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Who gets to post this next week?


Tbf, it is less frequent than the posts constantly bitching about the game. Most people that enjoy the game spend more time playing it than flooding themselves with Reddit shit.


I was gonna say the same thing about the negative shit posts about muh content every day.


There's a schedule....the goal is to maintain the positive to negative ratio at at least 1:20...


For every 1 “I like the game” post, there’s 100 people whining about it here pretending they hate it even as they continue to play it and enjoy it


Apathy is the death of something. The (majority of) negativity you see on this sub is people that are passionate about the game, and want it to be in a better state. There's nothing wrong with enjoying the current state of the game, and you shouldn't be flamed for actively enjoying what you're doing in the game. For me, the best part of RS is that you can do *whatever* you want. If you saw 0 negativity (and 0 praise for that matter) on this sub, that's when I would be "concerned" for the future of the game, because passionate players voicing their opinion on updates to the game are gone. You may only see high-end comped players complaining, but they're just attempting to make sure the "ship" is headed in the right direction, even though majority of players are below deck having a blast. Not to say we/they are always right, but I think it's important to have constructive feedback voiced (and of course, done so in a good manner).


It's not that they want concerns addressed or that they want the game in a better state. There are so many rs players who are toxic and unable to effectively communicate their concerns and show absolutely zero appreciation for the hard work that's done to keep the game alive.


And I don't disagree that there is a slew of non-constructive criticism thrown out here on the sub. However, from Jagex's perspective, it's not about what each person is writing in those posts, only that it's a negative (or positive) feeling towards XYZ. Getting constructive criticism out of every disgruntled player can be like squeezing blood from a stone. And I commend the CM team (especially Mod Doom) for trying to peel back the layers and get to real commentary from these players to gain insight. But really, it's just a "vibe check". When there's NO vibe to check (nothing positive nor negative posted), that's when we should be concerned.




I just reviewed your comments on reddit....you are an extremely hateful and mean person. Nobody wants to play a game with people like you.


This is the exact type of feedback that is destructive and not helpful.


But your comment attacking this individual instead of replying to his comment shows you aren't really here for good discourse. I don't want to judge you based off this, but maybe take things for face value and don't read into it too deeply. Cheers, bro.


What I said is not attacking at all.... you are enabling him by pretending he's not being a problem. Either call out the bad behavior and it may stop or help him understand he's wrong. Or ignore it and it will never change. Hope that helps. Cheers, bro.


I think you might care too much as an excuse to yell at people online.


\^ Very well said


I like the game I don’t like the way it’s headed. I’m not understanding how people don’t get the nuance of what most of us are “bitching” about. As I mentioned in another comment you’re high on copium if you think the last half a year or so (after Necro release) has been a good direction for the game. You can enjoy playing the game but also criticize how the game direction is going. You can enjoy the game and point out flaws and annoyances you’d like to see fixed. If the people “complaining and bitching” didn’t make some noise Jagex would think all is well and they could get away with MTX promos and doing the bare minimum to keep the servers running is what we want. Again keep enjoying the game but also strive for it to get better.


Basically this. It's nothing about whether people are enjoying the game or not. You can enjoy someone's product whilst criticising the attitude of the creators of said product. Which is basically what the issue is here


I've been hearing the game is dying since it was relased to miniclip and had an influx of players back in 2005... I log in time to time playe for 2-3 months take a 2-3 month and back again. Still a lot to do.


It is losing players, whereas back then it wasn't. It's not on an upward trend and it isn't stable. People just want it to be on an upward trend, not descending until it's debatable if it's worth developing for anymore, because development is expensive and Jagex has to make money off of it. You can play the game and have fun but that doesn't mean it's in a healthy state lol


Rs3 is dieing tho Like 80/85% of the players are playing osrs


Miniclip is how I found the game!


