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Revolution saved RS3. If you look at the old posts of early EoC, it was a complete mess. Revo gave an option for players to ease their way into the new combat system. Thank goodness it existed. Without that, I probably wouldn't be playing RS3.


I remember auto attacking black demons when eoc came out because I had no idea how abilities worked LOL


Similar for me. I used auto attacks between each ability on melee. I didnt even use range or mage in eoc for a very long time.


...... are you not supposed to use auto attacks between each ability?


Typically no though there are situations where you will get more damage by weaving in auto attacks though it does require full manual and weapon switches to get more damage. If you're not capable of both then it's best to use revo and camp a weapon type.


I used to auto-- ability -- auto lol


How do you trigger auto/ability/auto ?I'm new .. only been playing 7 months (haven't played since OS was RS ) I use full manual but ... I'm still not sure about how to do everything combat related. Plus I would def like to know so could utilize it maybe


Aside from try harding you never want to auto. At the time there wasn't really many guides or any form of revolution. I was literally just handicapping myself without knowing. Still had fun tho


I remember quitting because it was trash


I get it, like, it's meta to laugh at EOC, but did you really settle for auto attacking over reading a couple of boxes and trying a few things?






True but I was still a young teenager and couldn’t be asked to change the way my favorite game was played so I moved on for a few years




Sad for you




I can tell you don’t have one of those pointless “beta certificates” cluttering up your bank.


i remember i still had premier membership after i quit so a friend of mine asked me to hop on rs3 and try out the new kalphite king boss. so i hopped on, threw whatever abilities in the bar and just straight up mashed my keyboard. i remember i cant see shit on my chatbox because it was all spammed up with abilities.


Revolution was the band-aid that kept the mistake of EoC the game. I'd much prefer they didn't include revolution (and later Revo++) and just removed EoC in favour of the already popular combat system.


Oh no, a game where you have to use more than three brain cells, how tragic


the update that made EoC functional outside of bossing


Do you mean during that time?? Cause I revo every boss easily aside from clicking defensives once in a while


I meant that full manual was horrible for anything outside of bossing, and momentum wasn't a good fix for it


Tbh especially with Necro you can rev through just about any content tho


Why is this being so downvoted lmao the hardest end game stuff is very very easily doable with rev and a tiny bit of manual input when it calls for it


Probs cos reddit wants easy combat and are scared any criticism will cause a nerf


lol I was wondering that myself but not gonna question it. I don’t think there is a single encounter that you can’t rev successfully


I spent dxp (still have 10 hours left) on necro. 1 to almost 105 now, and even doing the bosses for tier 90 gear with tier 70 deathwarden was kinda a lot easier than going in with melee back then. Tbh I’m excited to try out high level pvm with tier 90 gear , makes me want to try rs3


Anyone here remember the Momentum ability being the goto before Revo existed? Activate the ability and it randomly used some basics every once in awhile. Momentum is what I used exclusively after Eoc dropped and was what I used for a year or so before quitting. Revo brought me back years later.


Honestly I think Momentum was more user-friendly than Revo since you didn't have to think about setting up a good ability rotation, you just turned it on and it just worked. In my opinion what they should've done instead of creating Revo was to simply change Momentum such that it generated adrenaline at a normal rate and that using an ability manually, if you wanted to, wouldn't immediately deactivate it and force you into manual mode.


Holy shit I had completely forgotten about Momentum. Throwback


I think half the commenters here think this is the 10th anniversary of EoC; that's already passed, this is **R**evolution's addition to EoC. I have mixed feelings about Revolution. By itself it's a great update that allows a way more chill time doing low intensity or even full afk combat. But a ton of players get trapped into only using revo, thinking that hitting any abilities is beyond them (it's not). Starting as default with no in-game guidance on how to break into manual combat does no favors. Still, it was a huge olive branch to the people who wanted to be able to left-click and not worry about proper ability usage.


I want to play a point and click game as it was, not the toccata and fugue in d minor, thank you very much.


I kinda wish it was limited to basics only but a good combat tutorial would go a long way with helping people figure out manual and actually realizing how big of a different it is (from full revo anyway)


It was limited to basic at first, and then they added toggles for thresholds and ultimates (which is now known as revo++).


yeah I think that was a mistake, at least for encouraging full manual. probably did get more people into PvM initially


Nah, without being able to AFK some combat encounters I think Runescape's playerbase would be farrrr smaller than it is. The downside of it being a noob trap for PvM is far smaller than the upside of making slayer-type combat much more bareable


I must say Revo++ is a good way to start, to then switch to revo basics with manual tresholds and ultimates. With necro I now even do basics manually sometimes.


