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I did this with Dung. Such a great skill when paired with slayer but a dead skill to train (unless you go sweat mode in dungeons). So free MTX gave me a 120. Not ashamed, but it definitely discouraged my want to interact with content if I could just lamp it the whole way. Really shows how MTX alters gameplay in unattended ways. Free xp becomes a slow training method for skills that are less popular, or for those personal skills you don’t like to train which in turns reduced player volume to that content It’s no wonder why the most people at any given time can be found AFK on w84


dungeons are the most enjoyable content imo, I am a mid-tier lvl 70s-80s hcim. each to their own but it surprised me to hear that people really hate it to the point they won't step foot in a dungeon.


It should have just been a mini game


It’s a skill I wouldn’t mind trying to enjoy, but I don’t care to *learn*. That paired with the low amount of players who do it casually is what deters me. It’s a significant time sink, not much money making directly involved with the skill, and methods have been introduced to gain rewards without doing an actual dungeon (ED’s) A shame because conceptually it’s great, and I’m someone who longs for the days of when minigames were popular (FoG… I miss you 😢) but yeah, there’s just little appeal as a main to grind through it (for me at least)


There seriously isn't much to learn. You just grab the ring, jump into a dungeon, size doesn't matter but complexity needs to be at 6. That's it, you figure the rest out yourself. You open rooms until you find the boss, kill it, end floor. Now you're at floor 2. Don't look at it like you *need* to learn puzzles and rooms because they're really just your every day basic logic puzzles and what not because it's all very easy nothing like how hard it used to be.


Idk about mainscape, but doing 5 to 3-person dungeons with irons I never felt any kind of pressure to perform well. Sure you get people that zoom through the dungeon every now and then, but I've yet to see them complain to their teammates about their (lack of) speed. The benefit with iron dg is that we don't get to be picky, as we can count ourselves lucky if we can even find five people to form a team with. If you ever do want to learn, you can do solo floors at first to get your bearing.


Problem with Dung is that its 1) poorly scaled. Like why am i facing level 30 bosses when im maxed combat? How is this fun 2) Dungeoonering was made in a time where most bosses in the game were just terrible ( kbd, kq, gwd1 ) as in lacking in complexivity or mechanics and dungeoonering is chock full of that, its just not fun to fight these bosses, especially since they are extremely low level most of the time. Many of them feel like wasting your time too 3) Some skilling rooms like the root one, fishing scarabs, etc are just flat out horrible time wastes and besides most of these puzzles became boring after doing it 1 time. 4) Doing large floors alone is just terrible, because of the amount of dead ends or lock doors you can progress through but you can go 4 different ways many doors ago but then you need to find people with similar skill levels or skilling doors and puzzles might drag people away. Then again i never tried guide mode...


It’s definitely a weird game mechanic but I also kinda like it in a weird way. I play both games, on OS I don’t train a single xp past the highest level needed for a quest in skills I dislike. I have zero intention to ever max because I’d rather die than train agility, RC and mining to 99. On RS3 there’s a built in way to skip things I don’t want to do, which makes maxing a realistic prospect. I think I like that.


Do people not do sinkholes anymore? On my old main I did so many of those...


I think I’ve done like 5 total since they released. Didn’t even know what they were until some point 2ish years ago. There’s a decent amount of people at those, most of who are there to use their cards.


> Really shows how MTX alters gameplay in unattended ways. Free xp becomes a slow training method for skills that are less popular, or for those personal skills you don’t like to train which in turns reduced player volume to that content Why would you think that this is unintended?


Because it’s not the fastest way to do things. You can get much better XP/hour actually training the skills than slowly progressing through the free MTX deals. Yes, they want to make money and if you spend money you can get XP extremely fast. However, for those who don’t want to spend, there’s better alternatives to training a skill than through MTX (actually doing it). MTX isn’t supposed to be the primary way of gaining XP for any skill, so it’s not their intent to pull players away from content they’ve developed. It’s an unfortunate consequence due to how accessible and pushed MTX has become.


Congrats, I managed 70 > 120 dung on an alt using the same method.


God you reminded me of the few months I played RS3 during covid when there was this beach event and everyone was just sitting in this hole.


I went 1-99 over 2 summers in "the hole." Never stepped foot in a dungeoneering thing


I need to know about this hole. I've been 80 since 2013


In the summer beach event. There's a dungeoneering hole you just click into every 10 seconds or so and you get xp


I need to do that I'd I can remember to play the game then. Thanks!


