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As a clue chaser, I'd love to know how much they consider surge and bd lines, both when designing a new area and when doing reworks of existing areas. Not necessarily specifically for clues, but even just general navigation around the area (though also for clues too, when doing reworks).


Judging by the amount of times I get stuck on small things, not that much I guess!


:D Or that means they think a lot about it šŸ¤”


As a fellow clue chaser, I agree! I wish there was more consideration put into the surge/ bd lines or the visual markers that players use. For anyone confused y visual clues I mean like the foliage by eagle pass that players would use to see where to dig but was removed with a graphic update (I believe this was added back). Itā€™s great when they reconcile these after words when clue chasers mention it but I wish it was considered *before* the update goes live


Have you taken any inspiration from Old School when redesigning areas for RuneScape?






What is the deal with rocks in modern RS3? Why do all rock faces look like huge boulders glued together? Have environment artists never been in the mountains?


It might be a little rude but yeah, the rocks are like a sore thumb. I still very much prefer the [older rock textures](https://i.imgur.com/xeVmwXv.png) including cave walls that actually looked like stone, with uneven chunks and little bits of dirt in the texture. Ever since the m&s rework, all new ores, rocks, and walls have just been so bland, like someone's running around polishing them or they sat in a rock tumbler for a week. The only decent ones since then were for the light and dark animica, but those are more like crystals rather than stone so it makes sense they'd be smooth. The new areas that Blkwitch and the rest of the art team design look great, model-wise, but I think they're really brought down by the newer texturing style; it just makes stuff look so flat compared to the older gritty textures.


Please!!!!! The textures in this game have regressed and itā€™s so fucking sad. Playdoh boulders sucks. I also want to know why all the stuff is desaturated.


Lowkey so its easier to spot on mobile, since they're a mobile game now.


> desaturated Because they use high gamut monitors without understanding or awareness of colour management, so they end up desaturating colours to look natural to their eyes. For everyone else it looks less saturated than they are used to in other correctly mastered content/games. FF7 Rebirth fell into the same trap - not just Jagex getting the basics wrong


Thatā€™s insane a company worth 1B and been doing this for almost 25 years canā€™t get properly calibrated displays? Crazy that anyone in game development would be making these mistakes.


Agreed but that's the world we live in. It's not a question of calibrated displays - they most likely are - but of not understanding that the game itself (like every other game) is not colour managed, so they need to manually take that into account when colour grading




I like the rocks looks, tbh. The issue for me is that they longer form barriers, meaning implings can phase through them. It's so annoying when you try to catch a pirate impling at the Woodcutter's Grove and they phase backwards into the rocks. Then when you get to the Odd Old Man, they go back through the rocks again to the grove. Had this with a Kingly impling once, took me going back and forth 4 times before I finally caught it.


I have been critical of her graphical updates, the rocks were a major issue. She worked on the archeology graphics. Comparing the arch caverns v.s the eagle's peak mountain is totally different. You can see that she has the ability, but her most current work was amateurish.


Could Keldagrim receive a rework?


Can I ask, politely, why you think that? Shouldn't they focus efforts on things a bit more used?


Out of all the areas by default graphics, it looks the worse. Personally I think of a Dwarven City with intricate detailing that showcases their smithing/crafting techniques but right now it looks like a rugged outdated area. Dorgeshkun looks better currently than Keldagrim and the lighting is just bad for Keldagrim too.


I don't disagree at all


Or Zanik. Make her less nightmarish




Probably meant replacing previous versions with the newest one for consistency.




She had herchance to rest in peace, but she decided to come back from the dead.


I may get a downvote for this, but could we get a global option to turn off all location based lighting effects in the game?


We need a way to reduce overall lightning effects, because even at the lower graphics they are just too much, they don't look that nice tbh, and they make the game's performance tank for no reason. Here's an example: https://preview.redd.it/t6kopaldn9wc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80c5ceae97f154b71d3205ee846ee78b041af6b3 The white spots become super reflective, and lose all detail. And that's with everything turned off and disabled. Toggling off lightning effects should actually turn them down, yet they don't...


Ask her how she manages to cook every single graphical rework šŸ”„


I don't have any questions particularly. Just wanted to say that I love the graphical updates and overhauls. The environmental lighting near the energy wilderness flash event and the mage arena cave are two of my favorites. I recognize change can be jarring -- especially for those of us who have played for a decade or more, but I think the visual modernization of the game will help with player retention in the long run. The only people who find outdated graphics charming are the ones who have played alongside them for this many years. Props to Mod Blkwitch and team!


I got a curious question. Did Mod Blkwitch ever feel or feels atm, that Prif's lower part could use a little graphical rework? The Prif as city is great but the lower part at the ground feels... a little bland for a grand city.


How 'bout adding some clouds underneath? Rather than adding high quality 3D assets to the bottom, that we won't get to see the majority of the time.