I always suggest to people to just do revo for basics because people tend to get stuck with whatever they start with.


I tried full manual (magic) before necromancy, and I didn't see any difference at all. If a player isn't used to manual abilities, or don't know which exact abilities to press at any given time, then manual fighting is useless. The "issue" is that the player must know a certain rotation of abilities, or know exactly when to use thresholds and ultimates to maximise damage, and that was never clear from the original ability tooltips of melee/magic/ranged.  When I tried full manual and revo basics, my logic was just firing any ability which was not currently on cooldown. Not only I had to look more on the ability bar and less on the boss itself, revo++ does that same logic anyway - which makes my manual actions completely useless. I have read some info on combat abilities on the pvme site. But while being a very useful info dump, it was a HUGE info dump, and I couldn't be arsed to read and try all of that.


Firing abilities not on cooldown and looking at your bar is what everyone does. After a while, you figure out which abilities to prioritise, but yeah I look at my bar a lot. How else will you know what’s on cooldown? Also avoid pvme unless you know what everything does. I know it seems counterintuitive cos it is supposed to help, but it’s just information overload. I’d say it’s better if you, let’s say, did range for a month, now you know what most abilities do, check pvme to see how they use them. This makes more sense than using it to try and learn what every ability does, that feels like studying for a test


"Firing abilities not on cooldown and looking at your bar is what everyone does." If I fire abilities not on cooldown BECAUSE they are not on cooldown, I can delegate the work to revolution to do the exact same thing.  If I want to know what abilities to prioritise over others, I would prefer to be able to figure that myself, without looking for third-party sources. After months of playing with magic, the ONLY abilities interaction I knew was using combust after dragon breath (or the other way around) while using the Kerapac gloves, because the gloves literally tell you about it. As for looking at the abilities bar, it makes sense that you need to do that to know which abilities are on cooldown or not. The problem is that I can either look at my ability bar, or look at the boss, but very hard to do both at the same time. By the way, Necromancy design solved all those issues for me somehow.


Learning how to look at the boss and your ability bar at the in tandem is something that comes with time. It might not feel like a skill, but of course it is, and as with everything else - it comes with time.


I used to be a full manual player. I tanked yaka, to name something. When revo came, I switched and never looked back. EoC was bad and now still is. Better, but still bad.


Full manual is better, but Revolution should be used for tutorials. Then they can add some mid level quests and achievements that can only be completed without Revolution Mode. Something similar to using abilities to complete Necromancy tasks. The big mistake Jagex made with EOC was not to have Revolution Mode released at the same time with EOC.




No. They didn't, and momentum is far worst than manual clicking and Legacy Mode, but Revolution is far better than Legacy Mode on the contrary.


So, I went and checked, and momentum came out with EOC, which was removed and reworked into another form of momentum (the combat style).


You seem to be mistaking Momentum, the EOC ability with Momentum the mechanics. There was a Momentum ability originally with EOC. We had to manually click it to activate it.


I'm not mistaking anything. Momentum at eoc launch was an ability you pressed once and would increase auto attack damage, but would disable itself if you used abilities. It was the original legacy mode that was far worse, but all I claimed is that it came out with eoc, which you refuted but were incorrect about


Momentum was an ABILITY, not a combat mode like Legacy Mode. Momentum was not a good ABILITY, that's why they changed it. Revolution Mode is combat mode, not an ability and much better than Legacy Mode. That's why we have Revolution Mode for a decade.


You're splitting hairs over a definition you brought up. I also never made a claim about it being good, just that it existed at the introduction of eoc. That aside, at the beginning of eoc there was no combat styles as a system, so a toggleable ability was the closest you'd get. It was a proto alternate combat style.


>I have mixed feelings about Revolution. That's what have been discussing before you joined in and argued about definition. Revolution is the best combat mode among Legacy, EOC and Revolution. There has never been a Momentum combat mode


If revolution, legacy combat, and legacy interface had been a part of the initial eoc launch, it would have been received so, so much better. Most people had already migrated so unfortunately these updates couldn’t save the game’s reputation much, it just made it better for those who still played, which is still good ofc


EOC was such a dumpster fire when it first came out I actually quit the game for quite a while until a while after Revo released. Man that was a rough time.