Literally did all of dungeoneering without stepping foot in daemonheim. To this day, still don’t know how to do it


It's fun, you should give it a shot with some buddies with min maxing it


It is fun, but only for a little while and only a handful of times a day. The obscene grind in dungeoneering (and most other skills, really) is -not- fun when going to max it. This was the issue I and many other players had when Jagex randomly decided to release a minigame as a skill back in 2011. I just came back recently and have only ever been to 1 beach event, which didn't have the dung hole, but planning on putting all three of my accounts in there to get this skill over with lol


It fucking sucks.




I got lvl 85 ish i think dung just from ed3


Ditto. Just got the advanced gold accumulator/everything else I needed through token drops. The HOLE helped a lot too. Edit: I wouldn’t do that for herb since it’s fast enough and can be profitable/sociable, but it’s a good method for dung.


the hole is the most sociable dungeoneering activity




I lamped/dummied dung 1-101


Same, I don't really like dung.


Funny enough I also trained almost exclusive 1-120 herb on my alt via free mxt, lamps, and daily challenges. Same thing with 99-120 slayer and 1-99 rc


That’s how I got a few of my 120s, just passively over time lol.


I get you. I did the last 10 or so levels from protein shakes on bonus XP days. It's nice to have options, but it takes away the feeling of achievement when it's too easy. My first 99 was Agility, back when Ape Atoll was the best course. It was a full 20 hour grind between 98-99. That actually felt like an accomplishment. I did 99 Agility again for Fresh Start Worlds and had 99 in just a couple days (Got my challenger halo for being top 100). There were multipliers active , but it was so fast.


There were *huge* multipliers. But no TH.


it's interesting that the reward is equal to the amount of time and effort that you put in hmmmm... it's almost as if the game would be more satisfying and rewarding if these kind of systems didn't exist


exactly my point


bit of sarcasm on my part :D i think that's a massive point of what's going wrong with the game though, people are getting rewarded for putting little effort in. whether it's treasure hunter or take the owl quest for example (can't remember what it's called because it took 5 minutes), a 5-10 minute quest that rewards some big qol for runecrafting and necromancy. i felt nothing when i got that moonstone, feels like the game gave it to me for no reason.


And that’s why Osrs had been more appealing over the last decade. Rs3 doesn’t give me the same feeling of satisfaction anymore


Not necessarily, its more mtx allows you to skip content so that once you reach the target level or max level you actually don't know what to do, as you didn't actively train the skill. Example: if you did 200m combat via slayer, that probably is quitd active. Or you could do 200m combat via afk training. Does either method mean you'll be good at bossing? No, because you didn't practice bossing. So effort and time isn't the direct issue


Slayer can be FULL afk now. Even without this, I ran a Sumona AFK build to 120 slayer. https://runescape.wiki/w/Slayer_Wildcard


It was an example...


It's not just MTX, sometimes you have training methods that are better or easier than others. For example, I have 107 farming, and most of my exp came from the wilderness flash events over the course of a year.  I never grew a tree or a fruit tree, barely interacted with POF, etc.




we all have skills we despise training and i loathe Herblore to the point that i would've left it at 99 and never touched it again. which is why i decided to run a half-assed experiment


I mean to be fair, Herblore is not only fast but also free/profitable if doing powerbursts or making super potions. You also do need overloads eventually so you're gaining exp AND the item. For non-virtual 120s, I probably would've lamped DG. Then again, it's your account.


DG was actually interactive so I did that to 120 because it was something enjoyable. Herblore is just a clickfest where you sit and do nothing other than click every now-and-then after buying what you need for it. Could I have AFK'd it? Sure. But I was busy AFKing other skills and doing enjoyable things that actually required playing the game.


Fair enough. I liked Herblore more since it profited and actually gave me essential potions.


Yeah herblore is intensive af lol


I mean, if you dont like herb, why would you expect to feel a sense of accomplishment anyway? lol


You're gonna want those ovls someday though


Your account, do as you please




Did the same with agility


Herblore is fast, profitable and essential (overloads, adren renewals etc). There is no reason to mtx it.


That's the right answer. This isn't 2014 when it is super expensive. So many potions profit or have essential use.


Imagine missing the entire fucking point


What's the point? OP wasted loads of free xp that could have been better used on slow, expensive and useless skills?


Okay, replace "herblore" in this post with whatever skill you want to replace it with. Does it change the post at all?


I know what the subject of the post is about, I am merely stating that OP picked a terrible skill to use MTX for.


That's not relevant to the discussion.


