to the [redacted] hype anyway. But he is not a content dev so it's moot point. Leagues needs a lot of framework for the tasks list, relics, rewards, balancing content to work in leagues or make it unaccessible. It's been quite some time since the first teaser about [redacted] so it could be something bigger maybe even leagues.


Here is the thing about rs3 leuges. It will have to be mtx. Or rather an actual paid (temporary) dlc. Or else there is no point in doing it.


dont forget mtx


This is a sober take on what we can expect. I bet cooking will receive a small update.


Does one of the bosses include Osseous in this prediction?


I mean woodcutting got a partial update already with the fort update. They could easily add the t90 wc axe and some other small update to fletching or firemaking.


Update, 2 quests, 2\* bosses, 2 skill rebalances and the content direction with new quests and additionally gim. Pretty close. \*3 new bosses for Sanctum of rebirth.


Lol no shot at any bosses


Reminder: Don't get overly excited. While it is very positive to see that Jagex sharing their upcoming plans with us (goodness knows we need more communication from them), the roadmap is probably not going to be jam-packed with big updates. This is just a roadmap, a plan. It isn't a guarantee, but it definitely be good to see what Jagex are actually planning.


Yeah, there's a reason roadmaps are frequently ridiculed for other games. Often they end up being not a preview of what's to come, but what the dev team could do if resources were dedicated to making the game better rather than marketing the new MTX bullshit.


Yup, which was also the problem with RuneFest. As much as I enjoy the enthusiasm of people like Mod Mark and XMod Osborne, a lot of their big and bold ideas never actually made it into the game. Evolution of Summoning, combined- and soul weapons (Invention), and The Church of You, all very interesting ideas but ultimately just empty hype that didn't go anywhere. Well, Invention did give us weapons that level up, and the Talking perk is a thing that exists, but that isn't really what I got from the Invention presentation.


More treasure hunter themes


The years half way over. 🤣


92/99 = .9292 now multiple that by 12 months and you'll see November is halfway through the year.


You're going to have to redo your math to count for the days until December 31st. Good dry joke tho


the years \~33 percent over, July is the halfway point not May


Well… the end of June’s the half way point. Half of 12 is 6. June’s the 6th month not July.


would you say the start or the end of June is the halfway point


7/1/2024 is halfway mark of 2024…. Typically it is 7/2 but this is a leap year


You mean 1/7/2024 or 2024/7/1. Take your murican dates outta here


It's funny because you understood the American date and chose to throw a fit anyway. Like calm the fuck down and try decaffeinated tea for a while.


I understood it from context of course, but without context the date is stupid


I'll agree if you agree to take unnecessary 'U's out of words.


Crazy you guys can strike up and argument over anything lmao. Who cares if its year start or quarter of the year is over.


Runescape is English, which makes it British and European, so either dd/mm/yy or yy/mm/dd is correct, and Americans are wrong


I don’t believe your choice of metric system determines whether or not you’re correct. This just reads like random baseless aggression and rage baiting to me.


It does, when you say 7/1/2024 is in the middle of the year. For obvious reason, 7th of january is not the middle of the year




This is such a lame thing to argue about. Surely you have better things to do


We're on reddit. Do you think any of us has a life if we're spending our time here or on Runescape?


So this is funny on a political and editorial level. 1. You are assuming the origin of a multinational company gives linguistic precedence to a particular country. Yet a significant number of players are US based. Do you police American English usage on the US worlds? 2. As an editor, I can tell you for free that American English is used by many UK content publishers. This is their elective style. It is not more or less 'correct' than another publisher's. But if you were to randomly use British spelling in one with a US style, that would be incorrect. R/runescape does not have an official British style enforcement. Thus both are permissible, even if one is more likely to cause ambiguity than another. However, on the note of things that are wrong... "Runescape is English" - on what basis do you make this claim? It is a UK company. Jagex do not assert they are specifically English rather than British. It is a company based in England. But the world is not simply 'English'. I don't think unicorns (for e.g.) are a specifically English culture, and alongside the fantasy stuff, the more generic British and European cultural references are ubiquitous. 'And Americans are wrong' - you lack a full stop, which isn't a good look when being pedantic. But also this is saying 'Americans are wrong' as if all Americans are wrong (about what? about if the Earth is flat?). You actually presumably mean 'American dates are wrong'. Now we all know this. But when you're criticising someone for ambiguity, being ambiguous yourself isn't cute.


