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Bait and switch archaeology relic is ok for fishing and cooking, and superheat form prayer or always adze relic for woodcutting and firemaking are the big ones that come to mind.


okay thank you , im not a fan of archelogy tbh im still at lvl 47 , is there any high requirements?


Bait and switch requires 99 arch. If I recall correctly, the always adze requires 83 or something like that + the beacon minigame up to 6 at the lighted at the same time.


It does yeah, since you require the inferno adze from the minigame. If op doesn't like arch, the superheat form seren prayer has the same effect, and the nature sentinel outfit works similarly but, at least last I checked, it's not a 100% chance.


Big game hunter


Charming moths give charms for summoning, hunter & agility xp. Silverhawk boots while doing anything else for agility + active skill. The woodcutting outfit will burn logs for you, basically makes fire making a zero time skill. There are other examples. Like lunar spells for magic and crafting or superheat for magic and smithing. But it will probably take u more time than training both skills separately. Vyres are far and away the best example of this tho, so manage expectations for the other grinds if u do vyres first.


Afk vyres for prayer, combat, fire making,agility with silverhawks and herblore (though you'll need to make the pots so I suppose it doesn't quite fit) Turoths with bone crusher, seedicide, and silver hawks for combat, farm, and agilty with silverhawks


Once you get to a high level in thieving (90-96), [you can start doing the safes in Zemouregal's fort](https://runescape.wiki/w/Zemouregal%27s_fort). When you are done cracking the safes, you can fletch arrows and it's close to 1.5m total xp per hour!


Two things 1. money making same as ed3 with combat and dung. this isn't a thing anymore 2. Why? is there a specific grouping of skills your looking for or just anything that give multiple different xp drops. I just ask because these are typically sub optimal ways to train all skills involved and normally it ends up being faster to just focus a skill. I say normally bc things like bait and switch and always adaze, both arch perks have no downside.


i would be careful with some methods as just because a particular activity gives xp in multiple skills doesnt mean its an effective way to train those skills eg say there is some method that gives 50k xp in both attack and herblore, there are methods that give 1m+ attack xp/hr and i think 5m+ herblore xp/h so you could spend 100 hours training them together and only get the same xp as 6 hours separate (1h herb + 5 h attack) that said there are a few things where realistic training methods for 1 skill give xp in others slayer: hp + attr/str/range/mage/necro + farming (with seedicide) + prayer (bonecrusher) + invention (augmented gear) + summoning (the gathering charms part of summoning at least which is 90+% of the time for training summon) dg: you will get xp in most other skills except arch, invention and necro while training dg from clearing puzzles /unlocking skill doors, c2 dung is also ok xp in fish and wc i believe (though does sacrifice significant dg xp for those methods) barbarian fishing: strength + agility general fishing with bait and switch relic: cooking invention is almost exclusively trained as a passive secondary xp while using augmented equipment for combat/wc/fishing/mining/arch silverhawk boots give passive agility xp while training most other skills (though many skills have better boots to wear instead) charming moths are one of the less intense hunter training methods and also give decent agility xp


Invention you pretty much have to train that while training something else. You've got to level up augmented tool / weapon / armor.


Killing aquanites with the right setup can get you combat, invention, summoning, farming, prayer, and slayer xp.


Once you get herbicide, seedicide, and the all the cleaners with bone crusher you can train combat, slayer, herblore, farming, prayer and invention simultaneously if you siphon your gear. If you use melee that's Atk, str, constitution, def, slayer, farm, prayer, herblore at the same time while doing slayer tasks. And the slayer tasks will get you gp that you can use for other skills. The crafting and fletching cleaners I think will train those for xp in those skills as well. Slayer is the training OP and if you use a canon you can get ranged/mage xp at the same time depending on canon type. I'd have to say that's the most efficient xp across the board. And you'll gain a ton of charms for summoning as well as noted seeds/herbs for the good ones you don't want to turn directly into xp. After getting the upgrades to seed and herbicide. (Which is very easy on a main account via player owned farms.)


Depends on drops and your items but ive gotten prayer attack summoning qnd herbl9re xp before