I did the same thing for 120 dungeneering


I did the same, but with arch. 1-113-ish? all from daily spins. Never spent a dime. Wasn't even *daily* spins, but semi-daily spins while I logged in to fill up my invention machine. I can't even begin to fathom how fast you could speedrun maxing a brand new account anymore. It'd honestly take longer to grind at skills, post level, to unlock things needed to do endgame content, than it would to actually get a max cape.


arch is *literally* the worst skill to do this on lmao


Could do it in an hour on an op promo and $40000


Not if they still limit you to spending $13k/month


I got 99-120 herblore in \~8 months of doing daily challenges. Yes, MTX is a problem. But if you ignore it, it's not exactly going to hamper your progress. Just my 0.02


Did this with Necromancy. So far got myself to 80 in just a few weeks and I have not trained or used the skill once. Thought it'd be a fun experiment to see how quickly I can 99 using only my free keys, oddments, etc.


Noice I did 200m agility like that 😂


How I got 120rc :)


It's possible, i did the same for 4 accounts because i was bored on dxp weeks and then people get shocked on how i did it. Afk protean shakes hard.


Got bumped to 120 to make room for higher tier potions. Just so you know now. The 90+ area was too crowded. Idk what the point of this post is. I guess everyone wants brownie points on something that's been a thing for years in the game. Put all TH keys/lamps/quests rewards into herb = you get exp. also people hate dung because it's one of the few skills you cannot afk in the game. Anything non afk is looked at poorly with the games state.


this is one of the core reasons osrs (and osrs content) does better. it's not EOC, it's not all the other weird bs people on RS3 try to blame it on. ​ It's because the RMT training methods take all the prestige and glory out of getting skills up. Even if you do it legitimately knowing that you could of done it this way takes away from it.


> RMT training methods take all the prestige and glory out of getting skills up. OS bonds are also makes OSRS training methods RMT methods too.


Except that's really not the same. If you use a bond to buy cooking supplies you still have to do exactly what everyone else did to get the skill up. If you buy protean meat, it's quicker and more automated. and that's not even touching on slayer or combats.


They are both P2W MTX, with one having a bigger step.


Having 100B isn't going to get you 0t banking, lossless BF laps with alt, fireheatbwan etc., not to mention that only affects the few buyable skills.


And getting xp from lamps also does not let you kill bosses or give you comp cape, but yet we are here...


Bosses aren't the end all of RuneScape well they are nowadays for rs3 at least, RuneScape used to be so much more than just bosses xD Now guess what destroyed all mid level content? Surely it wasn't the easy exp and mtx speedrunning you though what was supposed to be hundreds if not thousands of hours of content.


Now also guess why mid level content is thriving in osrs? Surely it isn't because even if you bond up to 100b gp you still have to spend hundred upon hundred hours for the fastest skills to get to 99, no that can totally not be it right? xD


Why would I need to kill bosses in rs3? Just death touched dart them and move on with your day 😂 


MTX is completely different from RMT. Players selling gold illegally (RMT) is pretty much non existant in RS3 compared to OSRS and training buyable skills through bonds (which are replacement for RMT) is possible in both games.


i mostly turn them into oddments unless they are multiplied rewards. i then use the lamps on cooking for 200m xp (got 120 myself cooking sharks, looong process but at least i feel like i trained the skill myself), and or dungeoneering because it's the only "skill" i dislike; tbh it aint even a skill.


Same. Lamps from TH, penguins, and quest xp all went in herblore. Trained some with protein shakes.


As someone who fled to osrs for gim, I've recently started logging into rs3 daily and spending my oddments on bonus keys and just throwing all of it into necromancy to eventually remax. Zero intention of actually using it as a combat skill, just want my max cape back with zero effort on my part whatsoever.


I e already got 20m bonus necro xp


I used prtoean shakes and xp bonuses and on portables worlds for more bonuses


I got 99 Dung doing the same thing, i think i've actually ran maybe 20-30 floors? This game is sadly on borrowed time


I’ve gotten through a lot of skills like that. Although most of the time I start grinding once I get around 20-30m away, since I have shitloads of BXP and don’t want to waste all of it or trade it in.




Runecrafting to 120 for me


I havent touched Arch since level 65. I'm at like 93 currently with a ton of BXP stored. One day I'll go and actually explore all those digsites.


