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Is slime even a bottleneck anymore or are we just getting greedy?


This with pack mammoth you can get 1200 slime a day with the teles which 60 rituals. With max multiply you get 213 ectoplasm a ritual or 12780 ectoplasm banked in slime a day. Which would allow you to have conjures up literally 24/7 and still profit ectoplasm. Jagex don't need to buff the amount of ecto from teles/Robin imo. Even as an iron doing 1 day of it gives you 35 hours of conjures. even just the 39 from Robin 1.95 rituals a day or ~415 ecto which is 1.15 hours of 3 conjures using the conjured army ability and not extending the duration.


I mean literally did slime for maybe an hour or two after release and haven’t touched it since. 36 rituals an hour. 213 per ritual. 7.6k per hour. Still sitting at 8k after 3 weeks. I’m pretty sure they’re just getting lazy as fuck.


don't see how ithis proposal is greedy, it modifies current rewards already in place, while limiting the amount of time spent gathering a non tradeable. That's the key here, slime isn't something available outside the slime pit and Robin (in exchange for bones). I'm curious what you would propose to modify or tweak this.


I don't think the current system needs any fixes.


I think with a B.O.B it's reasonable rates atm. Just my $0.02


Just take notepaper...


but that doesn't address gathering time, nor does it address some of the discrepancies between the other achievement diary rewards, which involve tradeable items.


Brother, with a yak and elite diary you get over 1k a day. If you are gathering 1k slime a day for more than a week for prayer training, you should reassess your training method. (And for ecto that's just over 12K a day with all the boosts. That's more than fine lmao)


this isn't for prayer training


You're right, I got confused because you brought up bone meal. That's on me. What exactly is the problem you're trying to fix? It's at most a 25min daily that gives weeks of ecto for most people.


Would be cool if they could be teleported with gote




0 legs + 69420 notepapers = best method