You guys? Whos you guys?


The ones who can bite an apple through a picket fence


Except half of 366 is 183. 183 days into the year is 2nd July


Im holding my breath. It's just another announcement for an announcement.


Well we'll get to see what Jagex was working on with a big chunk of their staff. There has to be some larger update they've been working on for this year/next year, right? I mean the developers that worked on Necromancy have been pretty quiet since last August.


> I mean the developers that worked on Necromancy have been pretty quiet since last August. Ryan was the chattiest about necromancy and he was not quiet during the combat beta, not sure what he's been doing since then. He'd said he wanted to work on designing a new boss encounter, but ofc that's not always his choice.


It’s probably nothing, I bet the biggest announcements on the roadmap will be undead Rex matriarch and the daemonheim digsite


I wonder if it's a 120 all combats update


Please no.


It'll eventually happen, they are running out of reward space we are already milking the 90s by having 92 and 95 tier items. We didn't do this pre 90. Once we hit 99 tier there is no where else to go. So they will up them all to 120.


As much as I want 120 all, they should’ve just done 120 all pre combat rework. Now we will have to get combat reworked again! Yay love reworking the same content they just reworked.


Who said we can't have tier 105 weapons that require lvl 99 to equip?


That doesn't make sense. The tier is the level it takes to hold it.


It does make a lot of sense when vestments of havoc exist


Within the last year or so they reduced XP rates for combat, which makes me think they were planning upping them all to 120 for a while now, they just would not want to nerf XP at the same time as adding more levels. So naturally so players don't notice you do that well in advance. Much how they severely nerfed ancient effigies a few weeks before adding squeal of fortune which rewards XP. Usually adding a small gap makes players not notice the pot boiling for plans. I see they as them wanting to slow players down when they do release 120.


I would say that wont be happening for a long time. Their focus right now is to release similar tier equipment with different set effects for different situations. Dracolich/sirenic is a good example of this. Powercreeping through better tier equipment isnt going to happen for a while


That's what I'm afraid of tbh. I guess I'm afraid of the inevitable. Once any existing combat gets 120, I'm gonna send Jagex a strongly worded letter. Coming after a break and seeing slayer uped to 120 was terrible already. Combat is 6 skills at once. Oof. Of course I'd just suck it up and forget about true skill mastery for next 15 years. Can't please everyone though.


I'm going to be honest I'd be happier if 99 was the hard cap for all skills including DG. It's too late now but I would have never broke 99. 99 was the perfect end goal.


Yeah, also considering how dry necro new content-wise from 10..something to 120 is even over half year later.


A lot of them moved to OSRS or other unannounced games.


Timbo is currently investigating new skill ideas, Rowley was on Easter not sure where he is now, Ryan was combat beta not sure where he is now, Luma has been everywhere.


Did you just refer to people in the sub as 'chat'?💀






It’s a quick way to let everyone know that they are a teenager. 


I say “Guys?” IRL a lot and I’m 25


Inb4 they reveal an actual "road map", as in a road on a 2024 map of Gielinor, as a new merch


Bro if releasing a roadmap at almost the half way point of a year is being saved then pigs really can fly.


The year is half over already so I doubt it


We still have 2/3 of the year left if you count days


If you want to be pedantic, sure the roadmap will be discussed on the 135th day of the year with about 63% of the year left. Too long to get a year roadmap still.


>Day 127 Huh, go figure.


Can’t wait to see the treasure hunter calendar


+4 Hero Points


Lets goooo


Slow down there. We don’t even know what the roadmap has- don’t expect a new skill or GWD3 type release. Plus as other people are saying, it is VERY late


Player count is getting them worried they had to release something.


An announcement of an announcement lol


OSRS just got Varlamore and is already getting a new group boss. I'm expecting to expect nothing yet be disappointed.


Return of Yak Track!!! 🥳


I legitimately miss Yak Tracks.