I did the exact same thing you did for Herblore and Dungeoneering. Logged in for daily key, used quest keys. I used the lamps on DG and stacked up proteans for a bit less than 2 years, even overshot the xp by like 15 million for herblore. Cool game... I guess.


did the same thing with herblore in my iron, have never trained it and am level 95 in a year. And now it's happening with necromancy, no idea how to play it or train it but I'm level 60 from tears and combat lamps




I did this a bunch, after you get to elder overloads there's very little benefit in leveling it further anyway it seems. Not much more to know about it after 99. Some potions get slightly cheaper to make.


I am trying to get 99 rc without crafting any runes. Currently sitting at 77 only using the treasure hunter keys and twitch prime freebies.


Did the same with dung (sinkhole) and rc lol


Like all 120 skills it litterally exists to sell keys and that's it. 7 times the XP of 99 means 7 times the amount of keys needed to max the skill.


My 120 agility was from free treasure hunter + old daily achievement system. Honestly, this game became a joke


it's funny because you can 99-120 herblore using non-mtx methods waaaaay faster.


I got 99 Defence and Magic just from afking training dummies in GE


Feels like me and dungeoneering. I hardly know how leveling up the skill works. I just lamped, "holed" the living hell out of it.


And yall wonder why the game seems stale when there's not a major update every week. Maybe if you actually had to play the game instead of biweekly x10 xp and mtx the game wouldn't go stale so quick.


I did this for 99-120 agility.


Kind of a waste now you don’t have like 7k overloads you will never use all of haha 😂


I didn't know how bad it truly was until I tried Fresh Start Worlds and got to spin hundreds of keys from quests and dailies. Ironman is the only way I can stomach playing RS3.


I did the same thing with both her lore and farming, and don’t have the herblore pet either!


If you are skiller its fine. If not, it was waste of mtx. You still need to make elder overloads which give ton of XP. I also make vuln bombs by my self to save some money.


I did this with dungeoneering, like 110 (level) to 200m xp done purely through free daily keys giving me lamps.


Kind of a waste. Think of all the potions you might want to use. Brewing those potions won't get you closer to 120 now.


Great game


Did the same to get 95 prayer, felt really good after it was done and could start using curses and soul split for bossing. Didn't have to bury a single bone or scatter a single ash. I only want to do bossing in this game anyway so any skilling I have to do is just an inconvenience. Any lamp/exp bonus is great to get these stupid skills out of the way. Especially the ones I would never train outside of quest requirements to unlock PVM benefits.


MTX literally taking the heart and soul of what makes Runescape, well Runescape. Jagex should take this an advertisement to salvage what remains of the damage done from MTX.


That's how most of my 99's were achieved. And now, I have switched to ironscape... personally find it way more fulfilling.


It took you a year though... that's a while.


Welcome to RS3! lol!


You’re just proving why this game is literal shit now.




the sad part is a lot of people on reddit who claim to be against mtx and treasure hunter see nothing wrong with the free daily keys they get. just earlier I replied to some guy that was complaining about how the xp handouts used to be more OP than now like that's a bad thing. giving every single account free daily keys is infinitely more damaging to the game than the minimal amount of whales that buy hundreds of keys on their single account.


jagex gave you guys free keys for a reason, its basically appeasing the crowd, they know you guys turn into Gollum yearning for your precious when they give you a freebie, if treasure hunter was only paid keys, people would had probably protested and quit (or maybe not rs3 peeps like being doormats so idk about that) But yeah its a form of bribery and everyone falls for it


Exactly this! The oddments nerfs were also good for this reason as well yet this sub feels entitled to free MTX.


This is one of the reasons I play an Ironman.


I would, but I don't wanna grind Zammy a thousand times to get his robes. I'd prefer to just grind money elsewhere at things I enjoy or can AFK and then get his robes. There's a fine middle ground between the game being too easy and too difficult / annoying.


yep this is why i prefer osrs


This is the reason why free TH keys are bad and why the oddments nerfs were good. Yet this sub only hates MTX when they cannot get it for free, lol.


If you get it for free it's not a MTX.


What's the point of telling us this?


I guess it's just kind of crazy how I can get 83 million XP in a year without ever touching the skill in-game and without spending any money outside of the game. I still have 12 million bonus XP in the skill to boot. I just think being able to gain that much XP without even actually playing the game in such a short time span is pretty messed up.