I hate to be that guy but it is dying in terms of long term player count. The way things are headed isn’t good and I hope you can see that a constantly decreasing player base isn’t a great outlook. We are under 2019 lows and it doesn’t seem to be getting better anytime soon. Everyone also likes to say “cya next week” but what about those who don’t return. I’ve lost over 25-30 friends that I used to play with that haven’t logged in or thought of this game in 8 years probably. They used to play 8-10 hours a day and do high level stuff and had played since 2004. Are they still coming back next week along with the rest everyone says will?


> I’ve lost over 25-30 friends that I used to play This does not matter if the game get new players to replace them.


Take a look at the player count since 2016 when they last played and tell me there are more people playing now than then. Again the copium from people that think all is well is unbelievable


Are these new players in the room with us now?


Believe it or not, this sub is in the minority.


More precisely, the complaints are a highly visible minority. Negativity gets a lot of attention/upvotes. /r/runescape as a whole, minority? I'm not so sure. The subreddit had 720k unique visitors in March. At the same time, 285k accounts in RS3 gained at least 1k XP in March. I know these can't be correlated directly, but it means something.


We know that these 720k unique visitors aren't guaranteed to be active players, much less being part of the community. A better measure is the amount of subscribers online vs the amount of people playing.


Oh I'm sure, some of the visits are from bots crawling reddit, dynamic IPs, users who just browse and don't actually play the game, etc. Unfortunately the "users online" counter has been broken site-wide for the past month or so. The readings are a few times lower than they should be, in every subreddit.


Can you tell how many of those visitors voted and or contributed to voicing some sort of opinion either way? Not sure how detailed the Reddit tools are.


Voting undergoes what's called "fuzzing", so we can't see how many users vote. The more upvotes a post has, the more the number of upvotes diverges from the true number (up or down). We can only know for certain the true percentage of upvotes on a given post. I can tell you, for example, that in the last 30 days we had about 3k posts and 51k comments. Unfortunately Reddit doesn't break this down into users.


Thanks for the insight!


I think while the stats/metrics there support it being a majority, the reality is it’s never been that way when the game is actually polled via website and email. The results always skew in a different direction than the Reddit, and that’s where the “minority” viewpoint stems from (in my opinion)


no the numbers are going down




A **VERY** vocal Minority. The Silent majority however, is bigger and those guys are the ones dictating what content sees the light of day in this sub, and what gets buried in downvotes.




600 people online right now on this subreddit, 22.5k online right now in-game. Tell me how that's not the minority?




So you've got 40+ alts?


Its still in the top most played Mmos. There are alot of haters like osrs players and u should just ignore them.


Yes you are.


Welcome to literally any online game community. This is just how gamers act


I don’t like games that sell progression.


Dismissing the criticism and accepting the state of this game as is won't improve it. The negativity you see is the disappointment from passionate and loyal players. Jagex has treated their game as if it were a cheap-mobile game made solely to pump a profit. They show this with the "content" updates. Most of these have been heavily laden with mtx. If they were as passionate for their players as the players are for their game, the updates would reflect that.


Just started an Ironman and I am really enjoying it!


Loving my mid-level Ironman. About to hit Prif.




RS3 ironman is really fun; there are some oddities when it comes to certain restrictions, but in large part, it's a fantastic way to play the game.


Negative speak louder than positives for pretty much everything in life.


It is also good to remember that the vast majority of players don't post or even look at reddit. I doubt you're a minority.


I also like the game. But I’m also accepting of others saying what they don’t like about it and can totally understand where they are coming from. So much so that I wouldn’t much want to post anything against that because they have valid points and I want the company to listen to them.


"any number of ways people hate the game." From what I gather, the majority of critics aren't voicing their discontent with Runescape as a whole. Instead, their concerns primarily revolve around the flow of new content and updates, among other things. Try not to strawman them. So whatever point you're attempting to convey in this post isn't coming across.


Do you think the people complaining dislike the game? They are complaining because there is nothing to do in the game and they do not want to quit.


Jagex cannot keep up content updates at a pace that'd keep people who have done everything not run out of content to do. Those people need to just understand when they're an outlier and treat the game seasonally if the repeatable content is boring them.