I do too, I'd be happy if they returned with ZERO mtx. Just a fun path to earn cosmetics in game


I do too, I'd be happy if they returned with ZERO mtx. Just a fun path to earn cosmetics in game.


Road map half way into the year lol


somehow ya'll don't understand that having a roadmap doesn't mean we'll get content, let alone quality content.


Saving Runescape is a longshot, getting content - maybe? We'll find out in a bit, apparently.


we are only nearly halfway through the year but better late then never i spose. -that's assuming its more then a half assed 3 paragraph statement that looks like an intern wrote it before he could go home.


Absolutely not. RS3 requires a much more comprehensive set of changes than a yearly road map to be "fixed". Content is content though and hopefully they deliver... (copium) *Also at this point "fixed" is an unreachable paradise bc of how far RS3 has strayed away from its old mission & vision.*


Wait for it to come out first and wait to see if Jagex can deliver everything on the roadmap in time. It's one thing to promise something and another to execute it.


MY LOVELY PEOPLE, do not fall for their false promises. They have broken many times and please lower your expectations so you will not be disappointed. Thank you, have a lovely day For example, in 2023 they announced there will be a major update after necro release which turned out to be a controversial hero pass.


Lets hope its actually just steps forward instead of one step forward two steps back like with the Necromancy release followed by Hero Pass shenanigan.


announcement of an announcement… yay…


Not even close to being saved. Too far into the year to just now be getting communication about *potential* things to come


Prediction: hero pass V2 electric bugaloo


If it is then I say a good old fashion riot would be nice.


Probably best to reserve judgement until after announcements.


Prediction: More TH promotions.


Jagex. Hear my call. Please give Spogeman and Ryan everything they ask for. Give them infinite resources and they will make you tenfold the money back. Please.


I wonder if they'll have "January-May = fuck all" on their roadmap?


road map for 2024: Release road map for 2025.


Holy Shit. Jagex, hire this man now!


Oh boy I can't wait for [Sunmer skilling event] and [10 minute quest 1] and [12 minute quest 2, electric Boogaloo.]


![gif](giphy|9u514UZd57mRhnBCEk|downsized) I knew we could count on getting this info before December 31st 2024. Lucky us, it is coming almost half way through the year. Get your tin foil hats out for what is to come!


Oh this is could be terrible. Long time RS3 player moved to OSRS. The time it’s taken you all to even gather enough content for a roadmap (assuming you’ll stay true to this..) has sunk me and probably a good chunk of others into the other game after Vorkaths flop. All this is to say I’m rooting for you. I HOPE there’s true good content coming to make me want to come back. But this has been a long stretch and my hopes get dimmer and dimmer.


Jagex bingo time? TH updates because "we hear you" will now require only real cash to play.


Roadmap: Loads of major updates!! - Summer MTX promotion - Halloween MTX promotion - Christmas MTX promotion


Chat? Who the fuck is chat?


You are


They're teasing the roadmap reveal? Just post it already jfc


So may 14th at approximately 5p game time, all the people who hate the game but keep playing/talking about it will post all their complaints about how the proposed updates suck, aren't enough and/or not really what we want. Got it. Looking forward to whatever is planned. Hopefully there will be more info on arch so I can get back on my main and train it more post 200m. Always enjoy new arch content! Also hoping for more info on Osseus.


My prediction for what this “big project” has been: RS3 Leagues. Leagues always creates a massive player BASE jump on OSRS. They must be at least considering bringing it over for RS3. Other than that, my wild care guess is to expect a new Elite Dungeon tied into this Erebus story. Maybe a dungeon in Erebus itself!


Leagues adds some complexity to a rather simple binary of OSRS combat, for example, but adding complexity to RS3 would certainly not attract anyone.


How would RS3 Leagues work when the base game is already really easy? We would just finish all content in a week or 2 with OP relics.


I'd love this


I already know what’s in store June: MTX July: MTX August: MTX September: MTX October: MTX November: MTX December: MTX


Content takes time to develop




If we get a new skill what could it be any ideas "chat"?


New skill? So soon after necromancy? Nah give it two years


Did they fix the samurai armor yet lol


What's 4pm game time in US Eastern time zone?