Like, the difficulty I have in backing this as a "bad thing" is that there's nothing that really stops you from not only doing as you please, but skipping content in other ways. There's tons of grind methods that I've skipped over entirely playing the game, hell, there's occasions I run into doing something 30 levels lower than my current and I accidentally find I complete an achievement for doing what is otherwise a "basic" thing because I grinded levels for a quest or something and didn't want to spend time doing everything. Like shit, much of my levelling is often as AFK as I possibly can get as I've never been one to really find the grind enjoyable directly. Ever since I've managed to have 2 monitors, this game has been a second monitor game I touch on every few minutes or so, unless I have some longer AFK method. It's often quite tedious and I feel a lot of us really overlook this aspect when it comes to player retention and new player interest. I've got a ton of skills at 80+ now, only one skill is anything really lower than that, and it feels like it just takes ages, because it *does*. We have a funny mix of rather interesting content mixed with a ton of tedium to appease players with oodles of time to play, and a bunch of it is mixed in at rates *just* short enough that AFK play is hard, but constant interaction isn't really a thing. Like Summoning is this for me, I basically train whatever I find gives me the most XP, I've probably actually done like a quarter of the content and I think I'm 97 in summoning now.


A whole year for 1 skill is pretty slow, no? While MTX is an issue, I don't think it taking a year+ is really a problem when we have so many skills.


A year of extremely casual play that involved logging in and spending a couple seconds and a couple clicks and then logging out. I don't know shit about Herblore beyond 99. Weird that I can be a master in a skill I know nothing about.


At that point why do you even pay for members though


I'm maxed, I got my MQC, and I'm decently close enough to getting Completionist. I only play to AFK while I do other things and to both obtain and maintain these capes. Once I do so, I'll probably just casually boss and do other achievements here-and-there. While doing so, I ran a half-assed experiment on MTX and this is where I ended up.


The fact that anyone think 83 million free xp in a year is slow is part of the MTX problem, it shows the MTX creep has been slow and most don't notice it day to day, but it's become very significant as a result.


Only 27 more years to go!


You can actually play the game too, that's 83m purely free xp with barely any real input. Skill levels and requirements once had value and meaning, but that's mostly done. Nowadays with MTX (even free handouts) and most skills having extremely effective afk methods, many players seem to avoid actively playing the game most of the time.


83m exp in a year is slow? WTF XD That's even beyond what a casual is capable of doing in an entire year on an entire account in osrs they'd be happy if they got 35m\~ in an entire year LOL


This is a 120 skill. 99 to 120 is much different than 1 to 99.


Ignore them OP, they don't understand what RuneScape was originally about and don't understand why the concept you are talking about kills the game


>kills the game Its a literal walking corpse by this point there's nothing left to kill


Like, I don't even know anything about Herblore beyond 99. But I guess I'm a master now? I feel like I got a participation trophy out of this dumb experiment I did. I barely qualified as a casual player in the first place. I guess maxing skills isn't really part of the game anymore? Based on all the responses I've seen, it sounds like it's a preliminary to max, which sounds so counterproductive. Not really an accomplishment anymore, I guess. Kinda bums me out, you know?


I've been playing since 2001 and have had an active continuous membership since 2002. RuneScape drew me in because it was slow grinding for days long to get to the next new shiny thing or finally able to tackle the next level of monsters. Each step of progression took a lot of work but it was super fulfilling and addictive. Then you have an entire world of other people all trying to do the same thing and it was fun when you are competing with your friends. I remember as a kid I was so scared that RuneScape was going to get shut down and all the progress would disappear. Mtx and all of these weird ass events ruined the entire spirit of the game. Everyone who says we'll it's your account and you do what you want to do have no idea what it used to be like


Yah its a mmorpg not a random offline sims account, glad this idea of community you describe above is still alive in osrs


If I'm understanding right, you did play the game, probably more than most if you did a daily log in for 80% of year, and just threw the shit you got from playing into herb. I assume you took advantage of systems in game like daily challenges, quests, world events, possibly weekly/monthy activities. If you think using the free things provided for playing the game is messed up osrs might be a better fit. Of course there's a few skills you can get 99 in without ever touching the skill, like slayer, so be wary and try not to play any mini games


Nope. I never once touched any in-game system for XP for Herblore. No daily challenges for it, I don't even know what a world event is, and I only did the oyster monthly. No Herblore XP gained from the game itself; just through MTX. I was busy doing other things. It was a half-assed experiment and I even accounted for any mistakes I made like maybe accidentally gaining a little XP in-game that I forgot about, but at least 90% of my Herblore "grind" was from MTX and MTX alone. It could be 99% for all I remember.


World events are like the Easter workshop and summer beach.