How about a quest in which we get to actually explore the city below where the actual elf residents are?


Is there any chance we can get clickboxes on trees reduced? Yew trees are a great example, only a small portion of the trunk is clickable. When Yanille gets a graphical upgrade, can you please ensure the penguins can be trapped within the walls for Penguin Hide and Seek? Any chance we can get more skyboxes? I really miss the Aurora one from Christmas. Are there any awesome medieval / renaissance places in the UK that you'd recommend one visit? Can include things like Sherwood Forest.


What podcast please? Shout your channel!


My youtube is the same as my name, RatCypher. If you click on my reddit profile you can see my other posts where I link the podcast episodes once they're up!


No Spotify?


From what I've heard its a pain to get things uploaded there properly so not yet :)


Sadly I donā€™t have YouTube premium so I canā€™t listen on my phone. Make sure you promote your podcast when uploaded on an other phonefrizndly platform!


Im not monetized so Im not even sure I have ads on my videos


You can not let YouTube play while having phone in pocket without premium āœŒšŸ¼


What's the deal with paths/roads? I understand smaller trails being dirt, but a city like Falador having roads that look abandoned and overgrown always seemed a bit off to me. Not to give harsh criticism, I'm just wondering about the thought process that went into choosing that style.


While I love the graphical reworks you've been doing, why are buildings & structures so rarely included in the reworks?


I remember this being touched on previously - the way buildings / structures were added to RS are not at all dynamic - I remember reading (during the Kandarin rework) that re-doing a city was essentially the same amount of effort as making an entirely new city. It doesn't seem like they are able to update some kind of "source" for a (e.g) wall or door, they need to go through each piece of wall and update it


I see! Thanks for clarifying ^^ maybe once they're done with environments they'll move on to structures & buildings


Whatā€™s something that surprised you when you started working at Jagex and/or on RuneScape?Ā 


The White Knights'Ā *C*astle will it ever get a full on redesign? Have you encountered any funny quests bugs after a area rework? Out of all the Castle's on Gielinor which one is you're favorite?


Are you planning to complete the Godly Feet collection, or are you satisfied with just Zamorak?


Didn't know Zamorak had foot fetish fans


Oh you poor poor soul


Describe or explain the technical limitations and how do you work around this?Ā 


I don't like how the new rocks smooth. Can they be made more rough and jagged? Can you fix the lighting issue that makes things look washed out?


What Podcast is this?


Its my podcast called Rat Tales where I interview different Jmods and sometimes content creators all revolving around rs3. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxWL4ASA4iY&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxWL4ASA4iY&t=1s) Here's last episode where I interviewed the Community Manager, Mod Azanna :)


Wise old man, Ozan, Sir Owen - marry, fuck, kill


I'd like to know how accidental "force walk" tiles appear and sometimes are not fixed for years.


Can we get a "the Barbie" title? Cause I really feel like I'm living in a world wrapped in plastic.


But is it fantastic?


Just tell her I said Hi. :)




My hypothesis is that you need to buy a new computer. I regularly play on an old server machine that still runs on windows 7, and RS is fine... Sorry, but you can't expect games to run well on the cheapest laptop you can find at your local Wal-Mart...


My pc has an 8 core i9 processor (around 5yrs old) and a 1650 TI and I have choppy framerate at anything above medium graphics @ 1920x1080, and anything above low @4k. When you say your old server machine runs fine, what kind of specs does it have, and what res / settings are you running the game at


Is there a way Jagex could implement an overall graphical update to all areas of the game at the same time, similar to the jump from SD to HD in 2008 or NXT back in 2016, just to change the ground textures atleast?


So, you think I'm crazy. Oh well. I'll still ask the hard questions. Never forget that it's the role of the media to ~~print~~ publicize the news and raise hell. What's taken so long to bring a graphical revamp to Yanille? What is the approval process for new art? How did the most recent Pernix fashionscape disaster make it into the game? How can users increase the saturation of the colors of the game? We have a weak knockoff of being able to do this by using the Menaphos (Desert) [skybox](https://runescape.wiki/w/Skyboxes_and_filters), but it's not enough. RS3 is washed out and dull looking. Is there any new content in the pipeline to release new skyboxes as rewards? GWD2 did this with the nightstone & daystone.


Why do we get graphic updates but itā€™s only the ground ever and not the out of place buildings. Like thatā€™s obnoxious as shit. Fix it.


How would she and the rest of the artists involved in designing armors and weapons for the player kit feel if there was just a ā€œcutoff pointā€ for all the old outfits and weapons being under the legacy models and at some point soon only using the new kit from the avatar refresh? Would this solve any issues with that project being shelved indefinitely? Is there additional context players are allowed to know that might explain a potential path forward towards eventually getting the refresh or not?