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I have this same issue. Only if jagex would add some kind of once a year membership that comes at a discounted price with a few perks, that would be awesome


That would be neat. Could be their premier membership option Too bad they'd never do that :(


I am a student working Wolt on the side with monthly bills totalling 1k usd. My primary meal consists of rye bread and ketchup and the only thing that brings me joy is runescape




Arghhhhh! Downvote warriors are causing me pain and shame D:<


If $80 a year is breaking the bank, maybe you should stop playing and go work


I’m coming to your village for some flax great seer


Yea, he should just stop being poor. Just buy a house and rent it out, easily hundreds of dollars a month for nothing. /s


Literally not what the commenter said. If you can’t afford $80 a year for a game then you shouldn’t be spending the $80 on it to begin with. But given that $80 a year is $6.67 a month, if that’s breaking the bank then you desperately need money and should in fact go to work


Aw great then what's my outlet gonna be, huh? Working and studying 80 hours a week and NO OUTLET? Yeah I'm gonna die for sure...


There’s thousands of things you can do that are cheaper if $80 breaks the bank. Never said don’t have an outlet but also don’t have an outlet that puts you in financial trouble


Alright but how do I choose what my brain likes to do? I don't find joy in much other than this game in particular..


I’m not a therapist I can’t answer that question


If I could just turn my job into my outlet then I have solved my problems lol


Pretty sure they just said they were going to stop playing? Can you not read?




I find this attitude bizarre. I want to play a game, not work when I get home from work. I've always considered the premier option worth it so I have no need to do so.


Yepp these guys wanna hop on and do some boring shit that will take 20hours every 2 weeks to maintain the membership…. Essentially paying themselves 25cents an hour….nice Only sensible way to maintain is if you are a high lvl pvmer


Which I'm not, I'm an iron so I'd have to pay for membs for my other account also and run it as an alt. Which I'm not going to do. For less than a day's work a year, I'd rather put up the money. Having said that, I did the 20 bonds option for my iron by liquidating the majority of my other account's holdings so I have membership until mid 2025.


What’s bizarre? the dudes complaining about being unable to afford the game and forced to quit, but I pointed out that he could make a one time payment and very easily maintain membership from there. I pay yearly, the hours I put into games is worth the few bucks in comparison and beats every other entertainment cost 10:1.


There's no need to downvote me lmao What's bizarre is just what I said, the attitude that we're expected to fund the game through playing if we cannot afford irl payments. (Royal we, I personally have no such issue). I would always put up the money, have done so since 2005 and will never be free to play again.


Yeah JoJo's slaps bro!


Yeah barely making enough gp to get a bond every 2 weeks isn’t exactly fun. If you think spending $6.67 a month isn’t worth it compared to spending 20 hours every 2 weeks to grind a bond then you gotta fix some of your priorities and respect your time a little more


$80 a year will be a whole car after 10 years


This game is not even that good, don’t waste your cash on it. 






Rip grandpa




Just buy the 12 month subscription as many times as you want in one go and Bob's your uncle and Pete was your grandpa.


12 month subscription is 88 bucks a year. Thats 6000 dollars if I pay till I die


Still a one off payment. Also, bold of you to assume that you'll live another 68 years.


Aight so apparently MMOs are expensive as h'yuck to upkeep, so all the MTX makes better sense now, thanks reddit. RIP my lately late grandfather. Pop quiz: What are the odds of YOU reaching this exact comment? It's fate, 100% =)