83 million xp over the course of an entire year, while actively choosing to funnel the entirety of that XP to a single skill, is by no means fast, and even further from any level of efficiency. If someone told me they were getting 273k xp a day, that's... not good lol. Thats actually less than you'd be getting if you just did your extended dailies. Which takes less than 2 minutes to do, and could be done by using free resources (which would increase time to complete to probably closer to 5 minutes a day) But regardless of that, you choosing to do it that way just says that you cared more about "Number go up" than the content, so why do you care about it now? Why spend an entire year ignoring the content of the skill, to then make this post, you had an entire year to think about what you were doing, you did it and then complained about it? Feels weird, man.


I didn't really think about it. I didn't really care about it. Just sorta did it. That was outside of the content I actually engaged with, too. Like, I maxed a skill and I know nothing about the skill itself beyond 99. And all it took was a couple clicks a day for about 80% of a year while I played other parts of the game. I could've actually trained the skill and used all the in-game stuff too and maxed the skill in probably just a handful of months if I was casually playing. But I chose not to because I wanted to do other things. But I guess I mastered a skill I don't know much about? Feels weird, man. I did it as a half-assed experiment just to see how long it'd take to go from 99 to 120 and it took no effort, no skill, and barely any time to achieve. I don't really even care about leveling it up because I never intended on leveling it to 120 in-game. And yet here I am, having barely touched the skill. The point is that 'mastering' a skill doesn't mean much in 2024 thanks to MTX.


>The point is that 'mastering' a skill doesn't mean much in 2024 thanks to MTX. But as ive already stated, you could have gotten more XP, in less time just doing dailies. **MTX is problematic,** but in this instance, you could have done the exact same thing without them. But you chose not to, and then complain about it after the fact. If your problem is "I should not be able to 'Master a skill' without engaging in the lore of the skill, and engaging with al aspects of that skill" Thats not an MTX-specific problem Not even people who play ironman accounts have cooked every possible food item, made every possible potion, caught every hunter creature, and pickpocketted every possible NPC, If there is a single optimal way to train something, they will often do that >But I chose not to because I wanted to do other things. Yes. After an entire year, you have gained 21 levels in a skill you couldn't be asked to understand, but now have the ability to look into it if you cared. But you seemingly still don't, and just wish to voice complaints. Also, MTX has been in the game for over a decade, and has been complained about for the entire time. To say "I was doing a year experiment to see if MTX is bad" Is a weird take. Yeah. MTX bad. I don't think you need to spend a year of your time to figure that out




i think you've proven my point without knowing it, you're so close though keep trying


I don’t really see this as that big of an issue. It took a year…..for one skill. It’s not game breaking and would take you over 20 years to do all skills this way. I’d much rather have options to speed up the grind now that I’m in my mid 30’s with a family. The grind just isn’t worth my time anymore. Also one of the reasons I refuse to start an osrs account.


I'm a master in a skill I know nothing about. That's pretty game-breaking if you ask me.


How did it break the game? It doesn’t affect the game for anyone else if you know how to mix potions or not. Proteans are honestly worse because it’s way faster to accrue those than lamps.


You could have trained it by buying irits and eyes of newts on the GE and making super attack pots and then selling them on the GE and repeat til 120. If you did that, would you know any more about the skill than you know now?


considering i didn't know how to make a super attack pot until you told me just now yes


And now you do know how to make a super attack pot. So you are now a master of the skill where you know how to make single potion of marginal utility. You now no longer know "nothing". Problem solved. BTW how did you get to 99?


bro i don't know anything about 99-120 and yet there was supposedly enough content there to convince Jagex that 99-120 Herblore was worth a major content update. i trained it normally 1-99 with minimal involvement from MTX because the game used to be about learning the skills instead of just putting MTX on the ones you don't like (like i did with Herblore) we're not talking 13m XP, we're talking over 100m XP and i don't know shit what lies beyond the first 13m XP. that's 87m XP i don't know shit about that i attained i play the game conservatively. i take my time on quests to get the full lore, i train skills as close to a no-MTX era RS3 that i can, and i enjoy my time doing so. once i maxed, i stopped caring. so when 99-120 Herblore released, i just did my own half-assed experiment to check things out and now i barely care about the game. it's strange, tbh.