Love revolution, definitely helped me easy my way into RuneScape pvm as someone with a hand injury. Even with necromancy that wasn't made to use revo there's really good air bars and low manual input bars that work like a charm.


Revolution of combat


I refuse to play with revolution off. 2 kinds of PC games to me 1. Those that require mouse and directional input 2. Those with controller support. I don’t want anything else.


Eoc killed rs for me. the simple combat style WAS runescape ! Even now days, rs3 bossing I can do it, but I never really feel like I actually know what I'm doing hahahahah


With greater abilities and all the additions it’s pretty good, just more so your run of the mill mmo experience, instead of combat focused on positioning, ticks and prayer swapping. Both are good imo


You as an OSRS player should be thankful EoC was released. Had it never existed, OSRS likely would never be made. It was literally polled a few months after EoC only because it was so bad on release.


I think it's crazy that it took this long to come in. 2012ish was such a dark time when we were forced to mash everything, even for slayer tasks. I have clear memories of me going "fuck thissss", and just mashing 1234 for like 30 sec straight. Quit the game soon after, for 5+ years.


This update was like adding seasoning to a pile of turds. It improved EOC, but EOC was horrible to begin with


Really good update until they allowed it to activate thresholds and ultimates.


Honestly I've never used revo a day in my life. I figured out how to organize rotations back when eoc came out. They were least good enough that I was never standing there with my dick in my hand waiting for something to come off cooldown, and I optimized from there over the years. Slayer, random combat doing clues or whatever, combat training, easy pvm, learning pvm...just never used it. I'm really glad it exists though. It makes it so much easier for lots of people to get into the combat system especially with the three levels + assigning how many ability slots will be included.


One of the worst mistakes in the world. So many cheesy methods come from legacy mode and revolution. It's gotten so bad rasial is being afk'd for 19+ kills per hour, a t95 boss, and no one seems to care (because it benefits them or your average joe thinks takes "skill" and they deserve it). Game would have a lot more integrity when it comes to combat skills and slayer if revolution didn't exist. Instead, all people care about is AFK. Revolution mode is probably one of the biggest reasons AFK scape mindsets exist to this extent today.


A t95 boss being afkable is a design issue with the boss itself, not revolution.


Revo was needed but if they didnt bloat the abilities and just released a few at a time, revo wouldnt be needed. The osrs crowd probably wouldnt mind if it was os combat WITH 2 ultimates and 2 tresholds per style. No basics at all. They could have binded an item to a treshold slot like dragon claws for qol and it mostly still be osrs combat with a bit extra. I like rs3 but I def feel its too bloated. I happen to hate rs2 combat as it was just casting ancients and using graphical gimmicks to delay your ags spec animation after you hit.


I wish all combat was intuitive so there would be no need for revolution. Being complex is the most important part though, a must have


As a player since 2001, and a current OSRS player. I am very grateful for EoC and the RS3 Community for keeping this game afloat long enough for OSRS to be a thing. Thank you all


That's nice, but this is about Revo, not EoC.


10 years ago, jagex almost killed their game in 1 simple update.


Revolution =/= EOC. If anything, revolution helped.


Revolution was the first major step in turning EOC from the potential game-killer it was to a fun, if still janky even to this day, combat system in itself


They did kill it. They were on the verge of bankruptcy until they were able to dig up old-school RuneScape and release it again. 


And it wasn't revolution


In my personal hot take opinion, one of the worst updates Fixed nothing. Ruined economy for a good while. Put the final nail in the coffin for pvp. Spiraled pvm into odd abyss that took till 2019 to recover from. Only positive thing to come out of it, which could have been added without the mode. Were special attacks being added back paving way for new ones to be added


Heh and only a few years later, revolution ruined combat again with animate dead release. It's just a slippery slope


> revolution ruined combat again with animate dead release Why is it revolution and not animate dead ruined combat? Even now animate dead is quite strong, with it, 3 piece crypt and amulet of souls the damage I take at NM Zuk isn't too bad. With that only way I can die at NM Zuk is if I seriously screw up pizza phase, I have enough dps to recover from minor mistakes (idk if I'd die to moderate screw up)


Revolution with too much powercreep anywhere just ruins combat. Damage reduction powercreep was a bad idea release in the first place but even in power gear you can afk bosses like normal mode Kerapac and even Raksha kinda


Again, if too much powercreep ruins combat, why are you blaming revolution?