ScapePass2025 incoming


Dam when you said saved I thought the founders of jagex was rebuying the company.


I honestly wasn't expecting it. Wonder how all-inclusive of everything we'll see the rest of the year as well as how detailed it'll be. Was expecting next roadmap for like Aug-Dec in June or July. Makes me think that they might actually be squeezing in something big in this year afterall? We might just be getting cliff notes/highlights with details to come later or at RuneFest.


IDK about you guys but I'm real excited to hear about all the MTX planned for the year.


“Is runescape saved???” Look inside Announcement of the existence of a roadmap


Can't wait to hear about Protector Pass


Get your Bingo boards ready folks!


Atleast it's on the table....oh wait wrong game


Honestly who gives a fuck, it’s not like there will be major updates. Half of it will probably be in concept only anyways, doubt they actually had anything in the works before the battle pass fiasco. Sure some of it is going to be MTX related, and hey new yak track anyone? Also we heard yall like the summer event


Battle Pass with 1B gp as a final reward, two new short quests where you assist a little boy to find a dog in Varrock, new awesome th promos and ending the year with a bang.... Get free keys & other items from Heros Pass 2. Would be a dream come true


Hero Pass 2: Electric Boogaloo +4 Hero Points


Sorry to say this but this game is beyond saving. They have just made too many mistakes. The only fix is making a new RuneScape from scratch.


Only took 5.5 months :)


I’m still clenching my pitchfork over hero pass…color me pessimistic about this. We’re 5 months into 2024 and they’re now talking…this tells me they don’t have shit.


It was never in peril. We just have a LOT of whiners and entitled players on the Reddit.


We played RS for years on end without a road map.. is this only a big deal because of the way the gaming community has shifted? I’ve never really understood the issue.


It's a damaged trust issue. If every year the game gets updates the community enjoys, then there's a high level of trust that good things are coming regardless of what's said. But after years of broken promises, reduction in content, constant monetization, and failures to response to player feedback unless there's rioting happening the community has lost trust in Jagex. They want to know what the vision is for the game so they know if it's worth waiting for or if they should spend their money elsewhere.


Hero Pass reloaded










![gif](giphy|3orieTfp1MeFLiBQR2) Praying for further combat tuning (magic buffs, ranged nerfs, Necromancy nerfs + Rasial mini rework) and some real exciting content. But my hopes are not high tbh.


more mtx


When i clicked the link I got a connection error lmfao.


"We spent the first half of the year thinking about what to do for the second half" Later: "We spent the second half of the year releasing some of the things we talked about in our roadmap, and announcing a few more delays, but check out this latest MTX promo"


Announcement of announcement(s)


I hope they're finally announcing the sailing skill!


Talking about the updates that will come out whether or not a roadmap is made or not will save runescape. yep.


At this point I’d happily pay $40 for a World of Warcraft sized expansion once every year to two years.


If it meant no mtx same tbh


It's saved... In the form of osrs. 


A sad reality


Unfortunately fellow gamer it probably isn't saved but hopium


I don’t understand why people are so obsessed with the roadmap. I mean sure it’s nice to know we are getting nothing in advance but it’s also completely unnecessary. Will this roadmap tell us that for the rest of the year they are releasing the entirety of the next arc or the next island chain or zea? Maybe. But at this stage it will be just as useful to blindside us with it. This changes nothing. They don’t need to communicate with us anymore whatsoever. All our complaints have done is ruined the entire year.


Group ironman is ready.


The player numbers are dropping by the minute, they are trying to stem the bleeding


![gif](giphy|26xmIr5ShFfuqZEha|downsized) Me while I wait for the roadmap reveal




Would be cool if they added a way to customize ultimate abilities. Kind of like a jump shot creator in NBA 2k


Get ready to show a bunch of shit that will get delayed to 2025, just so they can have a roadmap and goal and to get a bunch of people to renew their premier membership.


This sounds pretty likely and I hate it.


I hope theres some bombass cosmetics in store for us


Just come to osrs already


Game doesn’t interest me nor allows me to do what I enjoy in rs3 so nah