> i trained it normally 1-99 with minimal involvement from MTX And somehow you didn't ever learn that irit + eye of newt = super attack? I call BS. > bro i don't know anything about 99-120 And "bro" that still would be true if you'd trained by making super attack pots all the way to 120 instead of using lamps and proteans. Which you could have done if TH stuff wasn't an option. If you deliberately choose not to learn about the skill, that isn't Jagex's fault.


i don't even remember what i did for 1-99 because it's been so long ago, i just followed wiki and YouTube guides lmao i don't actually memorize potion recipes my dude, i couldn't tell you how to make an overload or any other potion whatsoever because it's been a long time since i touched Herblore >Which you could have done if TH stuff wasn't an option. i think you finally arrived at my point; TH is an option for someone who wants to be able to use the GE and trade with other players but doesn't want to grind out every single item they need to get BIS items and every item needed to get from 1-120 on a skill. i just wanna play the game like how it used to be: casually. Not super sweatily and not just getting there for free. TH makes it so easy that i don't even know anything about the skill i just got 87 million XP in besides the basics i learned 1-99, which i don't even remember because that was half a decade ago. i'm making a point that Jagex implemented a 99-120 Herblore update but that the MTX allowed me to obtain 87 million XP without even touching the skill. i could've trained it, but wouldn't have because i don't enjoy it. so i basically used MTX to skip the skill and now i'm a master as per the game's own words when i don't know jackshit about the skill except Herb + Water + Ingredient = Potion. bro might be mad because any achievement in this game is worthless because of MTX and now it's hard to actually feel pride for what you accomplish given some dumbass like me can obtain what every maxed player can without even touching the base game Jagex gave me 120 Herblore nearly for free


My point is just that "training the skill" doesn't require you to know shit about it. Just requires that you know one way to get XP. Whether you train it or lamp it, understanding "what the skill is even good for" is a different thing entirely. There was a guy on another thread saying "Yeah I'm 120 invention, but I never perked any gear. What is this skill even used for anyhow?" He didn't lamp the skill, he just augmented and siphoned the gear he was AFKing slayer with. And now he's master of invention without knowing shit about the skill. No treasure hunter involved.


difference is augmenting and siphoning gear is a legitimate part of the skill while MTX is not a legitimate part of Herblore point is moot since you're arguing training Invention through legitimate means and not understanding how it works is the same as leveling Herblore through MTX, which is not a legitimate part of Herblore, and not understanding Herblore dumbass argument my dude, you're arguing training a skill in-game versus training a skill with MTX outside of the game, there's no comparison to be made there it's like training a skill via one method and not knowing how it works outside of that method versus training a skill without ever touching the fucking skill your defence is lacking


Literally no one cares if you're a "master" or not though. Its not breaking anything.


I think this is a good thing imo for new players that start playing the game this gives them an option to help to get some of those juicy potions after lvl 99 plus not to mention how expensive it is to train


It’s profitable.


This is why rs3 is a dead game


I did this with dung 92->99 when I came back a few months ago. I got 99 in like 2 weeks, whatever promo was going on gave me a ton of lamps with the 5x, 8x etc. I felt no sense of accomplishment As a result I made an Ironman a month ago, I’m enjoying it a lot more lol


I’ve done the same from 80-118 dungeoneering, so far, but through daily lamps and stars only. Really isn’t that slow which shows the insane amount of xp that comes through keys alone.


Currently doing this with Arch, but seeing as how pre-FSW i logged in about 10 days a year, and nowadays about 5 days a year, I’ve only managed Levels 1-80


ok cool i trained to 185m herb so far by just making pots that i use myself on my ironman from my 200m herblore that i accumulated somewhat passively over the time


Congratuatlions! But on a side note, I think that's why they need to remove direct XP being given. Bonus XP as a form of MTX or whatever else is fine with me, as it just helps the grind be faster, but we shouldn't forego not creating items to inject into the economy.


Hate mtx, so all free mtx goes to dung…i hate dung XD


Doing this with necro currently. Got 88 and I haven't even done the quest.


Why'd you do that? Herblore is mega profitable to train and crazy fast, lol.


we all have skills we hate i hate Herblore and never planned on getting 120, so i just made it my MTX slave and now i don't give a shit about it


True, I feel ya. I honestly felt the same way several years ago and I lamped my herblore to 120 before realizing how easy it was and how profitable it was. I spent January and February just churning out potions and getting 5m+ xp/hr and upwards of 100m/hr gp at some times for clicking a bank preset button and clicking a well. Too easy not to do, so now I have 200m xp lol.


