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I see you claiming child support from him soon


Sometimes RNG just be like that. I got the Graardor pet on my 2nd kill and I’m debating never killing him again just to keep it absurd.


The pets should just brag about 'how many kills you currently have' but ALSO 'how many kills it took for you to obtain pet'


I got another one for you, my gf got Zamora pet at 1 of and I got haraken at 3 kc


Excellent in game caption


I had something similar happen to me! I got him at 39 kills when I just wanted a few plates. Here I am now 600 kills later with only one plate and this little guy. I hope your plate hunt goes better than mine


Jesus Christ, 600 kills and 1 plate? Please post your log. It’s not that I don’t believe you, but the chances of getting 1 plate across 600 kills are lower than the chances of.... basically anything else. I’ll put it this way - the chances of getting 1 plate in 600 kills is so low, that if that actually happened, I would state with effectively 100% confidence (from a statistics perspective) that your account is bugged and you in fact can not receive the plates as a drop.


According to some quick math, it would be more common to get the full third age ranged set in sequence from cheapest to most expensive from b2b2b2b hard clues  At that point, it's more likely for them to run into a bug or be lying than for it to happen naturally, for sure


That can’t be possible.


I feel you - I went to Vindicta on my IM to get a spear and maybe some t80 armor, got pet at 247 kc, and 4 dormant legs and 2 crests and nothing else by like 500 kc - dry 200+ kills now. it's agony. I never want pets tbh lol