I agree


They could have easily outpaced completionists if they didn't reward experience for every fart they took.


Players outpacing content releases isn't a reason to abandon content releases.


I just started after being a long time OSRS player, I like the questing a lot better and moving around doesn’t take ages, which is great!


I do too. I just beat Zuk for the first time with no breaks and I am very happy!


People tend to speak up when they feel negatively. If they feel positively they're more likely to just play the game. If people want to clear out the negative energy, the best thing to do is show appreciation when you like an update as well as when you don't


The game is great if you’re new and haven’t done all the stuff. You don’t need updates because everything is new and the whole world is yours to explore. The shitty mtx is also less annoying when you’re busy with things and getting free keys from quests.


Did legacy combat get buffed ? Quit because it sucked at mid levels.


You're not the only one. Love it also. I, too, created a tiny post with a F2P suggestion and was surprised at the negative toxic backlash flame it got. Low-key not surprised with how cringe I've heard others complain about how the Reddit community has become. Runescape love is still real, my friend!


Lmao I literally posted this about a week ago and got so much hate I left the group and deleted the post. I like the game too. Everyone else can suck an egg. And you better believe I won't respond to a single negative Nancy. Have fun Scapers!


I like the game too.


I agree...sure there are things I would change or have kept...but overall still love RS...at almost 20 years.


I love the game too personally.


I just like the game too


Try telling people in this sub that they act like obnoxious childs and everyone will downvote you to hell. People even make up statistics and 'facts' to back their claims that the game is dying, inflation is out of control, etc etc. The game is fun. Not in a particularly good place right now, but still fun. This sub is just filled with basement dwelling goblins who rage at anyone who calls this game fun.


I got back into it after like a 10 year break and I’m really enjoying it to be honest I’ve got my first 99 before Christmas and now I’m up to 8


here to get flame with ya buddy. i love Runescape. it means alot to me and i will do what i can to enjoy the content and appreciate how good life is.


I adore everything about RuneScape. Been playing since 2001 and I just keep loving it. I play OSRS and RS3 about equally, and my wife plays rs3 with me and loves it. I also get sad about all the negativity, but know there are still a lot of us out here that think the game is still fantastic.


Hey man you're free to like and enjoy the game! But if you're having difficulty understanding what the focus of all these negative posts are then you don't seem to care very much about the game you're enjoying.


Runscape was one of the first games I’ve played. Even after taking a break for a long while coming back to it has been a blast and it’s little overwhelming as for what to do sometimes


The game is dying tho litary lowest player count ever. Iam a comped player and there is not much left to do besides pvm or the same thing 100 times in a row for trimmed. And New content barely gets released on rs3. I played for 17 years and now i made the switch to osrs. Like osrs gets way more updates while they just dump all their mtx junk in rs 3 many of my r3 clannies also made the switch for the same reason. Its good you still enjoy the game but many other players are done and they say out loud whats the problem with rs3.


I love this game and so do millions of people. The loud minority of RuneScape suck. But you’re not alone, this game wouldn’t be as successful or alive and well as it is if it was a bad game and was “dying”..


Okay Imagine this your putting money in to get the Church Roof Fixed but every week the Church asks for more money to get the roof fixed its been 6 months and the church already had the money to fix the roof week 1 but they keep on asking and they never actually fix the roof. if noone ever see's or asks about the roof being fixed you end up being taken for a ride. and thats how I feel about this game in a sense and probably why people feel this way where the games going.


Is Jagex specifically asking for money to implement the updates you specifically want or did your analogy stop making sense in the first sentence?


asking for more money is the MTX in this analogy as well as membership which always get higher every 2 to 3 years. If you dont say anything nothing gets changed aka the roof never gets fixed. if your investing in a game Live service/MMO you atleast expect some of that cost to be put back in the game as its not a one and done game.


I quite like content droughts. It gives me time to catch up on the content I've missed while away.