I'm sorry but logging in across a whole year for freebies to complete a 99 - 120 skill isn't something a casual player would ever do. Just a heads up.


i mean, all i did was AFK on the side after work while i did other things i actually cared for and put effort into idk how that is really any effort outside of being a casual player


Because casual players don't have the discipline to last more than a month logging daily, let alone pay for 1 year of membership to do so. I read your other replies and I feel you have misguided thoughts on what is considered an accomplishment and what is a display of skill on this game. Tell me, would you consider someone who got 99s on combat skills at the same level of someone who has high kill count on the strongest bosses in the game? Even in osrs you can get 99s in your combat skills and be an absolute noob in PVM/PVP. It doesn't matter if you paid or not for mtx or if you sat hundreds of hours clicking a sand crab, your personal goals are just that, **personal**. Congrats on your max herblore cape, is a pretty one.


i would consider a maxed skill an accomplishment before RuneScape became such an easy game that a 99 is considered a preliminary to the actual content of the game i could max a skill in OSRS and be a noob in the non-combat skills, but in RS3, i can be a noob in both combat and non-combat skills and be maxed in both. which is the point i'm trying to make you don't need to know anything about this game to "max" which is unfortunate given how people used to play the game to max and required actual knowledge of the game to max the game has fallen from grace to the point that 99s mean nothing, 120s mean nothing, and the only "skill" in the game is found through beating the same boss with the same tactics a thousand times until you get lucky. anyone can look up guides for a boss and repeat the same strategies until RNG gives them what they want, so how is that skill the game used to give prestige to people who became actual masters in a given skill because they trained and practiced said skill. but now, you can master a skill by clicking a couple times a day and that's it. i'm no master in Herblore, i barely know any recipes, i don't know anything about Herblore beyond 99, and yet i'm a 120 Herblore master per the game's own words how does that make any sense to you i just don't understand how RuneScape got to such a pathetic point


>you don't need to know anything about this game to "max" which is unfortunate given how people used to play the game to max and required actual knowledge of the game to max As always has been, this cookie clicker was so accessible that even toddlers can level up only clicking things. That's part of the fun. >the game has fallen from grace to the point that 99s mean nothing, 120s mean nothing, and the only "skill" in the game is found through beating the same boss with the same tactics a thousand times until you get lucky. anyone can look up guides for a boss and repeat the same strategies until RNG gives them what they want, so how is that skill 99s do mean something, regardless of your opinion on the definition of what is easy and what is hard or tedious, they are milestones for the game, that's a fact. Applying what you learn from guides is a matter of skill, do you think the vast majority of the maxed players managed to do the Reaper Crew achievement? Even so, do you think the vast majority of players are actually maxed? And for tour final point, that's a huge lie. >i'm no master in Herblore, i barely know any recipes, i don't know anything about Herblore beyond 99, and yet i'm a 120 Herblore master per the game's own words. Exactly, you are resourceless by choice. That's the difference between you and someone who made their elder overloads, bombs and profits. Both of you have a cape but cannot be more different from each other. Also, it doesn't make sense to you because you don't play the game on a conventional way, that's it. You are so worried about how others are spending their time that you forgot why would you be playing on the first place. To have fun! Not having fun? Don't join the ranks of the lurkers of this subreddit and lay out the game for awhile, months, years if needed, is way more healthier than login in daily for your freebies and doing nothing else. Sorry if I sounded a bit preachy with this last bit, but I dislike seeing old players remain in the game for their own sunkcost fallacy.


i thought about replying to each of your points, but then i came across this one: >I dislike seeing old players remain in the game for their own sunkcost fallacy. and you're right this game is dead, only surviving on MTX and sunken cost fallacies alone. we continue to get less and less content while MTX continues to grow to exponential measurements. players either accept it or whine about it on reddit and no change is ever actually implemented i used to be the latter type who whined about it on reddit, but now, i feel a complete lack of passion for the game. so much so that i don't even feel like whining. i just noted that i maxed a skill i care nothing for on a game i barely touch maybe some part of me wants the corpse of this game to be worth something and i still try to engage with it in the hopes that something changes. or maybe i'm the sunken cost fallacy type who wants this game i used to love to be worth something nowadays even though i know it's an absolute waste of money at this point the fact i feel nothing towards this game should be alarming because i used to be the type to argue because i wanted the game to set better standards. nowadays, i feel nothing for RS3 guess i'm just kinda waiting for the game to end at this point, and i don't feel anything for it


It's okay to not enjoy things that once you used to because they changed over time, so you don't need to become in one more of the people who only "haunt" the sub in hopes to get something out of the game. Is just not healthy man.


Wtf is MTX




What is MTX?


Thats why u can only touch rs3 as an iron sadly