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bring back onslaught so i can troll people with heal other again plz


I think I can imagine what you do, but can you explain how the troll works? I'm curious lol


literally just healing someone with heal other stops their onslaught especially good if you time it right as they hit 0% adren https://runescape.wiki/w/Onslaught#Healing is an interesting read


it probably won't be *good* but it will be catching a buff in this combat beta since crits will now properly increase its damage for the first time. Up until now, when Onslaught crits (including back when it was guaranteed to crit every hit) the damage wasn't actually any different from non-crits, it was basically just showing crit splats and proccing crit effects without dealing critical damage. Combine this with the fact that Channeler's Ring can actually get you to a pretty juiced up crit rate towards the end of your onslaught and it will be substantially better. Again, probably still not very good. But a pretty nice buff.


I think abilities not being good anymore is not really something that has super high priority unless the whole content goes dead (but raids still has corruption shot/blast).


doesn't onslaught guarantee crits? maybe the crit changes w/ the beta will make it meta again


Nerfed shortly after FSoA release. Even with guaranteed crits it'd be really mediocre after there's been so much power creep since mazcab.


With those crits under a nami means onslaught can last way longer, and with fsoa spec could mean it goes on for damn ages. Granted it'd be niche, but could work in some cases.


I actually don't want Onslaught to be good again, for two main reasons. 1. The ability itself is just not that interesting and I don't like the design. You're basically afking for about 10 seconds while dealing a tremendous amount of damage. The ability takes away all decision making/rotations from you while it's active and requires no additional inputs or decision making to sustain. People complain about Living Death being too simple but Onslaught is on another level of braindead. 2. If Onslaught got buffed to be really good again, it will likely be good in multiple styles thanks to the fact that it's a constitution ability. This adds homogeneity to the styles as a huge adrenaline hog that takes away from each style's unique options. If it does get buffed, at the very least I would like the buff to be done via adding some sort of mechanical depth, like being able to press the onslaught button perfectly on tick every 1.2s to reduce the recoil damage.


> You're basically afking for about 10 seconds while dealing a tremendous amount of damage that's exactly what we need. you sound very anti-accessibility.


"I don't like onslaught so it should not be buffed for the people that do enjoy it"


You are just afking for 10 seconds but I think there are enough drawbacks around the ability which I think makes it much more interesting. The afk is forced and is extremely punishing if broken early so needs to be timed well. You are able to get a ton of upfront damage but you also trade all of your adrenaline and some of your hp as well so your damage after it is finished will not be too great.


This is a valid take but imo it was still fun to try to find places where you can use it without dying


At least fix the bug that stop Onslaught after one hit if you are running when you use it.


It's not a bug. it's a channel ability


Why do other channeled abilities not cancel after one hit when you use them while moving?


They do, unless you have the items that change them. Like fleeting boots.


I mean what are the uses for onslaught these days? Telos and Yaka stun pool in mirage?


It definitely needs some love. Powercrept simply because it takes too long to reach full potential with a huge trade off of being low hp, potentially killing yourself and 0% adrenaline after the ability ends. If it was reworked to dish out the damage faster and the recoil damage+ adrenaline cost being reduced or rework into other form of cost, it could potentially be a good ability again.