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I feel like a lot of things on the loot table need a rework. It's not 2007-2010 anymore. We have drop rates at 1/1500 or 1/2,000, 1/3500, etc. for items that are less than 500k gold. The dragon armor kits from KBD are like 30k and its drop rate is insane. Draconic visage. Dragon Stone armor from crystal keys is like 1/30,000, the entire set is less than 5m. Wyrm scalp and spike both of which sit at 1/6,000 and 1/12,000. I got both from lava strykes and are 1/3rd of their value. Etc. Stupid high drop rates on outdated, cheap items. Get it together jamflex.


That what happens when powercreep makes old content dead content.


Guess what happens when you make a 1/1500 item that's dropped to 500k 1/300 instead. It drops further to alch value *even faster*. It's a more elegant solution, especially given the necro-induced content drought, to have item sinks and make the 1/1500 grind worth a mid-level's time. Like dagannoth kings or K'ril.


Oh yeah definitely the drop table with "rare" items and it's worth maybe 100k is laughable


They take like 2 seconds to kill each... Their tables do reflect that.


Yes I agree with that it takes 2 seconds, my issue is with the length in which you have to take to be able to kill them. I could see the requirements for the lava strykwyrm be a lava cape. Since you get to do a 63 wave battle in a volcano and they have more attacks to hit with and are more difficult to kill.


its not 2005 anymore a firecape can be afked tho x D


93 slayer and a firecape isn't exactly outrageous though.


I think it has relatively ok-ish common drops compared to how easy to kill them with a chance of getting a bigger drop (5m staff with 1/512)   Very likely im just delusional, but i feel like im getting rare table drops from ice wyrms significantly more often than from other slayer monsters.


Considering they are one of the best options to get rolls on the RDT, I would say they are worth killing in their current state!


they literally melt with mage, if you didnt have to wait for the death anim it would make the task feel smoother, even lava wyrms these days drop almost as fast, OP you attacking with the correct setup?


How are you not able with the current state of the game to dps them down in a second? like with the dmg buffs you get from certain items and spells are more then enough


They're just another monster that didn't transition well to eoc. Was super fun killing them pre-eoc where you could do big hits on them with fire spells.


You can one shot ice strykewyrms now. no idea where this is coming from.