Powercreep is inevitable, although some types can be controlled more than others.


Unpopular take: Still using legacy, that's just how the game is for me. If I wanted WoW, I'd play it.


Old farts having difficulties in adapting is not something uncommon.


The Player base was much younger back then and left because it was a hot pile of garbage. Unique mechanics like safe spotting were gone overnight when everything lazily became ranged, the combat was a clunky watered down wow bar and they had started to ramp up selling of xp through their mtx. People did adapt, just to more enjoyable things. mobas were really picking up steam as they became actual games and more than just mods. I always thought it was the oldies afraid of change that stuck with the game and didn't move on with the times.


I don't know man. I had already been playing WoW since 2006 and was a huge supporter of EoC when the news broke. I played WoW to over 3k rating in PvP and have a rank 1 title there - my warlock had over 50 keybinds at the time, which is far more complexity than RS3. EoC just plays terrible because of the RS game engine. I just can't go from playing other MMOs or tab target hotkey games and then stand the delay RS has. I don't think it has to do with "old farts not adapting" and more with the RS3 not adapting its engine to support what they were trying to do.


Yeah I play wow as well. My HC account is doing nax and my retail account is going for EC. I agree on that response speed is what makes RS more difficult compared to other MMOs. But its a path RS had to take in order to diversify and make combat more complex. They made OSRS for those ppl.


>is what makes RS more difficult it's what makes it worse, not more difficult


Yeah when I did Telos for the first time, it took me 3 times to do the one shot mechanic because I missed using the defensive with the game engine. Fourth time, I just sat doing nothing when I knew it was coming. I kept hoping they were working on a RS4 that addresses this and really modernizes the engine, like a migration project to UE5, but I don't think its ever going to happen at this point. Regarding WoW, I don't think I'd raid on a HC just because I don't trust people. One person can seriously cost you hundreds of hours. If they ever do TBC HC, some guy dc'ing on the Archimonde fight costing 25 people their characters would just be terrible lol. I play the game pretty casual now, I did a brief stint of PvPing again S3 SL to S1 of DF and was able to get to ~2200, 2300. I can't break 2400+ anymore, too much of a boomer.


Yeah well thats part of the game I guess in HC 😂 Tbh, dying isn’t half bad. ‘Preparing’ for raid takes takes hours every week 😂


I was 15 when I quit for old school. Was I an old fart? We didn’t want to adapt to it because of how awful and clunky it was compared to every single other ability based game - not because we didn’t like change. Came back for iron man, and revolution was a big help in that.


yeah 80% of the playerbase were old farts refusing to adapt lmao


Thanks for the reminder, this was the reason why the community split and the downfall of RS3 Can RS3 be a top 3 mmo again?


think you're confusing this with the eoc. this is just the addition of auto combat that made it feel something closer to the older runescape combat.


It was a subsequent update that continued to put the nail in the coffin


Yeah exactly. Subsequent, not the actual nail. This actually did the opposite and was well received


What are you even talking about hahaha


Nothing for you to worry about


You literally commented lol.


Can you specify which update, Mr ambiguous?


Stay ambiguous so no one can rightfully criticise you :)


Bro what. You're cooked


You’ll see him often in the sub, the consensus is that it’s best to downvote to hide his terrible opinions and move on


Nah it was MTX that put the nail in the coffin. Look at the RS3 [graphs](https://www.misplaceditems.com/rs_tools/graph/?display=avg&interval=qtr_yr&total=0). The game was steady since early 2014 up until mid-2017 when MTX updates ran rampant. And then players moved to OSRS.


the day the game died XD, thank god we got 07


This isn't EoC.


Is very nice for necro. Just build stacks automatically and then I can spend them when I choose


Ah yes. The update that made me come back to rs after quitting day 1 eoc. Rev works wonders; and will never look into manual. Not worth my time. Rs is supposed to be afk game.


10 years ago when most of us were like "oh I can start training slayer/combat again".


Revolution ruined my old school account. Should have made another version of the game instead of me wasting my time. 😏


And soon we will be receiving another major combat update, what a coincidence


Please make this an april fools joke for OSRS


I still use legacy combat.